Giant Monstera Plant Care Guide

Giant Monstera Plant Care Image

Monstera plants are one of the trendiest houseplants to have in your home. With their oversized leaves and unique patterning, they’re sure to catch anyone’s eye. 

Suppose you don’t already own this gorgeous plant, it is definitely worth considering adding one as an addition to your collection- but with its size and different needs compared to other popular varieties, you must know what you’re getting into before purchasing so that your new giant monstera can flourish. 

In this post, we’ll provide insight into the basic giant monstera plant care, like how much water and light they need, how to properly pot up the mature plants, monstera growth tips, and more.

How Do You Take Care of a Giant Monstera Plant?

To take care of monstera plants, first water moderately. Too much or too little water affects the plant. Monsteras love humidity, so ensure that the soil is moist and misting your plant can help maintain a good level of humidity. Keep your monstera in well-drained, nutrient-rich soil, and provide it with bright indirect light. 

How Big Can Monsera Get 

Monstera can grow quite large, with mature plants reaching heights of up to 20 meters (65 feet) in their native habitat. However, in indoor settings, they typically grow to about 1-2 meters (3-6 feet) tall. 

The size of the plant vary depending on the conditions in which it is grown, including temperature, humidity, light, and soil quality.

The leaves of a mature Monstera plant can reach up to 90 centimeters (3 feet) in length and 75 centimeters (2.5 feet) in width, making them quite an impressive sight. The leaves have a unique shape with deep splits and holes, which gives them their popular nickname, “Swiss cheese plant.” The holes in the leaves allow for better air circulation, which is beneficial to the plant’s health.

Monstera is a relatively fast-growing plant; with proper care, it can grow several feet in a year. To encourage growth, Provide the plant with the right conditions. Monstera thrives in bright, indirect light and prefers temperatures between 18-25°C (64-77°F). It also needs well-draining soil that is kept evenly moist, but not waterlogged. Fertilizing the plant every two to four weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) can also help promote growth.

When grown indoors, Monstera can be trained to climb up a trellis or support pole. This can help the plant reach its full potential height and create a dramatic focal point in any room. 

How To Grow Huge Monstera

Growing a huge Monstera plant is an exciting challenge that can bring satisfaction and joy as you watch your little seedling turn into an impressive, tropical-looking houseplant.

With the right care and attention, you can nurture your Monstera to be big and beautiful. 

1. Adequate Light

Monstera plants thrive best in bright, indirect sunlight. When placed in direct sun for extended periods, their leaves can become scorched, and the plant can suffer from stress. Place your Monstera near a south- or east-facing window with sheer curtains to filter the light.

How to maximize light exposure

Cover windows with light fabric curtains to filter the sun’s rays: Curtains can be an effective way of controlling the amount and intensity of sunlight entering your home, while also adding a decorative touch.

By filtering out some of the stronger UV rays, you can ensure that your Monstera is exposed to enough light, but not too much.

Choose thin curtains to allow some sunlight in, but thick enough to help filter out the harsh glare of direct sunlight.

Position any artificial lights 4-5 feet away: Any artificial lighting you use should be placed approximately 4-5 feet away from your Monstera plant to avoid burning or drying it out.

Positioning your light too close can cause the leaves to become scorched or cause photosynthesis to be inhibited.

Place the pot on a rotating tray or platform: A great way of maximizing the amount of light your plant receives is by placing it on a rotating tray/platform that rotates with the sun throughout the day.

This will ensure that each side of the plant receives a balanced amount of light and helps to prevent it from becoming lopsided or leggy.

Keep the plant away from drafty windows or vents: Drafts created by open windows, air conditioners and heaters can cause your Monstera leaves to dry out quickly.

If you have to keep your plant near a drafty window, use a sheer curtain or shade cloth to help protect it from the cold air.

Place the plant in a warm and sunny spot: When selecting the best location for your Monstera, choose an area exposed to plenty of indirect sunlight, such as balconies, patios, and south-facing windows.

Keep the plant away from direct sunlight as this can cause the leaves to burn. If there isn’t an ideal spot inside your home or apartment, you could try growing it outdoors in a shaded area where it will still receive enough light to thrive. 

Use a shade cloth to prevent direct sunlight from falling on it: If you keep your Monstera on a garden shelf or any other elevated surface, use a shade cloth to prevent direct sunlight from falling on it. This will help protect the leaves from becoming scorched and will also help block out strong winds which can damage the plant. Choose a shade cloth with the right protection and light filtration balance for your particular Monstera species. 

2. Soil Conditions

The soil used for monstera plants must be well-draining but still hold moisture. Ise a high-quality mix to keep your plant from becoming waterlogged and developing root rot. The ideal soil mix should include two parts potting soil, one part peat moss, one part perlite or coarse sand, and some compost for extra nutrients. 

Monstera Soil Mix Image

i. Soil PH

To ensure optimal growth and nourishment, it is advisable to maintain a neutral soil pH between 5.5-7. If your soil becomes too acidic (low pH), use lime to bring the level back up.

Alternatively, if you need to lower the pH (i.e., make the soil more acidic), then sulfur can be added as an amendment. Whatever method you choose, getting your soil’s acidity right will help your plant reach its full potential.  

ii. Soil Aeration

Provide your monstera with adequately aerated and well-draining soil. To promote optimal growth, ensure the soil has enough air pockets and doesn’t become compacted or waterlogged.

Do this by adding perlite or coarse sand to your potting mix and also, making sure that you pot your monstera in a container with drainage holes. 

iii. Soil Moisture

Monstera plants flourish with consistently moist soil but need to be careful not to overwater. To test the moisture of your soil, it’s best to stick your finger into the dirt and if it feels dry up to the first knuckle, then it’s time for watering.

You can also opt for a moisture meter or probe that will accurately read the soil’s moisture levels. 

DIY Soil Mix

A DIY soil mix can be a great option if you want to create a nutrient-rich soil mix for your plants. This mix contains five key ingredients: orchid bark, worm castings, coir, activated charcoal, and perlite. Here’s a breakdown of each ingredient and what it brings to the mix:

  • Orchid bark: Comprised of small pieces of bark, orchid bark helps improve drainage and aeration in the soil. This allows the roots to breathe and helps prevent overwatering.
  • Worm castings: Worm castings, or worm poop, are a great natural fertilizer for plants. They contain essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which help promote healthy growth and development.
  • Coir: Coir is a sustainable alternative to peat moss made from coconut husks. It helps retain moisture in the soil while still allowing for proper drainage.
  • Activated charcoal: Activated charcoal helps remove toxins and impurities from the soil, making it a great addition to plants that are sensitive to chemicals.
  • Perlite: Perlite is a lightweight mineral that helps improve aeration in the soil. It also helps prevent the soil from becoming compacted, which can restrict root growth.

To create this DIY soil mix, simply combine the ingredients in the following ratios: 5 parts orchid bark, 2 parts worm castings, 4 parts coir, 2 parts activated charcoal, and 5 parts perlite.

Mix everything thoroughly, and you’ll have a nutrient-rich soil mix that’s perfect for a wide variety of plants. Whether you’re planting flowers, vegetables, or herbs, this DIY soil mix can help give your plants the boost they need to thrive. 

3. Watering Large Monstera

To ensure the healthy growth of your Monstera plant, it should be watered regularly. For best results, water your plant every 1-2 weeks, depending on its environment.

Carefully check your plant’s soil for dryness; too much water can cause root rot and other issues. Keep a close eye on the moisture in the ground to ensure you provide just enough, but not too much.

Keep your plants nourished and content by only watering them when the top two inches of soil become dry. Ensure that your water moderately for optimal plant health.

How to test soil dryness

If you’re curious about how dry the soil is, a simple solution is to do a finger test. Check the moisture of your soil by sticking one finger into it. Depending on how deep you can insert your finger, you will be able to gauge whether or not the soil is dry. Deeper penetration indicates that the soil has less water content and is drier. You can also poke a stick into the soil and take it out to examine how much moisture has moved onto it. 

A third viable way to precisely measure soil dryness is using a moisture meter. With this device, you can attain an exact measurement; if the gauge reads 3, it’s ascertained that the earth has dried up.

Frequency of Watering Monstera

If you want your monstera species to thrive, water it once every 1-2 weeks during the spring and summer. During its dormant season, however, reduce the watering frequency to at least one session a week. This will help ensure that your plant stays healthy year-round.   

Give your plant a generous drink until the soil is fully saturated. Then, wait for all of the water to seep through and drain into its tray before emptying it thoroughly.

Remember not to use mineral water while watering. Use filtered or rainwater as it does not contain chlorine and other chemicals. 

How to Water Monstera Plant

Image of How to Water Monstera

While watering,  it’s important to ensure the entire pot is saturated. To do this, use a watering can or hose and water from top-to-bottom in long strokes until all of the soil has been wetted. 

For a plant in containers, place it in a tub with around an inch of water and let it sit for around 10 minutes.

This will allow the soil to absorb water from the bottom up and ensure that it has been completely saturated. Afterwards, make sure to empty any remaining water in its tray or tub.

4. Fertilizing For Growth

Fertilizing will lead to the growth of huge monstera plants for the following reasons. 

i. Improves soil structure

Utilizing fertilizers can profoundly enhance soil texture and fertility, making it a much more desirable environment for your plants to thrive and grow huge.  This is because the fertilizer will provide essential macro and micronutrients to your soil that it might be lacking.

ii. Encourages growth

Fertilization will ensure your Monstera flourishes, reaching its full potential. Not only will it foster larger leaves and more stems, but it will also promote abundant blossoms. As a result, the plant  will grow larger over time. 

iii. Balance the nutrients

Providing your Monstera with proper fertilization is the key to its success—the right balance of nutrients will ensure all plants stay full, flourishing and vibrant. With a natural fertilizer specifically formulated for them, you can guarantee they receive only the best nutrition.

iv. Stronger resistance to pests and diseases

Supplying your Monstera with the necessary nutrients builds its immunity to withstand pests and illnesses. This means your plants will stay healthier, bigger and more beautiful for longer. 

IV. Frequency of Fertilization

For optimal growth, your monstera should be fertilized 1-2 times per month during the active growing seasons of spring and summer. 

During the dormancy period, however, avoid fertilizing the plant at all. The plant requires cooler temperatures during its dormancy period, and fertilizing it can cause additional strain.

Furthermore, it’s important to hold off on fertilizing after transplanting or repotting. Wait a month at the very least since potting soils often contain fertilizer already.

How to Apply Fertilizer

  • For optimal growth of your monstera indoors, dilute liquid fertilizer to half strength.
  • For instance, if the manufacturer suggests one teaspoon per gallon of fertilizer, don’t be hesitant to halve that amount—only use half a teaspoon for each gallon. Doing this will not only cause neutralization but also protect your prized plant from any damage caused by an over-abundance of fertilization.
  • Nevertheless, when cultivating the monstera outdoors, always abide by the directions labeled by the manufacturer.
  • Most important, water your monstera plant first before applying the fertilizer, so that it is hydrated.

Tips for Fertilizing Monstera Plants 

Fertilize your monstera with all-natural compost so that the plant can mimic its natural environment. For example, worm casting is a perfect way to achieve a natural compost fertilizer.

If you want to repot your Monstera later on, using a soil mix containing peat-based material is best. Peat moss will help to maintain moisture and essential nutrients in the soil for prolonged periods. 

In lieu of compost, you can easily create your fertilizer. For a daring garden experience, why not try an organic blend of banana peels and water for a nitrogen-rich feeding solution? You can be sure that you will enjoy the natural results.

Control Temperature And Humidity

Monstera’s native environment is tropical regions with humidity levels that range from moderate to high and temperatures of at least 64.4°F.

With a little bit of creativity, you can create an inviting temperature indoors for these tropical plants to flourish without precisely replicating the climate of their natural environment.

Overall, the ideal temperature tolerance for Monstera is 65-85℉ (18-29 degrees celsius). The plant thrives in warm and humid atmospheres, making it essential to provide these conditions.

Moreover, monstera plants prefer warmth, making the temperature bracket an ideal environment.

Monstera temperature tolerance

  • Below 55°F (13 degrees Celsius),  the plant will not thrive. Ensure your house does not get too cold in winter as this can cause serious damage to your Monstera plant. If you cannot provide a minimum temperature of 65°F (18 degrees Celsius) for your Monstera, there are ways to protect it from the cold:• Move the
  • Below 50°F (10 degrees Celsius) is worst for your Monstera — it can cause rotting and death of the entire plant, particularly because of shock. 
  • When temperatures reach above 85°F (29 degrees Celsius), it is best to find ways to cool environments, such as a fan or additional humidity around the plant. Too much heat may lead to scorched leaves and a weakened stem.  When the temperature rises above 90°F, transpiration causes the plant’s stems and leaves to become dehydrated. 

Factors that Affect Temperature


During the winter months, it’s critical to equip your garden with grow lights. This will protect your plants from frost and harsh winds by bringing them indoors where they can remain warm and safe. Although the plant may not demonstrate many signs of development in its current environment, it will still thrive with some extra help from artificial growth lights.


The temperature needs of your Monstera plant can be drastically impacted by its location. If you decide to keep it outdoors, it will have to deal with fluctuating temperatures as the day progresses. Make sure that these changes aren’t too drastic for your beloved foliage!


If the air is parched, you might need to provide added moisture for your plants by spraying them with a misting bottle or adding humidity through a humidifier.


Light energy and heat energy are closely connected; thus, an excess of light can lead to soaring temperatures while a deficiency may result in frigid ones.

Tips for Maintaining Optimal Temperature

  • Position your monstera near an east-facing window to give it a moderate amount of lighting. This will allow the plant to utilize the early morning sunlight without being exposed to extreme mid-day heat.
  • To keep your houseplant in optimal health, maintain a stable temperature away from air conditioners and heaters. If you must utilize them, be sure that the amount of hot or cold air they’re releasing is consistent. Rapid changes in temperature can cause detrimental effects on plants, so it’s best to avoid these items altogether if possible!
  • If temperatures drop below 50°F, protect your plant by either moving it closer to a grow light or shielding it with a frost blanket/plastic bag. 
  • Ensure your monstera gets plenty of air circulation, especially during warm summer. To ensure optimal temperatures, consider placing a fan near it or opening windows whenever you can. 

Ways to Support Giant Monstera

While your monstera is growing to be a giant plant, you can device some ways to support it. These include: 

i. Moss pole

Supporting giant monstera Picture

Moss poles are ideal for supporting larger Monstera plants since they can be adjusted with your plant’s growth. They are great for climbing and provide plenty of support for larger stems as the Monstera grows up the pole. 


  • Easy to adjust
  • Provides a lot of stability
  • Great for climbing and allowing larger stems to grow up the pole.


  • Can be difficult to install
  • Can require frequent adjustments as plants continue to grow. 

ii. Trellis

Another great way to support Monstera is with a trellis. It’s a great way to provide vertical structure for your plant, which will help increase air circulation around it. 


  • Allows for plenty of ventilation 
  • Gives the plant a sturdy support structure. 


  • Can be difficult to install
  • Requires frequent adjustments as plants continue to grow. 

iii. Hanging Support

Hanging supports are another great way to provide support for your Monstera. These are ideal for smaller plants, as they provide vertical space and help elevate the plant. 


  • Easy to install
  • Provides vertical space
  • Keeps the plant elevated 


  • May not provide enough support for larger Monstera plants.
  • Can also be difficult to adjust as the plant grows. 

How to Grow Bigger Monstera Leaves

In order to grow bigger Monstera leaves, you need to provide your plant with the right combination of sunlight, soil and water. 

Confirm if the plant is getting the Right Amount of Sunlight

Monstera plants require the right amount of sunlight to grow bigger leaves. While they prefer bright, indirect light, it’s important not to expose them to direct sunlight as it can damage the leaves. 

If your Monstera plant isn’t receiving enough light, the leaves may become smaller and less vibrant. To ensure that your plant gets enough sunlight, place it near a window that gets plenty of light, but don’t expose it to direct sunlight. 

If your plant isn’t getting enough light, consider using a grow light to supplement its light intake.

Know when to repot

When your Monstera plant becomes root-bound, it can limit the growth of its leaves. Repotting the plant in a larger pot can provide it with the space it needs to grow bigger leaves. To determine if it’s time to repot, check if the roots are growing out of the drainage holes or if the soil isn’t draining properly. When you repot your plant, choose a pot one size larger than its current pot and use well-draining and fresh soil to prevent waterlogging.

Hydrate accordingly

Consistent and proper hydration is essential for growing bigger Monstera leaves. These plants require frequent watering, but it’s important not to overwater them as it can cause root rot. To ensure that your plant is properly hydrated, water it thoroughly and allow excess water to drain out of the pot. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering it again. Make sure not to let the soil dry out completely as it can cause stress to the plant and limit leaf growth.

Monitor temperature and humidity

Monstera plants thrive in warm and humid environments, which are ideal for growing bigger leaves. When the temperature is inconsistent or the humidity is low, the plant may become stressed, and the leaves may become smaller. 

To provide your plant with the right conditions, maintain a temperature between 65-85°F (18-29°C) and humidity of at least 50%. Consider using a humidifier or placing a tray of water near the plant to increase moisture in the air.

Give additional support

Monstera plants can grow quite large, and as they do, they may require additional support to prevent the leaves from drooping or bending. This can lead to stunted leaf growth. You can support your plant by using stakes or a moss pole to prop it up. This will allow the plant to grow upward, leading to larger and healthier leaves.

Add fertilizer

Fertilizing your Monstera plant can provide essential nutrients that promote bigger leaf growth. During the growing season (spring and summer), use a balanced fertilizer every 4-6 weeks to give your plant the nutrients it needs. Over-fertilizing can damage the roots and cause the plant to become stressed, so using a slow-release fertilizer is important.

Challenges of Giant Monstera

As monstera plants grow to become bigger and taller, these indoor plants also become increasingly more challenging to care for. Here are a few challenges of giant monstera plant you are likely to face:

Dropping leaves

 Giant Monstera can be prone to dropping leaves, especially when the plant is stressed or not receiving adequate care. This can happen for various reasons, such as inconsistent watering, improper lighting, nutrient deficiencies and pest infestations, probably because of challenge in caring for the plant because of its size.

Leggy legs

Giant Monstera is susceptible to legginess, which means the stems of the plant become long and thin. A leggy monstera will overstretch in an attempt to reach light, which can be a challenge when the plant is indoors and not receiving adequate amounts of sunlight.  

The plant begins to lean

As Giant Monstera grows, it tends to lean. This time the plant is also looking for more light, and the leaning can become more pronounced if it is not placed in a spot with enough light. The weight of the plant can also cause it to lean even without the need for extra light. 

Ways to Slow the Growth of Giant Monstera

You can slow your monstera’s growth if it’s growing too first: Some of the methods include: 

i. Pruning

  • Protective gloves

Sharp Pruning Shears

  • Clean rag
  • Gloves
  • Sterilizer

How to Prune Monstera

  • Put on gloves and sterilized cutting tools before beginning the pruning process. 
  • Remove any wilted or diseased leaves to improve overall health of Monstera. 
  • Cut back stems close to their base, then trim any visible aerial roots near the top of its stem for an aesthetically pleasing look. 
  • Properly dispose of trimmed parts after pruning.Monitor the plant regularly to ensure it is healthy and properly maintained.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Pruning

  • Cutting too many stems

Many people often think that cutting off a lot of stems will lead to a fuller and healthier Monstera. In reality, this is not the case. 

Removing more than 30% of the plant’s stems in one go can cause shock and even death as it won’t produce enough energy to replace the lost material.

Instead, it is better to prune off a few stems at a time and give the Monstera time to recover between each pruning session.

  • Using blunt pruning shear

Blunt tools can cause unnecessary damage to the plant and make it difficult for the wound to heal properly. Your pruning shear should be sharp before using it and carefully cut around more sensitive areas.

  • Pruning during the plant’s dormancy stage

Monstera plants enter a dormant stage throughout the winter months, which is not the best time to prune them as they cannot regenerate lost material quickly. Wait until the plant has become active in spring before pruning it.

  • Pruning a young monstera

Young Monstera plants are fragile and should not be pruned as their root systems are still developing. Allow your Monstera to mature before beginning any pruning activities to prevent stunting its growth. Once it has matured, you can begin pruning it carefully.

ii. Less light

Too much light will cause your monstera to grow too quickly. Conversely, not enough light can also slow your plant’s growth, as it won’t be getting the energy it needs to power its growth. For best results, give your monstera medium or indirect sunlight and avoid direct sun exposure, which can cause burning. If you need to tame the plant’s growth, however, keep it away from indirect sunlight for a while. 

iii. Reduced fertilizer

Fertilizing your Monstera is important to keep it healthy and grow to its full potential. Unfortunately, your monstera may grow enormous. Therefore, reduce the amount of fertilizer you use especially during spring and summer when growth is most active. If you want to stimulate growth, start fertilizing again during fall and winter. 


Why is my monstera so big?

Your monstera is so big, probably because you supply it with the right care.  It needs plenty of bright, indirect light and regular watering. These indoor plants can grow quickly and become quite large if the environment is good. Proper fertilization can also help encourage growth, plus the right monstera soil mix and temperature. All these factors combined play role in how big your Monstera will get. 

Where do I put a giant Monstera?

Put your giant monstera in place with enough space for it to spread out and not be crowded. The ideal spot should receive bright, indirect light throughout the day and have good air circulation. Make sure that your Monstera has plenty of room to grow over time while still offering enough clearance from any furniture or walls that may be nearby. Although, monsteras are indoor plants, you can also place the plant outside as long as it is away from direct sunlight. 

How do I know when to repot monstera plant?

Signs that suggest it is time for a bigger pot for your house plants include roots growing out of the drainage holes, slow growth and yellowing leaves. If your Monstera has become top-heavy and looks like it might need extra support, repotting can help to strengthen the root system. Usually, it is advised you repot your Monstera once every one to two years in a new pot with fresh soil. 

Can I make my Monstera smaller?

Yes. If you want to make your Monstera smaller and more compact, prune away some of the aerial roots and leaves. Monstera deliciosa plants (also known as monstera deliciosa swiss cheese) grow big, but you can keep the plant’s growth under control and stop it from becoming too large. You can also choose a smaller pot when repotting your Monstera; however, be sure not to go too small or else you may stunt its growth.

How do I tell when my Monstera is happy?

A well-cared-for Monstera will have lush green foliage with beautiful yellow and white variegation (for variegated species). Unlike other plants, if your Monstera is healthy, you may also see aerial roots growing from the split leaves. Additionally, when happy, you should notice it regularly putting out new growth.

What should I do with huge monstera?

A large Monstera plant requires more frequent repotting, as it will likely outgrow pots quickly. If you have a huge monstera deliciosa, prune away some of the aerial roots and leaves to help keep your Monstera from becoming too big. If you don’t want the hassle of managing the huge plant, you can divide it into multiple plants and give them away as gifts.

How fast does giant Monstera grow?

Giant Monsteras can grow fairly quickly; however, the exact plant growth rate depends on the environment. In ideal conditions, such as bright indirect light and adequate watering, you may see new growth more often. One such monstera variety that grow to become a giant plant is monstera deliciosa plant. If you repot it into a larger pot and provide enough nutrients, it will likely grow faster than usual.

Conclusion on Giant Monstera Plant Care

Some monstera plants can grow so big; if you have enough space, the giant monstera will flourish. With the right temperature, humidity and light levels, you can expect to enjoy years of happy growth from this plant. 

If you’re looking to take on a large plant as part of your indoor garden, check out the accompanying care tips and tricks here or enquire with your local nursery.

Remember, this monstera plant requires consistency in its care – so if you can provide that, it will surely thrive. 

Don’t forget that time of year is also important – if you’re taking on an immature plant as a starter then springtime is ideal. If you’re thinking about adding that touch of tropical flair to your living space, then investigate how a Giant Monster Plant could bring some much-needed summer vibes into your home all year round.

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