Harlequin Pothos Care

Harlequin Pothos Care Image

The Harlequin Pothos is rare, but it is a favorite to most plant lovers. Grown for its ease of care, pleasant foliage, and exceptional air-purifying abilities, this houseplant thrives quite well under good care.

Unfortunately, there’s the challenge of actually keeping them alive. Keep reading to learn about harlequin pothos care to keep your own happy and healthy all year round.

We promise you won’t regret it.

Are Harlequin Pothos Real?

Yes, Harlequin Pothos are real. However, they are dependent on other Pothos varieties to exist. There is a possibility that they are highly variegated types of Manjula Pothos.

Because of these features, some gardeners conclude that the white variegations result from the propagated cuts that formed the rare plant.

What is a Harlequin Pothos?

Harlequin Pothos, scientifically known as Epipremnum aureum Harlequin, is a rare plant originating from Southeast Asia.

This plant from Araceae family derives its unique name from the large patches of white variegations and some light green color on the leaf foliage.

In other words, it’s a sporty variety of the Manjula Pothos.

Size of a Harlequin Pothos

The size of a Harlequin Pothos can vary depending on the growing conditions and how much care it is given.

Generally, they reach an average Epipremnum aureum Harlequin grows up to a height of 5 to 10 feet and 3 feet in width.

If grown without support (like a trellis or moss pole), the plant will spread out and become fuller as it matures.

With proper pruning and training, the Harlequin Pothos can become a beautiful focal point in containers.

The Difference Between Harlequin Pothos and Manjula

Harlequin Pothos vs Manjula Image

The major difference between Harlequin Pothos and Manjula is in the leaf variegations. Harlequin Pothos have more white variegations and less green on the leaf foliage.

On the other hand, Manjula Pothos lacks extreme white variations on the leaves. It sits beautifully with a mix of dark and lime green, making it an excellent choice for any home setup.

Notably, Harlequin Pothos are much rarer and more expensive than Manjula Pothos.

What are Harlequin Pothos Care Needs?

Harlequin Pothos plants are easy to care for, although there are certain conditions you need to meet for the plant to stay healthy.

Here are the care requirements for Epipremnum aureum Harlequin.

Humidity and Aeration

Just like all other Pothos, Harlequin Pothos thrive well in humid conditions. That said, you need to provide the plant with the right humidity to maintain the variegated parts of the leaves.

If your location experiences low humidity, get a humidifier to increase humidity, or place your Harlequin in a pebble tray.

Well-draining Potting Mix

Harlequin Pothos do better in well-drained potting mix to keep them safe from root rot and fungal diseases.

All you need is to get soil that is less compacted and, at the same time, holds the right amount of water.

The air spaces in the soil give room for the exchange of plant’s gasses 

Conduct weekly checks for pests and diseases

Pest and diseases are common houseplant problems, which means you need to be on the lookout throughout. Assess your plants for pests such as spider mites and leaf-mining flies as they can eat your plants and damage them. 

To identify whether your plants are infested, check out for holes in the leaves and fungal diseases. If these symptoms exist, then most probably, you overwatered your Harlequins

However, you need not worry; you can treat your plants and get them back in shape. For instance, spraying the pest-infested plants and following a proper watering routine.   

Watering your Harlequin Pothos 

Like humans, plants also need water to stay healthy and in good shape. So, you must provide your Harlequins Pothos plants with the right amount of water. Remember to avoid overwatering your Harlequins pothos, as this may cause root rot. 

To determine whether the plant needs watering, check the level of soil dryness. If the top one to two inches is dry, water your plants, specifically at least once a week to be on the safe side. 


The ideal temperature for Harlequin Pothos growth is between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (17°C to 25°C).

This is because the Harlequin Pothos plant prefers warm temperatures. Exposing the plant to extreme temperatures will cause the leaves to turn brown and die. 

Fertilizing Harlequin pothos 

Plants need feeding to survive. Therefore, fertilize your Harlequin Pothos at least once every month, especially during a young, tender age. The best recommendation is to use a diluted liquid fertilizer and observe the plant’s response. 

Sometimes, you might over fertilize  the plant too much, and it may end up burning the plant’s roots leading to death. 


Harlequins Pothos are happy in bright indirect light. Exposing the plant to direct sunlight will turn white-variegated leaves yellow, eventually becoming crispy.

If you pothos experience sunburn, you may need to cut off the burnt pothos leaves as they won’t turn green again.

On that note, provide your Harlequin Pothos with considerable light to suffice their health.


Harlequin Pothos enjoys neutral to acidic soil. Therefore, a PH between 6.1 and 6.5 is ideal for Harlequin’s growth.

If you are growing your Harlequin Pothos indoors, it means you’ll conduct frequent repotting. 


Harlequin Pothos are toxic to pets and humans, although they are not lethal. You can opt for hanging planters to keep yourself, your children, and your pets from toxic Harlequin.

This way, the plants are out of pets’ and children’s reach. Also, wear protective gloves when attending to the harlequin pothos. 

Potting Harlequin Pothos

Harlequin Pothos can grow in any typical pot. All you need to consider is whether the pothos pots have drainage holes.

Drainage holes are necessary to keep the plants from suffering root rot. Therefore a good ceramic pot with drainage holes will give the plants the growth it deserves. 

When do You Repot a Harlequin Pothos? 

Once you notice your stems becoming darker, black, and gooey (soft and sticky), it’s time to change your Harlequin pot.

When Harlequin Pothos outgrows its pot size, it will experience problems with its roots. On that note, changing the pot gives the roots room for growth.

Be on the watch out for the signs and repot your Harlequins at least once or twice a year. When changing the pots, consider well-draining soil with enough nutrients. 

How do You Propagate Harlequin Pothos?

The Harlequin’s green and white variegation pops out when correctly propagated. We have discussed different methods you can use to propagate your Harlequin Pothos. 

They include:

1. Division

This method is expected if the plant has developed an offshoot or sister plant by the root. To separate the offshoot from the main plant, follow these steps:

  • Remove the plant from the pot and shake off the dirt.
  • Use your fingers or sterilized scissors to remove or trim any wound-up roots. 
  • Separate the offshoot from the main plant and repot them in the same potting mix they were in. The next step is watering your plants religiously.  

2. Cutting the stem in water

The below straightforward methods will assist you in propagating your Harlequin pothos in water:

3. Cut

Use a sterilized scissor to cut a section of the stem of leaves. Ensure the part you are cutting has at least one node. 

  • Immerse the cut in water 

The next step is to immerse your stem cuttings in a jar of room-temperature water. 

  • Provide the cut with good conditions

 Place the jar in indirect sunlight and ensure the location has enough airflow.

  • Monitor the water and change 

 Most importantly, change the water frequently to prevent mold growth.

  • Transplant

Keep checking your plant. After a week or so, you notice roots developing. If the roots are an inch longer, transfer the plants to potting soil.

  • Monitor the Plant   

Now that you’ve transferred your plants, it’s time for them to grow. Avoid fertilizing them, as this may overwhelm and damage them. Once the plants are sturdy, you can start feeding them to enhance their growth.

3. Cutting stems in the soil

Growing your Pothos in the soil is more convenient than growing them in water. This is because you’ll skip the hassle of transplanting. 

That said, take the same size cutting with at least one node and leaves, then plant it into a potting mix. Ensure the pot has drainage holes and the soil well-drained.

Lastly, plant half of the stem cutting into the potting mix. Water the plant and place it in bright indirect light. Use a bamboo stick to keep the plant straight and steady when burying the cutting.  

4. Provide the propagated Pothos with proper growth conditions

Give the propagated pothos the growth conditions that will suffice its growth.

Other Plants Similar to Harlequin Pothos? 

Epipremunm aureum Harlequin has striking similarities to other types of Pothos. The other types include:

1. Golden Pothos 

Golden Pothos oozes a mix of mid-green leaves associated with creamy gold variegation. This beautiful heart-shaped plant thrives well in low or indirect light. In low light, these plants will change to green foliage. But with more light, it will develop more yellow and golden foliage.

3. Marble Queen Pothos 

Marble Queen Pothos are also called Epipremnum aureum ‘Golden Pothos’. These plants are very similar to golden pothos except for the variegations. They possess green, light green, and white variegations. They also thrive well in bright light.

4. Manjula Pothos 

The Manjula Pothos scientific name is Epipremnum aureum ‘Manjula’. These plants have a striking similarity with the Manjula. The only difference is the variegations and the leaf sizes. Manjula leaves are much wider and round compared to Marble Queen Pothos.

5. Pearls and Jade Pothos 

Also called Epipremnum aureum pearls and Jade. The pearls and Jade Pothos plant has small green leaves with white and silver-gray variegations. In fact, the variegations are more on the leaf’s margin than at the center.  

6. N’joy Pothos 

They are also called Epipremnum aureum Njoy. Njoy Pothos has green and white variegations. However, the variegations are more in solid color blocks than swirls like the other types of pothos.

7. Emerald Pothos

Emerald Pothos is a lush and vibrant variety of Pothos, with bright green heart-shaped leaves. Emerald Pothos care is easy, as it can adapt to a range of light conditions and prefers to be grown in moist, well-draining soil.

Where to Purchase Harlequin Pothos 

Harlequin Pothos are rare and expensive; therefore, finding them can be challenging. 

So the best thing is to check out houseplant shops with extensive knowledge. You can also find them online together with other recent additions to the family, like global green pothos, although you need to be very keen. 

The plants have cuttings to tell the difference between the Harlequin and Manjula. Their extreme resemblance can confuse you, eventually buying the wrong plant. 


Are Harlequin pothos the same as Manjula?

No. While the two plants are known to have a striking resemblance, they are different. You can see the difference in the leaf variegations. The Harlequin Pothos has more white variegation and less green on the leaves than the Manjula Pothos. 

How do you get Harlequin pothos?

You can get harlequin pothos through propagation. Cut a stem with at least one node and leaves from the Manjula Pothos. You can propagate the stem in two ways.  Either in water or soil. When you choose to plant in the soil, bury the stem halfway through the soil and water the plant. Or, immerse the stem into the water and monitor the plant before transplanting. 

Are Harlequin Pothos rare?

Yes. Harlequin Pothos plants are hard to come across. They are a rare species of Araceans family originating from Southeast Asia. It has intense white variegations with some green on the leaf foliage. 

Do Harlequin develop flowers?

Yes. Harlequin Pothos develop flowers when planted outdoors or in a greenhouse. With the use of artificial hormones, the Harlequin Pothos flower can bloom well. 


Harlequin Pothos are beautiful and easy to care for. Follow the proper Harlequin Pothos care tips to keep the plant happy and healthy.

Additionally, if you have a Manjula plant in your home, the better. You can get a Harlequin Pothos through propagation.

Proper Harlequin Pothos Care is important for keeping your plant healthy and thriving. If you’re interested in learning more about different types of pothos plants, check out our article on Pothos N’Joy vs Glacier.

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