Monstera Burle Marx Flame

Monstera Burle Marx Flame

You’ve definitely seen Monstera Burle Marx Flame on Pinterest, in the stores, or maybe at a friend’s. Its beauty is undeniable.

The vibrant flame-like pattern of the leaves looks as if they were painted by a master artist, and it’s no wonder why you want to care for your own.

But before you get too excited, caring for a Monstera Dilacerata can prove tricky at first. Don’t worry, we have your back.

This guide is here to help you learn how to properly care for this cool plant. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and get ready to become a Monstera Burle Marx Flame expert.

Scientific nameMonstera Dilacerata
NativeCentral and South America
Growth zoneUSDA Hardiness Zones 10-12
Plant typeTropical climbing vine
Growth size6 feet
Growth rateFast growing
LeavesVariegated and fenestrated
FloweringWhite flowers
ToxicityToxic to pets and humans
Common pestsMealybugs
Spider mites
DiseasesRoot rot
Powdery mildew
Leaf spot
Bacterial leaf blight

What is Monstera Burle Marx Flame

Monstera Dilacerata Burle Marx Flame is a tropical climbing evergreen plant that originated from Central and South America. The plant belongs to the Araceae family and its genus is Monstera. 

It grows best in Hardiness Zones of 10-12 with temperatures between 60°F (15°C) to 80°F (27°C). Monstera Dilacerata is a fast-growing, vining plant that can grow up to 6 feet (2 meters) if left to climb without support. 

It has large glossy leaves striped with patterns of green, yellow, and cream. Its long aerial roots are its distinctive feature, enabling it to climb trees and plants. 

The plant produces small orange-colored berry flowers. Monstera Burle Marx Flame is mildly toxic if ingested, so keep it away from pets and children. 

Common pests that affect this plant are mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids. It is also susceptible to a variety of diseases like root rot, bacterial leaf blight, powdery mildew, and leaf spot.

Distinguishing Features of Monstera Burle Marx Flame?

Knowing exactly which Monstera you have is the foundation of proper care. To make sure your plant thrives, check out this helpful guide on how to identify Monstera Dilacerata. 

How to identify young Monstera Dilacerata

When identifying young plants, there are a few key features to look out for. Firstly, take a close look at the shape of the foliage.

Monstera Burle Marx Flame has distinctively heart-shaped leaves when young, with pointed tips and a glossy finish. Young leaves tend to be bright lime green.

Another crucial factor is the size and pattern of the veins on the leaves, which should be bold and well-defined.

Stem structure can also provide clues to a plant’s identity. Monstera Burle Marx Flame has sturdy, upright stems that branch out as the plant matures.

Monstera Burle Marx Flame

How to identify mature Monstera Dilacerata

One way to recognize maturity is through leaf shape. The mature Monstera Burle Marx Flame exhibits large and split leaves.

The Burle Marx Flame has thicker leaves as compared to the Monstera Deliciosa var. 

As leaves age and receive adequate sunlight, they turn a rich green color with lighter variegation. The nerves of a mature plant are easily visible and form a distinct pattern unique to the Burle Marx Flame.

Another feature that distinguishes a mature Monstera is the sturdy stem it produces. The roots also become well-established and extend far beyond the pot.

While fruiting and flowering is not the main purpose of the plant, spotting a fruit or a flower is a telltale sign of adult plants. The fruit is usually yellow when ripe and the flower is white.

Monstera Burle Marx Flame

Monstera Burle Marx Flame Care Guide

Monstera Burle Marx Flame plants are a beautiful addition to any room, and with proper care, they can thrive for many years. Here are some tips on how to properly care for your plant:

1. Proper Lighting

These rainforest plants despise direct sunlight and instead, climb using their aerial roots to get enough light. Monstera Dilacerata thrives in indirect light for roughly 8-10 hours per day.

However, if you can’t achieve proper lighting naturally, use LED grow lights for 10-12 hours every day.

To create the ideal lighting environment for your plant, give it a warm spot exposed to indirect or slightly filtered light.

If you want your plant to stay healthy and happy, there are certain things you need to avoid. One of the biggest culprits is direct sunlight.

While your plant needs some light, direct sun can quickly injure the leaves. When planting, avoid putting your plant under a shade.

Place it where it gets a nice balance of light and shade throughout the day. Pay attention to your Monstera’s growth and appearance, too.

If your plant’s leaves are not colorful or show signs of slow growth, it might need more light. Look for discoloration too.

Look for plants with long stems. Also, if the soil stays wet for too long, this may mean your plant isn’t getting enough light.

To create an ideal environment for your Burle Marx at home, there are a few simple steps you can take.

First, rotate your plants every fortnight so the plant gets adequate sun exposure. Covering your window with a light fabric to help filter sun rays and prevent the plant from getting burnt.

Find a spot in your home that has lots of light, like a window or a patio. Put your plant 4-5 feet away from windows facing south if it is during the day and windows facing east or west if it is evening time.

2. Adequate Watering

Adequate watering is crucial to maintain the health and beauty of this plant. Always water moderately, waiting until the 2 top inches of the soil is dry before watering again.

To test soil dryness, you can use the finger test, poke-a-stick method, or a moisture meter. The best approach is to use a moisture meter, where a reading of 3 indicates that the soil is dry.

During the active growing season of spring and summer, the Monstera Burle Marx Flame should be watered once a week.

However, during winter when growth slows or is dormant, it is best to water less frequently, once every two weeks.

To keep your Monstera Dilacerata thriving, you need to know how much water it needs and what types of water to use.

Use either distilled water or rainwater at room temperature, but avoid mineralized water and chloramine water.

Add water until the soil is completely saturated, which means adding water gradually, letting each pour soak in before adding more.

The water should seep from the drainage holes, so be sure to empty the drainage tray to prevent root rot. And remember, it’s better to slightly under-water than over-water your plant.

Signs of an underwatered Burle Marx

  • Wilting or yellowing leaves and roots
  • Brown/dry tips on the edges of leaves
  • Stunted growth of new foliage or any existing leaf
  • Sparse, shallow root systems
  • Reduced overall vigor of the plant
  • Brown crispy patches or spots on leaves (especially edges)
  • Leaves have a papery texture and feel brittle when touched
  • Droopy stems that do not snap back when gently bent with fingers
  • Visible signs of dehydration, such as wrinkled or shriveled

Signs of an overwatered Burle Marx

  • Root rot (roots are mushy, brown, and have a musty odor)
  • Fungal growth around or on roots
  • Stems that are too soft to the touch
  • Yellowing leaves with brown spots
  • Leaves that curl inwards or look wilted and droopy
  • The mushy texture on stems near the soil line
  • Unpleasant odor coming from the soil when watered

3. Temperature

To keep your Monstera Dilacerata happy, aim for a temperature range between 65-85℉ (18-29 degrees celsius).

This plant’s growth will slow with temperatures below 55°F (13 degrees Celsius), and below 50°F (10 degrees Celsius) can lead to shock and even death.

Hot temperatures greater than 90°F can cause the plant’s leaves and stems to dry out.

Understanding the ways in which temperature affects Monstera can help you maintain the optimal conditions for your greenery to thrive.

For example, in the winter, using grow lights can be a helpful solution to keep plants happy indoors.

As summer and spring roll around, monitor the temperature and ensure it stays above 60°F before moving your plant outdoors on warm days.

There are several tips for maintaining an optimal temperature for your plants. Put your plants near a window that faces east.

Don’t put them near an air conditioner or heater. If it is too cold, you can use frost blankets or grow lights to keep the plants warm.

Are you noticing brown spots on your Monstera Dilacerata plant or yellowing leaves? These may be signs that the environment isn’t providing the ideal temperature for your plant.

In this case, the culprit might be cold temperatures. If your plant is looking wilted or droopy, with a lackluster appearance and yellowing leaves, the temperature might actually be too high.

4. Humidity 

Unlike many tropical plants, this species does not require intense humidity control. If you live in a region with warm and tropical weather, you likely have adequate air humidity levels for this plant to thrive.

However, the ideal humidity levels for the Monstera Dilacerata are medium to high, ranging from 60%-80%. Humidity that is too high or low can damage this plant, and dry air during winter can cause problems.

Fortunately, there are simple solutions to ensure your plant is getting the right amount of humidity.

These include using a hygrometer to measure levels, grouping plants together, misting leaves, and employing a humidifier if necessary.

Signs of too high humidity in your Monstera Dilacerata can include yellowing leaves, root rot, and overall wilting of the leaves. 

These symptoms show that the roots are suffocating and unable to get the oxygen they need to thrive. When there’s too low humidity, leaves may become dry and start to brown.

5. Position

The positioning and placement of the plant will depend on its size. Mature Monstera plants can get to the ceiling as their leaves measure up to three feet.

Find a good spot for your Monstera Dilacerata. Make sure it is big enough and has the right temperature and humidity to keep the plant healthy.

To maximize your plant’s growth and energy flow, apply Feng Shui principles to its placement. When it comes to lighting, place your plant near an east-facing window as this plant prefers indirect light.

For windows facing west or south, use sheer curtains or fabric to provide bright, filtered light.

Windows that face north may not get enough light. Try changing the position of the windows to see how it looks.

You’ll also want to avoid placing it in bedrooms, direct sun after 10:00 AM, near windows facing south or west, in overcrowded rooms, and near ACs or heaters.

If you want to encourage fenestrations, supplement the natural light with a full-spectrum grow light. Always avoid direct sunlight and keep an eye on the temperature.

Monstera Burle Marx Flame

6. Fertilizer 

For your Monstera Dilacerata happy and healthy, you need to understand its fertilization needs. While most potting soils come enriched with some nutrients, they will get depleted after six to twelve months.

The solution is to replenish your plant’s diet with high-quality fertilizers. This vital step is akin to taking vitamins for your plant, promoting overall growth, health, and vitality.

Your plant needs macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. It also needs micronutrients like sulfur, calcium, and magnesium.

To cover all bases, add micro-nutrients like iron, zinc, nickel, copper-boron, and chlorine.

In the summer and spring, when the plant is growing, give it fertilizer once or twice a month. But do not give it fertilizer in late fall and winter when it is taking a break.

After repotting or transplanting, wait for a month before fertilizing. This is because potting soils have fertilizers, so adding more could harm your plant.

Pick a balanced fertilizer with a 20:20:20 ratio or 10-10-10. When applying fertilizer indoors, make sure to water down the liquid fertilizer to half its strength to avoid any damage.

When you take care of your Monstera Dilacerata outside, use the fertilizer that is recommended by the maker. Do not use fertilizers in granules as this could hurt your plant.

Another way to fertilize plants is with organic fertilizers. This compost allows the plant to imitate its natural environment and can be accomplished using worm castings.

By layering ¼ to ½ inch of the compost onto the soil 1-2 times a year, you can enrich the soil and give your plants the nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.

Do not give plants too much fertilizer. Too much can hurt them and make them weak.

7. Pruning 

Trimming older foliage is essential in maintaining the overall health of your Monstera Burle Marx Flame.

Pruning helps in preventing infections like stem rot. Pruning can also help manage the size of the plant and promote faster recovery.

It’s best to prune your Monstera Dilacerata plant in spring when it’s in its high-growth period.

Avoid pruning during the period of dormancy in winter when there’s limited sunlight as the plant’s ability to generate glucose for growth is hindered.

It’s also essential to know how to prune properly to avoid making common mistakes. Firstly, always make sure to gather all the necessary tools before starting.

Protective gloves and sterilized pruning shears are required to ensure you don’t get skin irritation and bacteria infections. Trim old and diseased leaves.

If the plant outgrows its pot, trim ⅓ of the roots. Trimming aerial roots can make it look less unsightly.

However, if you’re propagating the plant, make sure to cut below a node. Finally, remember to avoid cutting too many stems at once, as this can shock the plant and leave it looking empty.

8. Propagating Monstera Dilacerata

Propagating Monstera Dilacerata at home requires a few necessary items, making it an easy process to undertake.

Supplies needed for propagation

  • A mature Monstera leaf
  • Clean scissors or pruning shears
  • Rooting hormone powder
  • A pot with well-draining soil, vermiculite, or coco coir.
  • Growing bag or humidity tray (optional)
  • Propagation promoter
  • Water

The most common ways of propagation are division, air layering, and stem cuttings.

Monstera Burle Marx Flame


The process of dividing the plant is best done in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing. Select a healthy stem and carefully split it into two. 

Replant each section with its own soil, and water well, and place in partial shade.

Air layering 

Air layering is a process of inducing roots to develop while still attached to the parent plant. It is especially beneficial if the lower part of the stem has become too woody for successful propagation. 

Choose a healthy stem and make an incision with a clean knife or razor blade on one side, then cover with moist sphagnum moss. Cover this with plastic wrap and secure it with tape. 

After several weeks, roots will begin forming and can be cut from the mother plant carefully.

Stem Cuttings 

It is possible to take stem cuttings from your Monstera Dilacerata for propagation. Select mature leaf nodes and make a clean cut about 4-6 inches down the stem. 

Trim away excess leaves, dip the cutting in rooting hormone, and pot up in moist soil, water well, and place in a warm spot with indirect sunlight. The cuttings should root within 6-8 weeks.

9. Potting & Repotting

While Monstera Dilacerata can thrive in containers early on, it can quickly run out of space. This can lead to a root-bound situation that hinders its development.

By repotting the plant, you give its roots room to expand and grow, allowing it to absorb more nutrients and moisture from the soil.

Repotting is essential to refresh the potting mix, which can become depleted over time. The frequency of repotting varies depending on the plant’s age and size.

Young plants need annual repotting while mature plants can wait up to 2 to 3 years. Repot your plant when roots begin spreading through the drainage holes.

To repot, select a larger terracotta pot with drainage holes.

Fill the container with 1/4 to 1/3 potting soil and then pull it out of its old container. Trim some of the roots and replant them in the new pot.

 Hydrate it well but do not fertilize it for the first month.

10. Soil Drainage and Aeration

If you want to keep your Monstera Dilacerata healthy, you need to understand the soil it requires.

The soil must be well draining to avoid waterlogged conditions that can harm the plant. Use organic matter to provide nutrients and foster healthy root growth.

Always maintain a pH of 5.5-7 to ensure optimal uptake of nutrients. To raise the pH, add lime, and to lower it, add sulfur.

Finally, the soil should always be kept slightly damp. Specialized monstera organic soil can help retain the correct amount of moisture for optimal growth.

Use lightly packed soil to allow air and moisture to circulate. When soil is properly aerated, the roots get the oxygen required for optimal growth.

One way to ensure your soil is well-aerated is by using a well-draining potting mix. You can also make your own DIY soil mix.

Use orchid bark, perlite, worm castings, activated charcoal, and coir. You can mix up a nutrient-rich and airy soil blend that will provide your plants with the ideal conditions they need to thrive.

If you notice signs of mushy roots, it means the soil isn’t suitable for your beloved Monstera Dilacerata.

Best Commercial Potting Mix for Monstera Burle Marx Flame

These are our Monstera soil mix of choice:

1. Premium Monstera Potting Soil

[amazon box=”B08VYBJXXM” template=”horizontal”]

2. Sun Gro Horticulture Black Gold 1310102 8-Quart All-Purpose Potting Mix

[amazon box=”B005IZ2SJ8″ template=”horizontal”]

Toxicity of Monstera Burle Marx Flame

For Pets

Monstera Dilacerata is toxic to pets. Both dogs and cats, as well as rabbits, can experience symptoms if they consume any parts of the plant.

The cause of the toxicity is calcium oxalate, which is found in the plant’s stems, leaves, roots, and unripe fruit. While the plant can be harmful, it won’t cause death in pets.

Symptoms of toxicity commonly include excessive drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, and respiratory distress.

If you suspect your pet has eaten any part of the plant, seek veterinary care immediately or contact the ASPCA Poison Center immediately.

For Humans

Monstera Dilacerata is mostly toxic for children. The plant’s toxicity is caused by calcium oxalate, which is found in the stem, leaves, roots, and unripe fruit.

While the ripe fruit is delicious and safe to eat, unripe fruit must be avoided. Although ingestion of the plant rarely leads to death, it can cause discomfort.

The best treatment for toxicity is cleaning the child’s mouth and face. Prevention is key when it comes to toxicity, so keep the Monstera Dilacerata out of reach of children.

Common Problems with Monstera Burle Marx Flame

There are some common problems that you should be aware of when caring for Monstera Dilacerata plant: 

1. Pests infestation

Monstera Dilacerata is unfortunately not immune to pests. Some of the most common culprits include mealy bugs, spider mites, and aphids.

But why are these nasty pests attracted to this beautiful plant in the first place? It all comes down to phytophagous insects, which feed on sap and the plant’s tissue.

As these pests feed on the Monstera Dilacerata, they can cause serious damage, especially if left untreated.

For example, scale insects may attach themselves to the leaf joints and stem, while the larvae of adult fungus gnats feed on the roots.

Thrips suck moisture out of the plant. In the worst-case scenario, an infestation can ultimately lead to the death of the Monstera plant.

Always keep an eye out for signs of pests, such as yellow or deformed leaves, and take action promptly.

Wiping the leaves with 70% rubbing alcohol, using horticultural soap, and pure neem oil can help in getting rid of the pests.

To control the spread of pests, isolate the plant, and buy predatory mites, ladybugs, mosquito bits, and yellow sticky gnat traps killer.

To keep pests away, buy plants from a store you trust. When you get a new plant, keep them separate from other plants for a while.

2. Diseases

Like most plants, Monstera Burle Marx Flame can be susceptible to disease, which can affect its overall health and appearance.

To protect your Monstera Dilacerata from disease, you need to understand its causes and symptoms.

Some common diseases that Monstera Burle Marx Flame can contract include root rot, leaf spot, powdery mildew, and bacterial leaf blight.

Symptoms of these diseases can include wilting leaves, brown spots on the leaf, and stunted growth.

If you notice any of these symptoms on your plant, it is essential to diagnose the disease promptly to prevent it from spreading.

Proper care, such as adequate watering, fertilization, and pest control, helps prevent diseases. However, sometimes, a sick plant may be beyond repair, and it may be necessary to discard it.

3. Yellowing leaves

Are you noticing yellow leaves on your Monstera plant? This is a common issue among tropical plants, but luckily, there are steps you can take to prevent and treat it.

One cause of yellowing leaves can be over-watering, so make sure to allow the soil to dry out in between waterings. Too much direct light can also be another cause.

Move the plant to a spot with indirect or filtered light. If the yellowing has already occurred, try trimming off the affected leaves and adjust the plant’s care routine.

Monstera Burle Marx Flame

4. Slow growth

Slow growth can be a frustrating problem for those who own this beautiful and unique plant.

Some of the factors that affect growth speed include light, temperature, moisture, and nutrient availability.

Symptoms of slow growth include smaller leaves and fewer new leaves. The causes for slow growth can range from improper pot size to environmental stress.

To promote growth, you can change the light, give them food, and put them in a bigger pot with new dirt.

It can be hard if your plant doesn’t grow quickly. But you can help it stay strong and healthy by figuring out why it is not growing fast and fixing that problem.

5. Root rot

This is a fungal disease caused by overwatering and poor drainage. Symptoms of root rot in Monstera Dilacerata include yellowing of leaves, wilting, brown or black roots, and foul odor from the soil.

If left untreated, this condition can be fatal for your stunning plant.

To help a plant with root rot, put it in soil that lets water drain out. Give it less water than usual. Check for signs of infection.

Adding a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot can significantly improve drainage and prevent waterlogging.

6. Leaves dropping

Leaf dropping, also known as abscission, can occur for various reasons. One common cause is environmental stress, such as excessive heat or cold.

Other culprits could be pests, disease, or overwatering. Signs of a leaf dropping include wilting, yellowing, and premature shedding.

Prevention involves proper watering, fertilization, and pest management. To revive a Monstera Burle Marx Flame after leaf dropping, identify and address the underlying cause.

Pruning dead foliage and providing optimal care can encourage new growth. Remember, prevention is the best medicine when it comes to avoiding leaf dropping in plants.

7. Leaves turning brown

Black or brown spots on leaves can be due to various reasons such as insect infestations, nutrient deficiencies, or overwatering.

Along with visual signs, the plant may also show symptoms such as wilting, dropping leaves, or stunted growth.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent your plant from turning brown.

Take care of the soil, water your plants often, and keep them away from too much sunlight. These are good ways to help your plants stay healthy.

It’s possible to save a brown plant by removing the affected leaves, improving soil drainage, and regulating watering.

Uses of Monstera Burle Marx Flame

Monstera Dilacerata is a tropical plant that can be used for a variety of purposes:

1. Indoor Decoration: This plant is well known for its unique, eye-catching foliage. It can be used to add a touch of greenery and visual interest to any room in the home.

2. Outdoor Landscaping: The Monstera Burle Marx Flame is perfect for outdoor landscaping due to its low maintenance requirements and attractive leaves. It can be used as an ornamental plant for patios and gardens, or as a ground cover to fill in open spaces.

3. Air Purification: This tropical plant has the ability to filter out toxins from the air. By removing pollutants from the home environment, this plant can help improve air quality.

4. Natural Humidifier: This Monstera plant is also able to increase humidity levels in the home, which is beneficial for people prone to respiratory problems or dry skin. This natural humidifier helps make the atmosphere more comfortable and healthy.

5. Medicinal Benefits: The juice of Monstera leaves can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis. It is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties which can help alleviate joint pain. Additionally, the juice from this tropical plant is known to have antiseptic effects when applied topically.

What to Avoid when Keeping Monstera Dilacerata

1. Avoid putting this Monstera plant in direct sunlight.

2. Avoid mineralized and chloramine water on your plant.

3. Do not put the plant near a heater or an air conditioner.

4. Do not over-fertilize.

5. Avoid pruning during the period of dormancy in winter.

6. Do not fertilize for the first month after repotting. 

7. Do not fertilize the plant during late fall or winter. 


Does Burle Marx need a moss pole?

Yes, Burle Marx definitely needs a moss pole in order to support its growth and spread. Moss poles are great for vining plants like Burle Marx, as they provide something for the plant to climb up on (rather than just hanging down). They also encourage even more of the characteristic winding stems that make this plant so unique and attractive.

Can a reverted Monstera plant variegate again?

No, most plants that have reverted to their original coloring will not variegate again. Variegation occurs when a genetic mutation causes certain areas of the plant’s leaves or stems to be lighter in color than the rest of the plant. This mutation is usually permanent and will not reverse itself in the same plant even if environmental conditions change.

Can I propagate Monstera Dilacerata from seeds?

No, you cannot propagate Monstera Dilacerata from seeds. Monstera Dilacerata is a hybrid plant and does not produce viable seeds. The only way to propagate Monstera Dilacerata is through stem cuttings or tissue culture. Take stem cuttings, during spring or summer when the plant has more energy to put into new growth. 


In conclusion, caring for your Monstera Burle Marx Flame is a straightforward process that does not require much. Providing enough light, fresh water, and fertilizing regularly are the basics for creating and sustaining healthy growth for Monstera Dilacerata.

With a bit of time dedicated to its care, your plant can offer you years of vibrant colors and beautiful foliage. By following our guidelines, your Monstera Burle Marx Flame can flourish for many years to come.

Leave a comment below if you have any questions on Monstera Dilacerata. We would love to hear from you.

Happy growing.

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