Glacier Pothos vs NJoy

Glacier Pothos vs NJoy Image

Glacier and NJoy Pothos are beautiful Pothos plants and are closely similar. You may find it challenging to tell the difference if you are a beginner plant parent. Furthermore, when the plants are young, the similarity is striking. 

We all know both varieties belong to the same cluster group and require the same care routine. However, there are differences between the two plants.

To save you from the confusion, we wrote this article to give you insight into Glacier Pothos vs NJoy. 

Is Glacier Pothos the Same as NJoy Pothos?

No. Glacier Pothos and Njoy Pothos are two different plants of the Araceae family. They share a similarity in care routine but differ in their leaf texture, size, patterns, and origin. Additionally, the Glacier Pothos are very rare and may develop flowers once they reach maturity, unlike Njoy Pothos.

What are the Differences Between Njoy Pothos and Glacier Pothos?

Besides having similarities, both the Pothos varieties have some distinct features. They include:

1. Leaf Texture

The first difference we see in both plants is the texture. Glacier Pothos leaves have a soft silky texture. 

Njoy Pothos leaves, on the other hand, have a smooth, waxy texture giving the bottom of the leaf a leathery texture. 

2. Leaf size

Next is the difference in plant sizes. N joy pothos grows up to a height of 10 feet in an elongated pattern, while Glacier Pothos grows to a height of 7 feet. 

Additionally, the Glacier Pothos is much more comprehensive in width compared to the Pothos N joy.

In other words, the Glacier Pothos produces more offshoots and hence more bushy than the Pothos N joy. It’s best to say that the Pothos N joy is more of a climbing plant than the Glacier. 

Usually, the sizes the plants grow all depend on the pot size and pruning routine.

To achieve the desired height and shape of your plants, use sterilized tools to cut off the overgrown parts of the plants. 

You can plant the cuttings in water or soil to get more plants.    

3. Repotting Needs

All houseplants need repotting once or twice a year. The Pothos N joy and the Pothos Glacier have different repotting needs.

As mentioned earlier, both plants have different growth rates. The faster the growth rate, the more the repotting needs. 

The Pothos Glacier grows faster and outgrows the pots quite fast. Therefore, to provide the plant with comfort, you’ll need to change the pot. 

However, the Pothos N joy grows slowly and may not need the same repotting routine as the Pothos Glacier.  

4. Growth rate

Of the two Pothos plants, The N joy Pothos is slower in growth. For that reason, the N joy Pothos would be best if you are looking for a manageable houseplant. 

You won’t have to prune the plants frequently. All you’ll need is to get a moss pole that the plant will support itself with when climbing. 

The case of Glacier Pothos is different. These plants grow relatively fast and may need close attention. 

As I mentioned earlier, the Glacier Pothos tend to be bushy; therefore, you’ll need to be on the watch with your pruning routine. 

To save yourself the hassle of frequent pruning the Glacier Pothos, you can reduce the rate at which you feed your plants with fertilizers. 

5. Soil 

When looking at the soil difference in both the Pothos plants, we mainly cover the soil texture and PH. The Pothos N joy does prefer denser soil that is good with moisture retention. 

On the other hand, the Glacier pothos prefers light and well-drained soil.

In terms of PH, the Glacier pothos plants are less sensitive. These plants will grow in acidic to neutral soil without any hitches, ranging from 5.5 to 7.0. But, the N joy Pothos prefers a befitting PH range of 6.1 to 6.5.  

6. Temperature

All Pothos plant varieties are tropical plants and need warm temperatures to thrive. However, the Glacier and Pothos N joy have some distinct temperature requirements. 

Glacier Pothos prefer warm rooms, and their preferred temperature should not be under 60ºF (15ºC).

The N joy Pothos is more tolerant to lower temperatures than Glacier Pothos. They can thrive well in temperatures of up to 50ºF (10ºC). 

To keep the plants healthy, be mindful of the surroundings. Much as the pothos N joy is tolerant to lower temperatures, going below the 50ºF (10ºC) range will affect the plant’s health.  

7. Flowering 

All varieties of the Pothos plant may flower in their natural habitat. However, when grown as houseplants, they can’t flower. The same applies when the plants are grown in an outdoor garden. 

Surprisingly, the glacier Pothos has the chance to develop flowers when they reach maturity. On the other hand, the Pothos N joy does not produce flowers. 

This is because the Njoy Pothos mutated from the Marble Queen Pothos and is a cultivated plant. 

The beauty of the pothos comes from their foliage. So, most houseplant parents do not look at flowering as a factor to consider when purchasing. 

You can prune the flowers to direct full growth to the foliage if the plants bloom. 

8. Foliage and variegation 

Both the Pothos varieties have a clear distinction in foliage and variegation. When looking at both plants for the first time, you’ll think they are the same. But the Pothos Glacier and the Pothos N joy are pretty different. 

The Pothos N joy’s leaves have dark green color at the center with white edges. Also, the leaf variegations are solid patches.

The Pothos Glacier, on the other hand, has a mix of green and white variegations, which are streaky and patchy.

The colors on the Glacier pothos are lighter, unlike the N joy, which has green as the dominant color.  

9. Leaf Shape

You can quickly tell the difference between both varieties by looking at their leaf shape. Both the Pothos Glacier and Pothos N joy are heart-shaped. 

However, the Pothos N joy has more symmetrical or oval-shaped leaves with a less rounded tip. 

On the contrary, the Pothos Glacier has round leaves, slightly small in size, and even all through the plant.

Image of Glacier and Njoy Leaf Shape

What are the Similarities Between Glacier Pothos and Njoy Pothos

While the Glacier and N joy Pothos have some distinct features, these plants share several similarities. They include:

1. Both Pothos require bright indirect light  

The first similarity between the two plants is the amount of light they require for growth. Both the Pothos N joy and Pothos Glacier thrive well in bright indirect sunlight. 

The best way is to place them in locations where they can receive bright indirect light for about 6 to 7 hours daily. 

You should spot a window within your space that receives the morning and midday sun. This will be best to keep the beautifully variegated leaves in shape. 

Exposing the plants to direct sunlight will lead to pothos leaf burn. The excess direct sunlight will have your plants drooping and wilting in no time. Eventually, your plants will die.

2. Both pothos share similar water requirements 

All plants need water to sustain their growth. The same applies to the Pothos glacier and Pothos N joy. These Pothos varieties thrive well in moist soil. Therefore keeping them well-drenched should be on your priority list. 

Once you notice the topsoil has become dry, it’s time to water the plants. Keep in mind the seasons when watering these varieties. 

Ensure to water the plants more in spring and summer. These are the times they experience active growth.

During winter, slow down your watering routine, as the plants may experience root rot. Also, avoid overwatering these pothos varieties. 

Overwatering makes the soil soggy, which is bad for the plants. Soggy environments lead to root rot and fungal infections. 

3. Both Pothos require light fertilizing 

These pothos varieties need little to no fertilizer to thrive. Moreover, they are less picky when it comes to fertilizers.

As long as you provide them with potting soil rich in nutrients and with plenty of organic matter, you are on the right track. 

Most importantly, if you want to fasten the plants’ growth, fertilize them every 1 to 2 months with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. I recommend using a liquid-soluble fertilizer with a balanced NPK formula. 

It’s best to practice your fertilizing routine during summer and spring since winter is not the Pothos Glacier and Pothos N joy growth season, cut on fertilizing them.

4. Both plants are toxic

The Pothos N joy and Pothos Glacier are toxic to humans and house pets. Both plants contain a liquid sap which, when ingested, can be harmful to the body. 

You may develop rashes and itchiness if the sap comes into contact with your skin. If ingested, you may experience nausea and stomach discomfort or stress.

To keep your pets and everyone safe, keep the plants out of pets’ and children’s reach. When attending to the plants, wear protective gloves. 

Also, be attentive. Avoid rubbing against your skin and eyes; wash your hands with soap after you finish.

5. Both Pothos need Repotting and Pruning

Both the plants require pruning every now and then, as well as repotting. As a houseplant owner, you’ll need to keep your plants in shape by cutting off dying leaves. This provides room for new growth and energy to the existing leaves. 

Remember that both the plants outgrow their pots, so repotting is a good idea. To identify whether the plants need repotting, check whether the roots are sprouting out of the drainage holes.

This is one of the reasons pothos need drainage, plus it is a sign to help you proceed with repotting. 

The Glacier Pothos and N joy Pothos will require repotting every once or twice a year. This will be entirely dependent on their growth rate.   

6. Both Pothos can go through propagation

You can propagate both the Pothos Glacier and Pothos N joy. If you are the type that goes harm in filling your space with plants, these two can help you achieve your desires. After all, their beauty is breathtaking to see in your space. 

You can cut the nodes with a few leaves and root them in water or soil. 

7. Both Pothos can suffer from Pests and Diseases

Both plants are vulnerable when infested with pests or diseases. The spider mites, leaf-mining flies, and mealybugs are the biggest threat to the Pothos Glacier and Pothos N joy. Failing to practice a proper plant care routine exposes your plants to a risk of pest infestation.

Similarly, diseases may infect the plants if you overwater them. Overwatering affects your plant roots leading to root rot. 

Practice the right watering routine to keep your Glacier and N joy pothos from fungal diseases. If the plant is already infected, treat it.


Is Glacier Pothos rare?

Yes. The Epipremnum Glacier Pothos is a rare variety of the Pothos plant. Compared to the Marble Queen and the pearl and Jade Pothos, the Glacier Pothos is hard to come across. However, this green with white variegation can be easier to come across compared to the Pothos Harlequin and the Jessenia Pothos. Here’s a comparison guide of snow queen vs marble queen pothos to help you determine which variety of Pothos is best for your home or garden.

How do you identify Glacier Pothos?

The Glacier Pothos have striking similarities with the N joy Pothos and the pearls and Jade Pothos. But you can identify the Glacier Pothos by looking at the leaf texture and shape. The Glacier Pothos has extensive silver-gray streaks or patches, and the leaves are smaller than the rest of the Pothos varieties. 

Can glacier pothos revert?

Yes, the Glacier Pothos can revert depending on the amount of light provided. The plant may revert to green leaves if placed in a darker room. 

While placed in a room with bright indirect sunlight, the Glacier Pothos will maintain its green and white variegations. 

Conclusion: Glacier Pothos vs NJoy

To summarize, the Glacier and N joy Pothos belong to the same plant variety and share several similarities and differences. 

Both plants require the exact care needs, such as water, indirect light, fertilizer, and moderate temperatures, among other needs. 

The article shows that the main factor that differentiates the two plants is the leaf variegation and size. 

So, if you plan on getting either of the two varieties, be keen on the differences to avoid going home with the wrong plant. 

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