Monstera Sierrana Care Guide

Monstera Sierrana image

Are you thinking about adding a monstera sierrana to your home but aren’t sure what kind of care and attention it needs? 

You’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll dive into all things about monstera sierrana care guide. 

From providing proper lighting conditions and water requirements to how often they should be repotted – I’m here to answer all your questions. 

So let’s learn how best to care for these uniquely beautiful tropical plants. 

Scientific nameMonstera Deliciosa var. Sierrana
Other namesVar sierrana
NativeOaxaca, Mexico
Growth zoneUSDA 10b to 12
Plant typeFlowering
Growth size3 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide
Growth rateSlow
LeavesPalm-like leaves with deep splits
FloweringInflorescence pale yellow to yellow flowers spadix with a spathe
FruitingSpadix fruiting
ToxicityToxic to humans and pets
Common pestsMealybugs, Spider Mites, Brown Scales
DiseasesAnthracnoseRoot Rot Disease, Bacterial Leaf Spots

What is Monstera Sierrana

Monstera Sierrana, scientifically known as Monstera Deliciosa var. Sierrana originates from Tropical America.

Presently, the plant has spread rapidly in other regions, including South America, and is now invasive in Brazil.   It is a rare variety of the Araceae family with palm-like leaves with deep splits.

The leaves are extra long and wide, about 3 ft tall and 2-3 ft wide, despite the plant’s slow growth rate. This feature makes the plant an absolute stunner and will draw attention to any room with its unique beauty. 

How do You Identify a Monstera Sierrana?

To properly take care of your Monstera Sierrana, the first step is to distinguish it from other monsteras. 

Here’s a guide on how you can accurately identify one.

How to Identify Young Monstera Sierrana

Oftentimes, you spot Monstera sierrana in humid tropical areas. Observe the leaves, stems, and roots to identify a young Monstera Sierrana. The leaves are slightly small and heart-shaped in a lime green color. You will also notice a few holes and splits on the leaves of a young monstera sierrana. 

Since the plant is still developing, the stems are slightly thick in green color. Beneath should be aerial roots used by the plant to absorb nutrients. Unfortunately, young monstera plants do not produce fruits until they are mature.

Young monstera sierrana image

How to identify Mature Monstera Sierrana

The leaves of a mature sierrrana are heart shaped and bigger compared to the monstera’s younger stage. 

However, compared to other monstera species like monstera obliqua, they are smaller. The leaves have a  glossy green color and appear to split into two distinct parts, like a “V” shape. 

These plants have tiny aerial roots on the stem that can help you identify them. So,  if you see those little rootlets popping out of the stem, you know it’s a Monstera Sierrana.

Finally, if you the plant produces maize-like fruit with greenish pale seeds, that is another way to tell a mature it’s a mature form of sierrana.  

Image of mature sierrana

Variegated Monstera Sierrana. 

As the Monstera sierrana matures, its leaves develop stunning variegated patches of white or creamy hues, making it a beautiful addition to any home. This phenomenon is caused by an alteration in the chloroplasts of plants, which are responsible for harnessing energy from sunlight.

Your plant may be variegated if the monstera gets a mosaic virus. This form of variegation is generally not preferred as it can be transmitted to other plants, resulting in more complicated issues. 

As such, it is essential to keep a close watch on variegation since this can indicate stress in the plant.

Monstera Sierrana Care Needs

The care needs for Monstera Sierrana are relatively simple and straightforward. Here are the factors to consider when caring for your Monstera Sierrana:

1. Lighting

Monstera Sierrana is native to a rainforest habitat, meaning the plant’s light requirement does not appreciate direct sunlight. It uses aerial roots to climb and reach the sunlight to get the light it needs for photosynthesis. 

When cultivating your Monstera Sierrana, you should opt for bright to medium, indirect light for about 8-10 hours each day.

If you cannot provide this much natural light, consider getting some LED grow lights and running them for 10-12 hours daily. 

An ideal lighting environment would include warm areas with low light; direct sun should be avoided as it can burn tender leaves, leading to unsightly spots that won’t recover.

Signs Your Monstera Sierrana Needs More Light

  • Mature leaves having no fenestration – The leaves of this plant should have slits and holes in them, called fenestrations. If they lack these, the plant isn’t getting enough light.
  • Leaf discoloration – Dark brown spots or yellowing of leaves can indicate that your Monstera Sierrana is not getting enough light.
  • Soil takes too long to dry – The soil should be moist but still able to drain easily – if it’s taking too long to dry, that’s a sign of not enough light.
  • Slow growth rate – Monstera Sierrana is a fast-growing plant, but its growth rate will slow down significantly if it’s not getting enough light.
  • Leggy monster – If the plant is not getting enough light, it will stretch out its stems in search of more. This can make your Monstera Sierrana look “leggy” and unappealing.

How to Maximize Light Exposure?

  • Rotate your Monstera Sierrana every two weeks to ensure all sides get enough light. This will also help the plant keep a bushy shape.
  • Cover the windows with fabric or curtains to block out direct sun rays that could be burning the leaves.
  • Find a well-lit spot, like a patio or doorway, where the plant receives low light.
  • Position the plant 4-5 feet away from south-facing windows or east/west-facing windows for morning and afternoon sun.
Light exposure image

2. Watering

The plant requires moderate watering. It should be watered every 1-2 times a week, depending on the environment. 

Monitor your plant’s soil to see if it is dry and needs more water. If you overwater, it will cause roots to rot or other issues.

Make sure to only water when the top 2 inches of the soil is dry moderate watering will keep your plant healthy and happy.

How to test soil dryness?

One common way to test soil dryness is with a finger test. Insert one finger into the soil and gain a general idea of the moisture level. The deeper you can stick your finger in, the drier it is. 

You can also poke a stick into the soil and take it out to examine how much moisture has moved onto it. 

A third option for accurately testing soil dryness is using a moisture meter. This device allows you to obtain an exact reading; if a reading of 3 appears on the meter, then the soil is determined to be dry.

Frequency of Watering Monstera Sierrana

Water your plant once every 1-2 weeks. Spring and summer are active growing periods, so it’s okay to go by this interval for this monstera species. During the dormant season, water less, at least once a week.   

Water the plant until the soil is fully saturated. Let the water drain completely, and then empty out the drainage tray. 

Besides, instead of mineral water, use filtered or rainwater as it does not contain chlorine, which can be toxic to the plant.

How to Water Monstera Sierrana

When watering, do it slowly and let each pour soak into the soil before pouring more. This helps avoid overwatering or flooding the plant’s surface root system. 

You should also ensure that all of the water runs out of the pot’s drainage holes before refilling the tray so that you know the roots have fully taken up water. 

Lastly, empty out any excess water from the drain tray to keep them damp yet not overly wet as avoiding getting their leaves wet is crucial to prevent rotting or leaf discoloration over time.

Tip: Slightly under-water than over-water your plant because adding water is far easier than removing it.

Watering monstera Sierrana image

Signs of Underwatering

  • Leaves turn yellow
  • Drooping and wilting of stems
  • Crisping and curling of leaf tips
  • Lack of new growth
  • Overall stunted appearance 

Signs of Overwatering

  • Yellow leaves
  • Brown leaf spots
  • Curled leaves
  • Stunted growth

3. Temperature

Monstera sierrana are native to tropical climates, with moderate-high humidities and minimum temperatures of 64.4°F. They can grow happily indoors, though you need not recreate the exact climate found in their natural environment.

Ideal Temperature Range for Monstera Sierrana

The ideal temperature tolerance for Monstera sierrana is 65-85℉ (18-29 degrees celsius). This is because the plant loves warm and humid climatic conditions. Plus, monstera wants to remain warm, so the temperature bracket is great for them. 

Monstera sierrana temperature tolerance

  • Below 55°F (13 degrees Celsius), the Monstera sierrana growth slows. For these reasons, the plant must be kept in a climate-controlled environment with temperatures no lower than 55°F (13 degrees Celsius). 
  • Below 50°F (10 degrees Celsius) can shock and eventually kill the plant. Such low temperatures will cause leaf discoloration and plant roots rotting. If this happens, it is important to immediately raise the temperature and ensure the soil stays moist but not soggy. 
  • Hot temperatures (greater than 90°F) will cause the plant’s stem and leaves to dry out due to transpiration. An extremely high temperature will occur without ample humidity and adequate air circulation in the space, such as through a fan or light misting. 

Factors that Affect Temperature


Use grow lights during winter seasons. You will remove the plant indoors from frost and chilly winds during the cooler months. The plant may not show growth signs in the season but will still survive under artificial growth lights.


-The location of your Monstera sierrana plant can also affect its temperature requirements. If you keep your plant outdoors, it will be exposed to the elements and must withstand the temperature fluctuations between day and night.


-If the air is too dry, you may need to supplement your plant’s humidity by misting or using a humidifier.


-Light energy is easily converted into heat energy. Therefore too much light could mean high temperatures and vice versa. 

Tips for Maintaining Optimal Temperature

  • Place the plant near an east-facing window to provide them with moderate lighting. Your monstera sierrana will tap into the morning sun but won’t be exposed to harsh mid-day heat. 
  • Keep the plant away from air conditioners and heaters. These items can spark rapid temperature changes, which can harm your houseplant. If you must use them, ensure the temperature of the air they are giving off and keep it consistent.
  • If temperatures drop below 50°F, move the plant closer to a grow light or cover it with a frost blanket/plastic bag. 
  • Position your monstera sierrana near a breeze that can help keep temperatures even during the hot summer months. Consider placing a fan nearby or opening windows when possible. 

Signs your monstera sierrana environment maybe is too cold

  • Curling leaves. 
  • Yellow leaves
  • Black or Brown spots
  • Stunted growth.
  • No flowers. 
  • The leaves fall off

Signs your monstera sierrana temperature is too high

  • Wilting leaves
  • Dry leaves 
  • Yellow leaves
  • Falling leaves
  • Sunburned leaves

4. Humidity

The ideal humidity levels should range between 60%-80% for monstera sierrana. And fortunately, your home is likely to be within this range.

Even if you have a drier climate, it’s still possible to maintain the ideal levels with a few simple steps.

So, there is no need to go to great lengths to maintain high humidity if you live in a region with a warm and tropical climate. Monsteras like humidity, but too little or too much humidity can cause damage.

If at all you need to confirm, use a hygrometer to measure the humidity of your plant. 

How to Ensure the Right Humidity Level?

One way to guarantee that your plant’s environment has the proper moisture is to group them together. This allows any humidity produced by one plant to be enjoyed by all.

Another great way to manage the proper humidity levels is to invest in a hygrometer, which can accurately measure and monitor levels. This can help you ensure you never go above or below the necessary levels. 

In addition, using a humidifier helps to maintain humidity at a set level over time, while misting with a fine-mist mister will provide beneficial moisture without creating overly damp conditions. 

A popular approach preferred by many gardeners is to use a pebble tray filled with water -a shallow tray lined with pebbles and partially filled with water– as this helps add moisture into the air while providing useful humidity levels.

Hygrometer image

Low Humidity Signs

  • Wilting
  • Monstera leaves turn yellow
  • The leaves drop off
  • Dry leaves
  • Crispy leaves

Too High Humidity Signs

  • Growth of molds
  • The leaves are constantly wet
  • Rotting 
  • Musty odors
  • Slow growth

5. Position

Position your monstera plant near an east-facing window for optimal success. Combining bright, indirect light and the right humidity levels will ensure monstera sierrana is happy and thriving. 

You can apply Feng Shui principles to maximize energy and harness positive energy. For instance, decluttering and enabling fresh air. 

Other tips include using a sheer curtains or fabric to provide bright, filtered light for south or west-facing windows. A north-facing window may not provide enough light but it could be worth trying.

How far away from the window should the monstera plant be?

Ensure the plant is at least 2-4 feet away from direct light sources. You don’t want monstera sierrana to burn from too much light. Besides, change the position of the monstera to ensure it grows evenly on all sides. 

This means you should avoid placing your plant in the bedroom, in crowded rooms, near heater heaters, in direct sunlight after 9 am, or in south facing window. 

Where to Place Monstera Sierrana Outdoors

Monstera is suitable for outdoor growth in USDA zones 10b and above, where temperatures shouldn’t dip below 50°F. 

When monstera is outdoors, make sure it’s in a sheltered location out of strong winds and direct sun. A partially shaded area or where the plant receives dappled sunlight will be ideal. 

6. Fertilizer

Monstera sierrana fertilization requires medium needs, meaning you should apply a moderate amount of fertilizer. The plant does not need much fertilizer but will grow more if you fertilize them just a little.

Why Monstera sierrana should be fertilized

i. Most Potting soils are enriched with some nutrients.

Potting soil is enriched with some nutrients, but not all-inclusive of your plant needs. Therefore, fertilizing your Monstera sierrana is important to ensure it receives the essential macronutrients and micronutrients for healthy growth. 

ii. Potting soil nutrients get depleted in 6-12 months.

Potting soils are depleted over time due to frequent watering, and replacing these nutrients with regular fertilization is important.

iii. Help the plant reach its full potential

Monstera sierrana needs a balanced fertilizer during its growing season (spring and summer) to help the plant reach its full potential and thrive. 

iv. Fertilizers function as vitamins for the plant

Fertilizers act as vitamins for your Monstera sierrana, helping it to grow healthy and strong.

Nutrient Requirements 

Monstera sierrana requires macro, micronutrients, and other trace elements in small doses to thrive.

  • Large doses–  (Macronutrients) – nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K)
  • Micro-nutrients –  Iron, Copper–Boron, Zinc, Chlorine, Nickel
  • Small doses (secondary nutrients) – calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.

Frequency of Fertilization

Fertilize your monstera sierrana 1-2 times monthly. This is recommended during its active growing seasons in summer and spring. 

During the dormancy period, however, avoid fertilizing the plant at all. This is because the plant temperature requirement during its dormancy period should be lowered, and fertilizing can cause additional stress to the plant. 

It’s better to provide light water misting and keep your Monstera Sierrana within the recommended temperature range. 

Even more, you should not fertilize after transplanting or repotting. At least wait for a month, considering most potting soils have fertilizers.

What Fertilizer is best for monstera sierrana

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The best choice fertilizer is the balanced liquid NPK fertilizer of 20:20:20 ratio or 10-10-10. During the growing season, apply this fertilizer every two weeks at a quarter strength dilution rate. 

In winter, reduce the application to once per month, as Monstera sierrana does not require much fertilizer in dormancy

You may opt for slow-release fertilizer, but it is pricey. This fertilizer is prepared to provide the necessary nutrients to the soil slowly furthest intervals. 

Avoid granular fertilizers, as they can burn the roots and cause irreparable damage to your Monstera sierrana.

Also, slow-release granular fertilizers generally have a higher salt content likely to burn the plant. 

How to Apply Fertilizer

If you are growing your monstera indoors, water down to half the strength of the liquid fertilizer.

For example, if the manufacturer stipulates a teaspoon per gallon, only use half that amount, .i.e, ½ a teaspoon for every gallon. This will dilute the fertilizer and prevent it from burning your precious plant. 

When growing the monstera sierrana outdoors, stick to the recommended manufacturer’s strength on the label. 

In any case, water your monstera before applying the fertilizer to ensure it is fully hydrated.

Benefits of Fertilizing Monstera Plants

i. Improves soil structure

Fertilizers will improve the soil structure, making it much more attractive and fertile for the plant. This will help to provide your Monstera with a strong root system that can better absorb nutrients, water, and air. Plus, it’ll look great.

ii. Encourages growth

A regular fertilizing routine will help your Monstera grow and reach its full potential. It will also help promote larger leaves, more stems, and increased flowering.

iii. Balance the nutrients

All plants need a balanced diet of nutrients to stay healthy and green. Fertilizer is the best way to ensure that your Monstera has the right mix of nutrients it needs.

iv. Stronger resistance to pests and diseases

By providing your Monstera with the essential nutrients it needs, you can help it become more resilient to pests and diseases.

Tips for Fertilizing Monstera Plants 

  • Alternatively, fertilize your monstera sierrana with all-natural compost. Natural compost helps the plant to mimic its natural environment. 
  • For example, worm casting is a perfect way to achieve a natural compost. Layer ¼ to ½ inch of compost 1-2 times a year to enrich the soil.
  • If you don’t have compost, another way is to make your own fertilizer. If you’re feeling adventurous, whip up an organic blend of banana peels and water for a natural, nitrogen-rich feeding.

Be cautious; fertilizing too often or with too much can be just as damaging as never fertilizing. 

Signs of Over-Fertilization

  • Yellow leaves
  • Black and brown roots or limps
  • Defoliation
  • Sturded growth
  • Fertilizer crust on the soil surface

Signs of Under-Fertilization 

  • Yellow spots
  • Slow growth
  • Wilting leaves

7. Pruning

Pruning is important to help your monstera sierrana look its best, and it also can help control humidity.

Trimming the old foliage maintains the overall health of the plant, prevents pests, and manages the plant’s size. 

The best time to prune is early spring because the plant is getting ready for a high-growth period. This means the plant will recover faster after pruning and will grow fuller as well. 

However, don’t prune during the plant’s dormancy stage, like winter. The plant has very limited sunlight at this time; therefore, pruning will hinder the plant’s ability to generate glucose for growth

Tools Needed for Pruning Monstera Sierrana

  1. Protective gloves
  2. Sharp Pruning Shears
  3. Clean rag
  4. Gloves
  5. Sterilizer

How to  Prune Monstera Sierrana

  • Start by wearing gloves to protect yourself and gather sterilized cutting tools to prevent bacteria.
  • Go ahead and cut off any dead or infected leaves, which will help improve the overall health of the plant. 
  • Following this, determine which stems need to be pruned and carefully cut them as close to the base as possible. 
  • For aesthetics, trim aerial roots that look unsightly near the top of the stem.
Pruning monstera image

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Pruning Monstera Sierrana

  • Cutting too many stems
  • Using blunt pruning shear
  • Pruning during the plant’s dormancy stage
  • Pruning a young monstera
  • Pruning bare hand

8. Propagating Monstera Sierrana

Monstera sierrana is simple to propagate at home with minimal effort. That said, you need a few steps and necessary items. 

Supplies you need include

  • Sharp knife or scissors
  • Growing medium (soil, vermiculite, or coco coir)
  • Water
  • Trays/containers
  • Plastic bags to keep humidity in (optional)
  • Propagation Promoter (optional)

Methods of propagating a Monstera Sierrana

1. Stem cutting

  • Cut a stem below a node using sharp pruning shears.
  • To improve your success rate, make sure to cut at a 45-degree angle, plus the cutting should be about 6 inches in length and include two or three sets of leaves.
  • Remove all the leaves dropped at the bottom, leaving just a few sets. 
  • Collect a glass jar or container of your choice, fill it with the distilled room, add rooting hormone in your water, and submerge the roots. 
  • Put the jar in indirect bright sunlight.
  • Replace the water whenever it discolors.
  • Transfer the cutting into a nutrient-rich soil pot after 2-3 weeks or when roots begin sprouting. 
  • Moisten your soil and ensure the pot has well-drained holes.
  • Apply blended fungicide and rooting hormone on the end of the cut and place it in the soil.
  • Transplant the plant into a large container to allow the roots t grow. 

2. Air layering

Air layering is an excellent technique for stimulating root growth without any cuttings.

  • Find a spot that has mature leaves and stems. 
  • Make a cut, about 2 inches from the end of the stem.
  • Remove a 2-inch section lengthwise, leaving an open wound on the plant. 
  • Dampen a piece of sphagnum moss and wrap it around the Monstera sierrana’s cut.
  • Tie up the moss using a string or rubber band. 
  • Wait 3-4 weeks and remove the plastic covering when you observe roots growing from the Monstera sierran’s wound.
  • Remove the cutting and transplant it into a pot filled with nutrient-rich soil.

3. Division

Division is the simplest and most effective way of propagating Monstera, which requires minimal effort. It involves dividing the root-ball into two or more pieces to form multiple plants. 

  • Pick a monstera plant with a healthy root system.
  • Carefully dig it out of its container,  as you keep the root system intact as possible.
  • Gently divide the plant’s root ball into two or more sections using a sharp knife. At least each division should have two or more leaves and a healthy root system.
  • Transplant the plant divisions into individual containers filled with nutrient-rich soil. 
  • Water immediately after planting and moisten the soil to ensure proper growth. 
  • Remember to provide the plant with indirect sunlight and avoid overwatering.

9. Potting & Repotting

Monstera sierrana can survive in containers early but run out of space as they grow older. Therefore, repotting is an essential part of monstera care, and the best time to do it is in early spring or summer. 

It allows expansion and growth of roots, avoiding root bound, plus you will be able to refresh the potting mix. 

Depending on the size of your monstera, for young monstera, repot annually, and for mature plants, do so after 2-3 years. 

You can also repot rootbound monstera sierrana when its leaves begin growing out of drainage holes. 

Signs your monstera sierrana needs repotting

  • If your Monstera is diseased, repot immediately so the disease does not spread to the other monstera sierrana in your home. 
  • When roots are spreading via drainage holes, it might be time to give monstera sierrana a new home.
  • Yellowing leaves can indicate that the monstera sierrana needs more nutrients or humidity and could use a pot upgrade.
  • If your monstera sierrana appears to have stopped growing then repotting can help to get it going again.
  • If your monstera sierrana has become too big for its pot, then you should repot it into a larger one to expand the roots.
  •  If your monstera sierrana’s soil is drying out too quickly, then you also need to repot the plant. 

How to Pot & Repot Monstera sierrana Step by Step

Pot & Repot Monstera sierrana image


  • Pot 
  • Garden Trowel
  • Potting soil
  • Pruning Shears
  • Plant support (cedar pole or moss pole)
  • Watering Can


  1. Pick the best time, that is, early spring when it’s the plant’s period for active growth. 
  2. Select a new pot. Some of the best pots you can select are terracotta pots. The pot should have drainage holes and be larger than the existing one. 
  3. Fill the pot 1/4 – 1/3 with potting soil. 
  4. Pull the plant out of the old container
  5. Trim some roots
  6. Replant
  7. Hydrate

10. Soil Drainage and Aeration

Understanding soil drainage and aeration for Monstera sierrana is key to a long and healthy life for your beloved Monstera.

Without proper soil drainage, water will build up at the bottom of the container, making your roots rotten. 

So, what do you need to know about soil drainage and aeration for this monstera species?

Ideal Soil Mixture for Monstera sierrana

i. Well draining soil

Your plant’s soil should be draining well because if moisture sits in the soil for too long, it can lead to Monstera sierrana root rot. A good drainage mix contains perlite, coarse sand, and peat moss. This combination will provide your plant with good aeration, which helps oxygen reach the roots to keep them healthy. 

ii. Has organic matter

It should also have some organic matter, such as compost or aged manure, to provide essential nutrients and help retain moisture in the soil. 

iii. Light soil

The lighter the soil mixture, the better. Monstera sierrana likes light, airy soil that does not retain too much moisture. 

iv. Not densely packed 

Densely packed soil will not allow oxygen to reach the roots and can cause rotting. Make sure you mix your soil well and use a potting mix that is not too compacted. 

Soil pH For Monstera Sierrana

The pH should be slightly acidic, somewhere between 5.5 and 7.0. This is the deal range recommended for the soil to be fast draining and for the Monstera Sierrana’s roots to absorb nutrients. 

If your soil is too much on either side of that range, you may find your Monstera isn’t as happy.

Too acidic soil increases the impacts of toxic elements; at the same time, alkaline won’t be able to absorb the necessary nutrient. 

By adding sulfur, you can dramatically increase the soil acidity. To raise the pH, however, and make the soil more alkaline, add garden lime. 

Soil moisture for Monstera Sierrana

The plant prefers slightly damp soil moisture but doesn’t like standing water. Water moderately and let the potting dry between the waterings. Monstera sierrana like lightly moist and won’t do well on soggy soil. 

The best way to check if your Monstera needs water is to stick your finger into the soil. If it’s damp, you don’t need to water it yet, but if the soil is dry up to your second knuckle, it’s time to give your plant some hydration. 

Soil Aeration Monstera sierrana

A well-aerated soil delivers oxygen to the roots and keeps your Monstera sierrana happy and healthy. The soil should be fluffy and light enough for air to move freely, so you should avoid compacting it too much. 

To get the best results, try using a soil mixture specially designed for Monstera sierrana, like a 50/50 mix of potting soil and perlite that is amended with compost.

This will give your plant the perfect balance of drainage and aeration.

Best commercial potting mix for Monstera sierrana to buy

i. Premium Monstera Potting Soil

[amazon box=”B08VYBJXXM” template=”horizontal”]

ii. Sun Gro Horticulture Black Gold 1310102 8-Quart All Purpose Potting Mix

[amazon box=”B005IZ2SJ8″ template=”horizontal”]

DIY soil mix


  • Orchid bark – 5 parts
  • Worm castings  – 2 parts
  • Coir –  4 parts
  • Activated charcoal 2 – parts
  • Perlite  – 5 parts

Put the ingredients in a container and mix well. Do not stress-the exact ratio does not matter.

The most important is ensuring your monstera soil mix has enough humus, drains well, and is well aerated.

Signs the Soil Isn’t Suitable for Monstera Sierrana

  • Mushy roots
  • Yellow spots
  • Brown spots 
  • Drooping leaves
  • Slow growth

11. Toxicity of Monstera Sierrana

Monstera sierrana has been known to be harmful to pets and humans, so you must keep them away from this particular monstera species. 

Pet owners should know Sierrana is toxic to dogs or cats. The toxicity is caused by calcium oxalate crystals found in various parts of the plant.

Monstera Sierrana is also toxic to humans, especially children. Fortunately, this plant isn’t so dangerous that it can kill with a bite, but those who ingest it will experience discomfort with symptoms of burning in the mouth and face. 

The stems, leaves, roots, and unripe fruit of Monstera sierrana contain calcium oxalate crystals. However, it’s important to note that ingestion of any part of this plant is unlikely to be fatal to pets.

Some symptoms of Sierrana toxicity in pets include excessive drooling, oral irritation,  swelling, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and respiratory distress in severe cases.

If you suspect your pet has eaten Sierrana or has any toxicity symptoms, immediately contact the ASPCA Poison Control Center or your veterinarian.

Growth Rate and Requirements for Monstera Sierrana

The growth rate and requirements for Monstera Sierrana is nothing to scoff at! This little beauty can be quite vigorous when given the right conditions and produce large, highly-variegated leaves.

1. Large-Sized Foliage

Large-sized foliage grow about 1-2 feet yearly as long as you provide bright light and plenty of humidity.

When the plant is kept in lower-light conditions, it will grow slowly and produce smaller leaves.

2. Variegated Sierrana Leaves

A new monstera sierrana leaf will last 2-3 months before its variegates. The plant will need plenty of light to develop its beautiful variegated leaves.

However, to ensure the variegation remains vibrant, avoid exposing it to direct sunlight.

2. Flower and Fruiting

You need to provide the Monstera Sierrana with plenty of humidity and warmth if you want it to flower and fruit.

The plant does not produce fruits often, so you can expect them only only after 2-3 years.

Common Problems with Monstera Sierrana

Your Monstera sierrana is not from common houseplant problems, including pests and horticultural diseases.

Here is a list of common problems found in the Monstera genus like lechleriana.

1. Pests Infestation

Pest infestation is one of the most common problems encountered by Monstera Sierrana owners.    This can be caused due to the plant’s preference for humid conditions, making it an ideal habitat for pests like mealybugs, spider mites, and scale insects.

They feed on the plant’s sap, which can cause discoloration, wilting, and the eventual death of the Monstera Sierrana.

The best prevention method is repotting, pruning, and maintaining the right temperatures and humidity. 

Pest infestation image

2. Diseases

Some common diseases affecting monstera are root rot, powdery mildew, and bacterial leaf spot problem.

 Root rot is caused by a fungus that lives in overly moist soils and can cause the monstera’s roots to rot away and eventually die.

Powdery mildew is a white powdery substance on monstera leaves that forms mostly due to overwatering.

To avoid these common monstera diseases, it’s important to regularly check for signs of infection and respond quickly with proper treatment.

Monstera sierrana should be planted in well-draining soil, and given enough lighting  and water to keep the plant away from pest infestation.  This practice will also protect the plant from powdery mildew and leaf spots. 

3. Yellowing Leaves

The most common reason for yellowing in monstera sierrana leaves is overwatering. Other reasons may include seasonal changes, fertilizer, light, humidity, old age, and fungal issues. 

If your leaves turn from glossy green or lime green, this could be a sign of yellowing leaves. 

You can prevent this occurrence by watering the plant only when the soil is dry to avoid improper moisture. In case the leaves have turned yellow, you can treat the plant by repotting in a clean pot or, alternatively, prune out the discoloured leaves.  

You can also check if your monstera’s planter pot has drainage; otherwise, create a hole for drainage if there is none.  

4. Slow Growth 

You will notice slow or stagnant growth in your Monstera Sierrana if you do not provide it with the essential conditions to thrive. 

It needs plenty of bright, indirect sunlight and warm temperatures between 65°F and 80°F. If your home is too dark or cold, then your Monstera will become sad and start growing like a sloth.  

Apart from this, you should also regularly provide them with the right kind of soil and water regularly. 

The soil should be well-draining to absorb enough moisture without becoming soggy. If your Monstera sits in wet soil for too long, its roots will start to rot and stunt its growth.

5. Root rot

Root rot image

Rotting root can be a common issue with Monstera Sierrana. While it’s possible to save the plant, prevention is key. 

It’s important to watch for certain signs, such as yellowing leaves and wilting stems, that may suggest your Monstera is suffering from root rot. 

To avoid this problem, ensure you’re not overwatering your Monstera, as this can cause the roots to become soggy and eventually rot. 

Additionally, you should be sure to use well-draining soil for your plant, as this will help it remain healthy and prevent root rot. 

6. Leaves Dropping 

Monstera leaves will droop if the plant doesn’t get what it needs. The most common causes of this are too little sunlight, incorrect watering, or an unsuitable soil mix. 

If you’re a new plant parent who just got their hands on a Monstera Sierrana and can’t figure out why its leaves won’t perk up, don’t fret! 

You just might need to give your plant the right balance of sunlight, water, and nutrients your Monstera Sierrana will be as plump and perky as can be in no time.

7. Leaves Turning Brown

Brown leaves on your Monstera Sierrana can be caused by a few different things, including too much direct sunlight, over-fertilizing, or under-watering. 

All of these things can cause too much stress for the plant, leading to brown leaves that are dry and crispy. 

To prevent this from happening, make sure to give your Monstera Sierrana the proper care it needs. You need to avoid direct sunlight and provide medium watering and fertilizing at recommended levels.

The same problems may occur in other monstera plants. When you find them, adjust your care routine as needed. You can find more information in our care guide articles:

Suggested Uses of Monstera Sierrana 

Monstera sierrana can be used for different purposes: 

  • Air purification
  • Medicinal benefits
  • Adding a decorative touch
  • Aromatherapy

Where To Buy Monstera Sierrana

There are different places to get your hands on Monstera Sierrana. These shops sell different houseplants and other accessories you may need for your house. 


Etsy is a great option for those who want hands-on help from an artist or craftsperson. Other than the plant itself, you can find handmade Monstera Sierrana items (like planters, wall art, and accessories) available for purchase on Etsy.

If you are looking for a bargain, then is the place for you! From Monstera Sierrana to other unusual plants, you probably heard about. 

Ken Philodendrons

At Ken Philodendrons, you can find a variety of Monstera Sierrana available in different sizes to fit your needs.


This online seller specializes in a wide range of Monstera Sierrana and accessories. You can find unique pieces to add to your home decor. 

Rare Home Plants

Rare home plants shop has a great selection of monsters Sierrana plants and accessories that can help you create a unique and beautiful look in your home. The shop is full of interesting and rare finds.

Things to Avoid

  • Using an air conditioner or heater
  • Direct sunlight
  • Overwatering or underwatering the plant
  • Closed and congested rooms
  • Fertilization after repotting


Overall, caring for your Monstera Sierrana correctly will provide great rewards.

Now that you have a better understanding of how to care for it, you can enjoy your healthy plant’s beautiful and unique fan-shaped foliage as it continues to grow. 

Be sure to water regularly and ensure it is receiving a good amount of light indirectly. If you notice any problems with your plant, be proactive and act early to prevent further damage. 

Caring for and providing the best environment possible for your plant will ensure its happiness and keep it thriving. 

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