Monstera Spruceana Care – A Complete Guide

Monstera Spruceana

Monstera Spruceana is an exotic plant that’s sure to bring a touch of nature into your home.

With its glossy green leaves and unique shape, this tropical beauty is perfect for adding a little bit of greenery and texture to any room.

Not only does it look great, but it also requires minimal care – just provide it with bright indirect light and water when the soil feels dry.

Whether you’re looking for something special to spruce up your living space or an easy-care addition to your collection of house plants, Monstera Spruceana is an ideal choice.

Here’s how to care for your Monstera Spruceana and things to avoid to keep your plant happy and healthy.

Scientific nameMonstera spruceana
Other namesMonstera spruceana schott
NativeCentral and South America
Growth zoneUSDA 10b to 12
Plant typeEvergreen
Growth size4-6 feet tall
Growth rateModerate to fast
FloweringDuring the growing season
FruitingSpadix fruiting
ToxicityToxic to humans and pets
Common pestsSpider mites, Brown scales, Mealy bugs
DiseasesSouthern blight, Bacterial leaf spot, Mosaic Virus, Powdery mildew

What is Monstera Spruceana

Monstera spruceana is a rare tropical climbing plant species of Monstera. It belongs to the family Araceae and the genus Monstera.

Monstera spruceana is a climbing plant that can grow up to several meters tall, with large, glossy, dark green leaves that have distinctive splits and holes.

It is native to the tropical rainforests of Central and South America but can also be grown in many other regions as a houseplant.

Monstera spruceana is a relatively fast-growing plant, especially in warm and humid conditions.

It produces small, white flowers in a specialized structure called a spadix, which is surrounded by a large, white, leaf-like structure called a spathe.

The flowers are followed by edible fruit that looks like a green, scaled ear of corn.

All parts of Monstera spruceana, including the fruit, contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause irritation and swelling if ingested by humans or pets.

Monstera deliciosa can be susceptible to mealybugs, spider mites, and scale insects, and can also be affected by fungal diseases such as leaf spot and root rot if overwatered or grown in poorly drained soil.

How Do You Identify Monstera Spruceana?

Here are some tips for identifying a young and mature plant:

How to identify young Monstera Spruceana:

  1. Leaf shape: The leaves of a young Monstera Spruceana are small and heart-shaped, with slightly raised dark green veins.
  2. Leaf color: The young leaves are a bright green color, with a slightly glossy finish.
  3. Stem: The stem of a young Monstera Spruceana is thin and green.
  4. Overall size: Young Monstera Spruceana plants are small and compact, with a maximum height of around 12 inches.
  5. Fruits: Young plants are not likely to bear fruit.

How to identify mature Monstera Spruceana:

  1. Leaf shape: The leaves of a mature Monstera Spruceana are large and deeply incised, with holes or slits in the middle. The shape of the leaves is similar to that of a Monstera Deliciosa, but the slits are more angular.
  2. Leaf color: As the plant matures, the leaves become dark green in color compared to the young leaves, with a matte finish.
  3. Stem: The stem of a mature Monstera Spruceana is thicker and can have a reddish-brown coloration.
  4. Overall size: Mature Monstera Spruceana plants can reach a height of up to 6 feet tall, with leaves that can measure up to 12 inches across.
  5. Leaf texture: The mature leaves can be quite leathery and sturdy, with a waxy surface that repels water.
  6. Fruits: Mature plants can produce small, green, spiky-looking fruits.

Monstera Spruceana Care Needs

Here are the basic requirements for taking care of a Monstera Spruceana:


Monstera Spruceana is a rainforest plant that naturally hates direct sunlight and climbs using aerial roots to get the light it needs.

Therefore, provide it with bright to medium, indirect light for 8-10 hours every day to thrive. Alternatively, you can use LED grow lights for 10-12 hours daily.

The ideal lighting environment for your Monstera Spruceana is a warm spot exposed to indirect or slightly filtered light.

However, you should avoid direct sunlight as it can burn the leaves, causing unsightly spots that won’t recover.

Similarly, planting your Monstera Spruceana in full shade can prevent proper growth and development.

To ensure that your Monstera Spruceana gets the right amount of light, place it in a location that receives optimal lighting.

For example, you can place it near a window where it can get bright, indirect light during the day, but make sure it’s not exposed to direct sunlight as this can cause sunburns to the monstera leaves.

Additionally, note that the lighting needs of your Monstera Spruceana may vary depending on the season.

During winter months when there’s less natural light, you may need to provide extra lighting to ensure that your plant gets enough light to thrive.

Signs Your Monstera Spruceana Needs More Light

If your Monstera Spruceana is not getting enough light, you may notice some of the following signs:

  • The leaves become pale or yellowish in color
  • The stems become spindly and weak, leading to drooping foliage
  • New leaves are small or don’t develop at all
  • The plant stops growing or produces fewer aerial roots


Monstera Spruceana, like most houseplants, requires moderate watering. To determine when to water your plant, check the top 2 inches of soil for dryness.

You can check the moisture with a finger test, poke a stick method, or using a moisture meter.

The best approach is to use a moisture meter, which will provide an accurate reading of the soil’s moisture levels. A reading of 3 on the moisture meter indicates that the soil is dry and it’s time to water.

When it comes to the frequency of watering Monstera Spruceana, note that during the summer and spring (active growing seasons), the plant will require more frequent watering, typically once a week.

However, in the winter, when growth slows or is dormant, it’s best to water the plant less frequently, usually once every two weeks.

When watering Monstera Spruceana, water until the soil is completely saturated.

This ensures that the plant receives enough water to grow and thrive. Additionally, it’s recommended to use rainwater or distilled water at room temperature when watering your plant.

These types of water are free of mineral deposits and chlorine, which can be harmful to tropical plant.

Conversely, it’s best to avoid using mineralized water or chloramine water, as they can have adverse effects on the plant’s growth and health.

Watering tips to remember:

  • Always check the top 2 inches of soil for dryness before watering.
  • Water Monstera Spruceana until the soil is completely saturated.
  • Use rainwater or distilled water at room temperature when watering your plant.
  • Avoid using mineralized or chloramine water, as they can be harmful to the plant.


Monstera Spruceana plants are native to tropical climates and require moderate-high humidities with minimum temperatures of 64.4°F.

However, they can still thrive indoors, and it’s not necessary to recreate their natural environment precisely.

The ideal temperature range for Monstera Spruceana is between 65-85℉ (18-29 degrees Celsius).

However, note that temperatures below 55°F (13 degrees Celsius) can slow down the plant’s growth, and temperatures below 50°F (10 degrees Celsius) can shock and eventually kill the Monstera Spruceana.

On the other hand, hot temperatures greater than 90°F can cause the plant’s stem and leaves to dry out due to transpiration.

Several factors can affect the temperature of Monstera Spruceana, including the seasons. During the winter, using grow lights can help to maintain the ideal temperature range for the plant.

In the spring and summer, on warm days, you can move Monstera Spruceana outside, provided the temperature stays above 60 degrees.

Factors that Affect Temperature

  • Season: During the winter, grow lights can help to maintain an ideal temperature range for Monstera Spruceana.
  • Location: The location of your Monstera Spruceana can affect its temperature. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight or near vents, as these can cause the temperature to fluctuate too much.
  • Room Temperature: The temperature of the room in which your Monstera Spruceana is placed can also affect its overall health and growth. Ideal temperatures should be between 65-85℉ (18-29 degrees Celsius).

Signs of Unfavorable Temperatures

If the temperature is too high or low for Monstera Spruceana, the plant may display signs of distress. These can include:

  • Wilting/drooping leaves
  • Browning leaf tips and edges
  • Slow growth
  • Yellowing leaves
  • Insignificant flowering


Monstera Spruceana requires medium to high humidity levels, with an ideal range of 60%-80%.

Fortunately, most household air is adequate for Monstera Spruceana growth, and there is no need to go to great lengths to maintain high humidity, especially if you live in a region with a warm and tropical climate.

It’s crucial to note that too little or too much humidity can cause damage to the plant. In dry areas, during winter when heaters are on, Monstera Spruceana can suffer from low humidity levels.

To determine the humidity in your house, you can use a hygrometer, which measures the amount of moisture in the air.

To ensure the right humidity level for Monstera Spruceana, you can group plants together, measure and monitor humidity with a hygrometer, and use a humidifier to add moisture to the air.

Additionally, misting the monstera spruceana leaves with water using a fine-mist mister and using a pebble tray filled with water can also help to maintain the appropriate humidity levels for the plant.

Low Humidity Signs

If the humidity is too low for Monstera Spruceana, it may exhibit signs of distress. These can include:

  • Wilting leaves
  • Yellowing leaves
  • Dry soil and leaf tips
  • Leaf drop or shedding of old leaves
  • Brown crispy tips on the foliage
  • Inconsistent growth

Too High Humidity Signs

If the humidity is too high for Monstera Spruceana, it can also display signs of distress. These can include:

  • Leaf spots or yellowing patches on leaves
  • Root rot and leaf drop due to overwatering
  • Lack of flowering and stunted growth
  • Mold or fungus growing in the soil


The positioning of Monstera Spruceana depends on the plant’s size, ensuring that the area has sufficient space, the right temperature, and humidity.

A mature Monstera Spruceana could reach ceiling height or taller, with leaves measuring up to 3 feet, so it’s essential to choose the right location for optimal growth.

To maximize success, place your Monstera Spruceana near an east-facing window. This location provides the right amount of indirect light for the plant’s growth.

Additionally, you can apply Feng Shui principles to ensure that the energy flow around the plant is optimal.

If you have south or west-facing windows, you can use sheer curtains or fabric to provide bright, filtered light. A north-facing window may not provide enough light, but it could be worth trying.

Position your Monstera Spruceana at least 2-4 feet away from direct light sources.

This distance ensures that the plant does not get too much direct light, which can cause damage to the leaves and stem.

Where Not to Place Monstera Spruceana in the Home

Although Monstera Spruceana performs well in indirect light and can tolerate some direct light, there are still certain areas of the home where you should not place it.

These include:

  • Near a direct heat source, such as an air conditioner or heater, which can cause the plant to wilt due to extreme temperatures.
  • Near a drafty window, as cold drafts can cause the plant to suffer from too low of a temperature.
  • In a bathroom, as the high humidity can cause damage to the plant.
  • In an area that receives direct sunlight, which can scorch and burn the leaves of the plant.


Monstera Spruceana plants require regular fertilization to ensure they receive adequate nutrients for healthy growth.

While potting soil often contains some nutrients, these can become depleted within 6-12 months, so it’s essential to replenish with high-quality fertilizer.

Fertilizer provides essential macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as secondary nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.

Micro-nutrients like iron, copper, boron, zinc, and chlorine are also necessary for proper growth.

During the active growth stage in spring and summer, Monstera Spruceana should be fertilized 1-2 times a month. However, during dormancy in late fall and winter, fertilization is not necessary.

Also, avoid fertilizing after transplanting or repotting, as most potting soils already contain fertilizers, and waiting for a month allows the plant to adjust to its new environment.

What Fertilizer is Best for Monstera Spruceana

A balanced liquid fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 20:20:20 or 10-10-10 is a good choice for this plant.

These types of fertilizers provide a balanced blend of essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are important for plant growth and development.

One product recommendation for a liquid fertilizer that would work well for Monstera Spruceana is the “Miracle-Gro Indoor Plant Food Liquid.”

This fertilizer has an NPK ratio of 24-8-16 and is designed specifically for indoor plants like Monstera Spruceana.

It is easy to use, just mix with water and apply to the plant’s soil according to the instructions on the label.

Another option for fertilizing Monstera Spruceana is to use a slow-release fertilizer. These fertilizers gradually release nutrients over time, providing a steady supply of food for the plant.

While they can be a bit more expensive than liquid fertilizers, they can be a good option for those who prefer a more hands-off approach to fertilizing their plants.

How to Apply Fertilizer

When it comes to fertilizing Monstera Spruceana, apply the fertilizer properly to ensure that the plant receives the right amount of nutrients without damaging its roots or foliage.

Here are some general tips for applying fertilizer to your Monstera Spruceana:

  • Dilute the fertilizer: Whether you’re using a liquid or a granular fertilizer, dilute it properly before applying it to the soil. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer label to determine the appropriate amount of fertilizer to use and how much water to mix it with.
  • Apply the fertilizer to moist soil: To avoid burning the roots of your Monstera Spruceana, always apply fertilizer to soil that is already moist. Water the plant thoroughly a few hours before applying the fertilizer to ensure that the soil is evenly damp.
  • Apply the fertilizer evenly: When applying liquid fertilizer, pour the solution evenly over the soil until it starts to drain out the bottom of the pot. When using granular fertilizer, sprinkle it evenly over the soil surface and then gently water it in.
  • Don’t over-fertilize: Over-fertilizing your Monstera Spruceana can cause its leaves to turn yellow or brown and may even damage the plant’s roots. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer label carefully and avoid applying more than the recommended amount.
  • Fertilize regularly: To keep your Monstera Spruceana healthy and thriving, fertilize it regularly during the growing season. For most fertilizers, this means applying the fertilizer once every 2-4 weeks, but check the label for specific instructions.


Pruning your Monstera Spruceana is an essential part of its care routine. Pruning helps to maintain the overall health of the plant, prevents potential infections like stem rot, and manages its size and shape.

Here are some tips on how to properly prune your Monstera Spruceana:

Why prune your Monstera Spruceana:

  • Trimming older foliage: This helps to maintain the overall health of the plant by removing any yellow or brown leaves that may be draining its resources.
  • Prevents potential infections like stem rot: By removing any diseased or dead parts of the plant, you can prevent the spread of diseases and pests that could harm your Monstera Spruceana.
  • Manage plant’s size: Pruning helps to keep the plant at a manageable size and shape, especially if it’s outgrowing its space.

When to prune Monstera Spruceana:

  • Early spring is the best time to prune your Monstera Spruceana. This is when the plant is preparing for its high growth period, and pruning can promote faster recovery.
  • Avoid pruning during the period of dormancy, which is typically during winter. Limited sunlight during this time can hinder the plant’s ability to generate glucose for growth.

Tools needed for pruning Monstera Spruceana:

  • Protective gloves: Wear gloves to protect your hands from any potential irritants or sharp edges on the plant.
  • Pruning shears: Use sharp, clean pruning shears to make precise cuts without damaging the plant.
  • Other tools like a hand saw, loppers, or a pruning saw may be necessary for larger, thicker branches.

How to Prune Monstera Spruceana:

Pruning your Monstera Spruceana is an essential part of its care routine. Here are some steps to follow when pruning your Monstera Spruceana:

Sterilize your cutting tools:

  • Before starting, sterilize your cutting tools to prevent the spread of bacteria or diseases to the plant.
  • Wipe down the blades with rubbing alcohol or a disinfectant spray.

Where to cut:

  • Cut old leaves: This can be done at any time of the year. Simply cut the leaf off at the base where it meets the stem.
  • Cut diseased leaves: This can also be done at any time of the year. Cut off any leaves that show signs of disease, discoloration, or pests.
  • Determine which stem to prune: If your plant is outgrowing its space or needs to be shaped, prune stems to control size and shape. Choose a stem that is growing in the direction you want and cut just above the leaf node (the point where a leaf attaches to the stem).
  • Outgrowing its pot: If your plant is outgrowing its pot, trim ⅓ of the roots before repotting to avoid root-bound monstera.
  • Trim aerial roots: If aerial roots are unsightly or getting too long, trim them back to the stem.
  • For propagation: If you want to propagate your Monstera Spruceana, cut below a node and place the cutting in water or soil.


Here’s how to propagate Monstera Spruceana using stem cuttings.

Supplies Needed for Monstera Spruceana Propagation:

  • Sharp knife or scissors
  • Growing medium (soil, vermiculite, or coco coir)
  • Water
  • Trays/containers
  • Plastic bags to keep humidity in (optional)
  • Propagation Promoter (optional)

Step 1: Cut Stem

Assess your Monstera Spruceana plant and select green, straight, and healthy stems with one or more leaves.

Choose a 4-6 inch stem with at least one node. Using a clean, sterile knife or scissors, snip just beneath the node.

Allow the stem cuttings to rest for a few days. This can lead to callous formation, which helps roots grow more quickly.

Step 2: Root the Cutting

You can propagate a Monstera Spruceana cutting either in water or soil.

Water Propagation

Grab a glass jar or container and fill it with room-temperature water. Use tepid or distilled water and avoid chlorinated water.

Add some rooting hormone to the water and submerge your cutting so that its roots are submerged in the mixture while its leaves remain out of the water.

Put the container in an area that receives bright indirect sunlight. Every 4-5 days, or when the water has begun to assume a yellowish hue, replace it with fresh water.

The roots may start sprouting within two to three weeks. Allow your plant’s roots to grow and reach a length of at least 2 inches before you transplant, preferably within the next few weeks.

Now is the ideal time to transfer your cutting into a pot filled with nutrient-rich soil.

Soil Propagation

Get a 3-inch pot and add the correct soil mix. Add enough water to make your soil moist, and don’t forget to check that your pot has multiple drainage holes.

Blend fungicide and rooting hormone together, then apply them to the cut end. Insert the stem cutting into the soil, and then place it in a bright light.

In only a few weeks, your stem cutting will begin to show root growth. Allow the cutting to sit for two to three months before you start offering typical maintenance and upkeep.

Transplant the stem cutting into a container that is more spacious so its roots can grow to their full potential.

Potting & Repotting

The Monstera Spruceana is a resilient plant species that can easily survive in containers for a little while.

However, it is essential to remember that they, just like any other plant, have a limited amount of space they can occupy before their growth is stunted.

Repotting your Monstera Spruceana is crucial in availing adequate room for expansion and root growth, thus preventing the plant from becoming root-bound.

Additionally, repotting provides new and fresh soil, which is necessary for the growth and development of the monstera plant.

It is generally recommended to repot young growing plants annually, while mature plants should be repotted after every 2-3 years.

Here are signs that your Monstera Spruceana requires repotting: drainage roots, signs of disease, and yellowing leaves, among others.

How to Pot & Repot Monstera Spruceana Step by Step


  • Pot
  • Garden Trowel
  • Potting soil
  • Pruning Shears
  • Plant support (coco coir or moss pole)
  • Watering Can

Step 1: Pick the best time

The best time to repot your Monstera Spruceana is during early spring when the plant is actively growing.

Step 2: Select a new pot

Choose a new pot that is slightly larger than the existing one and has drainage holes. Terracotta pots are one of the best pots for monstera, but other materials such as ceramic or plastic can also work.

Step 3: Fill your container

Fill the pot 1/4 – 1/3 with fresh potting soil. Use high-quality potting soil with good drainage and aeration.

Step 4: Pull the plant out of the old container

Gently remove the plant from its old container. Use a garden trowel or your hands to loosen the soil around the roots. Be careful not to damage the roots.

Step 5: Trim some roots

Inspect the roots and trim any that are dead or diseased. You can also trim the roots to encourage new growth.

Step 6: Replant

Place the plant in the new pot, and add potting soil around the roots, making sure to fill any gaps. Gently firm the soil around the plant.

Step 7: Install plant support

If your Monstera Spruceana is climbing, install a plant support such as a coco coir or moss pole to provide support for the plant to climb.

Step 8: Hydrate

Water the plant thoroughly to ensure the soil is moist. Avoid fertilizing the plant for at least a month to avoid root burn.

Soil Drainage and Aeration

Monstera Spruceana requires soil that offers adequate drainage and aeration. Good soil will ensure proper root growth and prevent common issues such as overwatering, fungal diseases, and root rot.

Loose, porous potting mix is ideal for Monstera Spruceana. The monstera soil mix should contain equal parts of peat moss, perlite, and organic compost.

Additionally, adding 1/4 cup of fish emulsion fertilizer per gallon of soil can help provide the necessary nutrients for healthy growth.

Best Commercial Potting Mix for Monstera Spruceana

Here are some top recommendations

Premium Monstera Potting Soil

[amazon box=”B08VYBJXXM” template=”horizontal”]

Sun Gro Horticulture Black Gold 1310102 8-Quart All-Purpose Potting Mix

[amazon box=”B005IZ2SJ8″ template=”horizontal”]

Common Problems with Monstera Spruceana

Although the Monstera Spruceana is a relatively hardy plant, there are some common problems that you should be aware of when caring for yours.

  • Pests and Diseases: Common pests and diseases that can affect Monstera Spruceana include mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids. Fungal diseases such as root rot, powdery mildew, and leaf spot can also occur if the plant is overwatered or grown in poor soil conditions. The best way to remove the pests is to use neem oil or isopropyl alcohol, or horticulture soap.
  • Nutrient Deficiency: If your monstera leaves are yellowing, it is likely a sign of nutrient deficiency. Make sure your plant is getting adequate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium for thriving growth.
  • Leaves Turning Brown: Brown patches on the leaves of Monstera Spruceana may be caused by too much direct sunlight. Move your plant to a spot with bright, indirect light to avoid leaf scorch.
  • Root Rot: Monstera spruceana root rot can occur if the soil is not well-draining or if you are overwatering your plant. To prevent root rot, make sure the pot has adequate drainage holes and be mindful of how often you water your Monstera Spruceana.

Suggested Uses of Monstera Spruceana

Monstera spruceana is a beautiful and versatile houseplant that can be used in a variety of ways. Some of its suggested benefits of monstera spruceana are:

  1. Purifying air quality: Like many other monstera plants, Spruceana is known to help purify the air by removing toxins and pollutants. It can help improve indoor air quality and create a healthier living environment.
  2. Decoration: Monstera spruceana has large, beautiful leaves that make it a popular choice for home decoration. It can add a tropical, exotic feel to any room and can be used in a variety of design styles, from bohemian to modern.
  3. Medicinal benefits: Some studies suggest that Monstera spruceana may have medicinal properties. For example, it has been found to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which may help with a variety of health conditions.
  4. Aromatherapy: The leaves of Monstera spruceana have a pleasant, fresh scent that can be used in aromatherapy. They can be crushed or boiled to release their scent, which can help promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Things to Avoid When Caring for Monstera Spruceana

Although Monstera spruceana is a relatively hardy plant, there are some things that you should avoid to ensure its healthy growth.

  • Overwatering: Be mindful of how often you water your Monstera Spruceana and always allow the soil to dry out before watering it again. Overwatering can lead to root rot, which can be fatal for the plant.
  • Direct sunlight: Too much direct sunlight can cause the leaves of your Monstera spruceana to turn brown and scorch. Make sure to place it in a spot with bright, indirect light for best results.
  • Fertilizer overdose: Excessive fertilizer can cause salt burn and nutrient deficiencies in your Monstera spruceana. Make sure to fertilize the plant regularly with a balanced fertilizer and dilute it according to manufacturer instructions.
  • Too much humidity: Monstera spruceana prefers humid environments, but too much humidity can lead to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and root rot. Monitor the humidity levels in your home and adjust ventilation or misting if needed.


What is the difference between Monstera spruceana and Subpinnata?

Monstera spruceana is a species of plant that is characterized by its large, glossy leaves with split edges and long stems. Monstera subpinnata is a related species with smaller leaves and fewer splits on the edges.

Is Monstera Obliqua hard to care for?

Monstera obliqua is not particularly hard to care for, but it does require some special attention. It prefers a humid and warm environment and does not do well with direct sunlight. It also needs to be watered regularly but not overwatered.

Why are my Monstera pinnatipartita leaves turning yellow?

Yellow leaves on Monstera pinnatipartita can be caused by a few different things. It could be an issue with too much or too little water, or it could be caused by fertilizer burn. It can also be a sign of root rot or nutrient deficiency.

Other Monstera care guides to check out are:

Monstera Standleyana Care

Mini Monstera Care


Monstera Spruceana is a stunning plant that can add beauty and character to any indoor space. With proper care and attention, this plant can thrive and bring joy for many years.

Remember to provide it with the right amount of light, water, and humidity and to fertilize it regularly during the growing season.

Propagating and repotting the Monstera Spruceana are also simple and rewarding tasks that can help you expand your plant collection.

By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this care guide, you can ensure that your Monstera Spruceana stays healthy, happy, and vibrant.

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