Monstera Amydrium Medium Care

Monstera Amydrium Medium Care Image

If you’re looking for a unique addition to your houseplant collection, the Monstera Amydrium medium is worth considering.

With its distinctive pattern of leaves and striking appearance, this tropical plant makes an eye-catching statement wherever it is placed. 

Considered quite easy to care for and maintain, once established in its environment the Monstera Amydrium provides lush foliage that can provide a relaxing ambiance of greenery throughout the year. 

Whether you are already experienced with caring for indoor plants or just starting out leaving large leafy friends indoors, we guide you through Monstera Amydrium Medium Care Needs.

Scientific nameAmydrium medium (Zoll. & Moritzi) Nicolson
Other namesSpider Monstera
NativeSouth East Asia
FamilyArum family, Araceae
Growth zoneUSDA 11 to 13
Plant typeEvergreen perennial
Growth size4-6 feet tall
Growth rateModerate to fast
FloweringProduces flowers during growing season
FruitingSpadix fruiting
ToxicityToxic to humans and pets
Common pestsSpider mitesBrown scalesMealy bugs
DiseasesBacterial leaf spotDasheen Mosaic VirusPowdery mildew

What is Monstera Amydrium Medium Plant

The Monstera Amydrium Medium Plant is a vining plant belonging to the Arum family. This is the only monstera plant that does not belong to the Araceae family. 

Native to South East Asia, it is also called spiderman Monstera because it a climbing plant. The plants climb the moss pole like a spider covering its prey inside its web, although sometimes it spreads like ground cover. 

It is a low-maintenance plant that can thrive in many different climates and environments, making it perfect for home and garden landscaping. 

Monstera Amydrium Medium Image

How do you Identify a Young and Mature Monstera Amydrium Medium?

To identify a Monstera Amydrium Medium Plant, it is important to look at both the young and mature plants. Young specimens typically have smaller, thinner, and a few leaves with white splotches between the veins, as well as an upright growth pattern and bumpy texture on each leaf. 

In contrast, mature plants possess leathery textured leaves with light green coloration and distinctive fenestration patterns.

Furthermore, they tend to have more horizontal growth patterns, and their bumps and ridges become more pronounced over time. Mature plants may also develop aerial roots from the stem node that provide support and stability. 

Variegated versions of Monstera Amydrium Medium have a different look, with white splotches throughout their leaves. These spots become more pronounced in mature specimens, giving them a unique and exotic appearance

Monstera Amydrium Medium Silver Care Needs

With all these features, what could be better? With our medium care needs product, we promise that the health and beauty of the Monstera is always at its peak – no matter how wild it might get.

1. Light

Monstera Amydrium Medium plants, which come from rainforest climates, require medium, dappled sunlight to stay healthy and strong. 

Provide 8-10 hours of bright indirect light or slightly filtered light daily is ideal for these plants. To create the optimal lighting for Monstera, use LED grow lights for 10-12 hours each day.

It is important to remember that too much direct sun and full shade must be avoided to provide the best results for your amydrium medium silver plant.

Monstera light image

Signs Your Plant Needs More Light

  •  No Fenestrations (Holes) on the Mature Leaves
  • Discolored Leaves with Dark Brown Spots or Yellowing 
  • Soil Takes Too Long to Dry
  • Slow Growth Rate or Stunted Development  
  • Leggy growth

How to Maximize Light Exposure?

To maximize light exposure for Monstera amydrium medium, rotate the plant every two weeks and cover the window with a light fabric filter to soften sun rays. 

The ideal position is 4-5 feet away from south-facing windows or east or westward-facing windows to get morning/afternoon sun. 

2. Watering

Water Monstera Amydrium Medium approximately every 1-2 weeks. You can determine if it needs water by doing the finger test or using a moisture meter. 

Amydrium grow actively during warmer months, so water it frequently. During its dormant period, you can reduce the watering frequency but try not to go longer than a week without giving it water to maintain the soil wet. 

When you water, pour enough onto the soil for saturation and empty any excess from the tray. Use rainwater or filtered water, as chlorine can be toxic to the plant.

Signs of Underwatering

  • Wilted leaves that droop down from the plant’s stem 
  • Curled or folded foliage 
  • Leaves turning yellow and brown in color 
  • Crispy, dry edges on the leaves 
  • The potting soil feels dry

Signs of Overwatering

  • Drying and wilting leaves
  • Yellow leaves
  • Falling leaves
  • Sunburned leaves

3. Temperature

To identify what temperature range your Monstera Amydrium Medium thrives in, use a digital thermometer to check the environment. This Monstera’s temperature tolerance range between 18-29°C (65-85℉) during the day and night for optimal growth. 

High temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit should be avoided as it can lead to dehydration, and low temperatures near or below freezing should also be avoided to prevent death.

The type of soil, the pot material and color, and the amount of sun exposure can all affect the temperature of your plant and should be taken into account. 

Sandy soils will be cooler than clay soils, and a plastic pot warmer than a ceramic one, while black pots will be warmer than white ones. Partial sun exposure will create a cooler environment than full sun.

Tips for Maintaining Optimal Temperature

  1. Place your Amydrium Medium silver in an area with indirect sunlight, or you’ll start seeing monstera sunburn signs.
  2. Keep the plant away from air conditioners and heaters to avoid rapid temperature fluctuations. 
  3. Use a humidifier or dehumidifier, depending on the climate. 
  4.  Check the temperature regularly to keep it within the optimal range. 
  5. Consider using an indoor thermometer to monitor temperatures more closely if necessary. 
  6. Ensure temperatures don’t fluctuate too often and remain within the optimal range.

4. Humidity

For Monstera amydrium medium, it’s best to maintain a relative humidity level of between 60-80%. To gauge this, invest in a hygrometer and measure regularly. 

Increasing the humidity level can be done by grouping plants together or placing water-filled pebble trays around them. 

Monsteras are humidity-loving plants, therefore, mist the plant with a fine-mist mister or using a humidifier to help maintain the right humidity levels.

Low Humidity Signs

  • Crispy leave tips 
  • The leaves may also curl up inwards and appear droopy
  • Dropping leaves 
  • You’ll also notice brown patches on the leaves

Too High Humidity Signs

  • Molds growth
  • Wet leaves
  • Rotting roots
  • Musty odors
  • Slow growth

5. Position

When it comes to positioning a Monstera amydrium medium plant, considering the temperature and humidity levels of the room is essential. 

These plants thrive in temperatures between 65-80°F and humidity levels between 40-60%. Moreover, selecting an area with ample space for the plant’s growth is important as well. 

Mature plants can reach heights of up to the ceiling or taller, and their leaves can measure up to 3 feet. 

The ideal spot for a Monstera amydrium medium is near an east-facing window with filtered low light. Avoid direct sunlight past 9:00 AM, air conditioners or heating vents, crowded areas, areas with extreme temperature changes, and damp or wet areas. 

With these considerations in mind, the amydrium medium silver should be placed in an optimal location for successful growth.

6. Fertilizer

Monstera amydrium medium benefits from moderate fertilizer during its growth season. Feed the plant every 2 weeks with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength. 

Reduce or omit fertilizer in winter months, depending on the light and temperature of your environment. 

To avoid overfertilizing, water the plant before adding fertilizer, then evenly distribute it around the stem base; use soil amendments such as compost or manure for additional nutrition.

Potting soil usually contains some nutrients, but these get depleted over 6-12 months and must be replaced to help the plant reach its full potential. Fertilizers provide essential vitamins for the plant’s health and growth.

The best monstera fertilizer should have doses of macro-nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) and micro-nutrients such as iron, copper–boron, zinc, chlorine, and nickel in smaller doses. Calcium, magnesium, and sulfur should also be provided in small amounts. 

Best for monstera esqueleto fertilizer

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Use a balanced liquid NPK fertilizer with a ratio of 20:20:20 or 10-10-10 when fertilizing. For indoor plants, reduce the amount to half the manufacturer’s recommended strength. 

When growing your plant outdoors, stick to the recommended strength.

Alternative to liquid fertilizers, you can use natural compost to provide an organic source of nutrients. Doing so will improve soil structure, stimulate growth and provide resistance against pests.

Signs of Over-Fertilization

  • Yellowing leaves
  • Black and brown roots or limps
  • Defoliation
  • Stagnant growth
  • A white crust of fertilizer on the soil surface. 

Signs of Under-Fertilization

  • Yellow spots
  • Slow growth
  • Wilting leaves
  • Smaller than usual fruit/flower size
  • Lack of flowers or fruit production

6. Pruning

Pruning your Monstera amydrium medium is key to keeping it healthy and looking its best. Remove any dead leaves, stems infected with fungus, and overly long stems to stop the spread of diseases and manage size. 

Pruning also helps ensure all plant parts are getting adequate low light and nutrients. Wear protective gloves and use clean pruning shears or scissors when pruning, ideally during the high growth period (not dormancy). 

Cut dead leaves off, snip any long stems, and trim away the aerial roots at the top for a neat look. By doing this regularly, you’ll maintain your Monstera amydrium medium’s health.

It is important to use sharp pruning shears when pruning amydrium medium silver, as blunt tools can damage the plant. 

Also, it’s best to wait until the plant has entered its dormant stage before cutting back any branches or leaves. Pruning a young monstera should be avoided as this will stunt its growth. 

Don’t prune the plant with your bare hands, as this could cause injury.

7. Propagation

i. Air Layering

Air layering is a method of propagating Monstera amydrium medium by creating a wound on the stem and wrapping it with sphagnum moss. The air-layered cutting should be kept moist via regular misting or watering. Once roots have formed, the cutting can be planted in soil or transferred to a pot with water or soil. 

ii. Stem Cutting

Stem cuttings from amydrium medium silver can be taken from the main stem and placed in a glass of water for rooting. New roots will begin to form over time and, when they are long enough, the cutting can then be planted into the soil or transferred to a pot with water or soil. 

iii. Division

Division is another common technique for propagating Monstera amydrium medium. This method involves carefully separating the stem into sections, each of which should have at least one node (point where leaves emerge). Each separated section can then be planted in soil or transferred to a pot with water or soil.  When separating the stem, it is important to use a sharp knife or other cutting tools to reduce damage to the plant’s tissues and increase the chances of successful propagation. 

8. Potting & Repotting

Monstera amydrium medium must be repotted every year when young or after 2-3 years when mature. 

Signs that monstera needs to be repotted include yellowing leaves, dry soil, and lack of growth. Repotting is necessary if the roots are coming out of the drainage holes or when the monstera plant is rootbound.

Repotting provides your Monstera amydrium medium with more nutrients, humidity, and space for its roots to grow. If your plant arrived root bound, consider repotting to provide as it may encourage root rot.  

Repotting amydrium medium silver is best done in early spring as this is when the plant starts to become more active. 

Choose the best monstera planter pot, such as terracotta, to allow your plant to breathe and absorb water. It’s important there is a hole at the bottom of the container for proper drainage. A well-draining potting mix that contains peat, perlite or vermiculite, and cactus mix should be used to fill the container. 

Pull the plant out of the old pot and prune any damaged or dead roots that may have developed. Place your Monstera amydrium medium in its new container and fill it with more soil, then water. This will ensure that your plant has all the necessary nutrients to grow and thrive. 

9. Soil Drainage and Aeration

Monstera amydrium medium plants need special soil that has plenty of holes in for water to drain away and air to get in. 

The best soil mix for monstera is one with potting soil, perlite, and compost. To ensure your plant grows strong, keep an eye on the pH levels (how acidic or alkaline the soil is) and ensure it stays between 5.5 to 7. 

The soil should also stay slightly damp but not soggy. If you do all these things, your amydrium medium silver plant will be happy and healthy. 

The best commercial potting mix for Monstera amydrium medium to buy:

  1. Premium Monstera Potting Soil

[amazon box=”B08VYBJXXM” template=”horizontal”]

  1. Sun Gro Horticulture Black Gold 1310102 8-Quart All Purpose Potting Mix

[amazon box=”B005IZ2SJ8″ template=”horizontal”]

Extra Tips:

  1. Test the pH levels of the soil regularly.
  2. Add organic matter like compost or manure to provide nutrients.
  3. Make sure the soil is not too wet or too dry. 
  4. Use a soil mix specifically designed for Monstera amydrium medium plants. 
  5. Monitor the drainage and aeration levels of your soil regularly.

Making your own soil mixture is a snap! You’ll need to combine 5 parts orchid bark, 2 parts worm castings, 4 parts coco coir, 2 parts activated charcoal and 5 components perlite. If you find the blend too thick for your desired application, simply add some pine bark to lighten it up.

Signs the Soil Isn’t Suitable for  Monstera amydrium medium plant: 

  • Stagnant growth
  • Mushy roots
  • Yellowing of the leaves
  • Brown spots
  • Drooping leaves

10. Toxicity

The amydrium medium silver may look nice, but this monstera plant is toxic to pets and human beings alike . Eating any part of this plant can cause serious issues like throwing up, having an upset stomach, seizures, and even death in extreme cases. 

If your pet were to touch the plant it could give them skin irritation since they can’t tell which plants are okay to eat and which ones aren’t. 

If you ever wondered if the Monstera amydrium medium is toxic, yes! It contains chemicals that can be harmful if touched or eaten. 

Symptoms of Toxicity

  • Feeling sick or tired after eating Monstera 
  • Getting an itchy, red and swollen skin rash when exposed to its leaves 
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or a headache 
  • Abdominal pain, cramping or low blood pressure 
  • Difficulty breathing or wheezing 
  • Drowsiness, confusion or other mental changes 

Common Problems with Monstera Amydrium Medium

Pests Infestation

Insects such as aphids, thrips mites, scale, and mealybugs love to feed on monstera amydrium medium’s leaves. To prevent an infestation, regularly check the leaves for signs of pests and remove them with a damp cloth or cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.

Learn how to get rid of thrips and other rampant pests using simple methods like insecticidal soap or neem oil.


Amydrium medium silver can be affected by a variety of fungal and bacterial diseases. Two most common diseases are mosaic virus and bacterial leaf spots.

To prevent these diseases, keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Water from the base, not the leaves, and ensure that your plant is getting plenty of air circulation.

If you notice any discolored spots or lesions on the leaves, remove them immediately with a clean pair of scissors.

Yellow Leaves

Yellowing leaves can occur if the plant isn’t getting enough light or has too many minerals in the soil. Ensure that your Monstera amydrium medium gets enough bright light, and use a fertilizer with low nitrogen content to avoid too much mineral buildup in the soil.

Slow Growth

If your Monstera amydrium medium isn’t growing as fast as you would like, it could be due to improper watering or not enough nutrients. Monitor your watering schedule and make sure to feed the plant with an all-purpose fertilizer once a month.

Root Rot

Root rot can occur if the soil is too wet or there aren’t enough drainage holes in the pot. To prevent root rot, use a well-draining soil mix and water from the bottom, never from the top.

Leaves Dropping

Monstera amydrium medium’s leaves can drop if there is a sudden change in temperature, too much fertilizer or not enough water. To ensure your plant stays healthy and happy, keep it away from draughts and use only a diluted balanced fertilizer.

Leaves Turning Brown

If your Monstera amydrium medium’s leaves are turning brown, it could be due to too much direct sunlight or a lack of humidity. Move the plant away from any windows that receive direct sunlight and increase the humidity in the air by misting the leaves with water regularly. Alternatively, you can also use a humidifier to increase the humidity levels.

Uses of Amydrium Medium Silver 

  • It is often used as a hanging plant for its long, draping leaves that can reach up to 4 feet when mature. 
  • The plant has been known to purify the air of certain toxins, making it an excellent choice for indoor spaces.
  • Its large leaves also filter light and reduce glare, creating a pleasant atmosphere in any room. 
  •  Monstera amydrium is easy to care for and requires minimal maintenance, making it a great choice for novice gardeners or those with busy lifestyles. 
  • This plant can also be used in terrariums or to decorate indoor gardens and balconies. 

Where To Buy  Monstera Amydrium Medium

  • Etsy
  • Ken Philodendrons
  • Ecuageneraus
  • Rare Home Plants

Things to Avoid When Handling Monstera Amydrium Medium

  • Too much direct sun
  • Putting the plant next to an air conditioner or heater
  • Overwatering or underwatering
  • Closed and congested spaces
  • Fertilization after repotting


Nevertheless, it’s clear that with the proper care, Monstera amydrium medium can be an excellent addition to any home or office. Remember that these tips are just guidelines; constantly monitor your plant to understand its needs better. 

Follow the right practices for Monstera amydrium medium plant Care, and watch as your plant grows. 

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