Do Monsteras Like Humidity? 13 Ideas to Increase Humidity

Do Monsteras Like Humidity

Do you want to keep your Monstera plant looking lush and healthy? If so, you need to make sure it gets the right amount of humidity.

While all plants thrive in warm and humid environments, Monsteras are especially sensitive to humidity levels; too much or too little can cause serious damage.

Knowing how much moisture your Monstera needs is key for keeping it happy and healthy.

In this article, we’ll explain how to determine the ideal moisture level for your Monstera and how to adjust it accordingly.

So, do monsteras like humidity? Let’s find out.

Do Monsteras Like Humidity?

Yes, Monsteras are humidity-loving plants, but the amount of humidity should not exceed 70%. Humidity that is too high can cause root rot, which will damage the plant and can eventually lead to death. It’s important to know that Monsteras require a minimum of 50% humidity but prefer higher levels. 

Monstera Humidity Level Needs

Monstera plants need a specific amount of humidity in order to thrive. It’s important to note that the ideal relative humidity for Monsteras is between 50-70%, with anything lower or higher potentially damaging the plant.

Monsteras require this moisture level for optimal health and growth. Too much moisture or too little can result in leaf yellowing, wilting, and other issues.

Here are some monstera varieties and their ideal humidity range:

Monstera deliciosa humidity

Monstera deliciosa is one of the most popular and easy-to-care-for Monsteras. Monsteras are tropical plants, native to the lush tropical forest. So it is accustomed to high humidity levels.

The ideal humidity range for this variety of Monstera is between 60-70%. Because of it’s native environment, Monstera deliciosa is also very tolerant of cooler temperatures.

Monstera adansonii humidity

Monstera adansonii is another popular species of the Monstera plants that prefers high humidity levels. This variety does best in an environment with a relative humidity between 60-80%. 

It is important to note that this plant needs more moisture than Monstera deliciosa, so it should be monitored and misted more frequently.

Monstera albo humidity

Monstera albo is known for its beautiful variegated leaves, and while it may not be as popular as other Monsteras, this variety does require a specific humidity level in order to thrive. 

The ideal humidity for Monstera albo is between 60-70%. It is important to provide enough humidity for this plant to prevent leaf yellowing, brown spots, and other issues.

What is Humidity, and Why is It Important for Plants?

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. It is measured as a percentage, and it can range from 0% (very dry) to 100% (saturated). 

Relative humidity refers to how much moisture is actually present in the air compared to how much there could be at that temperature.

Humidity levels are important for plant growth because they can affect the amount of moisture available to plants. 

When the air is very dry, the Monstera fails to absorb water. The stomata then closes to prevent further loss of water.

This prevents carbon dioxide from getting to the plants and therefore, photosynthesis doesn’t take place.

On the other hand, excessive moisture can cause water-logging, root rot, and other issues. 

According to the Mayo Clinic, the ideal humidity in your home is between 30% and 50%. Therefore, it is important to adjust the humidity levels for your Monstera accordingly.

Here’s a pro tip for all the green thumbs out there. Plants with thin, papery leaves will require more humidity than plants with thicker and waxier foliage (like succulents).

That way, you’ll be able to keep your greenery looking its best in any environment.

Monsteras in the Wild

In their natural habitat, Monstera plants are accustomed to warm and humid environment. They like temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C) and high humidity levels between 70-80%.

This type of environment is not always easily replicated in homes or offices. It’s important to adjust the moisture level accordingly.

In the wild, Monsteras will usually receive more humidity than they would in a house; why? This is because they are surrounded by other moist plants, trees, and a rainforest-type of environment.

The sunlight they receive is often filtered by the trees and plants around them, providing an environment with optimal levels of light and moisture.

How Do I Know if My Monstera Needs More or Less Humidity?

Finding the delicate equilibrium between low and high relative humidity is essential for cultivating healthy plants.

Despite this, some species, such as drought-tolerant succulents, thrive in dry climates, therefore requiring a different approach to maintenance than other plants.

To identify your plant’s optimum atmosphere, watch out for any indicative symptoms which can assist you in finding the ideal environment for optimal growth.

If your plant has low humidity, symptoms can include the following:

  • Shriveling or curling leaves
  • Browning or crisping leaves
  • Yellowing leaves
  • Wilting and drooping
  • Slow growth
  • Falling off flowers or buds
  • Dropping of lower foliage

On the other hand, high humidity can cause the following symptoms:

  • Mold or mildew development on the plant, planter, or on top of the potting soil
  • Fungal diseases like root rot
  • Yellowing or browning of leaves due to overwatering
  • Leaves that are soggy or have white spots
  • White salt deposits on the surface of the soil
  • Plant leaves covered in a sticky residue
  • Pests like aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites

How Do You Increase Humidity Levels for Monstera?

There are several ways to increase the humidity level for your Monstera plant. Here are 13 of the most popular methods:

1. Cover the monstera plant with a bag

For those looking to raise humidity for their monstera plant, covering it with a bag is an easy solution. Doing this helps keep the moisture around the plant.

The moisture would go away over time if you didn’t do this. This helps improve the humidity and keeps your monstera healthy.

Covering your monstera with a bag can be done in several ways. You can use either a plastic bag or a specifically designed humidification pouch.

Additionally, these bags can be left on during the day. However, you should remember to remove it before nightfall to prevent it from getting too wet inside.

To do this, select a plastic bag that is large enough for the entire plant and place it over the pot.

Tie the opening of the bag and make sure there is enough room between the leaves and walls of the bag. If you use too small a bag, you may trap heat which will put further stress on your plant.

2. Group your plants together

If you group your Monstera with other plants, it will help the air around the plants be more humid.

This is because the plants will be able to share each other’s water and moisture, creating a “microclimate.”

When grouping your Monstera with other plants, make sure that they don’t overcrowd the pot or take up too much space so as to avoid diminishing air flow among the plants.

Also, when grouping multiple plants together, a larger pot will be more beneficial for the overall health of your Monstera as it will provide more space and stability for the aerial roots.

3. Keep your plant near the kitchen

Keep your plant near the kitchen – it may sound counterintuitive, but this is actually one of the best ways to increase humidity levels for a Monstera.

The air in and around the kitchen, due to any number of appliances like stoves or dishwashers, tends to be a little more humid, making it an ideal environment for your Monstera.

Also, monsteras prefer warm air to cold air. Frequently opening and closing doors in the vicinity of a kitchen will produce more humidity than static air.

Keep an eye on the moisture levels with a gauge and mist regularly to ensure that your beloved plant is kept happy and healthy.

4. Mist your plants with water

Misting your Monstera with water is an effective and easy way to increase the humidity levels in its immediate environment.

When you water your plant with a spray bottle, also spray the soil. This will help the plant stay moist for longer.

As well, make sure to spray both sides of each leaf with a fine mist of water, which will help the plant absorb more humidity.

For best results, mist your plants early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures tend to be cooler and more stable.

Additionally, make sure not to over saturate the soil as this can lead to root rot. Finally, don’t forget to use distilled water to avoid any adverse health effects on your plant.

5. Move your plant away from direct light or heat sources

If your Monstera is placed near any direct sun, consider moving it to a different location. But what does heat have to do with adequate humidity?

Well, the heat from these sources can actually cause the air around your plant to dry out, resulting in an overall decrease in humidity.

To maintain optimal levels of humidity for your Monstera, it’s best to put your Monstera in indirect light such as windowsills, radiators, and so on.

These areas can also be very hot during the day and can cool down a lot at night. This can be bad for your plant’s health.

If your monster suffers from sunburn, read our guide on how to revive sunburnt monster.

6. Place your Monstera in a bathroom

Bathrooms tend to have higher levels of humidity due to their high-water usage. This makes them the perfect environment for Monstera.

The increased humidity can be beneficial for the plant, but make sure that you don’t overwater it; otherwise, you risk the chance of root rot.

Additionally, don’t forget to keep a dehumidifier handy in case the indoor humidity level become too high.

7. Put the plants in your laundry room

Another room in the home that can provide average humidity levels for a Monstera is the laundry room.

This area tends to be more sealed off than other areas of the home and, therefore, less likely to dry out due to air circulation.

Additionally, the warm temperatures from any laundry machines running in your house can put out additional moisture into the air.

As with all other areas of the home, be sure to check moisture levels regularly and adjust your plant’s placement as needed.

8. Run an essential oil diffuse

If you have an essential oil diffuser, you can use it to put out more moisture into the air. Many of these diffusers are designed to run for hours and can help boost humidity levels in your home.

Place the diffuser near your Monstera but make sure not to place it too close as this can lead to over-humidifying of the plant.

Additionally, make sure to keep an eye on your humidity gauge to ensure that you don’t over-saturate the air in the humid rooms.

You can also use neem oil in your diffuser to prevent pest infestation misting. A good rule of thumb is to keep the humidity levels between 40-60%.

9. Use a pebble tray for monstera

Another popular way to increase the humidity around a Monstera is to use a pebble tray. This type of tray can be filled with any kind of small stones or gravel and placed underneath the pot.

When water droplets splash onto the stones, it will evaporate up into the air and help boost the moisture content in the surrounding area.

Additionally, the stones can help ensure that your Monstera doesn’t become overwatered as they’ll absorb any excess water.

Just make sure to check the tray regularly and replace any stones that are starting to break down due to age or wear and tear.

Here’s an in-depth guide on how to use clay pebbles for houseplants to help you get started.

10. Add a monstera humidifier

Monstera humidifier? Do they exist? Of course, they do. There are many different types of humidifiers on the market that can be used to help increase the humidity levels in the air around your Monstera.

These devices work by emitting a fine mist of water into the air, which is then absorbed by the indoor plants and other objects in the room.

This not only helps to keep your Monstera hydrated and healthy but also adds a pleasant scent to the room.

Just be sure to check your humidity gauge regularly when using a warm mist humidifier to ensure that you are not over-saturating the environment.

Best humidifier for monstera

When it comes to choosing the best humidifier for your Monstera, look for one that has adjustable settings so you can tailor the amount of moisture released into the air.

Additionally, you should also look for one that has a filter to help trap dust and other particles that could potentially harm your plant.

Lastly, you want to make sure that the humidifier is easy to clean and maintain so that it can remain in optimal working condition.

Our overall best humidifier for Monstera is the Levoit Humidifier and Air Vaporizer for Plants, which offers all of the features mentioned above and comes with a minimum warranty of one year.

11. Use boiling water

If you don’t have a humidifier or don’t want to invest in one, you can also use boiling water to create some additional moisture in the air.

Simply take a pot of boiling water and place it near your Monstera plant. The steam that rises from the hot water will help to increase the humidity levels in the room.

However, make sure to keep an eye on the water levels in the pot and always use caution when dealing with hot water.

Additionally, you should also be aware of any potential dangers from steam burns.

12. Use a peat moss potting mix

You can also increase the humidity around your Monstera by using a peat moss-based potting mix.

This type of soil holds more water than regular soil, allowing it to help maintain higher levels of moisture in your plant’s environment.

Additionally, peat moss is known to be able to retain moisture for longer periods of time, making it a great choice for your Monstera plant. Make sure to check the soil regularly and water as needed.

13. Use two pots

Lastly, you can use two pots to help raise the humidity around your Monstera. Plant your Monstera in one pot and then place it inside of a larger pot filled with damp peat moss or gravel.

This will help create an indoor greenhouse effect, trapping moisture in the air and helping to maintain higher levels of humidity around your plant.

Note: this method is great for larger plants that require more space to grow.

How to Determine the Right Humidity for Your Monstera?

You can use a hygrometer to determine the adequate humidity for your Monstera. The method is an easy and beneficial way to ensure that you are providing the best environment for your plant.

A hygrometer is a device used to measure humidity in the air, giving you an accurate reading on how much moisture is present in your Monstera’s environment.

You could get yourself one from an online store, or from a local garden center. The ideal range for your Monstera is between 40-60% relative humidity.

If the level falls outside of this range, you may need to adjust your care routine to better suit the environment of your plant.

How Temperature and Humidity Levels Relate

The temperature and humidity levels of your Monstera’s environment are both important factors in keeping your plant healthy.

High temperatures can lead to dehydration, while low temperatures can stunt growth and cause leaves to become dry and brittle.

Likewise, high humidity levels can cause root rot, while low humidity levels can lead to wilting and browning of the plant’s leaves.

It is important to monitor both the temperature and the ambient humidity levels of your Monstera’s environment regularly to ensure that they are within optimal ranges.


Should I mist my Monstera?

Yes, misting your monstera with lukewarm water can help to increase the humidity levels of the environment. However, it is important to make sure that you are not over-misting the plant, as this can lead to root rot and other issues.

How often should I mist my Monstera?

It is recommended that you mist your Monstera plants once or twice a week. This is typically enough to increase the humidity levels in the air and keep your plant healthy. However, if you live in an area with a particularly dry climate, you may need to mist your Monstera more often.


So, do monsteras like humidity? Humidity is an important factor for keeping your Monstera healthy and happy.

By taking the time to monitor the humidity levels and adjust your care routine as needed, you will ensure that your Monstera remains in optimal conditions and continues to thrive.

Additionally, there are several methods you can use to increase the humidity levels around your plant, such as using a peat moss potting mix, two pots, and misting.

With the right level of humidity, your Monstera will be sure to thrive.

Thanks for reading. We hope this article has helped you gain a better understanding of how much humidity your Monstera plants need. Good luck and happy gardening.

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