Best Plants for Self Watering Pot

Best Plants for Self Watering Pots

Are you a plant lover looking for an easy way to keep your plants watered without having to monitor them constantly? Self-watering pots are the solution. 

This method uses materials like coir or felt sheets inside the pot to absorb moisture from the water reservoir beneath. Plants in these self-watering systems can go longer without being watered, but they will still get enough water. 

This is good for people who are always moving around and might not be able to water their plants as often. To get started, here are some of the best plants for self watering pots. 

Best Plants for Self Watering Pots

Self watering pots are ideal for plants like pothos, monstera, snake plants, African violets, Maranta, Hostas, and Peace lilies. Hardy herbs like rosemary, basil, sage, and thyme can also do well in self-watering pots as long as you keep an eye on the water levels. Vegetables like carrots, garlic, cabbage, and cucumbers are also great for self-watering pots.

40 Plants that Do Well in Self Watering Pots

If you’re looking for some of the best plants to put in a self-watering container, look no further. We have put the plants in three categories to help you decide on what to grow in your self watering pot.

Decorative Plants

1. African violets

Also known as Saintpaulia, the African violet is a perfect choice for self-watering pots. They bring vibrant colors to your home and require minimum effort. 

To avoid potential crown rot, water your African violets from the bottom up. This ensures that vital nutrients and moisture reach their roots in an efficient manner. 

On occasion, we can spray African Violets’ leaves with water to eliminate dust and salt particles.

Just like Pitcher plants, venus flytraps require ample water supply to survive. When grown in a self-watering pot with the correct balance of water and fertilizer, they can thrive for many years. 

African violets Image

2. Venus flytraps

They have glossy green leaves that are lined with fine hairs to detect prey, and when a bug lands on these leaves, the trap quickly closes shut in order to capture it.

Venus flytraps image

3. Snake plant

The Sansevieria spp. is a hardy self watering plant. It’s an ideal indoor plant for those who don’t have the time for regular watering and maintenance. 

Another bonus of the Snake Plant, also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, is its air-purifying qualities. It can absorb harmful toxins found in your home such as formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene.

When planted in a self-watering pot, this hardy plant can thrive with minimal attention.

Snake plant Image

4. Peace lily

Peace lilies grow best in humid conditions with moist soil. This makes them a good choice for a self-watering pot.

They are also known to grow well even under low light and with minimal care. The leaves on this plant are shiny and pretty.

They can be green all year long, or they can only be green for part of the year, depending on what kind you have. This plant also has white flowers that look like a tube.

It’s important to check the soil moisture and water levels every few days to avoid over-watering. 

Peace lily Image

5. Hostas

Hostas are vigorous-growing, outdoor plants that make an excellent choice for a self-watering pot. The lush foliage of this species is a great addition to any outdoor garden setting, and they come in many different varieties. 

Best of all, hostas thrive in moist soil and can go for weeks without additional watering or attention. 

Hostas Image

6. Japanese irises

These beautiful flowers grow best in moist, well-drained soil and in a sunny spot. They are relatively easy to care for when planted in a self-watering pot. 

Fill the reservoir beneath the pot and your blooms should thrive. Japanese irises are a good choice for an indoor garden because they come in many colors and they are easy to take care of.

 Japanese irises Image

7. Monstera

Monstera is a popular tropical plant that does well in self-watering planters. It’s not picky about the soil and will thrive in any humidity level or temperature range. 

Keep an eye on it, though, as too much water or sun can cause its leaves to yellow or become limp. 

Monstera image

8. Pothos

Pothos can thrive in almost any environment, making it an ideal plant for those who want a trouble-free option. They require little maintenance, but they do need regular watering.

When the soil gets too dry, the plant will wilt and stop growing. With a self-watering pot, you can make sure your pothos get the right amount of water.

You don’t need to worry about giving too much or too little water.

Pothos image

9. Coleus

Coleus is a popular choice for self-watering containers because it loves moist soil. Coleus grows quickly and is easy to care for, making it ideal for a wide variety of conditions. 

It is available in a range of colors and sizes, so you can find the perfect plant to fit your self-watering pot. Best of all, coleus is incredibly low maintenance.

Best Plants for Self Watering Pots

10. Maranta

Maranta leuconeura, commonly known as the Prayer Plant, is an easy-care houseplant that makes a great addition to any self watering pot.

These plants do not need a lot of care, but they may look better if you occasionally mist them and carefully trim them.

Maranta Image

11. Fittonia

This plant has beautiful green and white leaves, which makes it an attractive addition to any home or office setting. Its small size also makes it ideal for use in containers, such as self-watering pots.

 Fittonia Image

12. Calathea

The Calathea needs consistent moisture to ensure its leaves remain vibrant and lush. So, be sure to keep the soil moist by topping off the water reservoir every few days.

For best results, Calathea should be placed in indirect light and fertilizer should be used during the growing season.

Calathea Image

13. Lobelia

Lobelia is a genus of flowering plants that includes more than 375 species. 

With its ability to thrive in self-watering containers, Lobelia is an ideal plant for busy homeowners looking for low-maintenance plants that require minimal water and care.

Lobelia image

14. Snowy meadowfoam

Snowy meadowfoam (Limnanthes floccosa) is a beautiful plant that does well in self-watering pots. Native to California and Oregon, this annual wildflower grows up to 20 inches tall.

It doesn’t require much care but prefers moist soil. The plant has a long taproot which helps it access nutrients and moisture down deep in the pot.

 Snowy meadowfoam image

15. Baby’s tears

Baby’s Tears (Soleirolia soleirolii) is an ideal plant for a self-watering plant. this is because it thrives in moist soil and requires minimal maintenance.

It’s a great option for those looking to add a low-maintenance element to their garden.

Baby’s tears image

16. Boston fern

Boston ferns do not need a lot of care. They are good to have in a self-watering pot.

These ferns thrive in damp, humid conditions and are known for their lush foliage that resembles a cascading waterfall.

 Boston fern image

17. Umbrella palm

Umbrella palms are semi-aquatic specie, making them ideal for self-watering pots. Its roots should always be kept wet and moist.

Be sure to fill the reservoir at the bottom of the pot with water regularly.

Umbrella palm image

18. Fiber optic plant

Because it is an aquatic plant mostly grown in water gardens, Fiber Optic Plants (also known as Egeria densa) are an ideal choice to grow in self-watering pots.

Best Plants for Self Watering Pots


The following are herbs you can grow in a self-watering pot:

  1. Sage
  2. Thyme
  3. Basil
  4. Rosemary
  5. Parsley
  6. Cilantro
  7. Bayleaf
  8. Dill
  9. Marjoram
  10. Mint
  11. Chives


Vegetables can also do well in self-watering pots, as long as you give them the right environment.  These can include:

  1. Cherry tomatoes
  2. Carrots
  3. Garlic
  4. Cabbage
  5. Spinach
  6. Lettuce
  7. Onions
  8. Cucumbers
  9. Bell peppers
  10. Beets
  11. Squash

Worst Plants for Self Watering Pots

It is also important to consider which plants are not suited for self-watering pots. Plants that do not grow well in an automatic self watering system include:

Indoor plants

  1. Yucca
  2. Aloe
  3. Cactus
  4. Century plant
  5. Marigold
  6. Juniper
  7. Zinnia
  8. Periwinkle


  1. Lavender
  2. Oregano
  3. Amaranth


  1. Swiss chard
  2. Eggplant
  3. Okra
  4. Cowpea
  5. Mustard greens
  6. Chickpea

How to Use a Self Watering Pot

Using an automatic watering system can help you maintain indoor plants that thrive even in dry conditions. With the right pot, soil, and plant selection, you can create a happy environment for your plants.

Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Select the right pot

Pots come in lots of different shapes and sizes. It’s important to pick one that will fit your space and the needs of the plants you want to grow.

Look for a pot with drainage holes or an overflow spout. That way, if there is excess water, it will not stay in the bottom of the pot and make the plant’s roots rot.

Step 2: Choose the right soil

You will need a special type of soil mix that holds water and drains well. You can purchase this type of soil or make your own by potting mix by combining perlite, peat moss, vermiculite, and compost.

Step 3: Select the best plants for the pot

Once you’ve chosen the right pot and soil mixture, it’s time to pick plants that will thrive in them.

Step 4: Set up your pot 

Place the soil inside the pot and add distilled water until it’s damp but not soggy. Then add your plants and press the soil around their roots.

Place the pot in a spot with indirect light, such as near a window or on an end table.

Best Self Watering Pots

Some of the best self watering planters and pots are:

1. Mkono Self Watering Planter

[amazon box=”B016KE4R26″ template=”horizontal”]

With a cube shape crafted from durable plastic and finished in a chic white design, this self-watering planter helps you keep plants healthy and vibrant.

The key feature that makes the Mkono Self Watering Planter stand out is its drainage hole with inorganic granulate compounds.

This unique design reduces water waste and eliminates root rot while automatically sensing when the soil needs extra moisture.

So you don’t need to worry about your beloved plants getting overwatered or underwatered. You’ll know it’s working as your plants thrive.

2. Cole & Mason Self-Watering Planter

[amazon box=”B019Z2ILUO” template=”horizontal”]

The planter’s form box shape provides a neat and organized way to grow your favorite types of plants without worrying about daily watering needs.

This self-watering feature also ensures optimal soil hydration levels so your flowers will always look beautiful and vibrant throughout the season.

Experience easy care this summer with the Cole & Mason Self-Watering Planter.

3. Lechuza Cubico Self-Watering Planter

[amazon box=”B006XY1MPY” template=”horizontal”]

This planter features a sleek, white design with a plastic material construction for long-lasting use. The exterior of the planter exudes style and sophistication that will add a beautiful touch to any home or patio.

The key feature of this planter is its self-watering system. With its integrated drainage holes, excess water from your plants will be redirected out of the pot.

Additionally, because of the material used in construction, you won’t have to worry about cracks or corrosion that can ruin the life of a planter.

Advantages of Self Watering Pots

Are self watering pots good? Let’s find out some of the benefits of using these pots.

1. Convenience

These containers are designed to make watering your plants easier. You can fill the reservoir and then not worry about watering again until your plants need it.

This makes growing plants in areas with less consistent access to water much simpler. This is also convenient for anyone who has little time or space to dedicate to frequent watering.

2. Better care

The self-watering design of the pot allows for a more consistent source of water and reduces the risk of over- or under-watering. 

Many plants thrive with moist soil, and this type of pot ensures that they get just enough water without any extra work on your part.

3. Water conservation

The large water reservoir ensures that the soil is always moist. You can also add extra water to the bottom reservoir as needed and easily keep track of how much your plants need. 

Self-watering systems help reduce waste by ensuring that your plants get the water they need and nothing more.

4. Reduced risk of diseases

The consistent moisture that self-watering pots provide helps to reduce the risk of fungal infections, which can often occur when plants are overwatered.

Additionally, these containers help keep the soil away from standing water, making it more difficult for pests and insects to thrive.


Do self-watering planters cause root rot?

No, self-watering planters do not cause root rot. When you choose the right plants for your pot and manage the water level correctly, you can avoid root rots.  Many plants will thrive in a self watering system pot, as the ample moisture ensures the plant’s root system does not dry out. 

Do self-watering pots attract mosquitoes?

Yes, unfortunately, self-watering pots attract mosquitoes. The standing water in the reservoir can become a breeding ground for these insects, especially when there is an abundance of decaying organic matter present. To avoid this issue, it is important to ensure that all reservoirs are emptied and cleaned regularly. 

What are some problems associated with self-watering pots?

Some problems with self-watering pots include overwatering, waterlogging, and root rot due to standing water, as well as difficulty in monitoring soil moisture levels and potential buildup of minerals and salts.


There is a wide range of plants suitable for self-watering pots, allowing you to choose the perfect plant that suits your space and lifestyle. 

With minimal effort, you can enjoy a thriving garden without the hassle of having to water your plants constantly. Self-watering pots are easy to use and take care of. 

You can make a special and pretty garden with them that will be different from anyone else’s. So, choose your favorite plants and get ready to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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