Monstera Acacoyaguensis

Monstera Acacoyaguensis Image

The Monstera acacoyaguensis, acclaimed for its lush foliage, is a spectacular tropical plant that adds an exotic touch to any indoor garden.

Also called the Swiss Cheese, the plant spots large, heart-shaped leaves that will turn your head around.

While uncommon, the Monstera acacoyaguensis isn’t the rarest Monstera plant. Instead, the Monstera obliqua is rarer and more expensive.

If you’re experienced with tropical indoor plants, growing the Monstera acacoyaguensis will be an easy feat. However, if you are less familiar with this houseplant, follow the guide below to ensure your indoor plant flourishes.

What Is a Monstera Acacoyaguensis

Monstera acacoyaguensis, a rare tropical liana, belongs to the arum family of aroids. This flowering plant Is native to Guatemala, Belize, and Mexico.

The plant features large, attractive oval, glossy green leaves that retain the entire margin as it matures.

Moreover, the leaves develop perforations with time.

How To Identify Monstera Acacoyaguensis

Here’s how to differentiate the Monstera acacoyaguensis from other tropical plants;

1. Native Habitat

The Monstera acacoyaguensis is a tropical evergreen hemiepiphyte native to Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico. It thrives well in warm and humid rainforest jungles. They usually grow as underwood crawling plants or as climbers. 

Typically, the plant will grow at a medium rate. However, external factors such as light, nutrients, temperature, and climbing space will affect the growth rate. 

Also, as lower trunk climbers, this low-light houseplant tree thrives in partial shade, away from direct sunlight.

 2. Size 

In its natural habitat, the Monstera Acacoyaguensis can grow up to 5m long (20 feet). On the other hand, it can grow about 4 ft-6 ft long indoors.

 3. Leaves

The juvenile plant features oval, erect, lustrous green leaves. Nevertheless, the plant grows large 24″ -33″ long perforated lustrous green leaves with a pale underside when mature. 

Typically, the elliptical perforations, which measure up to 4.5 inches long and 2 inches wide, occur in one or two series.

 In addition, similar to other juvenile leaves, the plant has vaginate or sheathed petioles with dominant sheathing wings. The elongated petioles measure between 16 inches to 26 inches long. 

4. Stems

When young, the Monstera Acacoyaguensis has smooth, greenish stems with internodes measuring about 0.8″ to 1.6″. 

However, mature or adult plants have smooth, subterete stems with longer internodes. They also feature leaf scars.

5. Flowers

The Monstera Acacoyaguensis has a tubular spadix that bears xanthous fluorescence flowers. A thick, furrowed, yellowish spathe surrounds the flower which attaches to a smooth, long, and tampered flower stalk.

6. Toxicity

The Monstera Acacoyaguensis is toxic to both pets and humans. It contains calcium oxalate, which can cause a burning sensation and swelling on the mouth and lips when ingested. Subsequently, you’ll want to keep your plant out of reach of pets and children.

Monstera Acacoyaguensis Care Guide

Despite its specific growing requirements, the Monstera Acacoyaguensis is easy to grow.

However, ignoring these requirements will result in stunted growth, causing your plant to die. Consequently, you’ll want to mimic its natural habitat.

Light Requirements

The Acacoyaguensis thrives well in bright indirect light. However, direct sunshine is too intense and can scorch the leaves, resulting in dehydration.

Ideally, select a position near a window that receives stippled evening or morning sunlight and place your plant close by.

The natural light will provide the sunlight required for the plant to thrive. However, beware that too little light results in yellow leaves and stunted growth in your plant.

A good rule of thumb is to provide up to 14h of light for young plants and 10h daily for more mature plants.

If you don’t have enough bright light, you can use an overhead light or a grow lamp.

Here’s more on Monstera Acacoyaguensis light requirements.

Growing Medium

Your plant requires consistently moist, nutrient-rich soil. Therefore, your potting mix should contain equal proportions of peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, and sand.

This prevents clogging and ensures the soil is well-drained. Also, maintain a slightly acidic pH between 6-6.5. 

In the summer season, increase the soil’s humidity by adding moss near the plant’s base. However, take caution not to cover the plant’s roots since it may limit aeration.

Temperature and Humidity

This Monstera flourishes in a warm and humid environment. So, you’ll want to maintain temperatures between 65-80 Fahrenheit. Since they aren’t frost-hardy, lower temperatures can kill the plant.

Similarly, growing your Monstera Acacoyaguensis in humid environment is vital. Similar to other tropical plants strive for 50%-80% humidity conditions.

The leaves might turn yellow and crisp up when the surrounding air is too dry. Similarly, if the humidity is too low, the plant will droop and have brown edges.

Therefore, if you’re in a low-temperature and low-humidity environment, we recommend using a humidifier. Also, remember to mist the plant frequently or use a pebble tray filled with water.

When potted, you can place the Monstera with other plants in a bathroom, terrarium, or greenhouse cabinet. This helps saturate the humidity level near the plant.


Like other houseplants, we recommend using slow-release fertilizer to supplement minerals and nutrients for your Monstera Acacoyaguensis.

However, since the plant isn’t a heavy feeder, limit the application of fertilizer supplements to the blooming seasons. 

Ideally, add a water-soluble fertilizer to the topsoil during the spring and supper. However, during the winter, the plant is at dormant, eliminating the need for fertilizer.

Similarly, excess fertilizer minerals may lead to leaching, killing the plant.

Grooming and Pruning

The Monstera Acacoyaguensis has lesser pruning requirements. However, removing dead, damaged, or diseased leaves is vital to facilitate new growth.

In addition, occasionally pruning longer or leggy vines will promote branching.

Before pruning, sterilize your scissors or knives to avoid spreading diseases. Use any household disinfectant, such as rubbing alcohol or bleach, to sterilize the pruning shears.

Watering Requirements

This Monstera blooms in slightly moist soil. So, only water your plant once the topsoil is completely dry.

However, the watering frequency will depend on several factors, including the soil type, temperature, humidity, and season.

Generally, you’ll want to water once a week since underwatering and overwatering could result in wilting. Also, you could carry out a finger test to determine if the plant requires watering.

Insert your finger 2 inches into the soil. Refrain from topping up more water for a few days if the soil is moist to the touch.

Add Climbing Support

Monstera acacoyaguensis, like other lianas, make great vines for indoor settings. Similarly, the plant is a climber, relying on trees for support in its natural environment.

Therefore, to prepare your Monstera plant to climb, ensure that you provide it with enough support.

Typically, you could use a moss pole, trellis, or bamboo pole to enable your indoor plant to grow upright. Ensure that the support is sturdy enough and won’t fall over.

Also, regularly inspect the plant for any dead or damaged leaves. Use a pruning tool to remove the damaged leaves to allow the plant to develop healthy vines.

Repot the Plant Occasionally

With its average growth rate, you’ll only have to repot your Monstera Acacoyaguensis every two to three years. Before repotting the plant, use pruning shears to remove dead or yellowing leaves.

When repotting the plant, use a pot two inches wider than the previous planter. Also, transplant the plant during the spring season. The Monstera is at its most productive and healthiest point during this time.

Failure to repot the plant when necessary may make the Monstera acacoyaguensis root bound. Consequently, the plant ceases to grow, and the leaves start yellowing. A root-bound Monstera won’t absorb moisture and nutrients effectively. 

To spot any signs of a root-bound plant, check if you can see any roots growing out of the pot’s watering holes. Similarly, if the roots start circling inside the pot, you should report your Monstera plant. Ignoring this will make your plant curl, wilt, and die.

Where to Grow The Monstera Acacoyaguensis

Although it’s native to Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala, you can grow this plant outdoors in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 11-12. However, if you don’t reside in an area with a hotter climate, consider growing the Monstera Acacoyaguensis indoors.

Like other houseplants, pot this plant in a vessel with good drainage holes. Alternatively, you can grow the plant in a hanging basket. Since it’s a vine-like plant, growing the Monstera in a hanging basket will result in an eccentric appearance.

If you decide to grow the plant indoors, ensure it has access to indirect light. Moreover, your potting mix should be moist and well-draining.

In addition, you’ll want to maintain a temperature range of 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit. 

 How to Propagate Your Monstera Acacoyaguensis

With the right tools and proper instructions, propagating the Monstera Acacuyaguensis is no feat. To propagate your Monstera Acacoyaguensis, use clean and sterile pruning shears. Here’s a step-by-step instruction for this process;

Step 1: Saturate your planter or pot until  the water flows out of the drainage holes. Discard the debris collected on the saucer.

Step 2: Select a healthy stem that measures about 4 inches to 6 inches. Ensure the plant is mature and the stem has a minimum of two nodes. Use your pruning shears to cut the bottom leaves, and leave one or two leaves at the top.

Step 3: Afterward, place the cutting in soil or water, and wait for the roots to form. Usually, this will take up to several weeks. However, you can utilize a rooting hormone to develop the roots quickly. 

When growing the plant in soil, keep the propagate in an upright position and compress the soil around the stem and roots softly. 

On the other hand, when growing it in water, ensure that you cover two or more nodes near the lower end.

Step 4: Mist your plant to maintain high humidity and moisten the potting mix. Next, cover the cutting in a plastic bag while ensuring the leaves don’t come into contact with the bag. Also, leave an opening on the plastic bag to allow the plant to breathe.

Step 5: Place the potted cutting in a bright, warm area, away from direct sunlight. Also, remember to allow the plant to breathe periodically without the bag.

Like other houseplants, spring is often the best period to propagate your Monstera plant. We advise against propagating the plant during summer since it will need more time to develop the root before it assumes dormancy.

However, if you have to propagate your Monstera outside spring, supplement your plant cutting with a plant light. Also, remember to maintain all other requirements for the plant to grow healthy.

See: Can Monstera Live Outside?

What Causes Variegation In Monstera Acacoyaguensis?

Variegation in the Monstera occurs when more than a single color is present on the stem or leaves of the plant. The most common variegation on plants presents as white and green leaves. However, there are other variations, including green and yellow or green and pink.

In Monstera acacoyaguensis, variation occurs as a white or greenish series of splotches or dots. If your potted plant has these characteristics, you’re lucky to have a variegated Monstera Acacoyaguensis. 

The variegated plant is often striking and adds an elegant touch to any home. Good luck finding one.

Variegation can occur genetically, naturally, or artificially in a lab. Variegation results in genetic mutations, creating a defect in the chloroplast structure. In turn, this defect prevents the leaves from creating chlorophyll, the green matter in plants’ leaves.

Also, the Mosaic virus can cause discoloring and mottling on the leaves of a Monstera plant. While many scientists assume that aphids transmit the virus, the exact cause and occurrence remain unknown.

Additionally, tissue culture can result in variegates of Monstera acacoyaguensis leaves. Tissue culture is a lab process that prevents the Monstera acacoyaguensis from producing chlorophyll. 

Therefore, it offers a stable and permanent way of producing variegated plants in a controlled environment. It’ll fascinate you that the Monstera Thai Constellation resulted from this process.

Learn more about Monstera Thai Constellation care and how to use Plant Tissue Culture to grow your own.

Monstera Acacoyaguensis Conditions and Diseases

Having understood how to care for and propagate Monstera Acacoyaguensis, let’s look at some challenges the plant may face. Here are some conditions and diseases you may come across when growing a Monstera Acacoyaguensis;

Leaf Diseases

In addition to pests, beware of diseases that can affect the Monstera Acacoyaguensis leaves. Some common diseases include;

  •  Powdery mildew- When you spot a white powdery substance on the leaves of your Monstera plant, it’s a sign of powdery mildew infestation. This disease occurs when there’s too much moisture but insufficient air circulation.
  •  Leaf Spot- This disease causes black or brown spots on the leaves of your Monstera Acacoyaguensis plant. Bacteria or fungi cause bacterial leaf spots due to excess moisture.
  • Bacterial blight- This infection, caused by bacteria, results in the leaf of your Monstera plant turning yellow and falling off.

Root Rot

Root rot typically occurs due to excess moisture or poor aeration in the soil. As a result, bacteria and Fungi grow in the moist roots, causing them to darken and rot. The rot results in the plant wilting and the leaves yellowing. 

Other signs of root rot include stunted growth, leaves falling off, and black splotches on the leaves. Also, since the plant’s health suffers drastically, the stems become mushy and unable to climb. Similarly, the plant will produce a foul smell. 

To prevent root rot, maintain the right amount of moisture in the soil. Luckily, you can control root rot if you detect it early enough. So, inspect the root regularly and snip any darkened sections using a sterile pruner. 

Afterward, transplant the plant in a fresh potting mix. Avoid using soggy soil when repotting or propagating the Monstera Acacoyaguensis.

Yellowing of leaves

Intense exposure to excessive light might result in the leaves of your Monstera Acacoyaguensis turning yellow. This is because the excess light breaks down chlorophyll, resulting in wilted and yellowed leaves. 

Similarly, yellowing leaves may result from overwatering, underwatering, and lack of important nutrients. Other causes include pests, diseases, cold drafts, or aging. For instance, it’s typical for older leaves to become yellow or brownish before falling off. 

To prevent the leaves from yellowing, place the plant in a position that receives bright, indirect sunlight near a window. Similarly, have an appropriate watering schedule to prevent overwatering and underwatering.

Curling leaves

Your plant’s leaves may start to curl due to insufficient moisture. Similarly, curling may result from root rot or pest infestation.  

Also, Monstera requires a humid environment since it is a tropical plant. Low humidity levels can cause heat stress, which results in curling leaves. Misting the plant’s leaves regularly during hot and dry weather will prevent this condition.

If the plant is growing indoors, install a humidifier to regulate the amount of moisture in the air. Similarly, Alternatively, put a container with water and pebbles below the plant to provide the required moisture.

Leaves dropping

Is your Monstera Acacoyaguensis losing or dropping leaves? You needn’t freak out since this is typical with most aroids. However, the leaves may fall off due to poor growing conditions and insufficient care. Common causes include;

  • Low humidity levels
  • Lack of essential nutrients
  •  Freezing temperature
  •  Overwatering
  •  Underwatering
  •  Pests and diseases

Pest Infestation

Pests usually appear during the early fall or late summer when temperatures are high. In other instances, you needn’t worry about them since Monstera Acacoyaguensis is a resilient plant.

Detecting and dealing with pests as early as possible is vital to deter them from growing and spreading. Please don’t turn a blind eye to webbing since it signifies a pest infestation.

Spider mites– These tiny spider-like pests thrive in clusters under the leaves, between nodes, and on stems. Different spider mites include the two-spotted spider mite, the southern red mite, and the spruce mite.

Mealybugs– They are small and fuzzy bugs that affect flowering plants. Often, they form clusters on the leaves and stems of the plant, sucking the sap out. This causes the plant to weaken and become stunted.

Aphids-They are one of the most common pests that attack your Monstera Acacoyaguensis. These are small insects that typically congregate on new shoots of the Monstera plant. They feed on sap, resulting in stunted growth in the plant.

Thrips- Thrips post a real problem to your Monstera plant. Unfortunately, these tiny rice-like bugs can be hard to spot with the naked eye. They feed on the plant, resulting in deformities and small discolored dots that lead to webbing, which kills the plant slowly.

To control pest infestation, maintain a dust-free environment by spraying the plant with a soapy organic pesticide. Alternatively, you can use popular home remedies such as neem oil or mix 3 parts rubbing alcohol with one part of water. 

You’ll want to consult a professional if the plants develop a serious infestation. Also, remember to separate the infected plant from others to prevent the pests from spreading.

Leaves Turning Brown

While the Monstera Acacoyaguensis thrives in warmer temperatures, excessive exposure to heat might cause the leaves to turn brown. This is quite frustrating since the green foliage is one of the most prized attributes of this houseplant.

Avoid placing the plant under direct heat from the sun to prevent the leaves from turning. Similarly, move it away from electrical devices that emit heat, including a heater or television.

Another culprit for this condition is excess moisture. When you overwater the Monstera Acacoyaguensis plant, the water pools up on the leaves and root, rendering it unable to bloom. 

As a result, you’ll want to adhere to a strict watering schedule and scale down the amount in each session. Also, watering should only occur if the topsoil is visibly dry.

Where Can I Find Monstera Acacoyaguensis?

While you can find the Monstera acacoyaguensis in plant nurseries across the country, prepare to dig deep into your pockets to meet its cost.

Plant nurseries specializing in variegated plants will also have the Swiss cheese plant for sale. You can find them online or visit the nurseries on-site.

Alternatively, you can access a cutting from someone with the plant and propagate it on your own. 

This is less expensive than obtaining one from a plant nursery since you can exchange different species with what you have. Using barter is also a great way to get different varieties if you’re collecting multiple plants.

Also, you can find independent sellers from an online marketplace such as eBay who are selling the Monstera acacoyaguensis. 

Additionally, there are numerous online groups and forums dedicated to trading and selling the plant.

However, beware of con artists who may sell you a different plant species rather than the Monstera acacoyaguensis. Moreover, some may sell their products at inflated prices.

A typical Monstera acacoyaguensis will cost between $100 to $500 for un-variegated samples. Variegated samples of the plant can cost anywhere from $1000 and above. However, the price will vary depending on the plant’s color, size, and variegation pattern.

On the other hand, a Monstera Acacoyaguensis cutting tends to be cheaper, costing from $30 to $50. If your budget limits you from meeting a premium price, investing in a cutting is the best option you have to own the plant. 

In addition to acquiring the plant at a fraction of the cost, propagating your own plant sets you up for business. With time, you can start selling the plant and recover your initial investment. 

Monstera Acacoyaguensis vs. Monstera Adansonii

Many people confuse the Monstera Acacoyaguensis with the Monstera Adansonii varieties due to the numerous similarities they share.

However, the plant’s major differences are their leaf sizes and fenestration. As the plants mature, the difference in size tends to be more palpable.

The Monstera acacoyaguensis will develop bigger and floppier leaves than the adansonii. Similarly, fenestrations are bigger in the acacoyaguensis. Compared to the adansonii, the Monstera acacoyaguensis will need more growing and climbing support. 

In addition, the Monstera acacoyaguensis has irregular, randomly shaped fenestrations. Also, the plant has a longer spadix than the Monstera Adansonii.

Monstera esqueleto vs. Monstera Acacoyaguensis

A major difference between the Monstera acacoyaguensis and Monstera esqueleto lies in their size, texture, color, and fenestration. Similarly, the size, texture, and color of the leaves of both plants vary. 

The Monstera esqueleto usually develops larger, textured leaves with a lighter green color than acacoyaguensis.

Also, the fenestrations on the Monstera esqueleto make the plant stand out. As it matures, the plant’s delicate leaves appear more like skeletons. No wonder it was named an esqueleto.

Monstera Lechleriana vs. Monstera cacoyaguensis

The main variation between Monstera acacoyaguensis and Monstera Lechleriana lies in the leaf shape and fenestration.

Typically, the acacoyaguensis features tightly rolled leaves while the Lechleriana’s leaves are open, exposing more surface.

As it matures, the Monstera acacoyaguensis develops a thicker spadix with fewer but bigger fenestration on the leaves.

On the other hand, the Monstera Lechleriana has fenestrations on both sides of each leaf’s inner rib.


Is Monstera Acacoyaguensis Rare?

Yes, the Monstera acacoyaguensis is a rare garden and indoor plant. The main reason behind its rarity is the exploitation of its natural environment. This makes it harder to find genetic variations, especially for variegated species. However, in comparison, the Monstera obliqua is rarer and harder to find. 

Can The Monstera Acacoyaguensis Be Variegated?

Yes, this plant variety can be variegated. Monstera variation occurs when two or more colors appear on the plant’s leaves or stem. However, it’s rare to find a Monstera acacoyaguensis that’s already variegated. Typically, only 1 in every 10000 Monstera Acacoyaguensis can develop this variation randomly.

Does the Monstera Acacoyaguensis Climb?

The Monstera acacoyaguensis is a climber with a viney resemblance. As such, it grows well when provided with a pole for support or a surface to cling to. In its native environment, it becomes more vine-like, allowing it to access more sunlight. It’s a common sight for the Monstera acacoyaguensis to grow up trees in the wild.

How Do You Prevent Root Rot In Monstera Acacoyaguensis?

Ensure the plant grows in a well-lit environment with well-drained soil. Rot typically sets in when the roots remain soggy. As a result, you’ll want to use a planter with enough drainage holes. Also, stick to a proper watering schedule to prevent overwatering or underwatering the Monstera. 

Is Monstera Acacoyaguensis Harmful To Humans?

Like most other members of the genus Monstera, the Acacoyaguensis is mildly toxic to humans and toxic to pets, including cats and dogs. Exposing yourself directly to the plant may result in pain, irritation, and swelling of the mouth, lips, and tongue. Moreover, you’ll experience drooling, difficulty swallowing, and vomiting. So, ensure to keep the plant away from reach of children and pets.


While the Monstera acacoyaguensis appears to have high maintenance needs, the growing conditions are similar to other tropical houseplants. By meeting the tropical climatic condition akin to its native habitat, the plant has a better chance to survive and bloom.

Also, you’ll want to provide it with essential nutrients and minerals to enhance its well-being and overall health.

If you’ve learned more about Monstera acacoyaguensis care, feel free to share the article with others.

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