Hawaiian Pothos Plant Care Guide

hawaiian pothos plant care

Hawaiian Pothos, also known as Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Cebu Blue’, is a popular houseplant prized for its striking blue-green leaves and ease of care.

These tropical plants are native to the Solomon Islands and thrive in warm, humid environments, making them a great addition to any indoor plant collection.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about Hawaiian pothos plant care, including light and water requirements, soil and fertilization needs, and common pests and diseases to watch out for.

Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or new to indoor gardening, this guide will help keep your Hawaiian Pothos healthy and vibrant.

Scientific name Epipremnum pinnatum
Other names Cebu Blue
NativeSolomon Islands, French Polynesia, and Southeast Asia.
Growth zoneUSDA 10b to 12
Plant typeVine
Growth size20-40 ft. long, 3-6 ft. wide
Growth rateModerate to fast
FloweringRarely flowers
Soil pHNeutral to slightly acidic
ToxicityToxic to humans and pets
Common pestsSpider mites, Mealy bugs
DiseasesSouthern Blight, Bacterial Wilt Disease, Fungal Leaf Spot, Phytophthora Root Rot, Manganese Toxicity

What is Hawaiian Pothos?

Hawaiian Pothos Plant Care

Hawaiian Pothos, also known as Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Cebu Blue,’ is a tropical plant native to the Solomon Islands, French Polynesia, and Southeast Asia.

It is a member of the Araceae family and belongs to the Plantae kingdom. This plant is a climbing vine that can grow up to several meters long.

It has heart-shaped leaves with a glossy green color, sometimes tinted with shades of blue or silver. The leaves can grow up to 20 centimetres long and are often variegated.

Hawaiian Pothos is not known to produce flowers frequently, and when it does, the flowers are typically small and greenish-yellow.

The plant prefers a slightly acidic soil pH of around 6.0-6.5 and is considered toxic to pets and humans if ingested.

Pests that may infest Hawaiian Pothos include spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. The plant is also susceptible to root rot if overwatered.

How Do You Identify a Hawaiian Pothos?

To properly identify a Hawaiian Pothos, the first step is to be able to distinguish it from other Pothos plants. Here’s a guide on how you can accurately identify one.

How to identify young Hawaiian pothos:

  1. Leaf Shape: The leaves of young Hawaiian Pothos are heart-shaped, with a pointed tip.
  2. Color of Leaves: The leaves are a beautiful shade of blue-green, which sets them apart from other pothos plants.
  3. Size and Pattern of Veins: The veins on the leaves are pale green and run parallel to the leaf edges.
  4. Stem Structure: The stems are thin and twine around any support they can find.
  5. Root System: Young Hawaiian Pothos has a weak and delicate root system, so it is best not to repot them too soon.
  6. Fruits: Young plants do not produce fruits.
  7. Location and Environment: Hawaiian Pothos grows well in bright, indirect light but can tolerate low-light conditions.

How to identify mature or giant hawaiian Pothos:

  1. Leaf Shape: The leaves of mature Hawaiian Pothos become more elongated and take on a lanceolate shape.
  2. Color of Leaves: The leaves remain a blue-green color but may darken slightly.
  3. Size and Pattern of Veins: The veins become more pronounced and white in color.
  4. Stem Structure: As the plant matures, the stems thicken and become more woody.
  5. Root System: The root system becomes stronger and more developed with age.
  6. Fruits: Mature plants can produce small white flowers and develop green berries that eventually turn black.
  7. Location and Environment: Mature Hawaiian Pothos can tolerate low light conditions and prefer bright, indirect light. They prefer a humid environment and can benefit from occasional misting.

Hawaiian Pothos Care Needs

Hawaiian Pothos Plant Care

Hawaiian Pothos are relatively easy to care for since they don’t require a lot of fuss. Here’s a quick overview of the basics:

Lighting Needs

Hawaiian Pothos requires bright but indirect light when grown indoors. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves and cause unsightly spots that won’t recover.

Therefore, avoiding direct sunlight and placing the plant in a warm spot exposed to indirect or bright light is essential.

The ideal lighting environment for Hawaiian Pothos is an area that receives eight to ten hours of optimal lighting daily.

If you cannot provide this, you can purchase LED grow lights and use them for 10-12 hours daily.

Note that Hawaiian Pothos will show signs that it needs more light. The leaves may develop dark brown spots or start to yellow, and the soil may take too long to dry.

The growth rate may also slow, and the plant may become leggy, lose variegation, or contrast in leaf colors.

To maximize light exposure for your Hawaiian Pothos, follow these tips:

  1. Find a well-lit spot like a patio, doorway, or window.
  2. Position the plant 4-5 feet from south-facing or east/westward-facing windows for morning/afternoon sun.
  3. Rotate the plant every few weeks to ensure all parts receive equal light exposure.
  4. Consider using artificial lighting if you’re unable to provide enough natural light.

Soil Requirements for Hawaiian Pothos

Soil plays a major role in the growth and health of your Hawaiian Pothos. The type of soil used and its drainage and aeration capabilities can greatly impact the plant’s well-being.

The ideal soil mixture for a Hawaiian Pothos should be well-draining, light, and not densely packed.

A mixture with organic matter formulated specifically for pothos is recommended. Soil that is too dense or does not have adequate drainage can lead to root rot, which can kill the plant.

The soil pH should also be considered when planting Hawaiian Pothos. A pH range of neutral to slightly acidic (7 to 5.5pH) is ideal for pothos.

If the pH level is too high, lime can be added to raise it, and sulfur can be added to lower it if it is too low.

Maintaining the correct soil moisture is crucial for the health of your Hawaiian Pothos. The soil should be slightly damp but not waterlogged or bone dry.

Pothos-specific soil will retain the correct moisture, preventing overwatering or underwatering.

Proper soil aeration is also essential for your Hawaiian Pothos. Soil that is too compact can hinder root growth and lead to suffocation of the roots.

Adequate soil aeration supplies the roots with the necessary oxygen for healthy growth and reduces compaction.

Several commercially available potting mixes are suitable for Hawaiian Pothos. Some recommended ones include Perfect Plants Organic Pothos Soil.

Alternatively, you can mix your soil with materials like Coco Coir, Perlite, Vermiculite, and Compost.

Signs that the soil is unsuitable for your Hawaiian Pothos include stunted and fungus growth.

If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to repot your plant in fresh, suitable soil.

Pothos Watering Requirements

Hawaiian Pothos Plant Care

Pothos prefers moderate watering. When the top 2 inches of soil is dry, it’s time to water the plant.

The best way to test soil dryness is by using a moisture meter, which accurately records the soil’s moisture content.

A reading of 3 on the moisture meter indicates that the soil is dry. Alternatively, you can check the moisture level using a finger test or poke-a-stick method.

Water pothos once a week during the active growing seasons of summer and spring. As growth slows down or becomes dormant in winter, water the plant less frequently, typically once every two weeks.

How to water pothos

  • Water pothos until the soil is completely saturated. Use rainwater or distilled water at room temperature.
  • Avoid using mineralized or chloramine water, as they can harm the plant.
  • When watering, add water slowly and let each pour soak in.
  • Ensure that water runs out of the drainage holes, and empty the drain tray to prevent standing water.
  • Avoid getting the leaves wet, as it can cause damage.

Pothos watering tips

It’s better to slightly under-water than over-water pothos. Adding water is far easier than removing it. Here are some signs to look for to know if your pothos needs more or less water:

Signs of underwatering

Signs of overwatering

  • Yellowing leaves
  • Soft, mushy stems
  • Root rot
  • Fungus growth

Temperature Requirements for Pothos Plants

Pothos plants are native to tropical climates, which means they thrive in moderate to high humidity and minimum temperatures of 64.4°F (18°C).

While it’s unnecessary to replicate the exact climate found in their natural habitat, you must provide the right temperature range to keep your Pothos plant healthy and happy.

Ideal Temperature Range for Pothos Plants

The ideal temperature range for Pothos plants is 70-90℉ (21-32 degrees Celsius). Keeping the plant within this temperature range will ensure it grows well and stays healthy.

Pothos temperature tolerance

If the temperature drops below 70°F (21°C), the growth of Pothos plants may slow down. It can shock and kill the plant if it drops below 50°F (10°C).

On the other hand, temperatures greater than 90°F (32°C) can cause the plant’s stem and leaves to dry out due to transpiration.

Tips for maintaining optimal temperature for pothos plants

You must maintain the optimal temperature range to keep your Pothos plant healthy. Here are some tips:

  • Place the Pothos plant near an east-facing window to provide plenty of indirect light.
  • Keep the plant away from air conditioners and heaters.
  • If the temperature drops below 50°F (10°C), move the plant closer to a grow light or cover it with a frost blanket/plastic bag.

Signs of unfavorable temperatures for pothos plants

If the temperature is too cold or too hot for Pothos plants, they will show signs of stress. Here are some signs to watch out for:

Signs Your Pothos Environment May Be Too Cold

  • Brown spots on leaves
  • Yellow leaves
  • Slow growth

Signs Your Pothos Temperature is Too High

  • Leaves turning brown and crispy
  • Wilting leaves
  • Poor growth


Hawaiian Pothos plants are relatively forgiving regarding humidity, and most household air is adequate for their growth.

However, they will appreciate extra humidity, especially in dry areas during winter when heaters are on.

Ideal humidity levels

The ideal humidity range for Hawaiian Pothos is 60%-80%, considered medium to high humidity.

Too little or too much humidity can cause damage to the plant. Dry areas with low humidity can cause the plant to suffer, while too much humidity can lead to mold and fungal growth.

How to determine humidity in your house

To determine the humidity level in your house, you can use a hygrometer, an inexpensive tool that measures humidity levels.

How to ensure the right humidity level

Here are some ways to ensure the right humidity level for your Hawaiian Pothos:

  • Group plants together to increase humidity levels around them.
  • Measure and monitor humidity with a hygrometer and maintain the right humidity level.
  • Use a humidifier to increase humidity levels.
  • Mist the leaves with water using a fine-mist mister.
  • Use a pebble tray filled with water to increase humidity levels.

Low humidity signs

If the humidity is too low, your Hawaiian Pothos may show the following signs:

  • Brown leaf tips and edges
  • Stunted growth
  • Wilting leaves
  • Leaf drop

Too high humidity signs

If the humidity is too high, your Hawaiian Pothos may show the following signs:

  • Yellowing leaves
  • Black spots on the leaves
  • Mold and fungal growth
  • Root rot

Hawaiian Pothos Fertilizer Requirements

Hawaiian Pothos is a beautiful and easy-to-grow houseplant that requires minimal care. One aspect of care that should not be overlooked is fertilizing.

Fertilizing provides the necessary nutrients to promote healthy growth and vibrant foliage.

Here’s what you need to know about fertilizing Hawaiian Pothos.

Nutrient requirements

Hawaiian Pothos requires three primary nutrients for healthy growth: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Nitrogen is essential for leafy growth, while phosphorus aids root development and overall plant health.

Potassium helps with disease resistance and enhances the plant’s ability to withstand stress.

In addition to these primary nutrients, Hawaiian Pothos also requires micronutrients such as iron, calcium, and magnesium.

Frequency of fertilization

Hawaiian Pothos should be fertilized every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).

In the fall and winter, fertilizing can be reduced to every 8-12 weeks since the plant’s growth slows down during this time.

What fertilizer is best for Hawaiian pothos

A balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with equal nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium is ideal for Hawaiian Pothos.

Look for a fertilizer with a ratio of 20-20-20 or 10-10-10. You can also use a slow-release fertilizer for convenience, but make sure it is specifically formulated for houseplants.

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How to apply fertilizer

Before applying fertilizer, make sure the soil is moist but not waterlogged.

Dilute the fertilizer according to the instructions on the package, and water the plant thoroughly with the fertilizer solution.

Avoid getting fertilizer on the Hawaiian pothos leaves or stems, as this can burn the plant.

Benefits of fertilizing Hawaiian pothos plants

Fertilizing Hawaiian Pothos plants provide many benefits, including:

  • Increased growth and foliage
  • Stronger roots
  • Improved disease resistance
  • Increased resistance to environmental stressors.

Tips for fertilizing Hawaiian pothos plants

  1. To avoid over-fertilization, always follow the instructions on the fertilizer package and do not exceed the recommended dosage.
  2. Always dilute the fertilizer before applying it when the soil is moist but not waterlogged.
  3. Also, never fertilize a wilted or stressed plant, as this can further damage the plant.

Signs of over-fertilization

Over-fertilization can harm Hawaiian Pothos and lead to burning of the roots or leaves, yellowing of the leaves, stunted growth, or even death of the plant.

If you notice these signs, stop fertilizing immediately and flush the soil with water to remove excess fertilizer.

Signs of under-fertilization

Under-fertilization can result in slow growth, small leaves, and poor coloration. If you notice any of these signs, increase the frequency of fertilization or the amount of fertilizer used per application.

Pruning Needs for Hawaiian Pothos

As with any plant, proper pruning is essential to maintaining the overall health and appearance of the Hawaiian Pothos.

Why prune your Hawaiian pothos?

Pruning your Hawaiian Pothos is necessary to maintain its health and prevent potential infections such as stem rot.

Additionally, pruning can help manage the size of your plant and keep it from becoming too large and unwieldy.

Trimming older foliage can also help encourage new growth and keep the plant looking fresh and healthy.

When to prune your Hawaiian pothos?

The best time to prune your Hawaiian Pothos is in early spring. During this time, the plant is preparing for its high growth period, and pruning can help encourage healthy new growth.

Avoid pruning during the winter when the plant is in a period of dormancy due to limited sunlight.

This hinders the plant’s ability to generate glucose for growth and can cause damage to the plant.

Tools needed for pruning your Hawaiian pothos

The tools needed for pruning your Hawaiian Pothos include pruning shears, a sharp knife, and gloves to protect your hands from thorns or sharp edges.

Keep your cutting tools clean and sterilized to prevent bacteria from spreading to the plant.

How to prune your Hawaiian pothos

  • To prune your Hawaiian Pothos, start by gathering all the necessary tools.
  • Next, sterilize your cutting tools to prevent bacteria from spreading to the plant.
  • To encourage bushy growth, prune close to the crown to create many shorter stems from which new leaves will emerge.
  • To shorten up a long vine, snip it off wherever you prefer.
  • When making cuts, be sure to cut the vine 1/4 inch above the leaf to prevent damage to the plant.

Common mistakes to avoid when pruning your Hawaiian pothos

One common mistake to avoid when pruning your Hawaiian Pothos is cutting off more than two-thirds of the plant at one time.

This can cause stress to the plant and hinder its ability to grow new foliage. Additionally, avoid pruning during the winter when the plant is dormant, as this can cause damage to the plant.

Propagation Needs for Hawaiian Pothos

Propagation is an exciting and rewarding process that allows you to create new plants from an existing one.

Hawaiian Pothos is a popular houseplant that is easy to propagate, making it a great option for those looking to expand their collection or share plants with friends.

To propagate Hawaiian Pothos, you can use stem cuttings or leaf cuttings. Hawaiian pothos cuttings are the most common and easiest method and can be taken from the parent plant and placed in water or soil to grow new roots.

Leaf cuttings are also an option but are less successful, as they can take longer to root and are more prone to rotting.

When propagating Hawaiian Pothos, use a clean and sharp cutting tool to prevent damage to the parent plant.

Additionally, provide the new plant with the right environment, including proper lighting, soil, and water.

Propagation can take a few weeks to a few months, depending on the method used and the conditions provided.

Potting & Repotting

Repotting importance for Hawaiian pothos

Repotting Importance for Hawaiian Pothos

Potting and repotting are important aspects of plant care, and they ensure that your Hawaiian Pothos stays healthy and vibrant.

Repotting is crucial for Hawaiian Pothos as it gives the roots more space to grow and expand, allowing the plant to thrive.

Repotting also refreshes the potting mix, which may have become depleted or compacted over time, providing the plant with fresh nutrients and improved drainage.

Knowing when to repot your Hawaiian Pothos is crucial. Young growing plants should be repotted annually, while mature plants can be repotted after 2-3 years.

Repotting helps to avoid root-bound plants, where the roots have outgrown the container and become tightly bound, resulting in stunted growth and decreased health.

Repotting also helps to prevent disease and pests, which can accumulate in old potting soil.

Signs your Hawaiian pothos needs repotting

Several signs indicate that your Hawaiian Pothos needs repotting.

  • One of the most obvious signs is when the roots start to grow out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the container. This indicates that the plant has outgrown its current container and needs more space to grow.
  • Another sign is when the plant becomes top-heavy and starts to tilt or fall over easily, which means the roots are tightly bound in the container and can no longer support the weight of the plant.
  • Finally, if you notice that the plant is not growing as well as it used to, or the leaves are smaller than usual, it may be time to repot your Hawaiian Pothos.

How to pot & repot Hawaiian pothos step by step

To pot or repot your Hawaiian Pothos, you will need a few supplies. 

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Pick the best time: Repot your Hawaiian Pothos during early spring when the plant is actively growing.
  2. Select a new pot: Choose a pot larger than the existing one with drainage holes. Terracotta pots are an excellent option for good airflow and drainage.
  3. Fill your container: Fill the pot 1/4 – 1/3 with potting soil.
  4. Remove the plant from its existing container: Carefully remove the plant from its existing container, taking care not to damage the roots.
  5. Trim some roots: Trim some to encourage new growth if the roots are tightly bound.
  6. Replant: Place the plant in the new pot, ensuring it sits at the same level as in the old pot.
  7. Add more soil: Fill the remaining space with potting soil, leaving enough space at the top for watering.
  8. Add plant support: If necessary, add plant support, such as a moss pole or coco coir to help your Hawaiian Pothos grow tall and strong.
  9. Water your plant: Water your plant well, and avoid fertilizing for the first month to prevent shock to the plant.

Common Diseases of Hawaiian Pothos

Hawaiian Pothos is a hardy houseplant that is relatively easy to care for. However, like all plants, it is still susceptible to diseases.

Here are some common diseases that can affect Hawaiian Pothos:

  1. Root Rot: Root rot is a fungal disease that affects the roots of plants. It is caused by overwatering or poor drainage. Symptoms of root rot include yellowing leaves, wilting, and stunted growth. To prevent Hawaiian pothos root rot, make sure your plant is in a well-draining pot and that you are not overwatering it.
  2. Leaf Spot: Leaf spot is a fungal disease that causes brown or black spots on the leaves of plants. It is caused by overwatering, poor air circulation, or high humidity. To prevent leaf spot, make sure your Hawaiian Pothos is not sitting in water and that there is adequate air circulation around the plant. If you notice a leaf spot, remove the affected leaves and water the plant only when the top inch of soil is dry.
  3. Mealybugs: Mealybugs are small, white insects that feed on the sap of plants. They can cause yellowing leaves and stunted growth. Inspect your Hawaiian Pothos regularly and remove any affected leaves or insects to prevent mealybugs. You can also use a neem oil spray to control mealybugs.
  4. Spider Mites: Spider mites are tiny insects that are difficult to see with the naked eye. They can cause yellowing leaves and a web-like substance on the plant. To prevent spider mites, make sure your Hawaiian Pothos is in a humid environment and that you are regularly misting the leaves. If you notice spider mites, you can use an insecticidal soap to control them.

Other common diseases of Hawaiian pothos include holes in Pothos leaves, Aphids, and Powdery Mildew.

The Mild Toxicity of Hawaiian Pothos and How to Handle It

Is Hawaiian Pothos toxic? Hawaiian Pothos is considered a mildly toxic houseplant. The plant contains calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic when ingested.

The crystals can cause irritation and swelling in the mouth, tongue, and throat, leading to difficulty swallowing or breathing.

Hawaiian Pothos can also cause vomiting, nausea, and diarrhoea if ingested in large quantities.

Therefore, keep the plant away from children and pets and wash your hands thoroughly after handling the plant.

If you suspect your child or pet has ingested any part of the Hawaiian Pothos plant, immediately seek medical attention. You can also contact a poison control centre for advice on what to do next.

It’s worth noting that while Hawaiian Pothos is toxic, it’s not deadly. Most cases of ingestion result in mild symptoms that subside within a few hours.

However, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and keep the plant out of reach of children and pets.

What to Avoid When Caring for Hawaiian Pothos

  1. Overwatering: While Hawaiian Pothos prefer moist soil, overwatering can cause root rot and other issues. Allow the soil to dry out slightly before watering, and make sure the pot has proper drainage.
  2. Direct Sunlight: Hawaiian Pothos prefer bright, indirect light, but direct sunlight can scorch their leaves. Keep them in a location that receives bright, filtered light.
  3. Cold Temperatures: Hawaiian Pothos are tropical plants and are sensitive to cold temperatures. Keep them in a location where the temperature remains above 60°F (16°C).
  4. Drafts: Avoid placing Hawaiian Pothos in areas with cold drafts or temperature fluctuations, as they can damage the plant.


Should I mist my Hawaiian pothos?

Yes, misting your Hawaiian Pothos occasionally can be beneficial as it increases humidity levels around the plant, which is helpful in dry environments. However, it’s not essential for the plant’s survival.

Can Hawaiian pothos live in water?

Yes, Hawaiian Pothos can grow in water alone, and it’s one of the easiest propagation methods. However, it’s essential to ensure the plant’s roots do not remain submerged in water for too long, as it can lead to root rot.

Other Related Post: Can Monstera Live in Water?

How do you repot Hawaiian pothos?

To repot your Hawaiian Pothos, start by selecting a new pot one size larger than the current one. Gently remove the plant from the old container, prune the roots if necessary, and plant it in the new container with fresh potting soil. Water the plant thoroughly and avoid fertilizing for the first month.

Is golden pothos and Hawaiian pothos the same?

No, Hawaiian and Golden pothos are not the same plant. They are different varieties of Pothos plants. Golden Pothos has bright green leaves with yellow or white variegation, while Hawaiian Pothos has larger, solid green leaves. Additionally, Hawaiian Pothos is known for tolerating low light conditions better than Golden Pothos.

Is Hawaiian pothos rare?

No, Hawaiian Pothos is not a rare plant. It’s widely available at garden centres and online nurseries. However, due to its popularity and ease of care, it can sometimes be hard to find in stock.

Can you grow Hawaiian pothos indoors?

Yes, Hawaiian Pothos is an excellent indoor plant that can thrive in various lighting conditions. It’s a low-maintenance plant well-suited for growing pots or hanging baskets indoors.


Hawaiian Pothos is a beautiful, low-maintenance houseplant that can bring life to any space. With the right care, it can thrive and grow for many years.

Taking care of Hawaiian Pothos requires attention to watering, lighting, fertilizing, pruning, and repotting.

Following the guidelines, anyone can successfully care for a Hawaiian Pothos and enjoy its beautiful foliage.

Remember that every plant is unique; paying attention to its specific needs and adjusting care accordingly is essential.

The Hawaiian Pothos can be a stunning and rewarding addition to any home or office space with proper care.

If you’re interested in learning more about caring for different types of pothos plants, including the Silver Satin Pothos variety, check out our guides.

For more information on Silver Satin Pothos Plant Care and caring for different types of pothos plants, be sure to check out our guides.

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