Half Moon Monstera

Half Moon Monstera Image

Do you love or adore the color pattern of the lovely Half moon monstera? I bet you do! I mean, you wouldn’t miss falling for the green-white structure of the half-moon variegated . leaves.

So, if you’re a diehard fan of the rare half-moon variegations, this article suits you. But if you aren’t familiar with these rare variegated monstera plants, worry not. We’ve got you!

The monstera genus has about 22 species grown for their ornamental-like leaves. Up to that point, continue reading to know more.

What is a Half Moon Monstera?

With its breathtaking foliage, the half-moon Monstera is a stunning variegation of the famous Monstera Deliciosa. This plant’s name perfectly captures its beauty and allure!

The Half Moon Monstera is a captivating plant with leaves that are split into two sections, each boasting its own unique hue. The leaf is half green and half white.

Understanding Variegated Half Moon Plant

Half-moon means the monstera plant is variegated and has leaves with spots of different colors. But in some cases, the colored marks may appear on the Monstera’s fruits, stem cutting, or flowers. 

These colored zones may appear as sectors (blocks), marbling, speckles, or streaks. In other cases, the spots may appear on both the alternative side of the leaf margin. 

The half-moon monsteras have different colors on either half portion.

The color variations on these variegated plants happen because of cell mutation. For example, cells in yellow or white spots have plastids. These plastids have inadequate carotenoid or chlorophyll pigment. 

Also, that may come about when other pigments mask chlorophyll. 

As we’ve seen, different types of half-moon monstera albo exist. But here are some common variegations types:

  • Genetic or natural. These variegation types are stable and exist within the monstera plant’s DNA. Moreover, through seeds or sexual reproduction, they can pass to the offspring. They’re also known as gene patterns or pigmented variegation. Then again, they happen when there’s chlorophyll or masking.
  • Chimeral. It comes from meristem cells’ unstable mutation, but they aren’t inheritable. Meristem tissues are sites where active cell division and growth happen. Moreover, there are three types; sectorial, periclinal, and mericlinal. 
  • Pathological or viral. This variegation happens because of viral infections creating unique colored leaf patterns. 
  • Reflective or blister. These variegations cause a reflective or shimmery appearance to your half-moon monsteras. And that’s due to some air pockets between the inner pigmented and top non-pigmented layers.
  • Jumping genes or Transposon. These cause different colors of flowers and leaves. Also, they’re inheritable. They happen when jumping genes or Transposons move on chromosomes randomly. 
  • Chemical or artificial. These variegation types are temporary. They happen when chemicals or paints hamper chlorophyll production.

The Truth and Myths About Monstera Half Moon

Have you bumped into half-moon monstera truths and myths? Chances are you’ve done so. I say so because everyone has an opinion on these monstera species. Some bad, some good. 

Don’t let unfactual or unproven information on this unique plant species mislead you. Half-moon monsteras are rare variegated monstera species. Their half-green and half-white leaves characterize them.

Indeed, they’re a true beauty.

You can find Monstera aurea variegata and half-moon albo in the market. Unfortunately, the mint monstera variegata isn’t available. Moreover, these monstera species may be the following:

  • Monstera Adansonii
  • Monstera Deliciosa
  • Standleyana

All said, here’s what I’d love for you to know about the half-moon variegated monstera:

  • Half-moon monstera plants are scarce. The stems must have mutated cells for your plant to produce a half-moon monstera. Moreover, one should see a white streak on the stem’s sides. Also, it should happen along the line where the leaves grow. Most plant types have a single side with random variegations and half-moon leaves. 
  • The cell mutation causing the monstera variegation is unstable, unpredictable, and random. So, the plant will revert to its initial green, be white, and look marbled. Also, the plant will have random variegations and sectors or streaks.

Henceforth, no one, even tabloids, won’t be misled about the fantastic half-moon monstera.

How Do You Get a Half Moon Leaves in Monstera?

How to Prevent Half Moon Monstera Reverting Picture illustration

A half-moon monstera is achievable only through propagation. That means cutting and growing an existing plant into its own. And to do that, cut a stem with two or more leaves near the node. The node is where the stem and the leaf meet.

Afterward, you can grow the monstera cutting in moist soil or water. Remember to let the monstera cutting develop roots. Once that happens, transfer the plant into the best monster pot, then care for it.

Do so as you would to other monstera plants.

Do Half Moon Monstera Revert?

Yes, a half-moon monstera can revert. Honestly, this is a question most of us, including you, ask often. Sectorial chimera forms a half-moon variegated monstera. And since they’re unstable, the half-moon is likely to revert.

A half-moon monstera may revert because of two main reasons:

  • It’s a survival tactic. The plants revert to green whenever they get lousy light. This tactic increases photosynthesis, a food-making process. Thus, they improve their survival chances.
  • Cell mutation. These plants produce green leaves whenever there’s another mutation.
Do Half Moon Monstera Revert Picture

How to Prevent Half Moon Monstera Reverting?

Ensuring your half-moon monstera gets enough light is the best way to prevent it from reverting. A variegated plant needs more light, unlike other green indoor trees for low light.

So, your plant may likely revert if it’s within a low-light area. 

Also, ensure your half-moon monstera plant isn’t near direct sunlight. That’s so since it won’t grow efficiently in full sun. Avoiding stress on the monstera is another way of preventing it from reverting. 

That means not overwatering or letting it dry completely. Also, that means not subjecting the half-moon monstera to drastic temperature changes.

When handling the leaves of your half-moon monstera, be careful. Otherwise, you can damage the monstera easily since it’s delicate.

Also, fertilizing regularly the monstera plant is critical. Fertilizing it once every month is a good rule of thumb. 

Do so every winter month and throughout its growing season. That’ll help ensure your monstera plant gets the nutrients it needs. Thus, it’ll remain healthy, preventing it from reverting.

Fertilizing method is essential to encourage growth and works perfectly in most cases, including reverting philodendron birkin.

Can I Propagate Half Moon Variegated Monstera?

Yes, you can propagate your half-moon variegated monstera plant. And to do so, you’ll need a stem cutting that has a node. The node should have a half-moon leaf. Moreover, both water and soil propagations are okay.

You can’t use seeds because cell mutation causing variegation won’t undergo sexual reproduction.  However, there are other methods to propagate monstera without nodes you can try.

How to Propagate Monstera Half Moon?

Propagating a half-moon monstera is pretty simple! You only need cuttings from mature plants. Notably, the cutting should be from above the leaf node. Also, ensure the leaf has a half-moon variegation. Otherwise, your new plant won’t it.

  • Do a clean cut at an angle using scissors/a sharp knife.
  • After the cutting, either place it into the soil directly or water it.
  • If you’ll pot the cutting, ensure the potting mix you pick is well-draining.
  • Place the cutting near a bright spot with indirect light.
  • Water the plant cutting when the soil’s top inch dries, then be patient. Your new plant may grow roots or produce fresh leaves after several weeks/months.

Where to Find a Half Moon Monstera for Sale?

You’ll need to buy a full variegated monstera or a stem cutting to create a half-moon monstera. You can find them for sale in several retailers. For example, you can get these prerequisites in Etsy, Amazon, or major plant nurseries.

You can find the prerequisites on several classified websites like OfferUp and Craigslist. The prices of half-moon monstera plants vary. They do so depending on the plant’s variegation or size. Roughly, they’ll cost between $100 and $2,000.

The top price is for the larger plants or the ones with extra vibrant colors.

Read also about philodendron pink princess plant to learn more instances of colored monstera.


What causes half moon leaf?

Sectorial chimera causes all monstera variegations, including mint, monstera albo, and Aurea. Moreover, this sectorial chimera happens in the plant’s apical/shoot meristem.

How do you care for a variegated monstera half moon?

Monsteras appreciate the following:

  • A warm but humid environment
  • An adequate amount of water
  • Gentle sunlight

Place your Monstera plant ways from drafts and vents. Otherwise, you’ll subject the monstera to dry air. Also, place the monstera where it can get medium or bright indirect light.

What is the rarest monstera?

The rarest monstera is monstera Obliqua. Besides being the rarest, it’s also the most demanding species. This makes monstera obliqua care cumbersome, especially for first-time growers.

Further, having it is an expensive affair. And only a passionate plant parent can grow it.

Which monstera is easiest to grow?

Undoubtedly, monstera Deliciosa is the easiest monstera to grow. Unfortunately, you’ll still need to give this plant a supporting structure. For example, you’ll need a moss pole in its pot when growing.

The monstera species will need bright but indirect light. Also, it’ll need moist potting soil. 

Is Half-Moon variegation rare?

Yes, half-moon monstera variegation is rare. Its leaves have half-green and half-white streaks. Also, the leaves have surgical precision-like cuttings. 


Half-moon monstera plants are a WOW addition to your office or home. Moreover, they’re rare since you must propagate them via cuttings. That’s so because they never seed.

Unfortunately, for some, having more than one is far-fetched. But for one, you can purchase online or cut from a mature plant. Further, you’ll need a half-moon albo monstera to be the host. 

Such a host helps one propagate their mini monsteras. While at it, never separate individual leaves.

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