13 Monstera Adansonii Varieties: Types & Forms

Monstera Adansonii Varieties

Are you looking for a unique indoor plant to make your interiors stand out? Monstera Adansonii Varieties are beautiful, luscious plants that will add an exotic touch to any room.

There are many different types of Monstera Adansonii plants, with leaves that have different shapes and patterns. Some leaves have deep cuts, while others have narrow perforations.

They grow well when given the right amount of humidity and light. With proper care, Monstera Adansonii Varieties will reward you with their exotic foliage for years to come.

Read on to learn more about Monstera Adansonii Varieties.

Best Monstera Adansonii Varieties

  1. Monstera Adansonii Friedrichsthalii
  2. Monstera Adansonii Epipremnoides
  3. Monstera Adansonii Archipelago
  4. Monstera Adansonii Acuminata
  5. Monstera Adansonii Lechleriana
  6. Monstera Adansonii Obliqua
  7. Monstera Adansonii Laniata
  8. Monstera Adansonii Variegata
  9. Monstera Adansonii Blanchetii
  10. Monstera Adansonii Klotzschiana
  11. Monstera Adansonii Punctulata
  12. Monstera Adansonii Siltepecana
  13. Monstera Adansonii Albo

What is Monstera Adansonii?

Monstera adansonii, a widely popular houseplant, has many varieties that vary in size, leaf shape, and foliage.

Other common names for the monstera adansonii plant include Swiss cheese plant, Mexican Breadfruit, and Fruit Salad Plant.

It is called the swiss cheese plant because it has natural holes in its foliage that resemble Swiss cheese.

Plant enthusiasts value monstera adansonii for its large glossy leaves and intricate patterns on their foliage.

The monstera adansonii family is believed to have come from tropical regions in Central America in the late 1700s. It was named after French botanist Michel Adansons.

Depending on their species and genetic mutations, monstera adansonii plants can be either climbers or erect shrubs.

While climbers reach heights up to 25 feet, their erect counterparts are relatively short, with a height of 6 feet at maximum.

The Monstera Adansonii plant is special because its leaves look like they have been cut out in different places like there are designs on them.

The leaves are also smooth, with raised lines and bumps. This makes it look very cool and different from other plants.

There are different types of Monstera Adansonaii plants, like Monstera siltepecana and Monstera deliciosa. They offer distinct yet stunning looks for your garden.

All in all, Monstera adansonii is the perfect houseplant for those who want to spice up their indoor garden with a touch of green.

See: Different Types of Spider Plants & Varieties (with Pictures)

How to Identify Monstera Adansonii

Identifying Monstera adansonii Varieties can be a difficult task, as they are all very similar in appearance. Each variety has its own distinct characteristics that make it unique.

We have created a guide to help you identify the different Monstera adansonii types.


In its natural habitat, M. adansonii has the potential to reach a remarkable 6.5 to 20 feet (2-6m) in length. However, it typically only sprouts between 6.5 and 13 feet (2-4 m).

When used within the confines of your home, you can anticipate an average length of 4-8 feet and a width that ranges between 1-3 feet.

Monstera adansonii varieties can also be categorized by their pot size or length into three distinct groups: small (4″ pots), medium (6″ pots), and large (8”+ pots).


Like others, this Monstera is an evergreen climbing hemiepiphyte. As a young plant, it will spread across the ground.

If given an opportunity to ascend, it will mature and free itself from the earth’s grasp.

Monstera can be found in many countries across the tropical Americas, from South to Central America. These areas are typically hot and tropical rainforests.

This species lives in the rainforest. You will find them on tall tree trunks. They like to be beneath the shade of the trees’ canopies.

Nevertheless, Monstera Adansonii is a wild plant and will also sprout on telephone poles and posts of fencing.

Monstera adansonii will thrive in the most desirable of growing environments. This species of plant has a moderate rate of growth, capable of expanding 1-2 feet per annum.

The Monstera species have an interesting structure; they will not flower until their trunk reaches a certain height and age.

As the Monstera climbs, it generates blossoms that come out from its axial nodes in groups of two or more.


The Monstera Adansonii plant typically has thick green stems with aerial roots. These roots help support the plant as it gets taller.

The stems also help in absorbing moisture and nutrients from the atmosphere. The younger plants have slender, cylindrical stems with shorter distances between nodes.

Mature plants have thicker, slightly more obtuse stems with longer interspaces between nodes and old leaf scars.

See: Asparagus Fern Types


Monstera Adansonii leaves can be of different shapes and sizes. Some have deep lobes while others have a more intricate fenestrated patterning.

The type of Monstera adansonii variety can often be identified by their asymmetrical, oval, or elliptical green leaves. Yet, some may be curved and unequal.

Even when these leaves are as small as two to four inches, they develop holes that are known as fenestrations.

By contrast, the mature leaves of Monstera adansonii are glossy and sub-leathery. The leaves of this plant measure between 10 and 28 inches in length and 6 and 18 inches in width.

These leaves will have a whole margin and are known to be perforated in one or two series with a variable number of perforations.

Finally, both juvenile and adult plants display vaginate leaves with wings that can either remain intact or naturally shed.


Monstera has pale yellow flowers that, at times, look creamish or orangeish. They have a delicate scent that pleasantly perfumes the air when in bloom.

The petals of Monstera adansonii flowers are clustered together and slightly waxy in texture. Monstera adansonii flowers typically have five petals.

Furthermore, these flowers boast a spathe – an outer leaf-like shell that envelops the spadix.

As the spadix matures, its color will change from greenish yellow to a brighter yellow and then eventually to a dark yellow.

These fruits possess a dull-colored flesh, usually enclosing one elongated black or grey seed.

Types of Monstera Adansonii

The Monstera Adansonii has several varieties that vary in size, shape, and leaf pattern. They are mostly identified as Monstera Adansonii narrow form and round form and Monstera Adansonii Variegata.

Some of the most common types are:

1. Monstera Adansonii Friedrichsthalii

Monstera Friedrichsthalii is native to Central America and has been widely cultivated around the world.

It literally occurs from Venezuela to French Guiana, Nicaragua to Peru, and Southern Mexico to Northern Brazil.

Its leaves are typically dark green, with distinctive white splotches that resemble eyes or snowflakes. The base of the leaf is unequal and may be acute.

Additionally, the Monstera Friedrichsthalii has sheath wings like leaves that disintegrate and fall off. The lateral veins project outwards at an acute angle.

In the early stages of growth, leaves tend to be noticeably oval in shape and up to twice as long as they are wide.

These juvenile leaves may also include between one and four elliptical holes on either side. Its stem grows up to 12 feet, and its leaves can grow.

Lastly, the spathe is a light yellow color and is usually 1.5 to 2 times longer than the flowering spadix. The spadix has a pale yellow color that is almost see-through.

2. Monstera Adansonii Epipremnoides

The Monstera Epipremnoides is a plant that keeps its leaves all year. It’s from Central America, Mexico, and South America.

The plant’s distinguishing features are its long tendrils and heart-shaped leaves with holes. It isn’t a common type of Monstera adansonii. This makes it really popular with people who like Monsteras.

The leaves of Monstera Epipremnoides are often different colors, like yellow, green, and cream. This makes the plant more beautiful.

Interestingly, the Monstera Epipremnoides plant can be grown indoors or outdoors. It needs bright light that is not direct, and it needs space to trail.

This plant, Monstera Epipremnoides, needs to be watered often, but not too much. If you water it too much, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off.

3. Monstera Adansonii Archipelago

Monstera Adansonii Archipelago is one of the many Monstera Adansonii varieties available. This plant has a growth habit that makes it hang down or climb up trellises and other structures.

Monstera Archipelago leaves are shaped like a spade and are dark green. They have oblong-shaped lobes.

It has a special silver pattern of markings on the leaves, which are often compared to an archipelago of islands in the sea.

The Monstera Adansonii Archipelago can also grow in low light and can be kept indoors or outdoors in tropical climates.

It prefers heat and humidity, but can tolerate lower temperatures as well. The Monstera Adansonii Archipelago is easy to take care of.

It can be made to grow more by taking stem cuttings or offsets from the vine. This makes it an excellent choice for beginners looking to add some greenery to their home or garden.

With its beautiful foliage, it’s sure to be a show-stopper in any environment.

4. Monstera Adansonii Acuminata

Monstera Acuminata is an evergreen perennial vine native to Central and tropical  South America. It is a popular houseplant known for its large, glossy leaves with deep lobes and holes.

This monstera acuminata can grow very tall, up to 7 meters, if it has the right conditions. It likes bright indirect light and needs to be watered regularly.

This Monstera species needs support to grow, like a moss pole or trellis. This way, its vines have something to climb on and won’t become too long.

It is also easy to take care of and can thrive in many different environments.

However, this plant needs to have regular pruning in order to stay healthy and keep its shape. It is worth it to do this because the plant produces lush foliage.

5. Monstera Adansonii Lechleriana

This species is an interesting Monstera adansonii variety that has a unique look. It features light green leaves with creamy white speckles, and its foliage often develops splits as the plant matures.

Its stems are usually much thicker than other Monstera varieties, which gives it an eye-catching appearance.

Monstera Lechleriana is an especially attractive houseplant and can become the centerpiece of any room.

It thrives in bright, indirect light and loves humidity. It’s best to water it on a regular basis and keep the soil moist but not soggy.

I love Monstera Lechleriana because it is an easy-care houseplant that makes a beautiful addition to any home or office space.

It is also resistant to pests and diseases, so it will not need much care beyond the regular watering and occasional pruning.

6. Monstera Adansonii Obliqua

Monstera Adansonii Obliqua is a type of Monstera adansonii that has bigger leaves and more holes in the leaves.

The plant’s scientific name, Monstera obliqua, is different from other plants because its leaves are slanted. This sets it apart from Monstera deliciosa and other Monstera species.

The Monstera obliqua plant is difficult to grow and care for than other Monstera plants. It grows best in warm, humid environments with indirect light.

This plant can grow from pieces that are cut off or from aerial root divisions, making it a good choice for experienced houseplant growers.

Monstera obliqua has a unique look that makes it a great addition to any indoor garden.

7. Monstera Adansonii Laniata

Monstera Adansonii Laniata is a stunning Monstera variety with deeply cut leaves that have a lace-like appearance. The plant originates from the tropical rainforest.

It is known for its distinct foliage and contrasting white veins. This makes it an eye-catching addition to any home or garden.

The Monstera Adansonii Laniata plant is also known for being strong and able to grow in low light. This makes it a good plant for people who are new to gardening.

The leaves of the plant can grow up to six inches long. The slits and cuts in the leaves are what make this plant look special.

With proper care and maintenance, Monstera Adansonii Laniata can be a showstopper in any home.

Read: Monstera laniata vs adansonii

8. Monstera Adansonii Variegata

Monstera Adansonii Variegata is a stunning variegated Monstera adansonii with deep green and creamy white foliage. This plant originates from South America.

It can grow to be 4 meters tall when it is grown outside. This variegated Monstera Adansonii is a good choice for people who want to keep it indoors.

It looks beautiful when planted alone or paired with other Monstera varieties, such as Monstera Deliciosa and Monstera Obliqua.

You can grow these rare plants by propagating a variegated plant so you yourself this beautiful plant with variegated leaves.

9. Monstera Adansonii Blanchetii

Monstera Adansonii Blanchetii is a rare and sought-after Monstera variety. This variety originated in French Guiana, where it was first discovered by Auguste Duchasseau and described by Jules Émile Planchon in 1867.

It’s distinctive for its large, white, heart-shaped leaves with pronounced veins, which can reach up to 7 inches in length.

This plant is also a slow-growing variety and can take several years to reach its full size and potential. Luckily, it’s an attractive plant that makes a great addition to any Monstera collection.

This variety thrives best in high humidity levels with bright but indirect light. With proper care, Monstera Adansonii Blanchetii can live for many years and is a great choice for novice Monstera owners.

10. Monstera Adansonii Klotzschiana

The  Monstera Adansonii Klotzschiana is an extremely rare Monstera species that is highly sought after by plant enthusiasts.

It is identified by its heart-shaped, deeply lobed leaves with dark green and silver variegation.

This plant is from Central America and grows more slowly than other types of this plant that are found in other parts of the world.

Monstera Adansonii Klotzschiana is a plant that climbs up things. It can be trained to grow up a trellis or posts. It likes bright light that is not direct, high humidity, and regular watering. 

With proper care, the Monstera Adansonii Klotzschiana plant can become a special part of any indoor space.

11. Monstera Adansonii Punctulata

Monstera Adansonii Punctulata is a rare and distinctive variety of Monstera Adansonii. The large holes on the leaves give it a unique look and make it different from other Monstera varieties.

This plant grows more slowly than other Monstera adansonii plants. Its leaves look the same as other plants of this type.

Monstera Punctulata is a great choice for those looking to add an exotic touch to their home or garden. Due to its slow growth, it is also ideal for those who want an easy-care indoor houseplant.

12. Monstera Adansonii Siltepecana

Monstera Adansonii Siltepecana is a variety of Monstera Adansonii that is native to Central America and parts of South America.

It has large, oval-shaped leaves with perforations along the edges and can grow up to 10 feet in length.

Its stems are thin and wiry compared to other Monstera varieties, and its leaves are usually deep green in color.

Monstera Adansonii Siltepecana is known for its slow growth and can take several years to reach maturity.

It’s a hardy plant that requires little care and maintenance, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a low-maintenance houseplant.

This variety of Monstera is best suited for humid environments and indirect light. It’s also known to be drought tolerant, so it can go a few days without water if necessary.

13. Monstera Adansonii Albo

Monstera Adansonii Albo is a stunning Monstera variety that features beautiful white variegation on its leaves. The Monstera plant is very popular because it has really pretty leaves.

It is a good plant to have in your house if the place is not too sunny. The plant’s unique leaf pattern is a result of its genetic mutation, which causes the white variegation to appear.

Monstera Adansonii Albo requires frequent watering and light pruning in order to maintain its vibrant growth.

When cared for properly, this Monstera variety will produce long-lasting foliage that can be enjoyed for many years.

Among the popular monsteras, Thai constellation is often confused with monstera albo. Therefore, you must understand monstera albo vs thai constellation to tell the difference between the two most common variegated Monsteras.

How to Care for Monstera Adansonii

To care for your Monstera Adansonii, it’s important to provide proper care. Here are some basic guidelines for caring for Monstera Adansonii:


To ensure your plants remain healthy and vibrant, use sterilized pruning shears or a knife to snip away any dead, diseased, or damaged leaves.

To maintain their pristine condition, clean the leaves with a damp cloth when they become dusty.To nurture a lush plant, pruning should be done in the early spring or summer.

Doing so will not only control its growth and form but also help it flourish to full potential.


For healthy Monstera growth, repotting repot is a must and should be done every two years at the beginning of the growing season.

This allows your plant enough time to adjust comfortably in its new home for optimal flourishing.

When selecting a pot, it is important to consider the size, making sure that it isn’t too much bigger than your previous one.

Excessive soil surrounding the roots of your plant can be detrimental for its health and growth. The new potting soil must be airy and cultivate proper drainage.

Carefully strip away as much soil from the roots of your Monstera Adansonii plant as possible.

It is also a great opportunity to assess whether any of the roots have become infected, in which case you must take action and snip them off with sterile pruners.

Light requirements

Deciding where to put your new plant can be a difficult task. Before all else, you must contemplate the amount of light each species needs in order for it to thrive and survive.

If you seek to nurture the plant and promote its swift, flourishing growth, I would recommend planting it in a space that receives plentiful indirect sunlight.

By providing your Monstera Adansonii with a few hours of direct morning sunlight and exposing it to indirect light for the rest of the day, you will give it everything necessary to flourish without worrying about harsh sun damage.

Soil requirements

For the best results, use a soil mixture that is specifically designed for plants in the aroid family.

This mixture of peat moss and perlite will help keep the soil moist while also making sure that water can drain away easily.

Adding peat moss to your soil is an easy way to make it more acidic. This will help your Adansonii plant grow better by providing it with important nutrients.

If you want your plant to grow well, mix together 50% potting soil, 30% orchid bark, 10% peat moss, and 10% perlite.

Another option is to mix together 1 part coco coir and peat moss with 1 part perlite and vermiculite plus 1 part sphagnum moss.

Water requirements

To nurture your Adansonii, make sure to water it deeply and consistently until excess moisture is freely draining from the base of its pot.

Keeping water issues at bay is as straightforward as allowing the uppermost 2-3 inches of soil to dry out between every watering

Temperature, light exposure, and humidity levels are essential components to consider when determining the ideal frequency of watering plants.

Inevitably, your Adansonii’s soil will dry faster the more direct sunlight it receives. In warmer climates, your Monstera needs to be watered more often in order for it to thrive during the scorching summer months.

Waiting until the humidity levels rise before you water will help ensure that your soil retains its moisture.

To keep your plants flourishing, ensure that the soil remains moist at all times. These varieties thrive in damp surroundings.

Temperature requirements

An optimal environment for Monstera plants is maintained between 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

Keeping up with the ideal temperatures in most households should be a simple task.

The Monstera Adansonii is quite resilient and can withstand temperatures ranging from a cool 55 degrees Fahrenheit to its upper limit of 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Unfortunately, the Monstera plant is not frost-resistant. To prevent damage to your beloved plants, ensure that you bring them indoors if temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

To ensure your Adansonii remains healthy and vibrant, be sure to keep it away from vents, air conditioners, heaters, radiators, and fireplaces due to its sensitivity to sudden changes in temperature.

Cold drafts should absolutely be avoided as it will negatively affect the longevity of this tropical Monstera plant.

Fertilizing requirements

To ensure optimal growth, the Monstera Adansonii should be fertilized monthly during its growing season.

For optimal results, it is best to use an all-purpose liquid fertilizer specifically designed for this Monstera plant; however, make sure you remember to dilute the solution by half before applying.

However, once you repot your Swiss cheese vine into a new pot the fertilizer schedule no longer applies. Repotting requires new soil, which often includes fertilizer.

To use this soil in the best way and to make sure you don’t give your plants too much food, wait 6 months before using it.

For novice gardeners, take caution when adding fertilizers to your lawn and comply with the instructions on the packaging for the best results.

Humidity requirements

The Monstera adansonii needs a lot of humidity to grow well. If the humidity is above 50%, your plant will be fine.

But if it is below 50%, your plant will have problems. This can be bad for your plant’s health. To ensure optimal humidity levels in your home, you must increase the moisture content.

There are some things you can do to make the air more humid. You could buy a humidifier or make a pebble tray.

If your budget is tight, consider misting your plants every day or placing them in a moist area like the bathroom or kitchen. This will help to keep them healthy and growing.

Common Diseases of Monstera

There are a lot of diseases that can affect your Monstera plant. Some of the most common are;

Root rot

Root rot is one of the most common diseases affecting Monstera. It is caused by a type of fungus that attacks and weakens the roots.

This leads to wilting leaves, yellowing foliage, and potentially stunted growth. Common signs of root rot include discolored or slimy-looking roots, soggy soil, and an unpleasant odor.

To prevent root rot, be sure to keep Monstera plants in well-draining soil and avoid overwatering them. It is also important to have proper sanitation.

If you’re re-potting your plant, make sure to use clean tools and materials. Discard old potting mix and sanitize the new monstera pot before planting.


Rust is a type of fungus that often affects Monstera plants. You can tell if a plant has rust if there are orange-brown marks on the leaves.

Left untreated, rust can eventually lead to leaf yellowing and the death of the plant.  Sanitation is key to preventing this fungus from spreading.

The fungus spreads through spores in warm and damp conditions. It’s important to make sure there is fresh air and the right amount of humidity. Also, cut off any leaves or stems that are infected.

If you see orange-brown spots on your plant, this is called rust fungus. Applying a fungicide will help stop the fungus from spreading.

Mosaic virus

Mosaic virus is a common viral disease of Monstera plants. it is recognizable by its yellow and/or white mottling, distortion of the leaves, and stunted growth.

The virus is commonly found in greenhouses or nurseries. It can spread to other plants slowly, and plants can get the virus from other infected Monstera plants or from insects such as aphids.

Aphids are attracted to the sap and pollen of infected plants. Common symptoms include yellow mottling on leaves, distortion of the leaves and stunted growth.

If left untreated, it can cause significant damage to your Monstera and even cause death in severe cases.

Southern blight

Southern blight, also known as southern wilt, is a fungal disease caused by the fungus Sclerotium rolfsii. The pathogen is really bad for Monstera plants.

If you have them in your house, they might die. The Southern blight fungus can cause problems for plants.

Look for yellow and wilted leaves, discolored stems and shoots, and white fungal mats on the soil surface. Infected plants should be removed immediately to prevent further spread of the fungus.

Proper sanitation measures such as shallow cultivation, regular watering, and pruning of affected areas can help reduce the risk of infection.

Bacterial leaf spot

Bacterial leaf spot is a common disease of Monstera plants, caused by the bacteria Xanthomonas campestris.

Symptoms of this disease can include leaves with spots that are a different color than the rest of the leaf.

The spots might turn brown eventually. The disease might also cause the edges or tissue of the leaves to die.

It is also possible for affected leaves to have yellowing around the edges and small, dark lesions on the leaves.

You can control bacterial leaf spots by removing affected leaves, cutting off infected areas, and using the right fungicides.

It is important to know that this disease is hard to control once it has started in an area. This means that it is important to clean things properly to prevent the disease from spreading.


Botrytis, often referred to as “gray mold,” is a fungal disease. Common symptoms of this infection include wilting leaves and flower petals, dark brown spots on the surface of the plant, and an overall decline in health.

To avoid this issue, it is important to maintain proper airflow around the leaves and keep the soil dry.

Additionally, watering should be done at the base of the plant only to prevent moisture from collecting on its surface.

If botrytis does occur, it can be treated with a fungicide or some other form of chemical control.

This disease can spread quickly and make the plant sick. If you see it, you should act fast to stop it from spreading.

Where to Buy Monstera Adansonii

When looking for where to buy Monstera adansonii, the best place to start is a reputable online nursery or garden center.

Online nurseries and garden centers usually offer a vast selection of plants. Shopping online for plants gives you more choices than what is available at a local store.

Additionally, you can often find great discounts and deals on plants online, making it easier to find a good deal.

Before purchasing from an online store, be sure to read customer reviews to ensure quality and satisfaction.

It is also important to research shipping policies and delivery options before placing your order.


Is Monstera adansonii rare?

Yes, Monstera adansonii is a rare plant. It is native to Central and South America, slow-growing and difficult to find. Due to its popularity among indoor plant enthusiasts, the demand for Monstera adansonii has outpaced its availability. Monstera adansoni  is picky about its environment, requiring specific levels of humidity and temperature that not all homes can provide.

What is the Monstera adansonii price?

The price of Monstera adansonii vary depending on the size and quality of the plant, as well as where you buy it from. Prices range from around $20 – $100 USD for a single plant. It is also important to factor in shipping costs if purchasing online.

Where do I buy Monstera adansonii?

You can buy Monstera adansonii plants from many online retailers, as well as local nurseries and garden centers. Online retailers such as Amazon, Etsy and eBay offer a wide selection of healthy plants for sale. If you live in an area with a tropical climate, you may also be able to find them at farmers’ markets or in specialty stores.

Why is my Monstera adansonii not unfurling?

Lack of humidity, light, and water can all be factors causing your Monstera adansonii not to unfurl. If the plant is in an environment that is too dry, it may cause the leaves to remain closed. To increase humidity, try misting the plant regularly or setting up a humidifier near it.

Why doesn’t my Monstera adansonii have holes?

The absence of fenestration on mature leaves of Monstera adansonii is common. This is because the leaves have reached their maximum size and are no longer growing, so they don’t need to gas exchange like a younger leaf would. Some specimens do possess fenestration regardless of age. However, this is largely genetic and cannot be induced through any other practice.


When it comes to Monstera Adansonii, there is no one size fits all. Different varieties exist, each with its own unique characteristics and growth requirements.

They can add a vibrant touch to any interior or outdoor space and are relatively easy to care for, making them a great choice for novice plant parents.

So if you’re looking for an interesting houseplant with unique foliage, why not try one of the many Monstera Adansonii varieties? You won’t be disappointed.

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