Can Monstera Grow in Water?

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Monstera deliciosa, also known as the Swiss cheese plant or split-leaf philodendron, is a popular houseplant with unique leaves that can add an exotic touch to any home. 

But many people don’t know that these plants have the potential to be grown in water. That’s right. You can grow Monstera without soil. 

Not only will this make it easier for you to care for your Monstera and keep it looking beautiful, but growing them in water is also an incredibly fun project that will bring out your inner green thumb. 

So if you’re looking for a new way to enjoy your beloved Monsteras, read on and learn how to get started with this exciting method of growing. 

Can Monstera Grow in Water?

Yes, Monstera can be grown in water. You need to change the water frequently, use hydroponic fertilizer, and be sure that the plant is getting enough light. With these considerations in mind, Monsteras can be grown in water successfully and can even produce new leaves.

Advantages of Leaving Monteras Growing in Water

There are many benefits to growing Monsteras in water. Here are just a few of the advantages.

1. Less mess

For indoor gardeners, mishaps can sometimes be unavoidable. From toppling pots to water spots on furniture and soil roots scattering about, accidents are certainties that we must accept as part of the process. 

Even if you are extra mindful of your plants and their environment, there will always remain a risk for something small going wrong. 

With Monstera plants in water, much of this mess is eliminated and you don’t have to worry about cleaning up spilled soil or water.

When caring for a Monstera in water, there is no need to use soil at all. The roots can get all their nutrients directly from the water. 

Subsequently, far less chance of mess is involved with this method of gardening.

2. Ease of care

Another great benefit to growing plants in water is that it makes general upkeep far easier. When you grow a Monstera in a pot, you need to water it regularly and make sure that the soil stays moist but not too wet. 

With Monstera in water, you can simply top off the container when it gets low and add a few drops of fertilizer every month or two. This makes caring for your Monstera a breeze.

3. Fewer pests

When Monstera plants are grown in soil, there can be a risk of pests and disease. But with this method, the roots remain exposed to the air, making it a much less hospitable environment for pests and diseases to thrive. 

This eliminates the need for potentially harmful pesticides or other treatments.

4. Monitor root health easily

When a Monstera is planted in soil, it’s not always easy to tell when something is wrong with the roots. But when they’re grown in water, you can easily observe the roots and make sure that they are healthy and free of disease. 

This makes it much easier to detect any problems early on and take appropriate measures to correct them.

5. It looks great

Monstera plants in water look great and can add a unique touch to any room. 

Watching the roots grow and move around in the water is a captivating sight, and you can even use the water to showcase plants in different colors or varieties. 

Additionally, these plants make excellent conversation pieces and are sure to be the center of attention in any room.

6. It’s cheaper over time

Another great thing about growing Monsteras in water is that it’s actually cheaper and more cost-effective than using soil. 

You don’t have to worry about purchasing expensive soil or other supplies, and you don’t need to buy new pots every time the plant outgrows its container. 

It’s also a great way to recycle any containers you already have lying around the house.

Disadvantages of Leaving Monsteras Growing in Water

Of course, there are also a few drawbacks to growing Monstera in water that you should consider before trying this method.

1. The water must be changed regularly

When you grow Monstera in water, it’s important to change the water on a regular basis.

This helps to ensure that the roots are getting the nutrients they need and prevents the buildup of bacteria that can be detrimental to the plant’s health. 

Unfortunately, this means that you’ll have to use new water every few weeks.

2. It requires more attention

Although this method of growing Monstera is simpler in many ways, it does require more frequent attention than soil-grown plants. 

In addition to changing the water regularly, you also need to keep an eye on the roots and make sure that they are healthy. 

This can be time-consuming and is something to consider before taking this route.

3. Limited growth potential

For those looking for towering plants, this method of growing Monstera is not the best choice.

Because the roots are confined to a small container, they can’t grow as large as they would in soil, and the plant itself may remain relatively small.

4. You end up with algae

When you grow Monstera in water, it is more likely to develop algae. Algae thrive in damp environments and can make your Monstera look not-so-appealing. 

To prevent algae from spreading, you should use filtered water and change it regularly. Additionally, adding a few drops of aquarium salt or other natural solutions to the water can help keep algae growth at bay.

5. Difficult to stake

When Monstera plants are grown in soil, they’re easy to stake and support with a trellis or other structure. But when they’re grown in water, it’s much more difficult to stake the plant since the roots are confined to a small container. 

As a result, the plant is less likely to be as tall and lush as it would in soil.

Things To Consider Before Growing Monsteras in Water

Can Monstera Grow in Water Image

Before trying this method of growing Monstera, there are a few things you should consider.

What water to use

The type of water you use can have a big impact on the health of your plant. Make sure to use fresh, filtered water that is free from chlorine or other chemicals.

Tap water may be used, but only if it doesnt contain chlorine or other additives.

The best water to use is distilled or rainwater, as these are the purest forms and will provide optimal nutrition for your Monstera.

Finding the right container

The container you use is just as important as the water.

There are different types of containers that are suitable for growing Monstera, but it’s important to choose one that has adequate drainage and is large enough to accommodate the size of the plant.

A container with a wide opening is best, as this will allow for plenty of air circulation and provide enough space for the roots to grow.

Choosing a cutting

When selecting a cutting for your Monstera, make sure to choose one that is healthy and free of disease.

It should have at least three nodes, as this will give it the best chance of taking root and growing.

Additionally, look for one with several Monstera aerial roots, as these will help to anchor the cutting and provide additional support while it grows.

How To Grow Monstera In Water

Once you’ve decided that growing Monstera in water is right for you, it’s time to get started. Here are some of the steps you’ll need to take:

Place the rooted cutting or freshly washed Monstera in a large vase or container

Before you place the Monstera in water, make sure that it has been washed off thoroughly and soil or debris has been removed.

Also, choose a container that is wide enough to allow the roots some room to grow. When selecting a container, make sure to use one that is made of food-safe plastic or glass.

Once you have your container ready, place the Monstera in it making sure that the roots are fully submerged.

Fill the container with distilled or filtered water

Distilled or filtered water is preferable to tap water, as it is free of chemicals and other contaminants.

Knowing what water to use is important, as the wrong water can lead to problems down the road. A detailed guide on what water to use will be discussed in the next section.

Add a source of nutrition

When growing Monstera in water, you need to make sure that the plant is getting proper nutrition to thrive.

Monsteras that are grown in water need additional nutrients to thrive, as the soil-based nutrition they would normally receive is not present.

Make sure to use a fertilizer that has been specifically designed for an aquatic plant, as this will provide your Monstera with the nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy.

Additionally, you may also want to add a small amount of aquarium salt or Epsom salts to the water, as this can help to maintain the pH balance and provide additional nutrients.

Place your Monstera plant in bright light from a sunny window

Monsteras love bright light, so make sure to place the plant in a spot where it can get plenty of sunshine.

It’s important not to put the plant in direct sunlight, as this can be too intense, causing sunburn on monstera. A window sill or a spot near a south-facing window is usually the best option.

Change the water regularly

As mentioned above, it is important to change the water regularly as this helps to ensure that your Monstera is getting proper nutrients and prevents the buildup of bacteria.

Depending on the size of your container, you should aim to change the water every week or two. Make sure to use distilled or filtered water for the best results.

Clean the roots once a month

To ensure that your Monstera stays healthy, it’s important to clean the roots on a regular basis.

This helps to keep the root system free from debris and prevents any buildup of bacteria or fungus. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to clean the roots of your Monstera.

How to clean the roots of your Monstera

  1. Gently remove the plant from the container and place it in a sink or bowl filled with warm water.
  2. For stubborn roots, use a small brush or your fingers to rub away any dirt or debris.
  3. Once all the roots have been cleaned, rinse the plant with clean water and place it back in its container.
  4. Before placing it back, clean the container with hot, soapy water and rinse thoroughly.
  5. Refill the container with clean distilled or filtered water and place the Monstera back in it.

How Long Can Monstera Live in Water?

Pinpointing how long a Monstera cutting can last in water is no easy task. Most plant owners will attempt to rectify any potential issues as soon as they arise, so rarely do we witness the demise of a cutting sitting in water until it perishes.

In cases where this does occur however, it’s possible that the conditions were less than optimal (such as infrequent or lack of clean water and nutrition).

The fact is, as long as you maintain a clean and nutritious environment for your Monstera cutting, it can live in water for a period two or three years. It’s important to be aware that this method of caring for Monstera is not natural, and can have issues arise from it.

The most notable of these is root rot, which can occur over time in water. If you do decide to grow your Monstera in water for an extended period of time, it is important to regularly check on the roots and change out the water, in order to prevent root rot.

How to Monitor Root Health

Monitoring the health of your plant’s roots is an essential part of keeping your plants healthy and thriving. It can be achieved by following some simple steps.

First, assess the soil for any visible signs of damage; observe for fading, stunted growth, or yellow/brown leaves.

Next, check for root rot using a sample root for visual inspection. Root rot will manifest in dark colors or a slimy texture on the roots.

Third, use a pH kit to measure the alkalinity of the soil and adjust accordingly. It’s important to get this right as too much alkalinity will stunt root growth, and too little won’t give plants enough benefit from soil nutrients.

Finally, you can use a moisture meter to get accurate readings on soil level water content. Doing this regularly will help prevent over-watering or drying out.

Monitoring root health is not difficult when you know what to look for, and with proper testing equipment, it can be done quickly and safely for any type of plant species, not only your Monstera.

Tips for Growing a Monstera in Water

  • Change the water regularly – aim to change it every week or two
  • Clean the roots once a month
  • Monitor root health on a regular basis
  • Use distilled or filtered water for best results
  • Make sure to check for signs of damage and root rot
  • Use a pH kit to measure alkalinity of soil, and adjust accordingly
  • Utilize a moisture meter to get accurate readings on soil level water content
  • Avoid over-watering or drying out plant
  • Check the cutting periodically for any problems that may arise
  • Ensure adequate lighting, temperature and humidity settings are met

Can a Monstera Root in Water?

Yes! Monstera can be rooted directly in a shallow bowl of water with some rocks or mesh at the bottom to support the cutting and stop it from completely submerging.

When grown this way periodically change out the water every 2-3 weeks to prevent bacteria or fungi from developing. Also, make sure that there is at least one node of the cutting submerged into the water.

A node is a point on the stem where roots will sprout out. Let’s find out below why you need nodes and how they effect rooting.

Why Do You Need a Node for A Monstera Cutting?

Nodes are essential for a Monstera cutting to root properly in water. Nodes on plants are points along the stem of the plant where leaves and roots will sprout out from.

When we propagate a cutting, these nodes are key as they act like tiny signals that tell the cutting it’s time to start growing new roots or leaves. Without nodes, Monstera cuttings won’t root and will eventually die.

So when propagating a Monstera in water, make sure to have at least one node submerged in the water. This will allow the cutting to take up moisture and start developing new roots.

Propagating Monstera in Water vs Soil

When it comes to propagating Monstera, there are two main methods you can use: water and soil. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into consideration when choosing the best method for your particular situation.

Here is a step-by-step comparison of how to propagate Monstera in both water and soil.

1. Locate a node on the stem of the Monstera plant containing one or two leaves

To propagate Monstera, it is paramount to have a node, as the cutting cannot develop without one.

Nodes are unique in that they contain all of the cells needed for new growth and development; additionally, leaves are also necessary to enable photosynthesis so that your plant can generate energy for continued Root formation.

2. Make a clean cut ¼ to 12/ inch below the node with a pair of sterilized garden clippers or a sharp knife

If you want to protect your potted plants from disease, then it is imperative that you develop the habit of disinfecting your cutting tools after every usage.

To do this, simply wipe them down with rubbing alcohol or create a solution consisting of one part bleach and nine parts water for sterilizing.

This way, you can ensure that diseases are not spread from one plant to another.

3. Place the cutting of your Monstera in a water vase or glass filled with fresh water so that the node is in the water

When propagating Monstera in water, it is important that the nodes are fully submerged into the water so that they can take up moisture and begin to form water roots.

If using soil, dig a small hole in which to place your cutting – make sure not to bury the node as this will prevent oxygen from reaching the cells needed for growth.

4. Change out the water every two to three weeks to prevent bacteria or fungi from developing

To help your Monstera cutting thrive, make sure to keep the water fresh by changing out the water every two to three weeks.

This will ensure that no bacteria or fungi can develop and cause harm to your cutting. As an added bonus, it will also provide the necessary oxygen for optimal root growth.

5. Place the vase in an area that receives indirect sunlight

Monstera cuttings prefer to be placed in an area with indirect light, such as by a window or near a fluorescent light.

Make sure to avoid direct sunlight as this can cause the Monstera leaves and root systems to scorch and make it difficult for them to develop.

6. Keep an eye on the roots as they start to form

You should be able to notice new root development within two weeks of planting.

Monitor the remaining roots closely to make sure that they are getting enough water and oxygen for proper root formation and growth.

Once the roots have reached a length of 1-2 inches, you can transplant your Monstera cutting into soil if desired.

7. Transplant your Monstera cutting into soil if desired

Once the roots have reached a length of 1-2 inches, you can transplant your Monstera cutting into soil if desired.

Make sure to use a potting mix that is well-draining, such as one with perlite or bark, and keep the soil moist but not soggy.

Additionally, it is important to make sure that the roots are not disturbed during transplanting as this can cause them significant damage.

Below is an in-depth guide on transferring Monstera cuttings into soil.

How Do You Transfer Monstera From Water to Soil?

Transplanting a Monstera from water to soil is simple and requires a few steps.

  • Firstly, you need to purchase potting soil specifically for large house plants, such as the Monstera. Once you have the appropriate soil bought and ready, prepare a new container for the plant.
  • Next, remove your Monstera from the old water jar by taking the entire root ball and place it into its pre-potted new container filled with soil.
  • Gently pour lukewarm water over it until you see that the soil has become damp. This replicates what would be expected from natural rainfall in its habitat. If necessary, add an extra pinch of fertilizer to help support growth during your Monstera’s transition to its new medium.
  • Place your Monstera delicately in indirect sunlight so that it may begin to acclimate itself to its new environment; remember that too much direct sunlight can be damaging, so ensure it is somewhere localized and not exposed to constant bright light sources.
  • Finally, after several weeks of careful monitoring, you will begin to recognize the full effects of this process as your beloved Monstera grows patterns in its leaves and begins enjoying thriving in its new home.

Can You Put Monstera in a Fish Tank?

Monstera cuttings can be propagated in fish tanks; however, it is not recommended due to the fact that the water in a tank is usually quite acidic and that Monstera cuttings need neutral pH levels to thrive.

Additionally, the water temperature in a fish tank may be too low for the Monstera cutting to survive.

If you do decide to try this, it is important to ensure that there is enough light for the plant, a neutral pH level, and that the water is kept at a temperature suitable for the Monstera cutting.

Additionally, you must monitor the fish tank carefully to make sure that the Monstera cutting is not being disturbed by any of the fish. The leaves also need to be kept above the surface of the water in order for them to receive enough oxygen and sunlight.

Finally, you should only use distilled water in the fish tank, as tap water contains chlorine and other chemicals which can be damaging to the Monstera cutting’s delicate roots.


Can Monsteras live in just water?

Yes, Monsteras can live in just water, however it is important to remember that they are epiphytic plants, so they need a lot of oxygen to survive and grow roots. Additionally, Monsteras need a neutral pH level in order to thrive, so it is essential to monitor the water pH levels and make any necessary adjustments.

Can you propagate Monstera aerial roots in any type of water?

While Monstera aerial roots can be propagated in any type of water, it’s recommended to use distilled or filtered water to avoid any potential harm from chemicals or impurities in tap water.

Can Monstera grow without soil?

Yes, Monstera can grow without soil. In fact, it is a popular method of propagating Monsteras as the roots will be able to grow longer and stronger when in water. However, Monstera should eventually be transferred to soil, as this will provide the plant with all the necessary nutrients, minerals, and oxygen that it needs to survive.

Do Monstera plants need sun?

Yes, Monstera plants need sun. Without it, the leaves will become dull and discolored. However, too much direct sunlight can be damaging and can cause the leaves to burn, so it is important to ensure that your Monstera is placed in an area with indirect sunlight.

How long do Monsteras live?

Monsteras can live for many years, but it is important to remember that their lifespan depends on a variety of factors, such as proper care, adequate sunlight, and proper soil. With the right care and conditions, Monsteras can live for 30-40 years or more.

Which fertilizer is best for a Monstera grown in water?

A fertilizer specifically designed for epiphytic plants is the best option for Monstera plants grown in water. These fertilizers usually contain trace elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are essential for the growth of Monsteras. Balanced liquid fertilizer, in particular, will provide the perfect balance of nutrients for Monsteras in water.

Related Read: Can You Grow Variegated Monstera From Seed?


So, can monstera grow in water? The answer is yes! Monsteras are perfect for propagation in water; however, it is important to be aware of the necessary conditions that must be met in order for them to thrive.

Proper care, enough sunlight, constant watering, and the right pH levels are all essential for a successful Monstera propagation.

Also, when it’s time to move the Monstera from water to soil, make sure you provide rich, well-draining soil for the plant to grow in.

With the right care, you’ll soon be seeing beautiful leaves on your Monstera. Have you ever tried propagating Monstera in water? Let us know in the comments.

Good luck and happy growing!

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