Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata Care Guide

Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata Care Image

Welcome to the world of Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata! If you’re looking for a plant that is as pretty as it is easy to take care of, this one could be right up your alley. 

This unique and stunning tropical beauty might just be the definition of low-maintenance: once you establish it, Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata care requires minimal effort.

So if you’ve wanted to add some extra life and color to your home but are unsure how to do so without adding more chores to your already busy day, read on.

We cover all that needs to care for a Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata properly.

Scientific nameMonstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata
Other namesMonstera Marmota, Monstera deliciosa aurea Marmorata variegata Monstera borsigiana aurea variegata
NativeCentral and South America
Growth zoneUSDA 10b to 12
Plant typeEvergreen
Growth size4-6 feet tall
Growth rateGrow steadily
FloweringProduces flower
FruitingSpadix fruiting
ToxicityToxic to humans and pets
Common pestsSpider mites Brown scalesMealy bugs
DiseasesBacterial leaf spot, Root rot, Powdery mildewAnthracnose

What is Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata

Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata Image

Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata is a plant species that belongs to the Araceae family and is native to Central and South America. 

It is commonly known by various names, including Monstera Marmota, Monstera Aurea Variegata, Monstera borsigiana Aurea Variegata, and Variegated Monstera Aurea. This species is a popular ornamental plant known for its unique variegation pattern. 

How Do You Identify a  Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata

Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata is a beautiful and distinct plant with its yellow or lime variegation on a dark green background. This physical feature resembles to the less common cultivar of variegated Monstera deliciosa borsigiana. 

The variegation pattern varies and mostly appears splotchy or resembles the look of full moon-shaped leaves. 

Besides the variegation, Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata also has pronounced, structured leaves that come in different shapes and sizes, adding to its elegance. The plant’s foliage is thick and leathery, featuring a unique, glossy texture that makes it easy to spot.

Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata Care Needs

The care needs for monstera variegata aurea are similar to those for other Monstera varieties. Here are some of the factors to consider when caring for this plant:

1. Lighting

For the Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata to thrive, it requires the right light. To understand a Monstera’s lighting needs, you need to consider its native habitat – rainforest plants hate direct sunlight and will climb with their aerial roots to get more light. 

The best lights for these plants are bright to medium, indirect light. Provide 8-10 hours of optimal lighting daily to keep your plant happy and healthy.

If this isn’t possible, consider getting LED grow lights which you can use for 10-12 hours every day. 

When selecting a spot for your Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata, look for a warm spot exposed to indirect or slightly filtered light. Make sure to avoid any direct sun as it can burn the leaves and cause ugly spots that won’t easily be resolved.

Signs Your Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata Needs More Light

  • The leaves are smaller or thinner than normal.
  • The plant’s growth is slowed, and the aerial root production also slows down.
  • The leaves are darker in color, or the variegation is less visible.
  • The plant looks wilted and droopy.

How to Maximize Light Exposure?

  • Cover your plant with a shade cloth during the hottest hours of the day.
  • Choose a spot for your plant with bright, indirect light and consistent temperatures.
  • Move any artificial lights 4-5 feet away from the plant to avoid burning its leaves.
  • Rotate your Monstera borsigiana Aurea Variegata every few days to ensure all sides get adequate light exposure.
  • Adjust curtains or blinds so that light can filter through for additional brightness.
  • Clean the windows and glass surfaces regularly to increase the amount of light that reaches your plant.
Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata Light Image

2. Watering

To ensure the health of your  Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata, monitor its water intake. The soil should be inspected for dryness before watering.

Use an optimal moisture meter reading to check if it reads 3-5. If there is no moisture meter available, use the finger test or poke-a-stick method instead. If the soil is too dry, add more water. If it’s too wet, let the dirt dry out before giving it a soak.

Water your Monstera aurea marmorata variegata weekly in the spring and summer. In winter, provide a small amount of water every two weeks to help keep it healthy and thriving.

Water your Monstera borsigiana Aurea Variegata until the soil is completely saturated with either rainwater or distilled room-temperature water. Remember also to avoid mineralized, chloramine-treated, or hard water, as it can harm the plant. 

Pour slowly so that the soil has time to absorb the water, and use a container with drainage holes at the bottom to let excess water out.

Also, lightly mist the leaves of the plant during watering to prevent hindering its photosynthesis process.

Signs of Underwatering

  • Wilted leaves
  • Discolored foliage
  • Dry and crispy leaves
  • Brittle stems or trunk 
  • Excessively dry soil 
  • Stunted growth

Signs of Overwatering

  • Root rot 
  • Leaf spots and blights 
  • Fungus gnats 
  • Drooping leaves 
  • Mushy stems or trunk 
  • Stunted growth

3. Temperature

The optimal temperature range for Monstera aurea marmorata variegata is 65-85℉ (18-29°C) to ensure healthy growth and development.  They need a consistent temperature to remain healthy, so it’s important to keep them within the recommended range. 

Monstera aurea marmorata variegata plants require temperatures no lower than 55°F (13 degrees Celsius) to survive and thrive. If exposed to overly low temperatures, the plant may experience shock, discoloration of leaves, or rot in its roots. 

On the other hand, high temperatures above 90°F can make your leaves and stems dry so fast because of transpiration.  

Factors that Affect Temperature

Seasons-During the winter season, utilizing grow lights can be beneficial for your plants by protecting them from frost and chilly winds. Bring your plant indoors to ensure it is shielded from colder temperatures outdoors.

Location-If you keep your Monstera borsigiana Aurea Variegata plant outside, it will be subjected to various temperatures throughout the day and night. Thus, ensuring that its location is warm enough for optimal growth is critical to make sure your beloved greenery thrives.

Humidity-To guarantee your plant’s well-being, it is essential to keep an eye on the humidity levels in their environment. If necessary, you may need to mist them or even utilize a humidifier for additional moisture. 

Light-Light energy is effortlessly transformed into heat, and excessive light can be a catalyst for high temperatures – the inverse being true as well.

Tips for Maintaining Optimal Temperature

An ideal temperature for Monstera aurea marmorata variegata is around 50°F, so it’s important to place the plant in an east-facing window and away from air conditioners and heaters.

In colder weather, move the plant closer to a grow light and use insulation like frost blanket or plastic bag to keep it warm. When it’s hot, ensure the plant enjoys a refreshing breeze to maintain optimal temperature.

Signs your plant environment maybe be too cold:

  • Curling leaves. 
  • Yellow leaves
  • Black or Brown spots
  • Stunted growth.
  • No flowers
  • Falling leaves

Signs your plant temperature is too high:

  • Yellow leaves
  • Falling leaves
  • Sunburned leaves
  • Wilting leaves
  • Dry leaves 

4. Humidity

Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata plants require a humidity level of between 60-80% to thrive. If you have tropical weather in your region, no further action needs to be taken.

However, for those who don’t have an ideal environment, the use of a hygrometer can help measure and maintain the right levels of humidity for optimal growth. 

Maintaining the ideal humidity level for your plants is essential to keep them flourishing. To achieve this, invest in a hygrometer and humidifier, or use a pebble tray with water. Monstera Aurea loves moderate humidity; therefore, clustering together also helps share any moisture generated from one plant with the rest.

Regularly check readings with the hygrometer to ensure that the humidity level is not exceeding or dipping below its thresholds. Mist your plants with a gentle mister for additional moisture.

Low Humidity Signs

  • Wilting
  • Monstera leaves turn yellow
  • The leaves drop off
  • Dry leaves
  • Crispy leaves

Too High Humidity Signs

  • Growth of molds
  • The leaves are constantly wet
  • Rotting 
  • Musty odors
  • Slow growth

5. Position

Position your Monstera borsigiana Aurea Variegata near a bright, east-facing window for the best results.

You can use sheer curtains or fabric on windows facing west or south to filter in soft light. A north-facing window may also work but won’t provide as much light.

Position your Monstera plant 2-4 feet away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat. Avoid placing the plant near bedroom, crowded rooms, and south-facing windows.

Make sure to move the plant around regularly to ensure even growth on all sides. For optimal health, avoid exposing it to strong sunlight after 9 am.

Monstera plants can thrive outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 10b and above as long as temperatures do not dip below 50°F.

Place your plant in a spot with partial shade and protected from strong winds and direct sunlight to prevent monstera sunburn.

Where Not to Place Monstera aurea marmorata variegata: 

  • Bedrooms as Feng Shui principles discourage this
  • Direct sun after 9:00 AM. 
  • Direct light in a south- or west-facing window
  • Crowded rooms
  • Near heaters or ACs

6. Fertilizer

To help your Monstera aurea marmorata variegata thrive, apply a moderate dose of fertilizer. Too much of fertilizer nutrient can harm the plant’s growth; however, just enough will encourage lush and healthy foliage while avoiding damage from over-fertilization.

Fertilizing Monstera aurea marmorata variegata is vital for optimal growth and health. Potting soil nutrients can deplete within 6-12 months, so regular fertilization replenishes these essential macro and micronutrients. 

Fertilizers act as vitamins for the plant, giving it the fuel to reach its full potential and produce lush foliage. Thus, it is important to select the best fertilizer for monstera marmota to feed your Monstera borsigiana Aurea Variegata with balanced, nutrient-rich fertilizer for best results. 

Fertilize your Monstera aurea marmorata variegata every 1-2 months in the spring and summer with a nutrient boost. Avoid fertilizing during its dormant stage and provide light water misting to keep it at optimum temperature. Make sure to use nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), Iron, Copper–Boron, Zinc, Chlorine, Nickel, calcium, magnesium and sulfur for optimal growth.

What Fertilizer is best for Monstera aurea marmorata variegata

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Balanced Liquid NPK fertilizer of 20:20:20 ratio or 10-10-10 is the best fertilizer you can use for Monstera aurea marmorata variegata. 

You can for slow-release fertilizer, although it is more expensive. It will release the nutrients into the soil slowly, avoiding overfertilizing. 

However, slow-release granular fertilizers have a lot of salt likely to burn your plant’s roots, so you better avoid them.

Benefits of Fertilizing Monstera Plants

i. Improves soil structure

By using fertilizers, your soil will become more vibrant, fertile and generally increase in structure.  This essentially creates a robust root system for your Monstera that can absorb all of the essential nutrients, water, and air needed to thrive.

ii. Encourages growth

Your monstera plant will grow faster and yield bigger foliage when fertilized. This is because the plant will have access to all of the nutrients it needs for optimal growth, allowing it to reach its full potential quickly.

Fertilized Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata Image

iii. Balance the nutrients

Not all nutrients are naturally found in the soil, and Monstera aurea marmorata variegata needs it all to grow optimally. Applying fertilizers will help balance out the existing levels of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. 

iv.  Stronger resistance to pests and diseases

Fertilizing Monstera plants with balanced NPK fertilizer will help keep all kinds of pests away, as Monstera plants become more resistant and healthy the more you fertilize them. 

Signs of Over-Fertilization

  • Defoliation
  • Sturded growth
  • Yellow leaves
  • Black and brown roots or limps
  • Fertilizer crust

Signs of Under-Fertilization 

  • Slow growth
  • Wilting leaves
  • Yellow spot
  • No flowers
  • No fruits


Pruning is an important part of keeping your plant healthy and regulating humidity in the home. Springtime is the ideal season to prune, as plants are abundant with growth during this time. However, it’s best to avoid pruning when the plant is dormant, such as in winter when sunlight is limited and can impair glucose production for growth. Pruning in springtime helps the plant recover quickly with increased fullness.

Pruning Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata requires the following tools: 

  • Protective gloves, to protect your hands when handling sharp objects. 
  • Sharp Pruning Shears, to cut away dead or damaged foliage and stems. 
  • Clean rag, for wiping down blades after use. 
  • Gloves, for added protection when handling pruning shears. 
  • Sterilizer for disinfecting the blades after use to prevent the spread of disease. 

When pruning your Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata, it is important to take safety precautions by wearing gloves and using sterilized cutting tools. This will help shield you from bacteria. 

First, remove any wilted or diseased leaves to ensure the best health of your plant. Then, prune away any stems that need to be trimmed, cutting back as closely to the base as possible. 

To maintain a neat appearance and focus on aesthetics, cut back any aerial roots near the top of the stem as needed. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Cutting too many stems
  • Using blunt pruning shear
  • Pruning during the plant’s dormancy stage
  • Pruning a young monstera

Propagating Monstera aurea marmorata variegata

Propagating Monstera aurea marmorata variegata is much easier. Here are the three basic methods to try:

Stem Cutting

Stem cutting is a popular way of propagating Monstera aurea marmorata variegata. It involves cutting healthy stems from an existing plant and allowing them to root in soil, water or both. 

The stem should be cut just below a node, ensuring that the node remains intact for rooting. After cutting, the stem should be kept moist and warm to encourage it to root. 

Air Layering

Air layering is another way of propagating Monstera aurea marmorata variegata. This process involves creating a wound on the stem from which new roots will grow. To create this wound, make an incision in the stem and wrap the area with a damp sphagnum moss that is secured in place. The wound should be kept moist until roots begin to form, after which the rooted section can be removed from the parent plant and cultivated as an individual new specimen. 


Division is another way of propagating Monstera aurea marmorata variegata. This method is best done with mature specimens and gives you a higher success rate with non variegated Monsteras. 

To propagate through division, carefully divide the plant into smaller sections and replant them in their own pot or container with well-drained soil. These plants should be kept moist until they are fully rooted and established in their new environment. 

8. Potting & Repotting

For optimal growth, repot your Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata every year for juvenile plants and every two to three years for mature plants. 

Choose a pot two to four inches larger than their current one with adequate drainage for free water movement. 

Regular repotting will ensure your Monstera is a healthy, vibrant addition to your space for many months ahead.

Even more, your plant will survive monstera aurea rootbound, as potting gives the roots ample space to expand and access essential nutrients. 

Signs that your Monstera aurea marmorata variegata needs repotting  

  • Roots poking out of the drainage holes.
  • Signs of disease, such as yellow leaves or wilting
  • Stunted growth
  • Excessive amount of fertilizer has been applied in recent months. 
  • It is difficult to water as it just runs off the top of the soil.


  • Pot 
  • Garden Trowel
  • Potting soil
  • Pruning Shears
  • Plant support (coco coir or moss pole)
  • Watering Can

Steps of repotting Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata

Select a terracotta pot that is sufficiently ample for your plant and features drainage holes at its base. You could be having alternative pots but make sure you select the best pot for monstera plant.

Then, incorporate some potting soil – approximately a quarter or one-third of the total should suffice.

Prune the roots for optimal growth.

Finish the transition by providing generous water to your Monstera aurea marmorata variegata, helping them settle into their new home.

9. Soil Drainage and Aeration

To ensure the Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata lives a healthy and long life, paying close attention to its soil drainage and aeration is essential. 

Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata requires a unique type of soil mixture to thrive. To ensure proper drainage, opt for an airy yet chunky soil mix that contains organic components such as mulch or composted material. 

To ensure the roots are healthy, it is important to ensure that the texture of your soil is airy and not overly dense; otherwise, water can accumulate too quickly and cause root rot.

To ensure that your plants receive the optimal amount of nutrients, it is best to maintain a balanced soil pH between 5.5 and 7 for maximum growth and absorption. If your soil is too acidic (low pH), add lime to boost the alkalinity and improve its composition. To make the soil more acidic, add sulfur. 

Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata prefers lightly moist soils. Water the plant when the soil is dry up to your second knuckle, but avoid overwatering or waterlogging as this can harm its health. Monitor moisture levels regularly and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Best commercial potting mix for Monstera aurea marmorata variegata to buy

  1. Premium Monstera Potting Soil

[amazon box=”B08VYBJXXM” template=”horizontal”]

  1. Sun Gro Horticulture Black Gold 1310102 8-Quart All Purpose Potting Mix

[amazon box=”B005IZ2SJ8″ template=”horizontal”]

DIY soil mix

Create an ideal soil mix for Monstera aurea marmorata variegata with 5 parts orchid bark, 2 parts worm castings, 4 parts coir, 2 parts activated charcoal, and 5 parts perlite. 

This combination provides your plant with the best monstera soil mix with necessary nutrients and ensures proper drainage. The fluffy perlite helps ensure airflow, while the organic material from the worm castings is a great source of nourishment.

Create the perfect environment at home for your Monstera aurea marmorata variegata with this mix.

Toxicity of Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata

Monstera aurea marmorata variegata, a beautiful ornamental plant, can be poisonous to both humans and pets.

It contains calcium oxalate crystals that can cause various health problems if ingested. These crystals can lead to oral irritation and swelling in the mouth, resulting in excessive drooling and difficulty swallowing. 

Monstera Aurea’s toxicity can also cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea, leading to fluid and electrolyte imbalances in the body.

Ingesting this plant can also lead to loss of appetite, which can be especially problematic in animals as it may cause them to stop eating altogether. 

Respiratory difficulty may also occur due to the swelling of the airways. This can result in wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and other respiratory problems.

Common Problems with Monstera aurea marmorata variegata

Pests Infestation

Pests infestations are a common problem for Monstera aurea marmorata variegatoxaa. The main pests that attack this plant include aphids, thrips, mealybugs, and spider mites.

Symptoms of an insect infestation can include wilting or yellowing leaves and spots on the foliage. Luckily you can get rid of thrips and other insects alike to save your plant-keep the plant clean and free of debris.


Diseases such as root rot, bacterial leaf spot, and stem blight are common problems with Monstera aurea marmorata variegata. Root rot is caused by over-watering and poor drainage. Symptoms include yellowing, wilting leaves, and brown or black spots on the stem. 

To prevent root rot, be sure to water the plant only when the top inch of soil is dry. Leaf spot causes circular, reddish-brown spots on the foliage, while stem blight can cause discoloration and lesions on stems. Preventive measures include avoiding over-fertilizing and providing adequate drainage for the soil.

Yellowing Leaves

Yellowing leaves can be caused by several factors, including nutrient deficiency, underwatering or overwatering, and temperature fluctuations. Symptoms include pale green or yellow leaves and wilting. To prevent this issue, fertilize the plant regularly with a balanced fertilizer and ensure that the soil has adequate drainage. Additionally, it is important to maintain consistent temperatures for the plant.

Root Rot

Root rot is caused by overwatering or poor soil drainage. Symptoms include yellowing leaves, wilting foliage, and root decay. To prevent this issue, water only when the top inch of soil is dry and provide adequate drainage so excess water can escape. If there are signs of root rot, it is important to repot the plant in fresh soil and trim away any decaying roots.

Slow Growth

Slow growth can be caused by several factors, such as improper growing conditions, nutrient deficiency, or pests and diseases. Symptoms include stunted growth and wilting of the leaves. To prevent this issue, it is important to provide adequate light, water and nutrients for the plant. Additionally, regularly inspecting the foliage can help identify signs of pests or disease early on.

Leaves Dropping

Leaves dropping can result from nutrient deficiency, underwatering or overwatering and temperature fluctuations. Symptoms include yellow leaves and wilting foliage. To prevent this issue, fertilize the plant regularly with a balanced fertilizer and ensure that the soil has adequate drainage. Additionally, it is important to maintain consistent temperatures for the plant.

Leaves Turning Brown

Monstera leaves turn brown because of nutrient deficiency, underwatering or overwatering and temperature fluctuations. Symptoms include brown edges on the leaves and wilting foliage. To prevent this issue, fertilize the plant regularly with a balanced fertilizer and ensure that the soil has adequate drainage. Additionally, it is important to maintain consistent temperatures for the plant. 

Uses of Monstera aurea marmorata variegata

Purifying air quality:

Monstera aurea marmorata variegata is an excellent plant for purifying the air in your home. It has been found to reduce harmful pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. As a result, having this plant in your home can significantly improve your overall air quality. 


Monstera aurea marmorata benefits mental and emotional well-being. Some people find the scent of this plant very calming and uplifting, making it an excellent choice for aromatherapy. Additionally, keeping this plant in the home can provide a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere.


Monstera aurea marmorata variegata is a great plant to use for decoration purposes. Its unique, tropical-looking leaves will make your home look vibrant and alive. The trailing vines of this plant can also be used to create interesting and eye-catching displays in the home. Furthermore, the plant is very easy to care for and maintain, making it a great choice for both beginners and experienced gardeners.

Things to Avoid When Dealing with Monstera Aurea Marmorata Variegata

  • Direct sunlight
  • Putting the plant next to an air conditioner or heater
  • Overwatering or underwatering
  • Closed and congested spaces
  • Fertilization after repotting


Why are variegated monstera so expensive?

Variegated Monstera plants are expensive due to their rarity caused by a genetic mutation that results in their unique coloring. In addition, high demand, limited supply, and difficulty in propagation further contribute to their high price, which can vary based on size, coloration, and overall health of the plant.


To wrap up, Monstera aurea marmorata variegata is an incredibly versatile and attractive tropical houseplant that adds eye-catching sophistication to any environment.

From a far distance, the plant makes for a stunning and unique look in both gardens or indoors, as well as being incredibly hardy. 

When it comes to taking care of your Monstera aurea marmorata variegata, there are some simple and achievable tips that you should keep in mind such as regular watering schedules and plenty of bright indirect sunlight.

If you can remember these few bits of advice, you could have this breath-taking piece of greenery living in the comfort of your own home for years to come.

If you’re still nervous about propagation or growing your new monstera friends from seed, then don’t be afraid to give it a try; with enough effort and love sometimes the most difficult plants become our favourite ones.

Most importantly, enjoy this beautiful foliage for what it is and appreciate its many unique qualities.

If you need further advice on caring for your Monstera aurea marmorata variegata then don’t hesitate to investigate more online or contact local nurseries.

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