13 Reasons Why Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow

Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow

Monstera leaves turning yellow is a widely-encountered problem among plant parents worldwide.

If you’ve ever been in this situation, you understand that it can sometimes be hard to figure out what’s causing your Monstera to turn yellow and how best to treat it.

Luckily, some tried & true methods for helping to reverse the issue have proven successful time and again.

In this blog post, we’ll explore why Monstera leaves tend to go yellow and provide some advice on how you can save yours from adopting an unwanted shade of lemon.

Keep reading if you’d like help keeping your beloved Monstera healthy and happy.

Why Are Your Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow

Your leaves are turning yellow because of old age and nutrient deficiency. Ageing leaves naturally turn yellow and die, while nutrient deficiencies such as nitrogen, magnesium, iron, or manganese can also cause yellowing. Your plant may be overwatered as well, causing root rot and yellow leaves or if it’s under pests and diseases infestation.

13 Reasons Why Your Monstera Leaves Turn Yellow

Monstera is a popular houseplant known for its beautiful and lush green foliage. However, yellow leaves can be a common problem among Monstera owners.

Your monstera plant can turn yellow for a variety of reasons, including the  following:

1. Overwatering

monstera leaves turning yellow

When your Monstera plant is given too much water, overwatering can cause the leaves to turn yellow.

This could be due to root rot, a fungal disease caused by excessive moisture in the soil. To avoid this, allow the top few inches of soil to dry out before watering again.

You should also ensure your plant has drainage holes for excess water to run out.

2. Underwatering

Not giving your Monstera enough water can also cause yellow leaves as well. This is because monstera plants love humidity and need adequate moisture to stay healthy.

Yet, when there isn’t enough available, it can lead to nutrient deficiencies. To prevent this from happening, water your plant regularly and allow the soil to dry out between waterings; water at least 1-2 times a week is the best way.

3. Nutrient deficiency

If your Monstera’s leaves are turning yellow, it could be due to a lack of essential nutrients in the soil.

To ensure your plant gets all the soil vitamins and minerals, you should fertilize it every few weeks.

If you’re unsure which fertilizer is right for your Monstera, it’s best to consult a professional for advice and recommendations.

4. Insufficient light

Monstera plants thrive in bright, indirect sunlight, so without enough light, the leaves can turn yellow as a sign of distress. 

To prevent this from happening, make sure your Monstera is getting as much light as possible.

If you live in a place with low natural light, consider investing in a grow light to help your plant get the energy it needs.

5. Natural old age

As your Monstera grows, its older leaves are naturally yellow and die off. This is perfectly normal, and usually nothing to worry about. 

Plus, as your monstera plant matures, it will shed its older leaves in favour of new ones.

Unfortunately, you may not have control over this yellowing as it is a natural phenomenon. This time you can start planning on how how to get a replacement. 

6. Season

Depending on the weather season, your Monstera’s leaves might turn yellow. This can be particularly common in winter when temperatures drop and less natural light is available.

If you do not provide sufficient light requirements at this time, your plant leaves are likely to turn yellow. 

To ensure your plant stays healthy during this time, give it extra water, fertilizer and protection from drafts or unexpected cold spells.

7. Fertilization

If you’re not fertilizing your Monstera, the leaves can turn yellow due to a lack of essential nutrients in the soil.

To prevent this from happening, fertilize your plant with medium fertilizer needs, using a balanced fertilizer. Find out about some of the best fertilizers for monstera plants to use. 

8. Relocating the plant

Moving your Monstera to a new environment or location can cause its leaves to turn yellow. This is because sudden environmental changes can shock the plant, leading to nutrient deficiencies and other issues. 

To prevent this from happening, acclimate your Monstera slowly so it has time to adjust to its new environment.

9. Temperature and humidity

monstera leaves turning yellow

The temperature and humidity levels in your home can greatly impact your Monstera’s health.

The leaves could turn yellow if the air is too dry or too warm, as this can cause stress and nutrient deficiencies.

To prevent this from happening, keep your home within monstera temperature tolerance and use a humidifier to increase humidity when necessary.

10. Pest and diseases

Pest infestations or diseases can also cause Monstera leaves to turn yellow. If you spot any signs of pests or disease, treating the plant as soon as possible is best.

This will help keep your Monstera healthy and prevent further damage from occurring.


Several pests could attack your Monstera and cause major damage to the leaves and stems. The most common are scale insects, aphids, mealybugs, spider mites and thrips. 

These pests feed on plant sap by sucking it out of the foliage or stem, which can cause discolouration, leaf drop and stunted growth.

If you notice these pests on your Monstera, act quickly because they can spread rapidly. 

The best way to eliminate them is using a combination of manual removal and an insecticidal soap spray.


Monsteras can also be susceptible to several common diseases, most caused by fungal infections. These include leaf spot, root rot, powdery mildew and rust. 

Leaf spot is one of the most common problems and causes irregularly shaped spots on the leaves with yellow or brown centres.

This disease usually occurs in humid conditions and can spread quickly if not treated. 

Root rot occurs when the roots stay too wet for too long, leading to fungal infections. Symptoms include yellowing leaves, wilting and stunted growth. 

Powdery mildew is another common fungal infection that can cause white or gray spots on the leaves.

This disease is most likely to occur in high humidity levels, so good air circulation should be provided to reduce the risk.

Rust is also a fungal infection that causes orange or yellow spots on the leaves. It is spread through water droplets, so it’s essential to try and keep the foliage dry.

11. Incorrect repotting

Incorrect Potting: When it comes to potting your Monstera, ensuring you have the right size pot is key.

If the container is too large for the plant’s current size, then there may be too much soil, and it will promote root rot by keeping its roots in overly wet conditions.

On the other hand, if the pot is too small, then it can prevent water drainage, which can also lead to root rot. 

How To Repot A Monstera Plant 

  1. Gather the supplies needed to repot the Monstera plant, including a new pot, fresh soil and pruning shears.
  2. Carefully remove the Monstera from its old pot by loosening the soil around it with your hands or a knife and gently lifting it. If there is an excess amount of soil, shake off the extra.
  3. Inspect the roots for signs of disease or damage, and trim away any browning or rotting with pruning shears.
  4. Place a layer of fresh potting soil in the bottom of the new pot and then set the Monstera root ball on top.
  5. Fill in the sides of the pot with more soil and pat it down lightly to remove any air pockets.
  6. Water the plant thoroughly and allow any excess water to drain out of the pot before placing it in an area that receives bright but indirect sunlight, such as an east or west-facing windowsill. 
  7. Monitor the soil for moisture regularly and water as needed to keep it lightly damp but never soggy. 
  8. Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season, but reduce application frequency in winter months when growth slows down. 
  9. Repot your Monstera plant every two to three years to give the roots space to spread and encourage healthy growth. 

12. Pruning

monstera leaves turning yellow

Pruning is important to keep your Monstera healthy and growing. When pruning, it’s essential to remember that not all stems will grow into leaves.

Trimming too much can lead to yellowing monstera leaves as the plant isn’t getting enough energy from its roots to support new growth.  

How To Prune Yellow Monstera Leaves

Inspect the leaves: Before pruning yellow monstera leaves, check for any signs of disease or damage.

If you notice any discoloration or brown spots, it is best to avoid pruning in that area until the monstera leaf has had time to heal.

  1. Prepare your tools: You will need a pair of sharp scissors or pruning shears for pruning yellow monstera leaves. Confirm the blades are clean and free from rust so as not to damage the plant.
  2. Cut away any dead or damaged leaves: When pruning yellow monstera leaves, it is important to remove any dead or damaged sections first. These can be easily identified by their dark colour or brittle texture.
  3. Trim any overgrown leaves: After removing the dead and damaged sections, you can trim away any overgrown leaves. Leave the healthy green parts of the leaf intact as much as possible. 
  4. Remove yellowing leaves: It is normal for yellow monstera leaves to turn yellow after a period of time; however, if the yellow leaf is completely discolored it is best to remove it. Cut away any completely yellowed leaves with sharp scissors or pruning shears.
  5. Dispose of the cuttings: To prevent disease and pests, dispose of all the cuttings in a sealed bag or container.
  6. Clean the pruning tools: After you are done pruning, clean and disinfect the blades of your scissors or pruning shears before storing them away. This will reduce the chances of spreading infections from one plant to another.

13. Soil mix

The soil mix you choose for your Monstera is also very important. The right mix of organic materials, such as compost and peat moss, will help your plant retain moisture while providing essential nutrients to the roots.

If you have a soil mix that doesn’t have enough organic matter, it can cause the Monstera’s leaves to turn yellow due to a lack of nutrients. 

DIY Soil Mix

Being an aroid plant, you monstera needs an effective DIY aroid soil mix recipe

The recommended soil mix for the plant includes five parts orchid bark, four parts coir, five parts perlite, two parts worm castings, and two parts activated charcoal.

These components combine to create a nutrient-rich soil that promotes well-draining soil for your plant. If you prefer, you can also use orchid bark to assist with drainage.

The perlite’s fluffy texture enhances airflow in the mixture, and the worm castings provide an excellent organic material source.

Combining these components allows you to create an environment right at home that will help keep your plant healthy and look its best. 

How to Fix Yellow Leaves on Monstera

Yellowing of monstera leaves occurs in different ways. The discolouration can be plain yellow Leaves, yellow leaves with black spots, yellow leaves with brown spots,  and yellow leaves With brown edges.

Here are a few ways to help fix yellow leaves on your monstera:

Plain yellowing leaves

Yellowing leaves can be caused by various factors, including incorrect light exposure, insufficient water and nutrient deficiencies.

To resolve this problem, check that your Monstera is getting enough light (at least four hours of direct sunlight).

Ensure to water the plant regularly with fresh, filtered water and add a diluted liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing season.

If yellowing persists, try spraying the leaves with a chelated iron solution.

Yellow leaves with black spots

This is likely due to an infection caused by fungi or bacteria. Remove any affected leaves and spray the plant with an anti-fungal or anti-bacterial solution to fix this issue. 

Make sure to remove any mulch or other materials that may be harbouring fungi or bacteria from around the plant and avoid overwatering.

Yellow leaves with brown spots

This could be caused by several environmental factors, such as too much light, overfertilizing or using water with high chlorine levels or other chemicals.

 Move your plant to a shadier spot away from direct sunlight, reduce the fertilizer you use, and water it with fresh, filtered water.

Yellow leaves with brown edges

This is likely caused by incorrect light exposure or improper watering. Make sure your Monstera has enough bright indirect light, and water it regularly with fresh, filtered water. 

Also, avoid wetting the leaves when you water, as this can cause browning. If yellowing persists, try spraying the leaves with a chelated iron solution.

If you notice any other symptoms, such as wilting or curling leaves, it’s best to consult a professional.


Should I Cut Yellow Leaves Off Monstera?

 No, it is not necessary to cut yellow leaves off your monstera. Trim or prune instead. Trimming the leaves encourages the plant’s energy to be focused on healthy growth, but if you have just a few yellow leaves, it may be better to leave the leaves alone so that the plant can utilize their nutrients. Additionally, if you trim too many leaves off, you run the risk of stressing the plant. 

Can Yellow Monstera Leaves Turn Green Again?

In some cases, yellow Monstera leaves can turn back to green, but it’s not very common. If the yellowing is caused by a nutrient deficiency or incorrect lighting, you may be able to fix the issue and get your leaves back to their normal colour. Check the light levels in your space and provide adequate nutrition to the plant.

What nutrient deficiency causes yellow leaves?

Nutrient deficiency is often the cause of yellowing in Monstera leaves. To prevent this, make sure to fertilize your plant regularly with a balanced fertilizer, or with one that’s specific for Monstera plants. You can also try adding compost tea or other organic matter to your soil to help boost nutrient levels naturally.

Where do I cut yellow monstera leaves?

When cutting yellow Monstera leaves, cut at the base of the stem just below where it meets the plant. If you remove too much of the stem, you may damage healthy parts of the plant, so be careful when trimming. 

What does overwatered monstera plants look like?

An overwatered Monstera can look very similar to an underwatered one. The leaves turn yellow and feel mushy or limp, and the roots may be waterlogged and have a bad smell. Check your soil’s moisture level regularly before watering your plant, as this can help you avoid overwatering issues. If you think your monstera is overwatered, allow the soil to dry out

Should I trim off yellow Monstera leaves?

Yes, you should trim off any yellowing leaves from your monstera plant as they are indicative of an unhealthy plant. Trimming off yellow leaves encourages the plant to focus its energy on healthy growth and allows for more light to reach the remaining leaves. 

How Can I know my monstera is thirsty?

If your monstera looks limp or droopy, it may be thirsty. Other signs of thirst include wilting and yellowing leaves, as well as cracked, dry  soil. To check the moisture level of your plant’s soil, stick your finger into the top few inches. If it feels dry or crumbly, it is time to water your monstera. 

How do I reverse yellow monstera?

To reverse leaf yellowing in Monstera plants, you must check for any signs of disease or pests and take appropriate action. You should also assess your watering habits and make sure you are not overwatering or underwatering your plant. Also, ensure the soil is well-drained, as soggy soil can cause yellowing leaves. 

Your Monstera is in Distress, Having Yellow Leaves

When it comes to your beloved monstera plant, there’s likely no more alarming sight than its leaves changing from lush green to yellow.

Thankfully, with extra care and attention, you can help restore your Monstera’s health and vitality. 

Coupled with the right environment balance of fertilizing and repotting schedule, this will help ensure your precious plant can achieve a glowing green hue in no time. 

Moreover, if you find that the yellowing of your plant persists despite your best efforts, do not hesitate to contact professional help who can assess the situation and provide suitable treatments. 

Ultimately, perseverance and proper care are key components to eliminating yellow-leaved plants. 

So don’t give up; invest time into understanding the proper treatment techniques for monstera leaves turning yellow, and watch your prized botanical previously possessed with life come back stronger than ever!

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