The Best Low Light Indoor Trees (Large, Tall and non-toxic)

Best Low Light Indoor Trees Image

It’s no secret that indoor trees can add a touch of nature to any room, but did you know that some varieties are better suited for low-light conditions?

Not all trees are created equal, so before you run out and buy the first one you see, read on for the 30 best low light indoor trees to beautify your home.

Each tree has its pros and downsides, so be sure to consider your specific needs before making a purchase. For example, if you’re looking for a tree that doesn’t require a lot of maintenance, the snake plant might be a good choice for you.

But, if you want something flowery with a pop of color, the christmas cactus might be a better option.

Best indoor trees for low light

  1. Rubber Plant
  2. Areca Palm
  3. Red Anthurium
  4. Golden Pothos
  5. Madagascar Dragon Tree
  6. Dwarfing Banana Plant
  7. Weeping Fig
  8. Monstera deliciosa
  9. Money Tree
  10.  Wax Plant
  11. Calathea Peacock Plant
  12. Luck Bamboo Plant
  13. Chinese Evergreens
  14. Corn Plants
  15. Dumb Cane
  16. Norfolk Island Pine
  17. Yucca Elephantipes
  18. Cast Iron Plant
  19. Snake Plant
  20. Bonsai Tree
  21. ZZ Plant
  22. Umbrella Tree
  23. Parlor Palm
  24. Christmas Cactus Plant
  25. Spider Plants
  26. Bromeliad
  27. Dieffenbachia Plant
  28. Heart-Leaf Philodendron
  29. Faux Rex Begonia
  30. Philodendron Brasil

Rubber Plant – the best tall indoor plants for low light

The rubber plant is a popular tall low light houseplant because of its attractive leaves and easy care requirements.

It grows well in both acidic and alkaline soils and doesn’t require much water, making it a popular choice for people who don’t have a green thumb.


  • It has a long lifespan—up to 100 years!
  • The rubber plant purifies the air, removes toxins, and increases humidity. 
  • It’s also a great source of oxygen and can improve your focus and concentration.


  • The only downside is that it can get a bit big (up to 60 feet tall), so you’ll need to have enough room for it.


  • The rubber plant can be susceptible to pests and diseases, so you’ll need to keep an eye on it and take action if you see any signs of trouble. 

2. Areca Palm

The Areca Palm is another tall houseplant for low light. It has a long lifespan and grows quite tall, making it the perfect indoor tree to welcome nature into your home.

It’s also one of the best trees for low-light conditions, making it an ideal choice for homes with limited natural light.

The Areca Palm has a few drawbacks, however. It can be tricky to care for and can be susceptible to pests and diseases. It also needs a lot of water, so be sure to keep an eye on your water bill if you choose this tree.

3. Red Anthurium: Thrives in Indirect Bright Light

The Red Anthurium is a stunning plant that’s native to the tropical regions of South and Central America.

With beautiful, glossy dark green leaves and striking red blooms, it adds a real splash of color to any room.

This low light house tree requires warm temperatures, making it a great choice for bright but shady areas.


  • It has an undeniable exotic beauty and lush foliage
  • It’s easy to care for 
  • The Red Anthurium can survive in lower humidity levels, so no need to worry about constantly misting your plants.


  • It may require frequent watering during the summer months, 
  • It is sensitive to sudden temperature changes or intense direct sunlight. 


  • Place in an area with indirect light, 
  • refrain from over fertilizing or using chemically based fertilizers 
  • Be sure to water regularly, e.g., thrice a week, in summer.
  • Do not overwater the plant because too much moisture can lead to root rot.

3. Golden Pothos

The Golden Pothos is next on our list. This tree is an excellent choice if you want to bring a pop of greenery into your home, even if you don’t have much natural light coming in.

It’s one of the easiest indoor trees to keep alive. Pothos need bright, indirect light and can easily be trained to climb up walls with the help of a trellis.


  • It’s hardy and pretty easy to maintain, hence a great choice even for those who don’t have much experience with plants. 


  • It might become invasive in certain settings and needs pruning to avoid becoming too leggy. 


  • Needs only occasional misting
  •  Apply liquid fertilizer once or twice a month during the warm months

5. Madagascar Dragon Tree

The Madagascar Dragon tree is an easy-care houseplant perfect for beginners. It prefers bright indirect sunlight or minimal shade and can reach up to 3 feet tall and wide.

This tall low light indoor plant has sword-shaped leaves with yellow and green hues, lending a modern accent to your interior space.


  • Pet-friendly, making it safe for those who have furry friends living in their home.
  • It’s also low-maintenance making it the perfect addition for busy homeowners. 


  • The Dragon tree is Sensitive to temperature changes. You must keep the temperature as consistent as possible. 
  • Needs regular pruning—they tend to get leggy if not trimmed back frequently enough.


  • The Madagascar Dragon tree likes soil that drains well; potting soil mixed with perlite or vermiculite works best. 
  • Water only when the top 1 – 2 inches of soil are dry; 
  • Avoid overwatering your Dragon tree or allowing it to sit in stagnant water. 
  • Apply fertilizer once every two months during growing season 
  • Mist leaves with clean water every few days 

6. Dwarf Banana Tree – Best large low light indoor tree

The Dwarf Banana Tree is one of the best large low light indoor plants. It’s a popular houseplant, known for adding a jungle vibe to any living space.


  • It’s easy to care for and doesn’t require much light, so it’s perfect for spaces with shady corners or areas that don’t get a lot of sunlight. 
  • Plus, the banana tree can add a nice tropical touch to your home.


  • The biggest downside is its size—the leaves can get rather large, making it unsuitable for small homes or apartments. 


  • Watch out for pests and make sure the soil stays moist but not wet
  • Repot these large low light houseplants every couple of months 
  • Prune any dead banana tree leaves or branches to keep the plant healthy and looking its best

7. Weeping Fig

Another fantastic option for indoor low-light trees is the Weeping Fig. These are graceful trees with drooping or prostrate branches, resembling a waterfall or fountain.

They’ll bring a unique tropical flair to any home and can provide some much-needed leafy green vibes while taking up minimal space.


  • It is relatively easy to care for (once they’re established) 
  • They grow slowly, so they won’t outgrow their pot or space indoors quickly. 
  • They also come in various strains and sizes 
  • The Weeping Fig can tolerate low light if necessary.


  • This low light floor plant is sensitive to temperature changes, so you may experience browning of its leaves if its environment changes too quickly. 
  • It may also struggle with dry air, pests, disease problems, or too much water.


  • Give it regular watering when necessary – never allowing it to stay in standing water. 
  • The Weeping Fig thrives in moderate light, be careful not to expose it directly to harsh sunlight as this can cause scorching and drooping of its leaves.

8. Monstera deliciosa

The Monstera deliciosa is a low-light indoor tree native to tropical locations like Mexico and Costa Rica. It’s an evergreen vine with glossy, heart-shaped leaves that can reach up to two feet across.


  • It’s an easy-care plant and will thrive in low light conditions
  • It requires little maintenance 
  • It’s great for purifying the air in your home.


  • It’s root may rot if too much water is used, so it’s important to check the soil moisture levels. 
  • The tree’s aerial roots can cause damage to surfaces like wood furniture over time as they search for something to climb on.

Monstera deliciosa maintenance 

  • Giving it plenty of bright indirect light 
  • Keeping soil evenly moist. Avoid soggy soil throughout the growing season. 
  • During the winter months, you should reduce watering
  • Add fertilizer and check for pests regularly.

9. Money Tree – indoor trees that need little light

The Money Tree is a great low-light indoor tree also known as Pachira Aquatica. It’s a unique looking tree with an unusual braided trunk that adds beauty to your home.

Plus, it’s said to bring good luck, so who wouldn’t want one?


  • Purifies indoor air 
  • Needs very little light to survive—it can even thrive in windowless homes. 
  • Responds well to pruning 
  • It doesn’t take much effort to keep them healthy and looking beautiful.


  • They can be needy when it comes to moisture; if it gets too dry, you may see some of its leaves turn brown. 
  • The money tree also doesn’t do well in cold environments or with improper drainage. 


  • The money tree loves humidity, so if humidity levels are low at home, use a humidifier or mist the leaves every once a while.

10. Wax Plant

The Wax Plant is a unique indoor tree with thick, glossy leaves. It’s dainty-looking, but it has a strong and long-lasting life span when taken care of properly. 

Advantages of the Wax Plant 

  • It can thrive in both full and low-light conditions
  • Doesn’t need a lot of fussing over
  • Can grow quickly in the right environment.

Downsides to the Wax Plant. 

  • The leaves can get scuffed and fall off easily when brushed against furniture or walls
  • Too much water may cause root rot.


  • Ensure that the soil is evenly moist but not oversaturated; 
  • Prune the plant regularly to maintain its shape 
  • Give it fertilizer every two weeks during spring and summer
  • Dust off its leaves from time to time 

11. Calathea Peacock Plant

The Calathea Peacock is one of the best low light large indoor plants, as it still manages to stay lush and vibrant.

This tree is known for its lush foliage, with large dark green leaves that are highlighted with bright green veins. The underside of the leaves is a deep purple or burgundy, adding a unique touch of color to your living space.


  • Can be a beautiful addition to any room in your home
  • Colorful and classy
  • Purifies the air 
  • Excellent at keeping humidity levels up. 


  • It is highly sensitive to temperature changes 
  • Requires consistent moisture levels in order to thrive. 
  • Big low light indoor plants for tight spaces


  • The Calathea Peacock plant should be soaked every 10-14 days 
  • Watered the plant when the top soil feels dry 
  • The soil should also be kept consistently moist while not soggy or over-hydrated; you don’t want this plant to sit in standing water.

12. Lucky Bamboo Plant: Thrives in Indirect Light

The Lucky Bamboo plant is native to Southwest China and grows best in low-light areas. Lucky bamboo, unlike other low-light plants, require no soil—they can be grown in a glass container or vase full of water.


There are many advantages to having a lucky bamboo plant: 

  • It grows quickly 
  • It’s an affordable option
  • Grows in water so you can use transparent glass pots and flaunt the entire plant
  • It’s easy to take care of
  • Plus, it’s believed that lucky bamboo can bring good fortune. 

If you’re looking for a low-maintenance way to bring good luck into your home, this might be the perfect option for you.


  • You must swap the water weekly to keep the plant healthy—otherwise the roots may rot. 
  • It can suffer sun burns and die if placed in direct sunlight, e.g. near a window, for too long 
  • Failure to change the water every week or two allows bacteria and mold to form on the plant roots/leaves.


Growing lucky bamboos isn’t challenging as long as:

  • You remember to change out their water every week or two 
  • Keep them away from direct sunlight. 

With minimal effort on your part, you will have yourself an elegant and unique houseplant that will bring good fortune into your home.

13. Chinese Evergreens (Aglaonema)

If you’re looking for a plant to bring some color and life to your home, Chinese evergreens (Aglaonema) is a great option. The plant is known for its pretty white, pink and green leaves that have silver patterns on them as they mature.


  • Colorful and classy
  • The plant comes in multiple variations
  • They are easy-to-care-for plants that can survive in low light conditions 
  • They don’t need too much water to thrive. 


  • They may create an allergic reaction when touched due to the calcium oxalate crystals found in their leaves. Always wear gloves when handling them.
  • Not perfect for a home with kids and pets


  • Chinese evergreens will need regular trimming of the yellowing or browning leaves 
  • Wipe the dust off the leaves with a damp cloth from time to time
  • Apply insecticides ASAP if noticing any pest infestation like mealybugs or scale insects.

14. Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans)

The Corn Plant, or Dracaena fragrans is yet another popular indoor tree that don’t need sunlight.

It can provide plenty of beauty with its lush green leaves and lacy fronds that grow from a central stem. It’s also quite easy to care for and it’s native to tropical Africa, so it won’t take much babysitting.


 Corn Plants have plenty of pros:

  • It’s known to filter formaldehyde from the air, making your home cleaner and healthier
  • It doesn’t require high humidity
  • The corn plant is also resistant to pests


  • It can be prone to root rot if you overwater—so remember just enough water
  • The corn plant requires you to occasionally dust the leaves or use a damp cloth to reduce any build-up of dust. 


  • With regular watering, pruning and trimming, the corn plant should last you a while!

15. Dumb cane (Dieffenbachia amoena)

The Dumb cane is one of the best indoor trees that you can buy. It has a really broad leaf which gives it a really distinct look. The leaves are also a really bright green, making it a great addition to any room.


There are a few pros to owning this tree. 

  • Low-maintenance indoor trees – you don’t have to do anything special to keep it looking good.
  • You don’t need to water it all that often, 
  • It doesn’t need a lot of bright light.


  • It’s not very winter-hardy. 


  • If you live in a colder climate, you might need to give it extra care

16. Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla)

The Norfolk Island Pine is a versatile, low-maintenance tree that can thrive in both low and high-light environments. This makes it a great choice for indoor gardens, as it can adapt to a variety of lighting conditions.


  • It has a natural pyramid shape and can grow up to about 8 feet tall, making it a great choice for spaces with tall ceilings. 
  • long lifespan
  •  resistant to pests and diseases.


  • Not ideal for homes with short ceilings – tall plants for living room.


  • While it does not require a lot of pruning, it is important to water it regularly, as the Norfolk Island Pine does not tolerate drought well.

17. The Yucca Elephantipes: Withstanding Extremes

The Yucca Elephantipes is one of the hardiest low light houseplant trees you can find. It can withstand extreme temperatures, making it a perfect option if you live in a colder climate.


  • This tree also has a long lifespan
  • It doesn’t require a lot of maintenance, making it a low-stress option for those who don’t have a lot of time for plants.


  • It doesn’t produce very many leaves, so it may not be the best option if you’re looking for lots of greenery. 
  • It’s also not the best for households with pets or small children, as the sharp leaves can be dangerous if mishandled.


  • Needs watering twice or thrice a week

18. The Cast Iron Plant: The Perfect Choice for Low-Light Rooms

The cast iron plant knows no limitations and is one of the toughest houseplants around. Fun fact; it can survive in extreme temperature and lighting conditions, making it one of the best indoor trees to welcome nature and beautify your home.


  • It features sturdy stalks and spiky foliage gives it an unique look that complements many interior styles.
  • Its dark green leaves add a touch of exotic charm to any decor without much effort.


  • Too much water causes root rot which risks killing your plant so water moderately!


  • Needs occasional watering when soil is dry. 
  • Some people recommend applying a layer of mulch over the soil to help retain moisture. 
  • Keep it out of direct light like other plants as it can cause leaf burn on its foliage. 

19. The Sansevieria Trifasciata (Snake Plant): Easy to Maintain

If you’re looking for an easy indoor tree to take care of, look no further than the Sansevieria Trifasciata, also known as snake plant.

This is a great option for casual gardeners, as it is one of the most low-maintenance trees you can own.

The Snake Plant is a succulent with stiff, pointed leaves. It has yellow borderings on the leaves and is known to be very slow-growing.

Put it in a snake plant pot for an extra stylish touch.


  • Slow-growing and long-lasting
  • This tree thrives in low light and only needs watering every 3-4 weeks (or less). 
  • It also helps to purify the air inside your house, 


  • Snake plants are slightly poisonous, so keep them away from curious cats or toddlers in the house.


  • Keep an eye out for pests from time to time 
  • Wipe its leaves with a damp cloth every so often since they attract dust particles quickly.

20. The Japanese Bonsai Tree: Miniature Greenery

The Japanese bonsai tree is a type of miniature tree that is grown in shallow pots or trays. You can choose any variety of conifer or deciduous trees, such as juniper, maple, elm or pine. It’s the perfect low-light indoor tree to add a touch of nature to your home, and it looks great in any setting. Plus, it’s relatively easy to care for compared to other trees.


  • They look amazing indoors either on their own or grouped together in clusters. 
  • They require minimal maintenance and
  • They also make beautiful centerpieces for tables or shelves, 
  • They thrive well in low light environments.


  • The downside is that growing japanese maple indoors tends to be slow-growing, which means you won’t see much change in the size or shape for quite some time.


  • With proper pruning and training techniques, it’s easy to keep your bonsai looking great year after year. 

21. The Zamioculcas Zamiifolia (ZZ Plant): Keep It Happy and Healthy

With its bold architectural shape, the Zamioculcas zamiifolia – or ZZ Plant, as it’s commonly known – is an excellent pick for low-light spaces. It can live in even the darkest corners of your home and still look great.

No matter where you put it in your home, it will do well with the right kind of care. 


  • This exotic-looking plant is easy to care for and can easily survive periods of neglect. 
  • The ZZ Plant is also a great air purifier and it can remove dangerous pollutants from your air.


  • It needs to be watered regularly and kept away from bright sunlight and cold drafts. 

22. Umbrella Tree (Schefflera actinophylla)

For those of you looking for a tropical vibe, the Umbrella Tree is a perfect fit. It’s known for its large shiny leaves and distinct umbrella-shaped canopy that provide a touch of greenery and shade in any corner. Plus, it’s great at tolerating low light.


  • The umbrella tree has non-toxic dark green foliage making it pet-friendly and easy to maintain 
  • These tropical indoor trees happily survive on weekly watering and occasional misting to keep its leaves fresh


  • This tree grows quickly and needs regular pruning – so be ready give your Umbrella Tree enough attention.

23. Parlor Palm

The Parlor palm is a member of the Livistona family of palm trees. The name comes from the French word petit parlor, meaning small parlor or boudoir. These small palm trees have a unique shaped trunk and grow very slowly. It has a rounded crown with small leaves that are flat on one side with a soft texture. The leaves are highly glossy, dark green and very short (1-2 inches long).


  • The Parlor Palm has feathery leaves and a small stature, making it perfect for cramped quarters. 
  • It has a high tolerance for neglect, so you don’t have to worry about spending too much time on its care.


  • The Parlor Palm does not do well in cold climates
  • It’s not the best option if you’re after a tree that will provide lots of shade.


  •  The Parlor Palm requires little care other than regular watering and some fertilizer every once in a while.

24. Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesii)

The Christmas cactus is a popular indoor tree known for its beautiful red, pink, and white blooms. It’s native to Brazil and thrives in a shady, humid environment.

Read: The best pots for cactus


  • Colorful and perfect for indoor decor (comes in multiple strains)
  • Low-maintenance– doesn’t require much water or light. 
  • Tolerant of neglect and can withstand long periods of drought.


  • The christmas tree takes time to bloom


  • Doesn’t respond well to direct sunlight so it should be placed away from the window

25. Spider Plants

Spider plants are some of the most popular low-light indoor plants. They’re easy to care for, and they grow quickly, making them a great choice for people who are short on time.


  • It can tolerate a wide range of conditions–ideal for those in apartments with limited space.
  • They don’t require a lot of sunlight.


  • They can be a little messy
  • Their leaves tend to droop, which means they can end up collecting water and creating a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. 


  • If you have a spider plant, be sure to water it regularly and clean its leaves regularly.
  • Ensure you have the best planter for spider plants with good drainage.

26. Bromeliad

Bromeliads are interesting low light indoor tree plants that come in an array of vibrant colors, shapes and sizes. They have a unique shape of a center cup surrounded by hundreds of leaves that form a rosette.


  • They can add color and texture to any room in your home. 
  • Easy to maintain and don’t require much in terms of fertilizer or water. 


  • They do not last forever, typically living for only 1-2 years before they need replacing. 
  • They should be kept away from pets and kids as the cups can contain standing water which can create a breeding ground for mosquitoes.


  • Bromeliads require bright indirect sunlight 
  • Should be watered every 7-10 days with just enough so that the soil is moist but not soggy.
  • They do best when the center cup is filled with fresh water once a week.

27. Dieffenbachia Plant

Let’s move to Dieffenbachia, one of the best large houseplants for low light that is relatively easy to care for.

The medium green foliage with white and yellow streaks adds taste to any home. It has large, glossy leaves that can reach up to four feet in length and makes an excellent houseplant for low light.


  • It grows well in indirect light or artificial light from fluorescent ceiling lights
  • Air purifying capabilities
  • Perfect for beginners
  • Fairly easy to propagate
  • Large foliage and variegated shades could lift up the look of any dull corner


  • Not pet friendly as it is highly toxic
  • Too much water may cause root rot
  • Prone to numerous pests such as aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, etc.


  • You only need to prune it occasionally if it gets too big. 
  • Do not overwater it

28. Heart-Leaf Philodendron

The Heart-Leaf Philodendron is an extremely popular plant and the perfect option for low-light conditions. It features heart-shaped, glossy foliage, with intricate lacy patterns on the underside. It’s also easy to propagate and requires minimal maintenance.


  • It can thrive in indirect sunlight.
  • Very little watering.
  • It’s quite easy to care for.


  • Susceptible to pests such as mealybugs and spider mites if its environment is too dry or the soil has been left too wet for too long.


  • Watering weekly should be sufficient for this low-light dweller. 
  • A regular misting can help keep bugs at bay as well as increase humidity levels in the air. 
  • You should also trim off any dead or brown leaves as soon as you see them.

29. Faux Rex Begonia

Fancy large plants that do well in low light? The Faux Rex Begonia is just the ticket. This artificial tree-like plant has long, glossy leaves that are light to dark green with silvery undersides.


  • It does not require much light, making it perfect for shady areas.
  • Some varieties require very little maintenance and will stay alive for years without water or fertilizer.
  • It is non-toxic and pet friendly, so you don’t have to worry about your furry friends.
  • It’s a great conversation starter thanks to its unique look. 


  • Because they are artificial they tend to shed leaves more easily than their natural counterparts.
  • They can be quite pricey compared to other plants. 


  • Keep it clean by wiping down the leaves regularly and dusting them off when necessary.

30. Philodendron Brasil

The Philodendron Brasil is a stunning trailing plant that not only requires minimal maintenance, but thrives in very low light conditions. Its trailing vines can reach up to six feet and its lush green leaves feature a unique yellow and green pattern that adds a vibrant look to any room.


  • It’s incredibly low-maintenance. 
  • It’s not too picky about its water needs, so you don’t have to worry about over or under-watering. 
  • As long as you give it some indirect light (which can be from an indoor lamp or anywhere near a window) 


  • Since it’s a trailing plant, it does tend to take up more space than other plants. 
  • It’s also susceptible to pests, so you’ll need to keep an eye out for signs of any infestations and eliminate them quickly before they spread.


  • It needs consistent watering once or twice a week, it will grow quite happily.

Factors to Consider When Growing Low light Trees Indoorss

Here’s what to keep in mind before getting low light trees for indoors.

Space for apartment trees

First, you need to ask yourself what kind of space you have. Depending on the size and layout of your home, you may be limited in which type and size of trees you can get.

For example, if your ceiling isn’t very high, then tall indoor plants that grow in shade won’t be your option.

For indoor office trees, assess the available floor space and ceiling height to ensure the trees fit comfortably without overcrowding the room.

Amount of light

Also consider the amount of light your tree will be getting. Low-light trees can tolerate low light and still thrive, but they still need some indirect light.

If your home doesn’t get much natural light or has lots of shutters or blinds that block off bright light then it’s worth considering a plant that thrives in brighter light/indoor spaces instead.


Finally, take into account the amount of care needed for each specific tree. Each low-light indoor tree has its own set of maintenance needs.

Some require more frequent watering and trimming than others, but all need monitoring to make sure they remain happy and healthy.

7 Houseplants That Can’t Withstand Low light

1. Jade Plant

The Jade Plant, known as the Money Plant, is an easy-to-care-for succulent from South Africa popular in Feng Shui.

Bright light and careful watering are essential for it to thrive: direct sunlight is preferable, and soil should not be allowed to dry out completely.


The Ponytail Palm is not a palm tree, but it looks like one. It’s an easy-to-care-for and non-toxic succulent native to Mexico, where some specimens have been known to live for 350 years.

It can thrive in any light conditions but enjoys the full sun as well. It doesn’t need to be fertilized often (twice a year is enough), and it can handle dry environments without difficulty.


Aloe Vera is an indoor succulent that originates from the Arabian Peninsula.
It needs bright light and very little water; best grown in a terracotta pot with drainage holes.

Water every 1-2 weeks under full sun. Its leaves and roots contain healing properties and air-purifying benefits.


The String of Pearls is a full sun houseplant native to southwest Africa. Its long stems with juicy beads make it an attractive perennial succulent vine.

Place in direct sunlight and don’t overwater; opt for a terracotta pot for best results. Water every 2 weeks and watch its fast-growing stems form new beads


The African Milk Bush, originating from Central Africa, is an easy-to-care-for succulent. It thrives in bright light areas and needs minimal water – usually once a month.

To avoid drafts, pests, and drastic changes in temperature, keep it indoors all year round.


The Zebra Plant (Haworthia) is a safe, non-toxic succulent for cats. It thrives in bright light and needs well-draining soil.

Water generously in Spring/Summer; reduce to once a month/bi-monthly in Fall/Winter. Overwatering is the only way to kill it.


The Snake Plant, aka Mother in Law Tongue, is an easy-to-care-for houseplant perfect for beginners.

Native to West Africa and a great air purifier, it comes in various varieties, sizes and colors – from yellow/green striped Laurentii to others.

Its adaptability allows it to thrive in bright direct light as well as moderate light conditions; it needs little water with the soil drying out between waterings.

However, it is toxic when ingested.

Tips for Growing Low Light Indoor Plants

Now that you know which trees are best for your low light indoor space, here’s a few tips to help you get started. 

  • Learn how much sunlight your tree needs and pick an area in your home accordingly. 
  • Ensure your tree gets enough sunlight, as this will help it grow healthy and strong. 
  • Regularly clean the leaves as this will help keep them dust-free and shining.
  • Never put it near a window or direct sunlight, or else it will overheat and die quickly.
  • Use a potting mix that is specifically for indoor plants or has perlite or vermiculite mixed in to help keep the soil light and aerated. 
  • It’s also important to water your tree regularly – but knowing when to water is key. 
  • Feel the soil with a finger – if it feels dry, then it’s time to give your tree some moisture.
  • Fertilize whenever necessary with a balanced fertilizer that caters to indoor plants.

Lastly, train your eye by observing the leaves of the plant. Any wilting or turning yellowish brown, is a sign that something isn’t right.

For instance, they are associated with fiddle leaf fig bacterial infection signs. You might need to adjust the growing conditions, like more water or fertilization.

Precautions for Growing Indoor Trees 

  • Ensure any tree you buy is disease-free. 
  • Check for pests and treat any infestations quickly.
  • Lastly, check for signs of root rot, and ensure you add enough drainage holes in containers so that water isn’t trapped in the soil. 

Final Thoughts on the Best Low Light Indoor Trees

Low-light indoor trees are perfect for homes that don’t have a lot of natural light. They add a pop of green to any room, and can help improve air quality by removing toxins from the air.

With a little bit of maintenance, these trees can really brighten up your home and make it feel more welcoming. Always refer to this list when looking to buy indoor trees.

Recommended Read: Best Houseplant Book for Beginners

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