Monstera Laniata vs Adansonii: Comparison Guide

Monstera Laniata vs Adansonii

Many house plant enthusiasts fancy Monstera plants for their fenestrated leaves. However, besides their aesthetics, the monstera genus includes numerous varieties.

Subsequently, distinguishing them becomes a hard nut to crack. The monstera laniata and monstera adansonii are among the most popular in the genus.

While they share several similarities, the plants have major differences that make them distinct from each other.

This article compares Monstera laniata vs Adansonii, focusing on their differences and similarities. Read on to learn more about these monstera plants;

Monstera Laniata

The plant is native to South and Central America but is also common in many other parts of the world. Monstera Laniata bears a close resemblance to the Swiss Cheese Plant.

The plant is a member of the Araceae family and features green leaves with strips that run down the center vein.  Monstera Lanita is also one of the species that can grow up to 12 feet tall.

Monstera Adansonii

This plant, also known as Adanson’s Monstera, is native to South and Central America. It belongs to the Araceae family of aroids and grows in tropical areas where it exhibits its climbing characteristics.

This tropical plant features thick leaves shaped like a heart but has perforations that develop into holes when it matures.

Compared to Monstera Laniata, a mature Monstera Adansoni has more pronounced leaves, increased fenestration, and could grow up to 13 feet tall.

Monstera Adansonii vs Laniata – Similarities

Although Adansonii and Laniata are different species of Monstera plants, they share similarities regarding the root and leaf structures.

Also, they thrive in similar environments and have similar temperature limitations. Let’s dive into some of these similarities.

Root System

Both Adansonii and Laniata have aerial roots that support climbing and allow nutrients and moisture to reach the roots. The roots allow the plant to creep on the ground before it starts climbing.

Leaf Structure

The two plants share similarities in leaf structures during different growing stages.

The leaves assume an oval shape when maturing, but the Adansonii tends to be more elongated, especially during the juvenile stage.

Both plants have fenestrations on the leaves, allowing for increased moisture uptake and essential nutrients.

This is vital to prevent root rot. Upon maturity, the plants may show different fenestration patterns.

Growing Habits

Both Laniata and Adansoni plants portray interesting growing characteristics and behavior. The plants feature green leaves and will thrive in warm, humid environments.

Additionally, both plants will thrive in well-drained pots and may require bamboo poles for climbing support.

Temperature Requirements

Different plants have varying temperature requirements depending on their adaptation.

Typically, Monstera Adansonii and Laniata will thrive in a highly humid room with temperatures slightly above 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Monstera Adansonii Vs Laniata – Differences

The difference between Monstera Adansonii and Laniata isn’t readily apparent. The monstera laniata is a subspecies of the Adansonii, so they share many features.

However, the plants differ in size, leaf color, and fenestrations. Here are some details to help you distinguish between the two.


Monstera Adansonii and Laniata belong to the Araceae species family. When mature, Laniata grows up to 12 ft high, while Monstera Adansonii grows up to 13 ft tall.

In addition, Laniata develops larger leaves compared to Monstera Adansonii. Typically, the Adansonii will grow relatively small but shiny leaves.

Leaf Shape

The best way to differentiate between Monstera varieties is to look at the shape of the leaves.

Some species develop round leaves, while others have narrow, pointed leaves. You may also categorize them based on the variegation habits.

Monstera Laniata grows dark green leaves that are glossy. On the other hand, Monstera Adansonii features green but shiny and reflective leaves.


Fenestration is an important feature that can help differentiate between Monstera Adansonii and monstera Adansonii variation laniata.

Whereas Monstera Laniata features symmetrical and uniform fenestrations, the Adansonii plant has sporadic fenestrations.

Monstera Laniata – Pros and Cons

Monstera Lanita is a darling of many people and an excellent indoor decoration choice. It comes with the following pros and cons:


  • Quick to grow
  • Its foliage is unique


  • Is susceptible to pests
  • It is toxic to pets
  • Will not flourish when placed in areas that receive direct sunlight

Monstera Adansonii – Pros and Cons

Monstera Adansonii has become a common indoor houseplant in many homes. Here are its pros and cons:


  • High tolerance to drought- you may allow the soil to dry out because the plant doesn’t need a lot of water.
  • It’s easy to propagate- you only need to cut a stem, soak it in water and propagate it.
  • It has aerial roots that allow it to climb and secure itself firmly on objects.


  • It’s prone to rhizome rot.
  • Leaves curl inside.
  • Plant wilts easily.

Monstera Laniata Vs Adansoni: Care Guide

Learning about Monstera Adansonii and Monstera Laniata care is vital if you plan to grow a healthy planthouse.

Vital factors to consider when growing the plant include water, light, soil, and temperature requirements.

Also, you must provide the required humidity and fertilize it regularly to ensure that your plant thrives.

Other aspects you should consider are Monstera Laniata propagation, repotting and pruning.

Here is a detailed explanation of how you can care for Monstera Laniata and Adansoni.

Watering the Plants

Like most plants, Monstera Laniata and Adansonii require that you water them periodically. So continue watering the plants until you notice water draining out of the holes.

Once adequately watered, allow the soil to dry before rewatering. Ensure that the topsoil, about 2-3 inches, is dry prior to adding more water.

Doing this helps you put the overwatering problem in check. It also eliminates root rot, a common problem that often destroys Monstera plants.

Ideally, how often you water the plant depends on how quickly the soil dries.

Note that the amount of light the plant receives, humidity levels, and temperature are critical in determining how often to water your monstera plant.

While the plant thrives in damp soil, ensure the soil dries out partially before your next watering session. Also, ensure to water the plant frequently during hotter periods.

And again, the best time to water it is when the humidity level is high. High humidity makes the soil retain the water for extended periods.

Soil Requirements

Almost all Monstera plants have similar soil requirements. The plants will thrive in well-draining soils with a pH of 5.5 -7.0.

Also, the plants will thrive well in moist soil. In addition, Monstera plants need plenty of nitrogen to develop healthy, green leaves. As such, they’ll be happy if placed in soil rich in nutrients.

When selecting the soil type for your plant, go for the soil mix with enhanced drainage capability and moisture retention.

The soil should also contain essential elements, including perlite and peat moss. While peat moss decreases the soil’s pH, it contains vital nutrients that will make the Adansonii plant thrive.

Light Requirements

Both Monstera Adansonii and Monstera Laniata thrive in indirect light. Therefore, planting them in areas that receive bright but indirect light will help them grow.

So, you’ll want to place your Swiss cheese vine in locations that allow them to receive indirect sunlight in the morning.

Avoid direct sunlight, especially when the sun gets hotter because it harms the plant. To be safer, choose the north-facing window as your location for the plant.

During winter, you may move it to the northeast-facing window to allow the plant to receive more direct light.

The cardinal rule is that the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long duration.

Temperature Requirements

Monstera plants will thrive in a temperature range of 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit. Fortunately, this is the temperature range you will always get in our homes.

Remember that Monstera plants are less resistant to frost. Consequently, this may force you to transfer the plant to warmer places when the temperature falls.

Typically, the plant will thrive in areas with temperatures of between 55-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, you should hydrate the soil, especially when temperatures hit 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day.

As mentioned, the Monstera plant does not thrive in cold places. So avoid keeping it in places with air conditioners and vents.

Also, keep the plant away from fireplaces and radiators that cause sudden temperature changes.

Humidity Requirements

Monstera plants flourish in highly humid areas. Typically, they thrive in places where humidity is more than 50%.

So if you live in less humid areas, use artificial equipment to make the home humid. Luckily, there are many ways of increasing humidity in your home.

You may use a homemade pebble tray to try and increase humidity in the house. Alternatively, you may buy a humidifier or mist the plant regularly. 

Additionally, you may consider placing the plant in bathrooms or kitchen. The humidity levels in these places will always be high.

Fertilization Needs

Both Monstera Laniata and Adansonii need plenty of fertilizer. They benefit more if you can plan to fertilize them once a month before repotting.

Liquid fertilizer is highly recommended, but ensure to dilute it first before applying. When repotting, use fresh soil.

Besides, wait six months to lapse after repotting before fertilizing the soil again. Also, adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines when fertilizing the plant.

Thus, check the packaging for instructions and directions before fertilizing your plant.

Repotting Requirements

The Monstera plant needs to be repotted every twenty-four months. Unfortunately, few people may know when to repot the plant.

However, the right time to repot the plant is at the start of a new season. Repotting your plant at the start of the season allows it to adapt and acclimatize to the new environment with time.

Thus, when you repot the plant, prepare the soil, including watering it as often as possible. A large port is recommended since it gives the roots enough space to contact more soil.

The use of loose soil is recommended because it is well draining and has good water retention properties. Besides, unlike rocky soil, it allows the roots to grow in their chosen direction.

Exercise caution when removing Adansonii from the pot. If you pull it out with force, you could harm its roots. Ensure to tilt the pot slightly to allow the plant to slide out easily.

Once it’s done, remove most of the soil on the root. Check for root infection and use sanitized pruners to remove infected roots if possible.

Ensure to add fresh soil to the pot while placing your Monstera plant in the center of the pot.  Continue to water the plant regularly until it gets used to the new environment.


Pruning is an important undertaking, which should be done whenever the leaves get discolored or damaged.

Also, cutting away branches helps to control their shape and growth. In addition, it stops the spread of diseases to other parts of the plant.


Propagating the plant is vital since it guarantees the survival of the variety.

Besides, it ensures that you have as many Monsteras as possible. You may cut and propagate the stem or grow the plant in soil or water.

Stem Cuttings Propagation

Sterilize your cutting equipment and cut the stem you plan to propagate with a node. Ensure your stem has more nodes to increase your chances of survival.

Also, you may need to submerge the stem in water before transferring it to the soil. If the conditions are favorable, the roots will start growing quickly.

Water Propagation

Water propagation is also one of the best ways of growing your monstera plant.


  • Cut a slice of the plant stem and dip it in a rooting hormone.
  • Submerge the bottom part of the cut slice into a jar of water.
  • Place the jar in a place that receives good indirect sunlight.
  • Change the water every three days.
  • Once you spot new roots, plant the stem in the soil.

Soil Propagation

To get good results, ensure to prepare the soil well. Use permeable soil with good drainage if possible.

Steps to follow:

  1. Prepare loam soil and place it in a container
  2. Dip the cutting in the rooting hormone to stimulate it
  3. Dig a hole and place the root in the soil but let one node be covered with soil while the rest of the nodes should be above the soil
  4. Punch a hole in a plastic bag and put it above the bottom portion without covering the leaves. The hole allows air to flow around the stem to enable it to start growing new roots
  5. Place the container where it can get indirect bright light
  6. Miss or water the plant frequently
  7. If you can expose it to indirect morning sunlight, the better

If the propagation is successful, ensure to prune the leaves every month to help the plant grow healthier. Also, have a watering schedule and continue watering to keep it healthy.

Monstera Laniata vs Adansonii Common Issues

Since they grow in similar environments, Monstera Laniata and Adansonii face similar challenges.

So you must be prepared to meet the plants’ needs if you want it to continue enjoying their presence.

Here are some common issues you will run into with your potted plant.

Pest and Diseases

Both Monstera Laniata and Adansonii are susceptible to spider mites and scales. If the plant is attacked, you must determine the appropriate method to remove the pests.

You may remove the spider mites by wiping the affected areas with a cotton swab. To get the best results, ensure the cotton is dipped in alcohol or disinfectant.

However, if the attack is severe, you may apply neem oil. Alternatively, solve the spider mites and scales problems by applying copper-based fungicide.

Root rot and yellowing of leaves are the other common problems. They are caused by overwatering, while yellowing could result from exposure to direct sunlight.

Checking the light levels and adjusting your watering schedule could solve the problem.

Common Monstera Varieties

The Monstera is a common indoor plant, which is the darling of many homeowners because it improves the indoor decor.

If you are planning to use the plant for this purpose, you may need to collect different plant species.

If you are new to gardening, you’ll need to learn about the plant and select the varieties to grow. Here are some monstera varieties you should consider adding to your indoor décor.

Monstera Obliqua

It is a rare variety, but you will quickly recognize it since the leaves have many holes, making it look like a plant skeleton. The plant grows thin, stringy leaves which further make it appear like it is wilting.

Almost all the leaves have holes, which greatly reduces the amount of chlorophyll and the amount of food the leaves can make.

As a result, the plant remains small throughout its life, which is a distinct feature when looking at Monstera Obliqua Vs Adansonii.

Finding the Monstera Obliqua species is difficult, but more than 17 monstera species grow in the wild.

Monstera Deliciosa

The plant features egg-shaped leaves that appear as if they are chopped. However, it looks nice and features a lot of flesh and an upright spike.

The plant is highly fenestrated. This vital adaptation feature makes it withstand severe rain and wind. The fenestration reduces leaf weight and allows raindrops to reach the ground easily.

Nonetheless, the plant produces delicious fruits and could help improve the decoration of your house.

Monstera Lechleriana

The plant looks like Adansonii but grows faster and occupies more space. This variety produces more leaves at the stem’s tip and has a shorter internode.

The shorter internodes make the plant quite noticeable. In addition, this species has plenty of leaves at the tips.

However, there are times when the fenestrations may not be present. This is common in younger plants.

Monstera Acuminata

This species is rare and less popular compared to other Monstera varieties. During the early stages of its life, the plant grows horizontally to the ground.

It does so while searching for an appropriate support object to start climbing. As a result, the plant is believed to be a hemiepiphyte.

Therefore, if you decide to plant it indoors, you must provide a moss pole immediately after you notice that it wants to start climbing.

Monstera Acuminata could grow up to 98 feet tall if left in its natural habitat. However, it will only grow up to 8 feet tall when growing in indoor gardens.

Note that the fenestrations make the dark-green leaves look more beautiful. As a result, it enhances the decor of your home.

Mini Monstera

The plant resembles the monstera Adansonii var laniata species, but when you scrutinize it, you will discover it is not.

Mini Monstera is an Aracea plant, even though it is smaller than other family members. It has larger fenestrations that extend to the leave’s margins.

Such fenestration gives them a notched appearance. Also, like the monstera adansonii variegata, the plant features dark green foliage that makes it eye-catching.

Monstera Epipremnoides

The plant is popularly referred to as Monstera Esqueleto. Epipremnoides is a member of the Aracea family and features beautiful fenestration-patterned leaves.

But unlike other plants in the family, the leaves are thinner and more pointed.

Notice that this plant features unique leaves compared to other varieties. It is thin, light green, and beautiful to the eye.

Monstera Peru

Unlike other members of the Aracea family, Monstera Peru does not feature fenestrations. This makes some people question if it is really a Monstera species.

The plant features dark green leaves with pronounced veins. These veins become darker as it grows into a mature plant.

Other than that, the plant is tiny and compact and will thrive if placed in an area with diffused light.

Note that the plant will grow tall even if you do not provide moss pole support. However, providing a moss pole at the right time allows it to climb faster.

Monstera Adansonii Friedrichsthalii

The Friedrichsthalii is not different from other Andasonii varieties, but it features longer leaves. Besides, the leaves are bigger compared to other species.

Monstera plants come in a wide range of varieties. So if you are new to the plant, you will find it easy to differentiate between varieties.

All you need to do is to look at the features and identify the type you are dealing with. Most of the varieties feature fenestrations, a trademark for these plants.

In addition, growing these plants is simple and less demanding. You only need to keep the soil moist and maintain humidity above 50%.

Also, it’s necessary to maintain a temperature range between 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Depending on the variety, Monstera plants have major benefits, including fruits, air humidification, trapping dust particles, and absorbing toxins.

This property makes it suitable for warding off dry skin and solving respiratory issues in humans.

It’s also vital to remember that some parts of the plant are toxic to humans and pests- including felines and canines.

Fruits from the species are harmful and shouldn’t be ingested. Subsequently, you’ll want to keep them out of pets and children’s reach.


Is Monstera Laniata Similar to Adansonii?

Monstera Laniata isn’t the same as Adansonii. Instead, it is a variety of Adansonii. The plant features pleated leaves with fenestrations starting at the center. Its fenestrations are relatively larger compared to the normal Adansonii.

Even so, the leaves are similar in shape and size. Adansonii leaves feature a deep green color, are shiny, and are quite reflective.

What Is A Laniata?

Monstera Laniata is a foliage plant with huge and glossy leaves that you will quickly notice thanks to the oval holes it features. Laniata is a perennial commonly found in South and Central America. The plant features large leaves with irregular holes and could grow up to 2 feet long.

Is the Monstera Laniata Rare?

Although common, Monstera Laniata is a rare species. However, the Monstera Acacoyaguensis is rarer and more demanding to maintain. Fortunately, growing the monstera laniata is quite simple, especially in the right conditions. You can obtain this variety online or from other plant enthusiasts.

How Big Does Monstera Laniata Get?

Monstera Laniata can grow up to 8 feet long upon maturity. The plant features large leaves, some of which could be 2 feet long. Other than that, the leaves have many holes that create a dramatic appearance. Thus, it is one of the largest plants you may consider growing indoors.

How Do You Care For A Monstera Laniata?

The best way to care for Monstera Laniata entails providing warm and humid conditions. Besides, water it regularly and expose it to bright indirect sunlight. Also, you must plant it in well-draining soil.

Difference Between Adansonii and Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Adansonii and Monstera Deliciosa are different varieties of Monstera plants. Adansonii has smaller leaves with more holes, grows more quickly, and is more adaptable to indoor environments, while Deliciosa has larger leaves, grows more slowly, and requires more space to grow.


Unless you’re a seasoned gardener, distinguishing between Monstera Adansonii Laniata Vs Adansonii may be challenging.

The plants share many features because Laniata is a subspecies of Adansonii. For instance, they both feature the traditional trademark- fenestration leaves.

The leaves also have similar shapes even though they vary in size. However, a key difference between the plants lies in their leaves.

For instance, Adansonii plants have dark green leaves, which are always shiny and reflective, while Laniata leaves are light green.

Here are other Monstera comparison guides to help you choose the best one for your home:

Monstera Thai Constellation Vs Albo

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