Emerald Pothos Care | The Beginners Guide

Emerald Pothos

You’ve just moved into your new house, and you’re so excited to finally have a place to call your own. There’s one problem, though: You don’t know the first thing about taking care of plants.

Still, you want the house to look nice and cozy, so you buy an Emerald Pothos plant. It looks so beautiful and lush, you can’t help but be drawn to it.

But then reality hits—you have no idea how to take care of this plant. You ask around for advice, but everyone seems to have different opinions on the best way to care for Emerald Pothos plants.

Do not worry about that because this article will give you the basic needs of your pothos and some extra tips.

What Is Emerald Pothos?

Emerald Pothos is a tropical, evergreen climbing vine that is part of the Araceae family.

It is also known as Silver Satin Pothos, Golden Pothos, Taro Vine, Marble Queen, Silver Vine, or Devil’s Ivy is an evergreen vine native to Southeast Asia and the South Pacific Islands.

Its botanical name is Epipremnum aureum emerald and it is part of the Araceae family.

It is related to home plants such as the Peace Lily and the Philodendron but can be identified by its glossy green leaves that are variegated with splashes of creamy yellow.

Growing an Emerald Pothos can bring a sense of life and beauty to any home. Its natural trailing form makes it ideal for use in hanging baskets or placed on top of cabinets and shelves.

The air purifying qualities and low maintenance requirements make it a great choice for beginner gardeners and an essential addition to any home with limited access to natural light.

Origin and family

The Epipremnum Aureum Emerald is an exquisite plant that has its rightful place in the Araceae family, under the Epipremnum genus.

Originating in the forests of Moorea, French Polynesia, it has since spread to other places such as Australia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands.

Initially recognized in 1880, this species has been reassigned to various genera on numerous occasions before finally being designated as E. Aureum.

At one point in time, it was incorrectly classified as a part of the Epipremnum  Pinnatum genus.

Other plants from this genus include Epipremnum Shangri La Pothos and other varieties of Pothos, such as the classic Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum), Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’), and Neon Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Neon’).”

Are Emerald Pothos and Global Green Pothos the Same?

No! The Emerald pothos and the Global Green pothos are two distinct plants with varying colors in their leaves.

Although they may appear similar, these remarkable specimens boast an interesting array of hues. The Emerald has dark green in the middle and light colors on the edges.

Global Green has light colors in the middle and dark colors on the edges. In short, they are the inverse of one another.

It is understandable why they are commonly mixed up since they bear similar heart-shaped leaves and vining habits.

Moreover, the Global Green pothos has more distinct variegation patterns compared to Emerald’s smoother color scheme.

However, their similarities don’t end here. They both have comparable care needs.

Emerald Pothos Tropical Plant Size

The tropical plant size of emerald pothos can differ greatly depending on the environment, care, and maturity of the plant.

Boasting incredible heights of 2 – 10 feet, a fully developed emerald pothos will bring an unparalleled naturalistic charm to any living area.

If you require some extra direction to accurately estimate the size of your emerald pothos, understand that this is a fast-growing greenery and can grow up to 8 inches in ideal conditions within one month.

To maintain its size, pinch off the tips or limit fertilizer use. With proper care, your emerald pothos will thrive, adding pops of greenery wherever you choose to place it.

Emerald Pothos Care Needs

Providing proper emerald pothos care needs is essential to the health and longevity of the attractive, easy-care houseplant.

You also need to keep an eye on the plant’s progress to make sure it grows healthy and strong.

Care difficulty

Luxurious yet effortless to maintain, the E. Aureum Emerald is a dream come true for any collector. For this plant to truly thrive, it needs soil that drains well and plenty of sunshine.

Growth rate

A houseplant that towers over the rest, the Pothos Emerald reaches a mature height of 6-10 feet – making it an ideal addition to any home.

During the warmer months, you’ll witness a dramatic increase in growth rate and plant density. Most pothos Epipremnum aureum emerald, are known for their new growth.


Potting your emerald pothos is an exciting part of the growing process. With the right potting soil, pot size, and watering tips, you can optimize the growth of your pothos.

Always opt for potting soil that is not too rich in nutrients and gives good drainage to ensure ample root growth.

A pot or hanging basket should be a few inches larger than the existing pot or root ball, as over-potting can cause a stunted growth rate.


Repotting an Emerald Pothos can be intimidating. First, prepare the new pot by giving it a good clean with soapy water as well as preparing a well-draining soil mix.

Once these two tasks are completed, Gently remove the root ball from its old pot before placing it in the new one.

Adding soil is next on the list of repotting prep work; fill the desired area up to one inch from the top.

Finally, when repotting is done, keep your newly repotted plant happy and healthy.


Emerald Pothos plants need good drainage to do well. The soil should also have organic matter such as coco coir, sphagnum moss, peat moss, or perlite.

The soil should be put on a potting mix with additional ingredients to help it retain more moisture. To ensure optimal soil conditions, consider mixing soil and Humus together.

This mixture allows for water retention while still providing ample drainage so roots can get air and won’t rot due to overwatering.

Furthermore, Emerald Pothos plants will thrive best when fertilizer is applied regularly instead of solely relying on the soil to provide nutrients. This will ensure maximum growth potential for your plant.


pH level is an important factor to consider when growing an emerald pothos, as the pH of the potting soil should be within a slightly acidic range of 6.0 to 6.5.

Maintaining the pH in this range helps ensure the plant receives enough nutrition to remain healthy and vibrant over time.

To properly determine and monitor pH levels, it is strongly recommended that you purchase a pH testing device.

This will allow you to check pH levels on a regular basis, ensuring pH conditions are always in line with your plant’s needs so they can thrive successfully.


It is important to water your emerald pothos correctly. Too much water can cause your plant to root rot or mildew, while too little water can cause it to suffer from wilting or yellowing leaves.

To ensure the long-term health of your plant, it is important to use water with as low an amount of salts and other minerals as possible. You might consider using rainwater if available.

It is best to water when the soil begins to dry out. An easy way to check for moisture content in the soil is by providing a gentle poke in the top layer of soil, to see if it has dried up at least one inch deep and then water it if needed.

A combination of thorough but infrequent watering and mulching will maintain soil moisture levels for maximum benefit for the pothos plant.


Pothos thrive in sufficient light conditions ranging from low light to moderate light.

It does not require direct light and can even tolerate high light spots, but it’s best to provide it with light for several hours a day.

In nature, this plant spends its life clinging to trees, basking in the light provided by gaps in the canopy above.

To replicate that environment in your home, you should keep the Emerald Pothos in the west facing window or near other sources of light.

Indoor fluorescent lighting also provides ideal light conditions for this plant – what’s more, it doesn’t have to be too close.


Fertilizing an emerald pothos is a great way to keep your plant looking lush, green, and healthy.

It’s best to fertilize emerald pothos once a month during the spring and summer months when it’s actively growing.

During the fall and winter months, you should only fertilize once every two to three months.

Propagating Emerald Pothos

Propagating Emerald Pothos plants are simple and can be done in a few steps.

1. Pruning

The first step in propagating Emerald Pothos is to prune the existing plant. Using a pair of sharp and sterile scissors, cut off a stem that has three or four leaves.

Try to get one with some aerial roots already attached so it can be rooted when planted.

2. Propagation Options

Once the cuttings have been taken, there are three ways they can be propagated.

  a. Stem Cuttings in Soil

Place the stem cuttings in a pot filled with moistened soil. Make sure to bury at least two of the leaves into the soil and cover with more soil.

  b. Stem Cuttings in Water 

Place the stem cuttings in a glass of water and make sure that two or three of the leaves are submerged. Change the water every few days to keep it fresh.

  c. Air Layering Technique

Tie a piece of plastic wrap around the stem where it needs to be cut and then cover the area with some damp peat moss. Make sure to keep the moss moist at all times and after a few weeks, roots should form.

Humidity and Aeration

Keeping humidity and aeration levels ideal for emerald pothos is key to the successful growth of this popular houseplant.

When humidity levels dip too low, leaves may start to curl or form brown tips due to a lack of hydration.

However, humidity that is too high can cause pothos root rot symptoms. To keep humidity levels balanced, consider placing a humidifier near the plant or misting it on hot days.

Additionally, emerald pothos requires air circulation around their leaves in order to grow healthily.

Using fans or open windows in the home can help to promote airflow around this beautiful and easy-care houseplant.


When caring for emerald pothos, the temperature is a key factor. The optimum temperature range to keep an emerald pothos is 68-85 degrees Fahrenheit.

If the temperature drops below this range, the leaves of your pothos may become savaged with chilled damage.

Similarly, if it gets too hot or if exposed to direct sunlight, you might start noticing wilting leaves that are caused by overheating.

To maintain an optimum room temperature level for your pothos, try setting up indoor thermostats and invest in fans.

Keeping an eye on your plant’s health can also help identify any warning signs of overheating or chilling damage before conditions worsen, so make sure to observe regularly.


The toxicity of Emerald Pothos can cause a wide range of symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and even excessive salivation.

It is important to take steps to avoid poisoning when handling Emerald Pothos. Proper hygiene must be taken when handling the plant, especially with small children around.

Ingesting a small amount of emerald pothos might not be dangerous. But if you ingest a lot of it, you might need to get medical attention right away.

If a person experiences any symptoms associated with the toxicity of Emerald Pothos they should seek medical help immediately.

Pests, Diseases, and Other Problems

Spider Mites

Spider mites have been known to attack emerald pothos, but that doesn’t mean your plant is doomed.

These tiny pests feed on the leaves, causing yellowing and browning of the leaves and slowing down growth, which can be concerning.

But with a little effort, you can protect your emerald pothos and get rid of unwanted visitors.

Start by giving your pothos a nice wash with a sink nozzle or use insecticidal soap to spray down both sides of the leaves.

If you want a more natural option to control spider mites, consider introducing some of their natural predators such as ladybugs and lacewings into your garden.

With a few steps and a bit of TLC, your emerald pothos will be thriving in no time.

Scale Insects

Identifying scale insects on your emerald pothos is simple; adult scales usually appear as small, brownish lumps on the plant. Unfortunately, Emerald Pothos are quite attractive to these little pests.

Once hit with an infestation of scale insects, they might start to weaken the stems or petioles while reacting by yellowing and/or browning of leaves and a slowdown of growth.

Fortunately, there are several methods to prevent, control, and even get rid of them without harming your beloved emerald pothos.

Natural predators like lacewings, ladybugs, and other beneficial bugs can help keep invaders at bay.

In worst-case scenarios, you can mix insecticidal soap or neem oil in 500 mL water and spray it onto the plant.

That said, don’t fret if you see that dreaded invader – with some knowledge about what to look for and how to react you’ll be able to preserve your tranquil vegetal friend.


Mealybugs can cause a considerable amount of damage, leaving your Pothos looking unhealthy and unattractive.

Mealy bugs are characterized by white puffs that feed off the Pothos sap and weaken the plant.

One way to identify them is to look for these cottony-white masses on stems and leaves; if you have one or more Pothos with mealy bugs, it’s important that you take action as soon as possible.

Luckily, using preventive measures such as neem oil spray can help you avoid having this problem in your indoor plants altogether.

For Pothos with current infestations, using isopropyl alcohol can eradicate mealybugs from your Pothos.

By being proactive and taking established steps like these towards treating pests such as mealybugs in your home Pothos collection, you will be able to keep them healthy and thriving for longer.

Brown Leaf Tips

Brown leaf tips are often caused by a combination of low humidity, intense sunlight, over-fertilization, or excess minerals in the soil.

To identify this problem, look out for signs such as yellowing and crispness around the tips of leaves.

By acting quickly, you can prevent further damage to your Pests in emerald pothos by increasing their humidity levels with a mist sprayer, protecting them from intense sunlight, or reducing your use of fertilizer and mineral-enriched soil.

For more severe cases of brown leaf tips, you can try solutions such as trimming off affected leaves and removal of dead foliage to help your Pests in emerald pothos thrive.

Drooping Leaves

Drooping leaves are usually caused by inadequate moisture and lighting conditions, as well as low humidity.

If you notice your Emerald Pothos’ leaves starting to curl inward or droop down lower than usual, it may be time to give them some extra TLC.

To prevent this from happening in the first place, try misting the plant as well as providing more direct sunlight.

If you notice that your Emerald Pothos is already showing signs of drooping leaves, try giving the plant a thorough watering and increasing the amount of light it’s receiving.

With proper care and attention, you should start to see your Emerald Pothos’ perky green leaves return in no time.

Yellow Leaves

Low light, excess direct sunlight, waterlogging or underwatering, and inadequate nutrients can all be contributing factors to your plant’s yellowing leaves. There are other signs that your plant is not healthy.

Weak stems, wilted leaves, and not enough growth can all mean that something is wrong. There are a few easy ways to tackle this problem before it becomes too serious.

Pruning affected parts of the plant can remove dead or dying portions while supplementing its diet with some added nutrients is often enough for an Emerald Pothos in distress to recover.

For more troublesome cases though, it may be necessary to resort to gentle repotting measures.

With the right solutions in hand and careful attention paid to your beloved houseplant’s needs, you’ll soon find those Emerald Pothos blooming like never before.

Root Rot

The primary causes of root rot are overwatering and poor drainage, and signs of its presence may include yellowed leaves, wilting, or browning of the root system.

Unfortunately, treatment is often difficult to pull off. If you want to prevent your emerald pothos from getting root rot, remember a few things.

Use a meter or your fingers to check how wet the soil is before watering it; make sure the container you use has holes in it so water can escape; and use soil that has lots of air in it.

How Much Light Does an Emerald Pothos Need?

The light needs of these indoor plants vary depending on where they are located.

They thrive in indirect light, bright light that isn’t direct, and low-light environments like office buildings, rooms with small windows, and atriums.

These light conditions all have their pros and cons – too much light will scorch the leaves, while too little light can cause stunted growth.

Each light condition has a variety of factors to consider when finding what works best for your emerald pothos.

How Much Humidity Does an Emerald Pothos Need?

Keeping humidity levels at the optimal range is key for the maximum growth of Emerald Pothos.

Factors to consider include the heat and humidity of your space, potting material, ventilation, and more.

A humidity range of 60-80% works best for emerald pothos. For humidity levels lower than this, misting weekly can help.

Other ways to create humidity include grouping indoor plants together and placing a tray with pebbles topped with water underneath the planter.

Be aware that while too little humidity might cause leaves to curl and dry out, too much humidity will promote disease in the plant.

Monitor humidity levels and be sure you have an adequate ventilation system in place. If anything looks off correct it right away.

How Often Should I Water my Emerald Pothos?

Too much water and the plant will suffer from overwatering, but too little water can cause it to dry out and risk wilting.

It is best to water the soil when it feels dry or wait until water begins to drain from the bottom of the pot after watering.

When it comes to finding the right amount, trial and error will help you estimate how much water your pothos plants need for optimal growth.

In general, more water is needed during warmer months than colder ones.

Where to Find an Emerald Pothos for Sale?

There are several great options available. Online retailers offer a wide selection of this popular houseplant as well as other species of indoor plants.

Garden centers, local nurseries, and businesses that specialize in home and garden items will also have them in stock.

Wherever you choose to purchase one, be sure to check the quality of the soil and make sure the leaves are in good condition before bringing them home.

What Type of Soil does an Emerald Pothos Need?

The Emerald Pothos plant flourishes in a soil environment that is kept moist. Any standard potting soil is perfect for your beloved houseplant.

To ensure the best possible growth, it is essential to keep your plant’s soil hydrated. If you find that the soil has become compacted, be sure to take measures immediately to rehydrate it.

It is important that the soil your plant is in can drain well and that your plant’s container has good drainage holes.

To prevent your plant from taking in excess moisture when being watered, remember to follow this simple instruction.

For added assurance against root rot disease, the addition of a layer of pebbles beneath the soil can bolster your protection.

Do Emerald Pothos Need Warm Temperatures?

Pothos is a warm temperature-loving species that prefer temperatures between 65-85ºF, and it will often benefit from provided additional warmth.

However, emerald pothos can also survive in cooler temperature ranges from 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

But the plant will grow slowly in these cooler temperatures and should not be kept in these conditions for too long.

Growing this plant in a warmer temperature range make sure that it has a steady supply of correct environmental conditions to encourage its lush foliage, trailing vines, and plentiful leaf nodes to best thrive.

Do I Need to Fertilize my Emerald Pothos?

Like any other houseplant, fertilizing your emerald pothos can help it stay healthy and vibrant. Fertilizing your emerald pothos is recommended since it can help the plant grow and look better in general.

Fertilize your emerald pothos once a month or every other month during its active growing season, which usually lasts from spring to the end of summer. Liquid fertilizers are the most effective option.

However, if you’re looking for a more slow-release fertilizer option, then you could use organic compost-based fertilizers instead.

The regular use of fertilizer can do wonders for an emerald pothos as it will be nursed with essential nutrients that stimulate growth and photosynthesis and make sure the plant looks its best.

Do I Need to Give my Emerald Pothos Plants a Climbing Pole?

Yes, it is recommended to provide your plant with a pothos moss pole in order to provide it with strong support.

Not only will it help the plant reach upward towards the light, but also create a pleasing appearance in your home or garden.

Appropriate climbing poles for Emerald Pothos Plants should be made of sturdy materials such as tough twine and raw wood.

They can be wrapped around lattices and walls or anchored into the soil to keep them staying upright.

With regards to installation, always use gardening gloves to handle rough surfaces and exercise caution when nailing into walls or hardwood floors.

Maintenance should involve regular checkups on the stability of your pole as well as pruning so that your plant can mature.

If a climbing pole isn’t an option for your space, plants can also be trained onto a trellis by tying off new stems every 6-10 inches.

Do I Need to Prune (and propagate) my Emerald Pothos?

Yes. Pruning and propagating emerald pothos can have many benefits for their growth and overall health.

Pruning your emerald pothos helps improve the shape, and vibrant coloration of the leaves and encourages healthier growth.

When pruning, make sure that you cut at least one inch below the leaf node for proper propagation. Do this in early spring or late fall.

These are the optimal times to prune any houseplant. Be mindful not to over-prune as your emerald pothos can become leggy if you remove too much foliage.

Also, be sure not to prune more than 20% of any given plant each time you are tending to it.

Jade vs Emerald Pothos

Jade and Emerald pothos are two popular varieties of the evergreen Devil’s Ivy and make beautiful, low-maintenance houseplants that require minimal care and attention.

Jade pothos leaves have white splashes with a bright lime green color, and the plant usually grows to be 20–40 ft. long and 3–6 ft. wide.

Emerald pothos on the other hand stands out due to its brilliant emerald green leaves with no white patches.

Both species enjoy warm climates but tend to be tolerant of lower temperatures while they do not do well in higher temperatures.

The leaves of both species can respond positively or negatively depending on the temperature. They both prefer indirect light and thrive with regular watering, though not too much.

It is easy to tell the difference between them when looking as jade has rounder edges among its foliage than an Emerald pothos does.

Today, these plants are also popular for their air-purifying properties as well as their aesthetic qualities making them an ideal choice for those looking for a stylish yet practical addition to their home decor.

Is Emerald Pothos Rare?

Yes, this plant is actually quite rare. The reasons behind its rarity are two-fold. First, it is native to the tropical Pacific Islands such as French Polynesia, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands.

That geographic limitation means the species of Emerald pothos found in these areas is more difficult to obtain.

Secondly, some locations where it can be found are remote islands that rarely see traffic from outside visitors.

As a result, the availability of the plant becomes even more scarce and it is less available for purchase or trade at nursery flowering centers in other parts of the world.


How do you make emerald pothos grow fast?

Emerald pothos will thrive with the right combination of light, water, and fertilizer. Make sure to provide bright indirect light throughout the day and allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Fertilize every two weeks during the growing season with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength. Prune as needed to encourage full, lush growth.

Can I keep my emerald pothos in the water forever?

Yes, you can keep your emerald pothos in water forever. However, it is important to note that if you keep your pothos in water for too long, it can lead to root rot. To prevent root rot, be sure to change the water at least once a week and check the roots for any signs of decay.

Is Emerald and Jade pothos the same?

No, emerald and jade pothos are two different plants. Emerald pothos (Epipremnum aureum) has heart-shaped leaves that are dark green in color. The leaves often have yellow or white stripes running along their veins. Jade pothos (Scindapsus aureus) also has heart-shaped leaves, but they are lighter green in color and without the yellow or white stripes of emerald pothos.

What is the rarest pothos?

Harlequin Pothos, also known as Pothos N Joy or Marble Queen, is considered to be the rarest of all pothos varieties. It features stunning foliage that consists of yellow and green variegated leaves with splotches of white and black.

What is the fastest growing pothos?

Jade Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is the fastest-growing pothos variety. It grows up to 10 feet long and its leaves are variegated green with streaks of pale yellow or white. This hardy plant thrives in humid environments, making it ideal for bathrooms and other areas with high humidity.

Here are how other pothos compare to each other:

Snow Queen Pothos vs Marble Queen Pothos

Glacier Pothos Vs Njoy Pothos


Overall, caring for an Emerald Pothos is a rewarding experience that can bring joy and satisfaction to any home or office.

With the right amount of light, water, and fertilizer, this plant can do well in lots of different places.

This makes it a good choice for both experienced plant owners and people who have never owned a plant before.

If you follow the above tips for Emerald Pothos care you’ll be sure to keep your plant healthy and happy.

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