Monstera Pinnatipartita Care

Monstera Pinnatipartita Care

Have you ever been captivated by the beauty of a Monstera Pinnatipartita plant? Did you know that while they may look delicate, these unique plants are hardy climbers?

From their characteristic jagged-edged leaves to the vines twisting around your walls or furniture, they provide an exotic and vibrant atmosphere.

If you’ve just welcomed one of these beautiful green friends into your home, then this blog post is for you.

We will talk about taking care of plants. We will learn easy tips and more complicated things like how much light they need and how to trim them.

This will create a stunning and healthy environment for your plant.

Scientific nameMonstera Pinnatipartita Spp
Other namesMonstera Schott
NativeCentral and South America
Growth zone10b-12 USDA
Plant typeClimbing plant
Growth size4-6 feet
Growth rateSlow
FloweringSpadix and Spathe
FruitingBerry like fruits
ToxicityToxic to pets
Common pestsSpider mites
Fungus gnats
DiseasesRoot rot
Crown rot
Pythium blight

What is Monstera Pinnatipartita?

Monstera Pinnatipartita is a tropical plant native to Central and South America, belonging to the Araceae family.

It is a type of climbing plant, reaching up to 10m in height, growing slowly but with full foliage once established.

This unique variety of Monstera is known for its split-leafed foliage; deep green textured leaves with fenestrations.

The foliage implies a broad texture, adding gaudiness when in tropical gardens that combine plenty of colors.

The growth size for Monstera Pinnatipartita is 4-6 ft in height. Grown outdoors, it can reach up to 60 feet.

How Do You Identify a Monstera Pinnatipartita?

To properly take care of your Monstera Pinnatipartita, the first step is to be able to distinguish it from other Monsteras.

Here’s a guide on how you can accurately identify one.

How to identify young Monstera Pinnatipartita

The leaves of a young Monstera Pinnatipartita have an oval or triangular shape. They can be different colors, such as golden yellow or silver-gray shading.

Additionally, the size and pattern of veins are important, as they will produce distinctive splits in the edges of the leaf.

Keep an eye on the stem structure for differences between other Monsteras. When cut in two, it will show a unique pattern alternatively cross-sectioned by nodes.

Pay attention to the plant’s root system. Unlike other species like Monstera Deliciosa, Pinnatipartita has fine, hairlike roots instead of strong ones that are spaced apart.

The fruits hang from the underside of its leaves, though you need to note that these appear later after sprouting than usual.

The young plants will also have a sweet-smelling aroma of honey or jasmine blossoms.

How to identify mature Monstera Pinnatipartita

As Monstera Pinnatipartita plant matures, its leaves become wider with more lobes and split in the edges.

The color of the leaves will range from silver to dark green, while some may even have an olive hue.

The stems of mature Monstera Pinnatipartita are much thicker and harder than the stems of younger plants. They are also a dark green color with a few aerial roots.

The root system will have developed more by this stage too. Monstera Pinnatipartita has a large and strong root system that is different from other Monsteras.

The mature Monstera Pinnatipartita plant has fruits that are blueish-purple. You can find them hanging from the bottom of its leaves.

Monstera Pinnatipartita Care

Monstera Pinnatipartita Care Needs

You now know how to identify the Monstera Pinnatipartita plant and its unique characteristics. Do you know how to care for Monstera Pinnatipartita?

Understanding Monstera Pinnatipartita care needs is essential for its healthy growth and for it to display its signature foliage.

Here’s what you need to know about Monstera Pinnatipartita Care.

1. Light

How much light does Monstera need? Monstera Pinnatipartita requires bright to medium, indirect light.

Direct sunlight can be harmful to the plant and cause the leaves to burn, so avoid placing it in a location where it will receive direct sun exposure.

I recommend that Monstera Pinnatipartita receives 8-10 hours of optimal lighting daily. This can be achieved by placing the plant in a location with bright, filtered light or by using LED grow lights. 

Grow lights are particularly useful for indoor gardening or for providing additional light during the winter months when natural light may be limited.

Pinnatipartita thrives in warm spots with indirect or slightly filtered light. The plant will benefit from being placed near a window where it can receive bright, indirect light, or in a room with good artificial lighting.

Signs your Monstera Pinnatipartita needs more light

  • No fenestration (cutouts) on mature leaves older leaves
  • Dark brown spots or yellowing of the leaves
  • If the soil takes longer than usual to dry
  • Slow growth rate
  • The stem and leaves of your Monstera become leggy (stretched out with widely spaced leaves)

How to Maximize light exposure

  • Rotate the plant every two weeks to ensure that all sides receive equal light.
  • Drap the window with sheer curtains or cloth to shield your plant from direct sunlight.
  • Provide your plants with 10-12 hours of lighting from LED grow lights.
  • Place it in a well-lit area such as on a patio, at the entrance of your home, or close to an open window.
  • Ensure it’s 4-5 feet away from south-facing windows or east/westward-facing windows for morning/afternoon sun.
Monstera Pinnatipartita Care

2. Watering

Monstera Pinnatipartitas have moderate watering needs, and should only be watered when the top 2 inches of soil is dry.

This helps to ensure that the plants are not overwatered, since too much water can cause health issues for this plant species. 

To test the dryness or moisture within the soil, you can use one of three methods. 

The finger test is a way to check if the soil is wet or dry. To do it, you insert your finger into the soil and feel if the soil sticks to your finger.

An alternative way to measure the moisture in the soil is to use a poke stick method. This involves inserting a stick or a knitting needle into the soil to see how much moisture is present.

The third and best option is using a moisture meter specifically designed for measuring plant moisture levels. A reading of 3 on the moisture meter indicates the soil is dry.

During warmer and more active growing seasons of summer and spring, it should be watered approximately once per week.

Check soil moisture levels before watering – if moisture is still present at the top layer of soil, no additional water is needed.

During winter, growth generally slows or becomes dormant. This means that less frequent watering is required and can be done every one to two weeks instead.

Remember, caring for a Monstera Pinnatipartita requires ample water, and the rule of thumb is to water until the soil is completely saturated.

Use rainwater, filtered water, or distilled water at room temperature, and avoid mineralized and chloramine waters. This is because Monstera is sensitive to the build-up of minerals in the soil.

Also, water the plants slowly in order for each pour to soak in. The water should run out of the drainage holes and then you can empty out the drain tray if necessary. 

Avoid getting the leaves wet as it can make them discolored. It’s better to underwater Monstera Pinnatipartita rather than overwater it.

This is because Monstera Pinnatipartita has very sensitive root systems, so remember not to overwater them.

It’s also easier to add water to an underwatered plant than to remove water from an overwatered plant.

Signs of Underwatering

  • Yellowing of leaves
  • Drooping and wilting of stems
  • Crisping and curling of leaf tips
  • Lack of new growth
  • Overall stunted appearance

Signs of Overwatering

  • Brown and mushy leaves
  • Mushy, brown roots
  • Soggy or yellowing soil
  • Foul odor from the soil
  • Stunted growth 
  • Wilting of stems 

3. Temperature

Monstera Pinnatipartita plants are native to tropical climates, with moderate-high humidities and minimum temperatures of 64.4°F.

They can grow happily indoors, though you need not recreate the exact climate found in their natural environment.

The ideal temperature range for Monstera Pinnatipartita is 65-85℉ (18-29 degrees celsius). This is because the plant loves warm and humid climatic conditions. 

Plus, monstera wants to remain warm, so the temperature bracket is great for them. Below 55°F (13 degrees Celsius), the Monstera Pinnatipartita growth slows.

For these reasons, these plants are kept in a climate-controlled environment with temperatures no lower than 55°F (13 degrees Celsius).

Below 50°F (10 degrees Celsius) can shock and eventually kill plants. Such low temperatures will cause leaf discoloration and rotting of the plant’s roots. 

If this happens, raise the temperature and ensure the soil stays moist but not soggy. Hot temperatures (greater than 90°F) will cause the plant’s stem and leaves to dry out due to transpiration.

An extremely high temperature will occur without ample humidity and adequate air circulation in the space, such as through a fan or light misting. 

Factors that affect temperature

Seasons – Use grow lights during winter seasons. You will remove the plant indoors from frost and chilly winds during the cold season. The plant may not show growth signs in the season but will still survive under artificial growth lights.

Location – The location of your plant can also affect its temperature requirements. If you grow Monstera Pinnatipartita outdoors, it will be exposed to the elements and must withstand the temperature fluctuations between day and night.

Humidity – If the air is too dry, you may need to supplement your plant’s humidity by misting or using a humidifier.

Light – Light energy is easily converted into heat energy. Therefore too much light could mean high temperatures and vice versa. 

Tips for maintaining an optimal temperature

Place the plant near an east-facing window to provide them with plenty of indirect light. Your Monstera Pinnatipartita will tap into the morning sun but won’t be exposed to harsh mid-day heat.

Keep the plant away from air conditioners and heaters. These items can spark rapid temperature changes, which can be detrimental to your houseplant.

If you must use them, ensure the temperature of the air they are giving off and try to keep it consistent.

If temperatures drop below 50°F, move the plant closer to a grow light or cover it with a frost blanket/plastic bag. Below 50°F is too cold for monstera, so be sure to protect it.

Position your monstera Pinnatipartita near a breeze that can help keep temperatures even during the hot summer months. Place a fan nearby or open windows when possible.

Signs your monstera Pinnatipartita environment maybe be too cold:

  • Curling leaves
  • Yellow leaves
  • Black or Brown spots
  • Stunted growth
  • No flowers
  • The leaves fall off

Signs your Monstera Pinnatipartita temperature is too high:

  • Wilting leaves
  • Dry leaves
  • Yellow leaves
  • Falling leaves
  • Sunburned leaves

4. Humidity

Most domestic air is ideal for nurturing monstera Pinnatipartita growth. If you live in a humid, warm climate area, there is no need for you to go through the trouble of trying to maintain high humidity.

Having the right humidity in a home is essential for both physical health and comfort. The ideal humidity level should range between 60 to 80%. This range is usually medium to high.

If we stray outside of this range, that’s when we start seeing damage happening as either too much humidity or dryness settles in.

During the winter months, it becomes important for dry areas to be mindful of their levels since heaters running can quickly draw out all moisture from the household air.

To determine the humidity of our homes, use a hygrometer. This device helps you make informed decisions on humidity control.

Ensuring your plants get the right amount of humidity can often be challenging. A few simple steps can easily go a long way in maintaining the optimal humidity levels for your plants.

Group plants together and use a humidifier to increase the atmosphere so that water disperses naturally between them.

You should measure and monitor humidity with a hygrometer to make sure it remains at an ideal level.

You can also spray water on leaves with a special mister. Or put some rocks in a tray filled with water and then place it under the plant.

This will help make the air around it humid. Taking the right steps will help your plants stay healthy.

Low Humidity Signs

  • Yellowing of the tips and margins of leaves
  • Brown spots on leaves
  • Wilting of leaves
  • Crisping of the leaf edges
  • Leaf curling or clawing
  • Leaves dropping prematurely
  • Petiole (leaf stem) shriveling
  • Slow growth rate, overall stunted size, and shape of the plant
  • Brown scattering on petiole

Too High Humidity Signs

  • Slow growth rate
  • Premature yellowing of leaves
  • Leaf spots and discoloration
  • Fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew or mold
  • Wilting of leaves
  • Crisping of the leaf edges
  • Root rot from overwatering  
  • Loss of leaves due to rot or disease
  • Stem cankers are caused by too much moisture around the base of the plant
Monstera Pinnatipartita Care

5. Position

Proper positioning and placement for these plants are key for flourishing growth. When looking for a position in your Monstera Pinnatipartita, consider the size of the plant.

To ensure its health and full potential, the area should have enough space for the plant to reach maturity, provide the right temperature, and maintain suitable humidity levels.

When fully grown, this type of monstera could reach up to heights of six feet or more, with individual leaves reaching up to three feet in length.

If you’re looking to make the most of your Monstera Pinnatipartita, place it near an east-facing window. Your plant will receive plenty of indirect light.

East-facing windows are good for new beginnings and creativity. This is a good place to put your green friend so they will be healthy and thrive.

Consider other factors in addition to adequate light like consistent soil moisture, humidity, and occasional fertilization with organic plant food for best results.

Providing Monstera Pinnatipartita with bright, filtered light is an important component of keeping them healthy and growing well.

You can do this by draping sheer curtains or fabric across a south or west-facing window. This will let in enough light while also protecting your plants against the direct rays of the sun.

If you have a north-facing window, it can be helpful to try to get as much bright indirect light as possible. This might need some creativity, but it is worth trying.

Though these tropical plants can survive a variety of indoor conditions, they should not be placed in bedrooms. Additionally, this plant should not be subjected to direct sunlight after 9:00 AM.

Also, do not place this plant in the south- or west-facing windows with direct light. Avoid artificially crowded rooms, as well as rooms with heaters or air conditioning close by.

Did you know that the Monstera Pinnatipartita is suitable for outdoor growth in USDA zones 10b and higher?

It does not tolerate cold temperatures below 50°F, so if you live in an area with chillier winters it’s best to bring your plant indoors to protect it.

Pro tip: In low light positions, supplement light with a full-spectrum grow light to get the coveted fenestrations.

Monstera Pinnatipartita Care

6. Fertilizer

You should apply a balanced fertilizer once or twice a month during the growing season (spring and summer) at half-strength.

You need not fertilize during fall and winter, and after transplanting or repotting. Use an organic fertilizer of an NPK of 20:20:20 ratio or 10-10-10.

Although potting soil comes enriched with some useful nutrients, they get depleted over time. So it is vital to replenish them to give your Monstera Pinnatipartita the best care.

Macronutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) are needed in large doses for healthy growth.

Secondary nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and sulfur are also essential in smaller doses.

Plants need micronutrients such as iron, copper–boron, zinc, chlorine, and nickel. The best fertilizer to use is a slow-release fertilizer which is a bit pricey but worth it.

A slow-release fertilizer provides the nutrients needed in a balanced way that won’t burn the plant or leave too much of one nutrient in the soil.

Avoid using granular fertilizers as they are more likely to burn the plant and leave too much of one nutrient in the soil.

Granular fertilizers can also be hard for plants to uptake, causing them to suffer from deficiencies.

When using fertilizer on indoor plants, use only half of the amount the manufacturers recommend.

For example, if the instructions say to use a teaspoon of fertilizer for every gallon of water, only use half a teaspoon instead.

When you use fertilizer on plants outside, it’s better to do what the instructions say. Don’t use less than is recommended.

Benefits of Fertilizing Monstera Pinnatipartita

  • Providing essential nutrients to the plant, allowing it to grow and flourish.
  • Reducing stress on the plant helps reduce nutrient deficiencies that cause weaker plants with fewer leaves.
  • Encouraging larger, more vibrant leaves on the plant that is more resistant to pests and diseases.
  • Enhancing soil fertility in both short-term and long-term ways, as fertilizers provide necessary nitrogen for the plant’s growth and development.
  • Keeping the soil pH balanced is important for healthy Monstera Pinnatipartita plants.
  • Supporting root development and protecting the roots from potential fungal infections that can damage plant’s health and growth.
  • Helping improve soil structure by increasing water retention capacity in sandy soils and improving drainage in clay soils.

Signs of Over-Fertilization

  • Wilting or yellowing of the leaves
  • Brown spots on leaves
  • Discolored or distorted leaf shape
  • Stunted growth in plants
  • Slow maturing or poor production of fruits and vegetables from the plant
  • An unhealthy root system, such as a shallow root system or stunted roots
  • Soil becoming overly dry

Signs of Under-Fertilization

  • Lack of green coloration in the leaves
  • Slow growth rate
  • Smaller than average leaf size
  • Weak stem strength
  • Poor flowering and fruit production
  • Chlorosis (yellowing) of leaves or stunted foliage
  • Mottled, yellow or pale-green patches on the leaves

If you’re looking to give your Monstera Pinnatipartita the natural environment it deserves,  use all-natural composts.

Worm castings are a great example of organic fertilizer and should be used by spreading a layer of ¼ to ½ inch of compost 1-2 times a year.

Composting may require some extra effort, but the benefits outweigh the costs when it comes to caring for these beautiful plants.

7. Pruning

Pruning your Monstera Pinnatipartita is important in ensuring its overall health.

It helps prevent potential infections such as stem rot and also helps manage the size of the plant. Removing older foliage allows for faster recovery when pruned properly and at the right time.

The best time to do this is in early spring, as this will encourage new growth. However, do not prune during a period of dormancy, such as winter.

During such seasons, there is limited sunlight which hinders the plant’s ability to generate glucose for growth.

How to prune Monstera Pinnatipartita

The tools you will need for pruning Monstera Pinnatipartita include:

When you are ready to start pruning your Monstera Pinnatipartita, wear gloves as the sap can cause skin irritation. You should also sterilize your cutting tools to prevent bacteria from spreading.

You can cut old leaves off at any time of the year and cut off diseased leaves at any time of the year as well.

To control size and shape, you can prune stems and if the plant is outgrowing its pot, you can trim ⅓ of the roots.

You can also trim any unappealing aerial roots. If you are looking to propagate your Monstera Pinnatipartita, cut below a node.

Once all of the pruning has been done, discard all clippings so that they do not spread disease.

After pruning, water your Monstera Pinnatipartita and keep it in a warm and humid climate for optimal growth.

Additionally, fertilize monthly to provide the best environment for your plant and help it flourish.

Common mistakes to avoid when pruning Monstera Pinnatipartita

  • Pruning too often or too aggressively
  • Not understanding the purpose of pruning
  • Not using the right tools
  • Failing to remove dead leaves
  • Pruning at the wrong time
  • Not cutting away diseased or damaged stems

8. Soil Drainage and Aeration

Monstera Pinnatipartita plant care starts with understanding your soil drainage & aeration. The soil mix & pH are also important factors to consider.

Ideal soil mix includes having light well-draining soil that has organic matter. Knowing the ideal range of pH (5.5 to 7 pH) that your plant needs can help to ensure the healthy growth of the plant.

To raise the pH of the soil, use lime or dolomite. To lower the pH, use aluminum sulfate, sulfur, or peat moss.

When you are planting a Monstera Pinnatipartita, it’s best to use a commercial potting mix. This kind of potting mix will keep the right amount of moisture in the soil.

Here are some top recommendations

1. Premium Monstera Potting Soil

[amazon box=”B08VYBJXXM” template=”horizontal”]

2. Sun Gro Horticulture Black Gold 1310102 8-Quart All-Purpose Potting Mix

[amazon box=”B005IZ2SJ8″ template=”horizontal”]

Giving your Monstera a stable environment helps it stay healthy. It also gives the roots the oxygen they need to grow strong.

To make your soil mix at home, start by gathering all the materials and supplies you will need.

Begin by measuring out orchid bark, worm castings, coir, activated charcoal, and perlite in their respective parts. Once you have collected and measured all your ingredients properly, mix them together.

Start by combining the orchid bark and worm castings in a large container. Use a spoon or a shovel to mix the two items together until they are thoroughly combined.

Next, add the coir and activated charcoal to the orchid bark and Worm castings mixture. Again, use a spoon or shovel to combine the ingredients until everything is evenly distributed.

Lastly, pour the Perlite into the mixture and use a spoon or shovel to mix it in. Make sure that all of your ingredients are evenly distributed throughout the soil mixture before you put them into a pot.

Once everything is mixed together properly, your DIY soil mix is ready for use. Simply transfer it to a pot and start planting. 

Signs the Soil isn’t Suitable for Monstera Pinnatipartita

  • Discolored Leaves
  • Stunted Growth
  • Mushy leaves or stems
  • Yellowing, dropping leaves
  • Wilting
  • Excessively dry soil
  • Root rot
  • Signs of nutrient deficiencies
  • Insect infestations

9. Potting & Repotting

Repotting a Monstera Pinnatipartita is an essential step for ensuring the long-term health and development of this plant species.

Allowing the roots to expand and grow will avoid root bounding, making sure the plant has adequate resources to reach its full potential.

Additionally, repotting also allows you to refresh the potting mix so that your plant receives the nutrition it needs. 

I highly recommend you repot your younger plants at least once per year and mature plants in 2-3 years. Taking these steps will ensure maximum vigor and impressive foliage display. 

You will also find that the entire process is simpler and more efficient than expected, leaving you with a beautiful-looking houseplant.

Signs your Monstera Pinnatipartita needs repotting

  • Brown spots on leaves
  • Curling or yellowing edges
  • Wilting stalks
  • Roots spreading via drainage holes
  • Slow growth

How to Pot & Repot Monstera Pinnatipartita Step by Step


Steps to repot Monstera Pinnatipartita

Step 1: Pick the best time to repot Monstera Pinnatipartita which is early spring when it’s beginning to come out of its winter dormancy period. 

Step 2: Select a new pot for Monstera that may be a terracotta pot or any other alternative but make sure it has drainage holes and is larger than the existing one.

Step 3: Fill your container with potting soil to a depth of 1/4 -1/3, depending on the size of Monstera’s root ball. This will give Monstera enough room for its roots to spread out without crowding. 

Step 4: Then pull Monstera out of the old container and trim off some roots if necessary.

Step 5: Replant Monstera in the new pot and fill in any gaps with more soil to ensure Monstera is held in place. 

Step 6: Hydrate Monstera when finished repotting. Don’t fertilize for at least a month after transplanting as it may damage Monstera’s roots.

10. Propagating Monstera Pinnatipartita

Monstera Pinnatipartita plant is simple to propagate at home with minimal effort. You’ll only need a few steps and necessary items for this process.

Supplies needed: 

  • Sharp knife or scissors
  • Growing medium (soil, vermiculite, or coco coir)
  • Water
  • Trays/containers
  • Plastic bags to keep humidity in (optional)
  • Propagation Promoter (optional)

To grow plants through stem cuttings, here’s how to get started.

Step 1: Cut stem

Use a sharp, sterile knife or scissors to cut the stem at least six inches long from beneath the node. Choose stems that are healthy and free of disease.

Allow the cut stems to rest for a number of days, allowing the cut to be callous. This will help reduce the risk of rot and creates a better environment for Monstera Pinnatipartita’s roots to develop.

Trim off any excess leaves at the bottom of the stem so that only a few leaf nodes are left.

Step 2: Root the cutting

You can propagate a cutting either in water or soil.

Propagating in water

  • Place the cutting in a water-filled vessel such as a glass jar, vase, or even a plastic bag.
  • Use tepid or distilled water and steer clear of chlorinated water
  • Add some rooting hormone to the water and submerge your cutting so that its roots are submerged in the mixture while its leaves remain out of the water.
  • Put the container in an area that receives bright indirect sunlight
  • Every 4-5 days, or when the water has begun to assume a yellowish hue, replace it with fresh water.
  • The roots may start sprouting within two to three weeks. Allow your plant’s roots to grow and reach a length of at least 2 inches before you transplant, preferably within the next few weeks.
  • Now is the ideal time to transfer your cutting into a pot filled with nutrient-rich soil.

Propagating in soil

  • Get a 3-inches pot and add the correct soil mix.
  • Add enough water to make your soil moist. And don’t forget to check that your pot has multiple drainage holes.
  • Blend fungicide and rooting hormone or sphagnum moss together, then apply them to the cut end.
  • Insert the stem cutting into the soil, and then place it in a bright light.
  • In only a few weeks, your stem cutting will begin to show root growth.
  • Allow the cutting to sit for two to three months before you start offering typical maintenance and upkeep.
  • Transplant the stem cutting into a container that is more spacious so its roots can grow to their full potential.
Monstera Pinnatipartita Care

Growth Rate and Requirements

Monstera Pinnatipartita is quite a slow-growing plant and usually takes many years to reach its full size. You will have to be patient while it grows.

1. Large-Sized foliage

The leaves of  Monstera Pinnatipartita can eventually reach up to 2 feet in length. Placing Monstera Pinnatipartita near a window is preferred, as it will receive indirect sunlight which helps the plant grow faster and healthier.

2. Variegated leaves

For the leaves of your Monstera to be fully variegated you need to give it enough light, as the more light Monstera Pinnatipartita receives the more pronounced its pattern of white or yellow spots will be. The variegation needs upto 4months to develop. 

3. Flower and fruiting

It is usually rare for Monstera Pinnatipartita to flower and fruit indoors. Monstera Pinnatipartita requires a lot of humidity, warmth, and light to produce flowers and fruits.

To try and encourage flowering, Monstera Pinnatipartita needs to be fertilized with an all-purpose fertilizer every six weeks.

Toxicity of Monstera Pinnatipartita

Monstera Pinnatipartita can be aesthetically pleasing, but it can also pose a serious threat to pets like dogs, cats, and rabbits.

The plant contains calcium oxalate crystals, which act like tiny knives when ingested or touched and cause irritation and swelling.

If you suspect toxicity in your pet, contact the ASPCA Poison Center for treatment. To prevent any exposure issues, keep your pet away from the plant entirely.

Common Problems with Monstera Pinnatipartita

Your Monstera Pinnatipartita is not safe from common houseplant problems, including pests and horticultural diseases.

Here is a list of common problems found in the Monstera Pinnatipartita.

1. Pests infestation 

Monstera Pinnatipartita is generally resistant to pests, as it’s a robust plant that can tolerate a variety of conditions. 

However, you need to watch for pests on your Monstera Pinnatipartita. Check for thrips, fungus gnats, aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, and scale insects.

These pests, also known as Phytophagous, are attracted to Monstera Pinnatipartita because of its delicious sap and lush leaves.

The sap of this particular variant of Monstera is high in nitrogen and other essential nutrients that sustain them.

Scale insects cover the leaf joints and stem, weakening the strength of the plant and eventually causing the yellowing of foliage.

Fungus gnats are not overly harmful to Monstera Pinnatipartita directly. However, their larvae feed on the roots of the plant in an effort to gain nourishment. 

Thrips are also a problem for these plants. They suck the moisture out of the leaves, which makes the plant less healthy and more likely to have other problems.

Signs Monstera Pinnatipartita has been attacked by pests

  • Yellowing and spotting of the leaves 
  • Wilting stems and branches
  • Stunted growth 
  • Black sooty mold on the stems, leaves, and around the soil
  • White webbing
  • Leaves with holes
  • Slimy and sticky liquid on the leaves, stems, roots, or in the soi

When it comes to preventing the spread of these pests, it’s essential to purchase from a reputable nursery and quarantine new plants. 

Providing optimal growing conditions for your plants will also help discourage any potential pests.

Should you still find the need to use an insecticide, choose between rubbing alcohol (70%), horticultural soap or insecticidal soap, or pure neem oil.

To further control the spread of these pests, isolate the plant, employ biological controls such as predatory mites and ladybugs and utilize mosquito bits to destroy fungus gnats.

Lastly, yellow sticky gnat traps killer is also a great option that is cheap, non-toxic, and effective.

2. Diseases

The most common diseases of Monstera Pinnatipartita include root rot, crown rot, and Pythium blight.

Root rot occurs when the soil or planting medium is too wet for too long, which encourages fungus to grow on the roots of the plant.

This disease makes the plant look wilted and yellowed, with dark spots on the roots. To prevent root rot, plant your Monstera in well-draining soil.

Crown rot occurs when the leaves become wet and then stay wet for too long, leading to fungal or bacterial growth at the base of the stem. The signs of crown rot are soft, yellowed, or slimy leaves.

To prevent this disease from occurring, always keep the leaves dry and remove any dying or dead foliage promptly.

Pythium blight is caused by a microscopic water mold. This mold will quickly spread from leaf to leaf and lead to wilting and death of the plant if left untreated. 

To prevent Pythium blight, avoid overwatering your plant. Also, keep an eye on the humidity levels of the room and use a fan to circulate air if necessary.

Carefully inspect your Monstera Pinnatipartita to know whether it has a disease. Throw away any parts that are sick. Keep the parts that still look healthy.

Discard the diseased plant matter properly. Failing to do so could result in the further spread of disease among indigenous wildlife.

3. Yellowing leaves

Yellowing of Monstera Pinnatipartita leaves is a common problem that many tropical plant owners face.

The cause of yellowing on these plants can be excessive sunlight, insufficient water, or nutrient deficiencies. A decrease in the vibrancy and texture of the leaves is the most visible and common sign indicating something is amiss.

Fortunately, this problem can often be prevented by taking extra care of your Monstera Pinnatipartita plants.

For instance, keeping the soil moist but not overly saturated with water is essential as too much moisture can lead to yellowing.

Always keep your plant in a spot with indirect sunlight. This is important when the plant is first growing, or when it goes through changes like photosynthesis or dry times.

If your plants have yellowing, check if they need more nutrients or have pests. You can add supplements and natural bug spray.

Following these tips should help you maintain healthy and vibrant Monstera Pinnatipartita foliage.

Monstera Pinnatipartita Care

4. Slow growth

When growth slows down, understand the factors that could be affecting the speed of growth. This means you must understand the symptoms of slow growth and its potential causes.

One of the most important factors impacting its speed of growth is temperature. When temperatures dip below 60°F (15.5°C) or rise above 80°F (26.6°C), its root system may start to show signs of stress.

Symptoms that your tropical plant is not doing well can include wilting leaves and yellowing tips. Some common causes of these symptoms include too much sun exposure or insufficient watering.

The solution is to adjust the settings by providing more shade or giving the plant more water. This will help the plant grow better.

5. Root rot

Root rot in Monstera Pinnatipartita is a condition where the roots of the plant become infected and are unable to bring nutrients to the rest of the plant.

This infection is caused by either anaerobic fungi, bacteria, or soil-borne pathogens. These pathogens thrive in wet and warm conditions.

Symptoms of root rot are wilting leaves and yellowing stems. To prevent root rot, give your monstera adequate drainage with well-draining soil and ensure you do not overwater.

Remove infected plants from the soil, rinse off any visible fungus growth, then repot with fresh soil or potting mix.

6. Leaves dropping

The most frequent cause of leaf dropping among Monstera Pinnatipartita is over-watering. This disrupts the balance of nutrients in the soil and deprives the plant of oxygen.

Symptoms of drooping include yellow or brown leaves and wilted stems. To help prevent future leaf dropping, adjust your watering schedule.

You should allow the top layer of soil to dry out before watering your plant again. If you see some of the leaves falling off, stop watering your plant as much. 

Also, look carefully to check if any bugs or diseases that could be causing the problem.

To revive a Monstera Pinnatipartita after leaf dropping, provide only light watering until new growth begins to appear. A balanced liquid fertilizer will also provide additional nutrition and help promote vigorous growth going forward.

7. Leaves turning brown

Is your lovely Monstera browning? Do not fret. This is due to environmental conditions, like too much or too little sunlight or water.

Signs and symptoms of affected plants include dry soil mix in containers, leaves dropping, and dark spots on the top side of the leaves.

To keep your plant from further discoloration, give it the right amount of light and water. Make sure it gets enough nutrients by giving it fertilizer when it needs it.

For those plants already deemed unsalvageable, adding more organic materials to the soil mix can help restrict additional damage.

If a plant’s leaves have turned completely brown and there’re no signs of life, cut off the affected foliage. This will help preserve energy for healthy leaves and stems as the plant begins its revival process.

Suggested Uses of Monstera Pinnatipartita

  • Aromatherapy – The plant’s leaves release a pleasant, calming scent that can help to reduce stress and anxiety. This makes it ideal for placing in a bedroom or office space to maximize relaxation.
  • Air purification – Its large leaves absorb pollutants from the air, leaving the room cleaner and fresher. This makes it an ideal choice for areas of your home that have been exposed to smoke or other airborne toxins.
  • Decoration – The distinctive look of Monstera Pinnatipartita makes it a great choice for decorating a room. Its leaves are larger than most houseplants, and their unique shape will add character to any space. It’s also incredibly easy to care for, so it won’t require too much maintenance.
  • Gift – Monstera Pinnatipartita is also a great gift to give to friends and family. It’s an attractive and easy-to-care-for plant that requires minimal maintenance. Plus, the fact that its leaves are so large makes it a standout choice for those who want their gift to stand out.

Where To Buy Monstera Pinnatipartita

If you’re looking to buy Monstera Pinnatipartita, there’re a few ways to go about it.


When it comes to finding where to buy Monstera Pinnatipartita plants, Etsy is the perfect online marketplace. There’re many different sellers who have these rare plants.

You can also find lots of reviews from people who have bought them before. This will help you know if the plant is of good quality.

Buying from Etsy has a lot of benefits. For example, you can choose from a wide range of monstera Pinnatipartitas. Plus, you can learn about each plant’s background, size, health, and price.

The convenience of shopping from home and the reliable shipping services ensure the purchases arrive on time and in good condition.

However, there’re some setbacks with buying things on Etsy. For example, it is hard to tell if a seller is good or bad, and sometimes people selling the same plant have very different prices.

Those looking to buy this unique and attractive houseplant should consider buying it on Carousell. sg. This online marketplace offers buyers a variety of houseplants.

With the wide variety of choices, customers around the country can find the best one that suits their style and needs.

Additionally, customers have access to higher-quality plants at lower prices on personalized platforms like this one.

Carousell. sg is sure to provide a convenient and affordable way for everyone to find their perfect Monstera Pinnatipartita.

Ken Philodendrons

Ken Philodendrons specializes in rare and unusual plants and offers a wide selection of Monstera Pinnatipartitas available for purchase.

The plants come with detailed care instructions to ensure they will thrive in their new home and arrive safe and sound in the mail.

When you order from Ken Philodendrons, you can be sure that you will get healthy plants that look great. They sell the best quality plants that are the right size and shape.


This is one of the leading nurseries and suppliers of Monsteras. It is a store that is known for having a lot of different kinds of Monstera plants and for providing good service to its customers.

With Ecuageneraus you can be assured that you are getting healthy Monstera specimens that have been well taken care of.

They offer Monstera Pinnatipartita in a variety of sizes, ranging from juvenile to mature plants.

They also offer Monstera cuttings for those interested in propagating the plant themselves. 

Rare Home Plants

The website offers a wide selection of Monstera plants in various sizes, shapes, and colors. 

Customers can also opt for their Monstera plant to be delivered right to their doorstep, ensuring that it arrives safe and sound.

Split Leaf Philodendron Vs Monstera Pinnatipartita

Split Leaf Philodendron and Monstera Pinnatipartita are two common tropical houseplants. Both have glossy green leaves with distinctive shapes, but they each have different attributes that make them unique. 

The Split Leaf Philodendron is a plant that grows all year and has big, wavy-shaped leaves. It prefers medium to bright indirect light and loves humidity.

The Monstera Pinnatipartita is a plant that has leaves shaped like hearts and its leaves have holes in them. Its natural habitat is in the jungle, so it likes more shade than the Split Leaf Philodendron.

It also prefers high humidity and will tolerate less water than the Split Leaf Philodendron. Both plants are easy to grow, but they require different care due to their distinct preferences.

Things to Avoid when Handing Monstera Pinatipartita

  • Getting the leaves wet
  • Watering using mineralized or chloramine water
  • Putting the plant in direct sunlight
  • Putting M.Pinnatipartita near heaters and air conditioners
  • Fertilizing the plant using granular fertilizers
  • Pruning aggressively


Does Monstera Pinnatipartita need pole?

Yes, Monstera Pinnatipartita requires pole support as it is a vining species and will climb up the pole so that it can reach its full growth potential. Monstera Pinnatipartita is best supported by a sturdy stake or moss pole that is placed close to the plant’s base.

How long do Monstera Pinnatipartita live?

Monstera Pinnatipartita can live for up to 40 years if given the right care. In their natural habitat, they can live for even longer.  Monstera Pinnatipartita needs plenty of light and humidity, along with regular fertilizer applications for this growth.


Overall, Monstera Pinnatipartita is an easy-to-care-for and unique houseplant with many characteristics that make it a great choice for any home.

The fenestrations create very visually appealing foliage, which in turn creates more interest and beauty for indoor spaces.

Its hardy nature will make sure it can thrive in a variety of environments. The Monstera Pinnatipartita can become a cool decoration for your home if you take care of it and keep it in the right condition.

So go ahead and try it.

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