Monstera Obliqua Care Guide

Monstera Obliqua Care

Do you have a Monstera Obliqua in your home? If so, you know how special they are.

With their patterned leaves and easy-to-care-for demeanor, these plants make for beautiful additions to any interior space.

To keep your plant looking its best, you need to give it the necessary care for optimal growth and health.

In this article, we will talk about Monstera Obliqua care. This includes how to make sure it stays beautiful and healthy for many years.

Scientific nameMonstera Obliqua
Other namesWindow-Leaf Monstera
NativeCentral and South America
Growth zone10-11 USDA
Plant typeHemiepiphytic
Growth size6-10 feet
Growth rateSlow
LeavesOblong and fenestrated
FloweringSmall and white flowers
FruitingOrange- red fruits
ToxicityToxic to plants and pets
Common pestsSpider mites
Fungus gnats
DiseasesRoot rot 
Leaf spot disease 
Powdery mildew
Fusarium wilt

What is Monstera Obliqua

The Monstera Obliqua is a green climbing, slow-growing plant that has gained popularity among plant enthusiasts for its unique and intricate foliage.

Belonging to the Araceae family, this tropical gem is also referred to as the Swiss Cheese Plant or Window Leaf due to the distinct holes in its leaves.

Hailing from the Monstera genus, Monstera originated from the Central and South American rainforests.

Flourishing in growth zones 10 and 11, the Monstera Obliqua is a climbing evergreen with the potential to reach impressive heights when given the appropriate support.

Its growth rate is moderate, allowing the plant to gradually fill spaces with its striking presence. Featuring large, oblong leaves that bear fascinating cutouts and fenestrations, this plant truly is a visual treat.

You need to be cautious of its toxicity when placed in homes with children or pets.

Maintaining the plant’s health requires diligent attention to prevent potential pests and diseases.

There are also other species of Monstera like Obliqua Colombia Monstera, Monstera Obliqua Peru, Monstera Obliqua Bolivia, and Monstera Obliqua Peruviana. 

How Do You Identify a Monstera Obliqua?

If you want to take care of a Monstera Obliqua, you need to be able to tell it apart from other types of Monsteras. Most times, Monstera Obliqua and Adansonii are easily confused, plus other Monstera varieties. 

Monstera Obliqua Care

How to identify young Monstera Obliqua

Discovering a young Monstera Obliqua in its natural habitat can be an enchanting experience, but it requires a keen eye for detail.

One of the primary indicators is the striking leaf shape. It has irregular edges festooned with holes or fenestrations, found amidst a lush green color.

The size and pattern of the veins create an alluring visual symmetry.

The stem of a young Monstera Obliqua looks like it has roots coming out of it. These roots help the plant grow up and get light and nutrients from its environment.

You will find these tropical plants bursting with life and exuberance in the rich, humid forests of Central and South America. In this amazing world of plants, it is exciting to be able to identify the Monstera Obliqua.

How to identify mature Monstera Obliqua

It is fun to learn how to recognize a grown Monstera Obliqua. Here’s what to pay attention to:

Mature Monstera Obliqua leaf has distinctively large, heart-shaped, and has holes and slits. They are also deep green in color.

An adult Monstera Obliqua has a robust stem, with thick support vines that anchor the plant to its environment.

A well-developed root system is another sign of a mature plant, as is the presence of fruits, which resemble small pinecones and hold edible seeds.

Monstera Obliqua Plant Care Needs

Monstera Obliqua care is not difficult, but it does require some attention to detail and consistent effort to keep the plant healthy.

1. Light

Monstera Obliqua thrives best in particular lighting conditions that mimic its native habitat.

These unique plants despise direct sunlight as they are used to climbing and weaving through the dense forest with their aerial roots.

To replicate this environment, provide bright to medium, indirect light for the proper growth and well-being of your Monstera Obliqua.

These plants require 8-10 hours of optimal lighting daily, which can be achieved by placing them in a warm spot exposed to indirect or slightly filtered light.

If you have less access to natural light, use LED grow lights to offer an excellent alternative recommended use of 10-12 hours each day.

Similarly, planting them in full shade will hinder their growth and overall health.

Signs that your plant needs more light

  • Reduced pinholes on the leaves
  • Leaves growing further apart
  • Droopy and limpy leaves
  • Plant losing its glossy appearance
  • Yellowing or browning of leaves
  • Slow growth of the plant
  • Lack of aerial roots or new leaf development

2. Watering

This captivating tropical plant craves moderate watering to grow lush and vibrant. To ensure optimal hydration, it’s best to water your Monstera when the top 2 inches of soil become dry.

Luckily, there are several ways to determine if your plant is thirsty, such as using the finger test, the poke-a-stick method, or employing a moisture meter.

While each of these approaches has merits, using a moisture meter is the most accurate technique. Insert the meter’s probe into the soil, and when it reads 3, it’s time to quench your plant’s thirst.

During the bustling growth of summer and spring, quench your Monstera’s thirst by watering it once a week.

While in the stillness of winter, when growth slows or enters dormancy, reduce the watering frequency to once every two weeks.

To ensure your Monstera enjoys a deep drink, saturate the soil fully during each watering.

Use only rainwater or distilled water that is at room temperature. Do not use mineralized or chloramine-laden water.

Signs of underwatering in Monstera Obliqua

When a plant is under watered, it may be difficult to spot the signs right away. Over time, though, certain signs will start to appear:

  • Leaves that are wilting or curling inward
  • Brown spots on leaves
  • Leaves that are yellowing or turning brown
  • Stunted growth
  • Brittle or dry stems
  • Wilting flowers and fruit
  • Drooping branches

If a plant is severely under watered, its leaves may fall off and the entire plant will start to die.

Signs of overwatering in Monstera Obliqua

When a plant is overwatered, the signs are usually more obvious and can appear quickly. These include:

  • Soft or mushy leaves that turn yellow or brown
  • Wilted leaves that don’t recover after watering
  • Stunted growth
  • Root rot caused by too much water saturation
  • Mildew or mold on the leaves
  • Foul odors coming from the soil

3. Temperature

Monstera Obliqua plants thrive in environments with moderate to high temperatures ranging between 65-85℉ (18-29 degrees Celsius).

Despite their native tropical habitats, they can easily adapt to growing indoors with appropriate care. However, be mindful of extreme temperatures when caring for your Monstera Obliqua plant.

These plants may experience stunted growth when exposed to temperatures below 55°F (13 degrees Celsius). If the temperature drops below 50°F (10 degrees Celsius),  it could result in plant damage or death.

Furthermore, excessively hot temperatures exceeding 90°F can lead to the dehydration and damaging of the plant’s stem and leaves due to rapid transpiration.

Various factors impact the overall temperature in a given environment. One of the most apparent influences on temperature is the changing seasons.

When it is cold outside, plants do not grow as well. Grow lights can give the plants extra light and heat so they will be able to grow better.

When it is warm in the spring and summer, you can take your Monstera Obliqua plant outside when the sun is shining.

The temperature of your plant can be affected by its location.

To ensure its proper care, place your plant near an east-facing window. Allow it to bask in plenty of indirect sunlight.

However, be mindful of its surroundings and keep it away from fluctuating temperature sources such as air conditioners and heaters.

If the temperature happens to drop below 50°F, move your plant closer to a grow light or even cover it with a frost blanket or plastic bag.

Inadequate temperatures are also detrimental, causing brown spots or yellowing leaves if too cold,  and wilting or drooping leaves if too hot.

4. Humidity

Monstera Obliqua thrives best in medium to high humidity levels, ranging from 60% to 80%.

Fortunately, average household air conditions are suitable for the growth of these tropical beauties. Those living in warmer climates need not go to great lengths for humidity control.

Keep in mind that excessively dry or moist conditions can lead to potential harm to your Monstera Obliqua. In colder seasons, use heaters to maintain balanced humidity levels.

To ensure a thriving environment for your plant, use a hygrometer.  This will measure the humidity in your home and alert you to any changes.

By grouping plants together, you create a micro-environment that can help them naturally share and retain moisture.

To ensure you’re maintaining the right humidity level, invest in a convenient hygrometer. This allows you to measure and monitor the environment, making necessary adjustments as needed.

During drier months, use a humidifier to provide extra assistance in maintaining adequate moisture levels. months. Also, mist the leaves of your plants with water using a fine-mist mister to simulate a more natural environment.

Put your indoor plants on top of a tray filled with small stones and water. This helps the plants take in moisture through their roots and gives them extra humidity.

Low Humidity Signs in Monstera Obliqua Plant

  • Brittle or dry leaves
  • Yellowing of lower leaves
  • Brown tips on older leaves
  • Curling at the edges of leaves
  • Leaf spots or discoloration
  • Stunted growth and small leaves

Too High Humidity Signs in Monstera Obliqua Plant

  • Mold on leaves
  • Root rot caused by standing water
  • Leaf spots or discoloration
  • Stunted growth and small leaves
  • Lush foliage with few new leaves
  • Yellowing of lower leaves
  • Leaf edges curling downwards
  • Stem and leaf distortion

5. Position

Selecting the perfect position for your Monstera Obliqua greatly impacts its growth.

Keep in mind the size of your plant, as mature ones can soar to great heights. Sometimes even reaching the ceiling or beyond, with their magnificent leaves expanding up to three feet.

Before you choose a place, make sure it has enough room. Check that the temperature and humidity are good too.

Put your Monstera Obliqua near an east-facing window. This will let it get the right amount of light for it to grow well.

To further enhance the ambiance and energy flow in your living space, implement Feng Shui principles. 

This harmonizes your Monstera Obliqua with your overall interior design and channels positive energy throughout your environment.

Selecting the perfect position for your Monstera Obliqua impacts its growth and overall presence in your space. This turns it into a dazzling focal point or an inviting green companion.

Keep in mind the size of your plant, as mature ones can soar to great heights. Sometimes they may reach the ceiling or beyond.

Before settling on a location, verify that the area provides ample space, favorable temperature, and adequate humidity.

Placing your Monstera Obliqua near an east-facing window will expose it to the indirect light it thrives, ensuring optimal growth and success.

If you live in a colder area, don’t worry about bringing it indoors during the winter months. When transitioning your plant to an indoor setting, keep it out of direct sunlight.

Pro tip: Add extra light using a special grow light in order to get the best fenestrations.

6. Fertilizer

To ensure that Monstera is as healthy and vibrant as possible, you need to meet its unique fertilization needs.

Although most potting soils contain a certain level of nutrients, they can become depleted within 6-12 months of normal plant growth.

Fertilizer can give your Monstera Obliqua the nutrients it needs to grow and be healthy. Fertilizer helps the plant get strong roots and beautiful leaves.

Fertilizing is important for the plant. It makes it look better and helps it stay healthy and alive for a long time.

Before fertilizing your plant, you need to understand the nutrients in the fertilizers.

Calcium, magnesium, sulphur, iron, copper-boron, zinc, chlorine, and nickel, help in maintaining the plant’s vibrancy.

During the active growth stage in summer and spring, fertilize your Monstera Obliqua 1-2 times monthly. In the dormancy stage of late fall and winter, do not fertilize.

When you move your plant to a new pot, wait for a month before giving it fertilizer. The new potting soil has some fertilizer in it already.

For the most optimal results, use a balanced liquid NPK fertilizer with a 20:20:20 or 10-10-10 ratio.

Although slow-release fertilizers can be helpful, keep in mind that they might come at a higher cost. Granular fertilizers are best to avoid, as they may not deliver the desired nutrients effectively.

When putting fertilizer inside, use half the amount that is recommended by manufacturers. This means that if the instructions call for a teaspoon per gallon, use ½ teaspoon for every gallon of water.

For Monstera Obliqua plants grown outdoors, simply follow the manufacturer’s recommended strength.

To help your Monstera Obliqua grow as it would in the wild, you can use all-natural compost such as worm castings. This is a natural and eco-friendly way to fertilize your plant.

When using worm casting, it is best to layer ¼ to ½ inch of the compost 1-2 times a year. This will help enrich and nourish the soil in your garden or potted plants.

Signs of Over-Fertilization

  • Yellowing leaves
  • Leaf curling
  • Brown tips
  • Wilting or droopy leaves

Signs of Under-Fertilization

  • Slow growth
  • Small, pale leaves
  • Mottled or yellowish foliage
  • Wilting or droopy leaves
  • Pale green veins instead of dark green
  • Stunted growth and development
  • Leaves falling off prematurely

7. Pruning

Pruning your Monstera helps you prevent potential infections such as stem rot. It also manages the plant’s size, ensuring it stays aesthetically pleasing and manageable.

Cut the leaves of your Monstera Obliqua houseplant in early spring. This will help the plant grow faster and stronger.

Avoid pruning during the plant’s dormancy period in winter when there’s limited sunlight. This hinders the plant’s ability to generate glucose for growth.

When pruning, wear protective gloves to avoid injury and use pruning shears for smoother cuts that promote healthy growth.

Before you start pruning your Monstera, be well-prepared for the task. Gather all the necessary tools and always remember to wear gloves, as the Monstera sap has the potential to cause skin irritation.

Sterilizing your cutting tools to ensure your plant remains healthy and vigorous. When deciding where to cut, trim old and diseased leaves.

However, be cautious not to cut too many stems during the pruning process, as this could shock the plant and leave it looking sparse.

8. Propagating Monstera Obliqua

To propagate your Monstera Obliqua, use any of the following methods:

Air Layering

Air layering involves taking a mature Monstera Obliqua stem and cutting it into two sections. The top section can then be placed in moist soil that is kept away from direct sunlight. 

After about 2-3 weeks, roots will begin to form and the new plant can be cut off from the parent plant.

Stem Cuttings

Taking stem cuttings from a mature Monstera Obliqua is another way to propagate new plants. Cut off a section of the stem about 10 cm long and make sure it contains at least two nodes. 

Place the cutting in moist soil, preferably with a rooting hormone to promote faster growth. New roots should begin to appear within two weeks.


Division is a great way to propagate Monstera Obliqua if you have more than one plant. 

Carefully dig up the entire root ball and separate it into as many sections as possible, making sure each section contains at least one node. 

Plant each division in its own pot with moist soil and keep them away from direct sunlight until they begin to grow.

Potting & Repotting

Repotting your Monstera Obliqua is essential to maintain its health and vigor, especially as it transitions from a young plant to a mature one.

In the early stages, this plant can survive in smaller containers, but soon you will have to transplant it to a bigger container.

By repotting, you provide it with room for growth and prevent the dreaded root-bound condition. Replenishing the potting mix after repotting also ensures your Monstera Obliqua receives vital nutrients needed for it to thrive.

While young plants may require repotting on an annual basis, mature plants can go for 2-3 years before requiring a new home.

Look for signs that it is time to move your plant to a bigger pot. These signs can be roots coming out of the bottom of the pot or if there is a sickness on the leaves.

Repotting your Monstera Obliqua allows it to flourish and bring splendor to your living space.

To repot Monstera, you’ll need some essential supplies like a garden trowel, potting soil, pruning shears, a watering can, and a new pot. You will also need plant support (like a coco coir or moss pole)

Terracotta pots make an excellent choice, but alternatives are also available. Just make sure the pot has drainage holes and is slightly larger than its current one.

Start by filling your new container about a quarter to a third with potting soil. Carefully remove the Monstera Obliqua from its old container, using the pruning shears to trim some roots if necessary.

Replant the Monstera in its new pot, making sure it’s well-supported with the plant support of your preference.

After replanting, hydrate the plant, keeping in mind not to fertilize it during the first month, as it adjusts to its new growing environment.

Soil Drainage and Aeration

A thriving Monstera Obliqua plant needs ideal soil conditions that facilitate its growth. The secret lies in creating a well-draining soil mixture that is rich in light organic matter.

Ensure you maintain a soil pH within the ideal range of 5.5 to 7. This influences the plant’s nutrient uptake crucial for its growth.

To raise the pH of the soil add lime. To lower the pH, add sulfur. Soil moisture is another critical element, with these plants preferring slightly damp conditions.

Lastly, proper soil aeration supports overall healthy growth by supplying the roots with essential oxygen.

You can also create your own soil mix. This saves you money and ensures you get a customized blend to suit the needs of your plants.

Do this by mixing five parts orchid bark, two parts worm castings, four parts coir, two parts activated charcoal, and five parts perlite.

Mushy roots can be an indication that the soil is either too compact or retains too much moisture, which could lead to root rot or other fungal diseases.

In case the roots become mushy, adjust the mixture’s proportions.

Best commercial potting mix for Monstera Obliqua

1. Premium Monstera Potting Soil

[amazon box=”B08VYBJXXM” template=”horizontal”]

2. Sun Gro Horticulture Black Gold 1310102 8-Quart All-Purpose Potting Mix

[amazon box=”B005IZ2SJ8″ template=”horizontal”]

Growth Rate and Requirements

Monstera obliqua is a green climbing plant native to tropical rainforests in Central and South America. It can grow up to 50 feet tall with leaves that feature slits and holes, giving it a unique appearance.

1. Large-Sized foliage

For your Monstera Obliqua to grow large sized foliage, you will need to put them in an area with plenty of light and warmth. You will also need to fertilize them regularly, either with a liquid fertilizer or slow-release pellets.

With the right conditions, the leaves will grow to be up to three feet long.

2. Flower and fruiting

Your Monstera Obliqua will only flower and fruit if you meet the right conditions. It needs a lot of warmth and bright indirect light, as well as regular fertilizer.

The flowers are small and white, while the fruit is an orange-red berry that can grow up to two inches long. 

To get your Monstera Obliqua to produce flowers and fruit, you need to ensure that it is not in an area with temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit or above 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Toxicity of Monstera Obliqua

For pets

If you’re thinking about adding a Monstera Obliqua to your home, you may be wondering if it’s toxic for pets. 

Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Dogs, cats, and rabbits can all be affected by calcium oxalate toxins. 

The stems, leaves, roots, and unripe fruit of the plant are the most common culprits. While ingestion of the Monstera Obliqua could make your pet sick, it is unlikely to cause death. 

Symptoms generally include excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. 

If you suspect your pet has been poisoned, contact a representative from the ASPCA poison center for help.

For humans

It’s clear that the Monstera Obliqua, commonly known as the Swiss Cheese Plant, isn’t a cheese plate – and it’s not healthy for humans to eat. 

The cause? Calcium oxalate crystals that dwell in multiple parts of the plant: its roots, stems, leaves, and even unripe fruit. 

So just like you wouldn’t swallow a bite of sour lemons or salty olives, it’s a no-no to chow down on any part of this plant. 

Thankfully though, this doesn’t mean that you’re trying to make an oversized Monstera Obliqua smoothie – it’ll just sting your mouth if you try. 

For aftercare when toxicity does occur, clean off your child’s face (and yours too… because accidents happen) to ensure there aren’t any residual crystals afterward. 

The best way to avoid toxicity altogether? Keep the plant out of reach where curious hands can’t pick at it.

Common Problems with Monstera Obliqua

Your Monstera Obliqua is not from common houseplant problems, including pests and horticultural diseases.

Here is a list of common problems found in Monstera Obliqua:

1. Pests infestation

While Monstera Obliqua is not entirely resistant to pests. Spider mites, scale, Thrips, and fungus gnats are common nuisances that target Monstera Obliqua due to their phytophagous inclinations.

They are attracted by the plant’s nutritious sap and tissues. These pests wreak havoc on the plant in various ways.

Scale insects infest leaf joints and stem, adult fungus gnats pose no threat but their larvae feed on roots.

Thrips suck out the plant’s moisture and nutrients and also spread plant viruses. Spider mites form webs on the surface of the leaves and cause discoloration.

The signs of pest infestation are discolored or distorted leaves or a black sooty mold, sticky residue on the leaves, and webs in leaf joints or stems.

To prevent these pests, wipe the leaves with 70% rubbing alcohol, and applying horticultural oil or insecticidal soap. For natural methods, use pure neem oil.

To maintain a thriving and pest-free indoor garden, isolate the plants that may be infested with harmful bugs.

Take advantage of biological control methods, such as introducing predatory mites and ladybugs. Another natural solution is using mosquito bits to destroy the growth of fungus gnats within the plants.

Alternatively, use Yellow Sticky Gnat Traps Killer which is a cheap, nontoxic, and effective method.

To further prevent unwanted invaders, purchase plants from reputable nurseries and quarantine any new additions to your garden.

2. Diseases

Monstera Obliqua can occasionally fall victim to common diseases that can impact its overall health and appearance.

These diseases are often caused by factors such as improper watering, inadequate sunlight, or even pesky pests.

Diagnosing plant disease symptoms can be challenging, but it is crucial to recognize the signs. These signs include yellowing of leaves, stunted growth,  unusual wilting, and even fuzzy spots on the foliage.

Common diseases of Monstera Obliqua include root rot, leaf spot disease, powdery mildew, and Fusarium wilt.

Root rot is a fungal infection that occurs when too much water is present in the soil. It causes the roots of the plant to become weak and limp before eventually rotting away.

Leaf Spot Disease affects both new and mature leaves of Monstera Obliqua and is characterized by yellow spots on the foliage.

Powdery mildew is a fungal infection that appears as a white, powdery coating on the leaves of Monstera Obliqua. It can stunt growth, prevent photosynthesis in the plant, and reduce its overall lifespan if not treated quickly.

Fusarium wilt is a disease that is caused by a soil-borne fungus. It can cause the leaves of Monstera Obliqua to turn yellow and droop before eventually falling off the plant.

Once you figure out what is wrong with the plant, you can do things to help it. You can change how much water it gets, move it to a spot with more light, or get rid of any bugs that are causing problems.

3. Yellowing leaves 

It is not natural for your plants to turn yellow. Oftentimes, the leaves appear transparent or translucent which is a sign indicating that the plant longs for better care.

There could be various reasons that trigger a transparent monstera leaf. These reasons include overwatering, insufficient light, or nutritional imbalances.

By keeping a close eye on your Monstera Obliqua, you can detect these alarming signs and act promptly to alleviate its stress.

Preventing this phenomenon involves striking a delicate balance. Cater to its moisture, light, and nutritional needs without tipping over to the extremes.

If you find yourself faced with a yellowed Monstera Obliqua, fret not. If you change the way you take care of your lawn and give it the right food, it will look green and healthy again.

Take care of your Monstera Obliqua plant the right way and it will grow strong and healthy with lots of green leaves.

4. Slow growth

Monstera Obliqua plants can grow slowly which might worry people who have them in their houses.

The factors that can impact the growth of this plant include inadequate lighting, poor soil quality, and incorrect watering practices.

Symptoms of slow growth include poor leaf quality, limited leaf production, or stunted growth patterns.

You can help your plant flourish again by providing proper growing conditions.

5. Root rot 

Root rot in Monstera Obliqua can lead to the decline or death of this beloved tropical houseplant.

This troublesome condition is brought on by factors such as overwatering, poor drainage, and the presence of certain fungi or bacteria in the soil.

Root rot in Monstera Obliqua starts with the leaves turning yellow and drooping down. You might also smell something bad coming from the bottom of the plant.

The appearance of mold or a mushy texture around the plant roots indicates further root rot. With careful attention and proper care, treating and preventing root rot is possible.

Put your Monstera Obliqua in well-draining soil. Keep watering it on a regular schedule.

Clean your gardening tools before and after you use them. You can help your plant not only survive but also thrive and flaunt its stunning foliage without the fear of root rot.

6. Leaves dropping 

There are myriad reasons why Monster Obliqua leaves become droopy. This can range from environmental factors to issues with water and nutrient imbalances.

To identify the signs and symptoms of leaf dropping, pay attention to leaf color, texture, and any associated pests.

To stop leaves from drooping, you can prune the plants and take out dead leaves. Make sure to water them correctly.

Natural things like neem oil or insecticidal soaps can help get rid of bugs too.

To revive droopy leaves, try misting them with lukewarm water and giving them a bit more light.

You can also add fertilizer to the soil mix or use an organic foliar spray to get your Monstera Obliqua the nutrients it needs.

Lastly, make sure you’re not over-watering your plants as this will cause them

7. Leaves turning brown

One signal that plants might not be in the best shape is when their leaves turn brown. This disquieting manifestation could be attributed to multiple causes.

Inadequate watering, humidity, or even nutrient deficiencies are some of the most common causes. To help Monstera Obliqua, we need to figure out how different things affect its growth and strength.

To make your plant restore its lush green color, you must provide the right amount of water and light to recreate a healthy environment.

Leaves prefer indirect but bright sunlight, so be sure to place your plant near a window or under filtered light. An occasional misting can also help retain moisture and promote better health in Monstera Obliqua.

Uses of Monstera Obliqua Plant

Monstera Obliqua is a beautiful plant that can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some suggested uses for this tropical evergreen:

Ornamental houseplant: Monstera Obliqua makes a great addition to any interior design. Its glossy green leaves and light-colored variegation can brighten up any room.

Ground cover: Monstera Obliqua is an excellent plant for covering ground that is difficult to mow. It can help keep weeds out and prevent soil erosion.

Shade provider: Planted in the right location, Monstera Obliqua can provide shade from the sun or other surrounding plants. This makes it a great choice for patios or gardens.

Landscaping: Monstera Obliqua can be used in a variety of landscaping and garden designs. Its striking foliage makes it stand out and its tendency to climb makes it perfect for covering walls, trellises, and other structures.

Air purifier: Monstera Obliqua is an effective air purifier, removing toxins and pollutants from the air. This can help improve air quality in your home or office.

Things to Avoid when Handling Monstera Obliqua Plant

Granular fertilizers- Do not use granular fertilizers as they burn and kill the roots of Monstera Obliqua plants.

Overwatering- When overwatered, this plant will wilt and its leaves can easily blacken and rot due to too much water. Overwatering also causes root rot.

Direct sunlight- Too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves to burn. Keep this plant in a moderately lit area.

Mineralized or chloramine water- Monstera Obliqua is sensitive to mineralized or chloramine water. Water the plant using distilled water or rainwater.

Fluctuating environments near heaters and ACs- Monstera Obliqua prefers consistent environments, so avoid placing it near heaters and ACs as this can damage the plant.

Overpruning- Overpruning Monstera Obliqua can be detrimental to the plant as it will stunt its growth and may even kill it.

Full shade- Monstera Obliqua requires plenty of indirect light, so avoid placing it in a full shade area as this will prevent the plant from thriving and growing.

Overfertilization- Too much fertilizer can burn and damage the roots of Monstera Obliqua, so it’s best to always follow instructions on the label when fertilizing.


The Monstera Obliqua is a truly stunning plant with intricate leaves and an interesting history. With proper care and maintenance, it can bring vibrancy and life to any room. 

Although Monstera species requires more effort than many other houseplants, its beauty makes it well worth the additional care needs. 

Whether you are looking for a unique and eye-catching addition to your space or just want to brighten up a drab corner, the Monstera Obliqua is an excellent choice. 

So why not make today the day you take the plunge and bring this exotic beauty into your home? You won’t regret it!

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