Monstera Standleyana Care – Complete Guide

Monstera Standleyana Care

Are you looking for a unique houseplant to add a touch of tropical flair to your home or office?

Look no further than Monstera Standleyana. This beautiful, easy-to-care-for plant offers lush foliage and stunning leaf shapes that will bring life and color to any environment.

With proper care, it can grow up to 8 feet tall with large, glossy leaves that are sure to turn heads.

We have compiled this Monstera Standleyana care guide to help you keep your plant looking vibrant and healthy.

Scientific nameMonstera Standleyana
Other namesPhilodendron Cobra
NativeCentral America
Growth zoneUSDA 11b to 12
Plant typeEvergreen
Growth size6-10 feet tall
Growth rateModerate to fast
FloweringDuring the growing season
ToxicityToxic to humans and pets
Common pestsSpider mites, Brown scales, Mealybugs
DiseasesSouthern blight, Bacterial leaf spot, Dasheen, Mosaic Virus, Powdery mildew

What is Monstera Standleyana?

Monstera Standleyana is a highly beloved houseplant originating from Central America. It is an evergreen perennial vine, also known as the Five Holes Plant, and it belongs to the Araceae family.

This monstera plant can grow in zone 11-12 and is an epiphyte, which means that it begins to grow from materials on another plant like moss or bark, using these structures as footholds while they climb up trees.

Monstera Standleyana typically grows between 6-10 ft in height and 8-12 ft in width and boasts moderate growth rates.

The monstera standleyana’s leaves are also one of its best features – they are bright green with swiss cheese-like cuts to break off as the plant matures.

How Do You Identify a Monstera Standleyana?

Knowing how to identify a Monstera Standleyana properly is the first step in taking optimal care of it. Here’s an insightful guide on accurately recognizing one.

How to Identify Young Monstera Standleyana

Identifying a young Monstera Standleyana plant takes close observation of several distinct features.

The oldest and most reliable sign of this type of Monstera is its leaf shape – the leaflets are deeply lobed, with each lobe having multiple points.

Apart from that, the plant’s leaves range from light green to dark green leaves, while their veins have a characteristic large and intricate reticulated pattern.

Additionally, in young standleyana, the stem structure is pendent and often not vine-like; compared to other species, it has rather a little internode spacing.

As for roots, they look like aerial roots but with moderate thickness instead of a hair-like structure; they lack epiphytic scales compared to other varieties/species as well.

Finally,  on location and environment – Monstera Standleyana tend to grow in humid, sheltered, and warm environments such as rainforest-like climates.

How to Identify Mature Monstera Standleyana

Once a Monstera Standleyana reaches maturity, its leaves grow larger, become more deeply lobed, and the stem structure begins to vine.

The veins become larger and more intricate, creating a signature look for this variety of Monstera.

In addition, the root system grows thicker and produces aerial roots, while the fruits are large and round with orange-yellow pulp.

As for its environment, mature Monstera Standleyana plants like humid, sheltered, and warm locations such as rainforests.

Monstera Standleyana Care Needs

Now that you know how to identify this special type of Monstera, it’s time to learn about its care needs.

Here are some essential tips for keeping your Monstera Standleyana looking vibrant and healthy.

Light Requirements

Monstera Standleyana, a beautiful tropical plant native to the rainforest, requires light for photosynthesis and its growth cycle. Ideally Monstera should be situated in bright to medium, indirect light.

A window with filtered lighting is ideal as it mimics Monstera’s natural environment but keep Monstera away from direct sunlight which can cause leaf burn and drying.

Monsteras climb by using their aerial roots so the more light, the better. 8-10 hours of optimal lighting daily is recommended to keep your Monstera healthy and vibrant.

If you can’t provide enough natural light, you can use LED grow lights placed on a timer for 10-12 hours of lighting each day.

Monsteras like warm and humid environments so an ideal spot exposed to indirect or slightly filtered light is best.

Also, remember that variegated plants need a little more light than completely green plants, as the white parts cannot photosynthesize.

Signs Your Monstera Standleyana Needs More Light

Here are some of the symptoms or signs that your Monstera Standleyana is not getting enough light.

  • If there’s no fenestration (cutouts) on the mature leaves and older leaves, it’s a clear sign that the Monstera is not getting enough light.
  • If you spot dark brown spots or yellowing on the leaves, it’s likely a sign of too little light.
  • If the soil takes longer than usual to dry, it could be a sign that the Monstera is not receiving enough light.
  • If your Monstera’s growth rate is unusually slow, it could be a sign of insufficient light.
  • Finally, if the stem and leaves of your Monstera become leggy (stretched out with widely spaced leaves), this may indicate insufficient light.

How to Maximize Light Exposure?

  1. Rotate the plant every two weeks to ensure all sides get equal light exposure.
  2. To protect your Monstera from direct sunlight, cover the window with a light fabric or sheer curtains to filter sun rays.
  3. Find a spot that is well-lit like a patio, doorway or window to position your Monstera near.
  4. If you choose to place your Monstera near a window, ensure it is 4-5 feet away from south-facing windows or east/westward-facing windows for morning/afternoon sun.
  5. If you can’t provide optimal light conditions, invest in LED grow lights and place them on a timer for 10-12 hours of lighting each day.


Monstera Standleyana needs moderate watering and should be watered when the top two inches of soil are dry.

But how do you test the dryness? We have a few methods – finger test, poke-a-stick method, or using a moisture meter.

The best approach, however, is to use a moisture meter and aim for a reading of three which indicates that the soil is dry.

How often should you water your Monstera Standleyana? During summer/spring (the active growing seasons), water once weekly, and in winter, water less as growth slows or is dormant – once fortnightly.

In terms of the amount of water your Monstera Standleyana needs, water until the soil is completely saturated.

Make sure to use rainwater or distilled water at room temperature for your plant, and avoid mineralized and chloramine water.

Finally, when you water your Monstera Standleyana, do it slowly, let each pour soak, ensure the water runs out of the drainage holes, and empty the drain tray. Also, avoid getting the leaves wet.

Watering tips: You should slightly under-water than over-water your plant. Why? Adding water is far easier than removing it.

Signs of Underwatering

If your plants are not getting enough water, it can be hard to tell at first. However, there are some telltale signs of underwatering that you can look out for.

  • Wilting or drooping leaves; this shows that the plant is not able to take up enough water to keep its leaves supported and hydrated.
  • When leaves turn yellowish-green, which usually means that the plant’s roots aren’t reaching far enough down into the soil and instead absorbing air through the leaves.
  • Topsoil becomes very dry, with little evidence of moistness, even after regular watering.
  • Unusual spots on leaves may start appearing as well, which could indicate fungal diseases due to an unhealthy root system.

Signs of Overwatering

Over-watered Monstera plants will also show signs of distress, including:

  • Soggy, yellowing leaves that may be dripping water.
  • Wilting or drooping leaves caused by an inability to absorb enough oxygen from the soil.
  • Root rot, which will cause the roots to become mushy and brown and eventually die off.
  • Leaves beginning to drop off due to lack of energy reserves.
  • Fungal diseases caused by an unhealthy root system.


Monstera Standleyana plants are native to tropical climates, with moderate-high humidities and minimum temperatures of 64.4°F (18°C).

They can grow happily indoors, though you need not recreate the exact climate found in their natural environment. The ideal temperature range for Monstera Standleyana is 65-85°F (18-29°C).

Factors that Affect Temperature

The factors that affect this temperature range are the seasons, and you should make adjustments to the temperature accordingly.

In the winter months, you should use grow lights to supplement the sunlight your plant is receiving.

In the spring and summer months, you can move Monstera Standleyana outside on warm days, provided the temperature stays above 60 degrees.

Tips for Maintaining Optimal Temperature

To maintain an ideal temperature range for Monstera Standleyana, here are a few tips:

  • To ensure your plant receives the perfect amount of light, place them near an east-facing window so they can bask in a generous supply of indirect rays.
  • Keep the plant away from air conditioners and heaters. If temperatures drop below 50°F (10°C), move the plant closer to a grow light or cover it with a frost blanket/plastic bag.
  • If temperatures get too high (greater than 90°F), this will cause the plant’s stem and leaves to dry out due to transpiration.

Signs of Unfavorable Temperatures

Signs your monstera standleyana environment may be too cold

If your Monstera Standleyana is exposed to temperatures that are too cold, it’s likely you will start to see symptoms like brown spots, yellowing of the leaves, or roots that become mushy and brown.

The plant will eventually die off if exposed to temperatures below 50°F (10°C). Here’s more on How Much Cold Can Monstera Tolerate.

Signs your monstera standleyana temperature is too high

If the temperature is too high, your plant may start to wilt, the leaves will become droopy and dry out quickly.

The foliage may also yellow and if the temperatures remain too high for too long, death of the plant is likely.


Do Monsteras like humidity? Monstera Standleyana thrives well if the humidity level is 60-80%. Fortunately, most homes have levels of relative humidity that are suitable for this plant.

If you live in a region with a warm, tropical climate, there is no need to go out of your way to create a more humid environment for this plant.

On the other hand, if you live in an area prone to dryness during winter when the heater is on and warmer temperatures occur, it’s important to maintain appropriate humidity levels or else it may suffer.

To gauge the humidity in your house, a hygrometer can be used to monitor and measure levels accurately.

How to Ensure the Right Humidity Level?

Here are ways to ensure the right humidity level is maintained:

  • Group plants together – when done in a group, the plants will help each other create a humid environment.
  • Use a humidifier – this will help maintain a higher humidity level for the plants.
  • Mist leaves with water – use a fine-mist mister to spray the leaves lightly with water.
  • Use a pebble tray filled with water – place the plant on top of pebbles and fill the tray with water. As the water evaporates, it will help to maintain a higher humidity level in the atmosphere around the plant.
  • Measure and monitor the humidity with a hygrometer.

Signs of Low Humidity

5 signs that the environment may be too dry for Monstera Standleyana include:

  • Wilting
  • Brown, crispy edges on the leaves
  • Leaves dropping prematurely
  • Signs of stress such as yellowing
  • Premature flower drop

Signs of Too High Humidity

  • Droopy leaves which occur when the plant is unable to repel the excess moisture around it, causing the cells to swell and become weak
  • Yellowing and blackening of the edges of the leaves due to rot
  • Mushy or slimy roots due to root rot or fungal infections
  • Stunted growth or distorted foliage caused by high levels of moisture in the air.


Positioning and placement of your monstera standleyana are key to bringing out the best in this decorative Houseplant.

To ensure success: the area should provide sufficient space for its mature size – Monstera could reach ceiling heights or higher – with leaves measuring up to 3 feet.

The right temperature and humidity levels must be maintained, and it should be located near an east-facing window for indirect light.

Applying Feng Shui principles of energy flow is an added bonus that contribute to creating a strong thriving environment for this lush Houseplant.

Tips for Positioning Monstera Standleyana

  • Place monstera standleyana near an east-facing window to benefit from indirect light without the intense glare of direct sunlight. How far away from the window should the plant be? at least 2-4 feet for a small plant and 3-6 feet for larger plants.
  • Position it in a room where the temperature and humidity levels are kept relatively consistent. Too much fluctuation can cause it to struggle and eventually die.
  • Avoid areas where there are drafts from air vents or windows that open frequently.
  • If you have multiple plants in a single room, group them together to increase the humidity around them.
  • Clean the leaves routinely with dampened cloth for dust removal, as this helps photosynthesis and improve growth.

Where Not to Place Monstera Standleyana in the Home

Monstera standleyana should not be placed in:

  • Areas with air conditioning or direct exposure to air vents.
  • Direct sunlight after 9 AM or places where temperatures get consistently above 80°F (26°C).
  • Damp basements or bathrooms that don’t have window access to natural light.
  • Places near open flames such as fireplaces, wood stoves, and even candles.

Where to Place Monstera Standleyana Outdoors

If you are looking to place your monstera standleyana outdoors, it is best suited for USDA zones 10b and above.

It can withstand temperatures as low as 50°F, but if you live in a colder area, then it would be best to bring it indoors during the winter months.

When growing indoors, make sure to keep it away from direct sunlight, as this can cause damage to the plant.


Monstera Standleyana Fertilizer Needs

Medium fertilizing is recommended for your Monstera Standleyana. This can be done with a balanced liquid fertilizer once every two weeks during the active growing season (spring through fall).

Make sure to dilute the fertilizer to one-half of the recommended strength before applying it. During the winter months, you can reduce fertilizing to once or twice a month.

Why Monstera Standleyana Should Be Fertilized

In order for this plant to stay healthy and keep producing beautiful leaves, fertilizing is a must. Regular fertilization helps replenish vital nutrients that tend to get depleted in potting soils every 6-12 months.

High-quality fertilizer functions much like vitamins for plants, providing them with essential nutrition needed for their growth.

Choosing the right formula for your Monstera standleyana is key: seek out those with an N-P-K list (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) well-balanced with trace minerals like iron and magnesium.

A slow-release fertilizer applied once every four or so months will help ensure your Monstera stays happy and healthy.

Nutrient Requirements

The Monstera Standleyana needs a full range of macro and micro-nutrients in order to thrive.

It should receive nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur and trace minerals such as iron.

In addition to fertilizers, organic matter like compost can be added to the soil to provide additional nutrition.

When it comes to water, aim for reducing exposure to chlorine and other tap water chemicals; rainwater or filtered water is best for this plant.

Frequency of Fertilization

The frequency of fertilizing depends on the health and size of your plant. If it’s looking healthy, there is no need to fertilize every week.

A good rule of thumb is to fertilize once or twice a month during the active growth season, and you can reduce it to once every couple of months during the dormant season.

You should also not fertilize a newly transplanted or repotted plant for at least a month after transplanting, as most potting soils already contain fertilizer.

What Fertilizer is Best for Monstera Standleyana?

What is the best fertilizer for monstera standleyana? When it comes to fertilizing your Standleyana, you should use a balanced liquid fertilizer or slow-release pellets that are specially formulated for tropical plants.

Look for a Balanced Liquid NPK fertilizer of 20:20:20 ratio or 10-10-10, as this will provide your plant with the necessary nutrients it needs for growth.

A slow-release fertilizer should also be applied once every four months to provide additional nutrition to the plant.


Pruning is an important part of taking care of a Monstera Standleyana. One should prune older foliage regularly to maintain overall health, as it can prevent potential infections such as stem rot and manage the plant’s size.

The best time to prune is in early spring as the houseplant is preparing for its high growth period and can make a faster recovery.

However, avoid pruning during the plant’s dormancy period in winter because there is less sunlight which hinders the ability of the Monstera Standleyana to generate glucose for growth.

Tools Needed for Pruning

  • Pruning shears or scissors
  • A garden knife for dividing and repotting the plant
  • Disinfectant wipes to clean the pruning shears between cuts
  • A bucket filled with lukewarm water for dipping the pruning tools
  • A soil mix for repotting

How to Prune Monstera Standleyana

Pruning Monstera Standleyana Albo variegata is a straightforward and rewarding process that can help to keep your plant happy and healthy.

  • To start, you will need to collect all the tools necessary for pruning listed above. It is also important that you sterilize all cutting tools beforehand in order to prevent bacteria.
  • When it comes to where to cut, you should begin by snipping off any old or diseased leaves at any time of the year.
  • Furthermore, you may want to look into which stems should be pruned in order to control the size and shape of your monstera standleyana. Use stem cutting method.
  • If your monstera is outgrowing its pot, it might be necessary to trim around ⅓ of its roots so there’s some room for growth.
  • Additionally, if any aerial roots become unsightly, you are free to trim those away as well.
  • Finally, make sure to cut below a node if looking to propagate monstera standleyana.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Pruning

When it comes to pruning Monstera Standleyana, there are a few mistakes that should be avoided. Firstly, do not prune during the dormancy period as this could inhibit its growth potential.

Secondly, do not prune off more than a third of the total foliage at any time as this can shock the plant.

Finally, make sure to sterilize all cutting tools beforehand in order to prevent bacteria from entering the plant.

Potting & Repotting

Repotting your Monstera standleyana is an important part of keeping it healthy, as the plants usually outgrow their current containers.

Repotting allows for the roots to expand, which encourages the overall growth of your Monstera standleyana.

Additionally, repotting helps to refresh the potting mix that has been filled with used nutrients by now.

Generally, young plants should be repotted every year and more mature plants should be moved to a bigger container every two to three years to provide enough space for growth.

When deciding when it’s time to repot your Monstera standleyana, watch out for list points such as discoloration or wilting of the leaves, Roots popping out of the drainage holes in the pot and signs of disease.

If you notice any of these signs, quickly repot and separate diseased sections in order to protect other plants around them.

How to Pot & Repot

Tools and Materials Needed

  • A pot with good drainage and several holes in the bottom
  • A soil mix for Monstera formulated with orchid bark
  • Pruning scissors or shears
  • A bucket filled with water
  • A garden knife to divide and repot the plant
  • Disinfectant wipes to clean the tools between cuts

Steps to repot Monstera standleyana

  • Step 1: Pick the best time – Early spring when the plant is starting to come out of its dormancy.
  • Step 2: Select a new pot: Terracotta pots are a good option, as they provide better air circulation. The pot should be 1-2 inches larger than the current one.
  • Step 3: Soak the new pot in a bucket of water for 15 minutes to ensure proper drainage.
  • Step 4: Prepare the soil mix by mixing 1 part loam, 1 part perlite and 1 part peat moss.
  • Step 5: Place the plant in the middle of the new pot and add soil mix around it.
  • Step 6: Gently tap down on the soil to remove any air pockets and water thoroughly.
  • Step 7: Prune any dead or dying leaves and/or stems.
  • Step 8: Place the repotted plant in a bright spot that is away from direct sunlight.
  • Step 9: Monitor the soil moisture, water when necessary and fertilize two weeks after repotting with a balanced fertilizer.

Soil Drainage and Aeration

Knowing about soil drainage and aeration for Monstera standleyana is vital, as this tropical epiphyte species needs a special list of environmental requirements to thrive.

For optimal growth, one should strive for a soil mix that is well draining, light and not too densely packed. Moreover, it works best when it contains some organic material for drainage and nutrition.

The pH of the soil also has an effect on nutrient uptake; thus, the ideal range should be between 5.5 to 7 pH.

If needed, one can adjust the pH by adding lime or sulfur to the soil, depending on if a higher or lower pH reading is desired.

Additionally, slightly damp soil works best for this plant type as it ensures they get enough moisture while still being able to drain inside the pot.

Finally, using a Monstera-specific soil blend can help retain the perfect amount of water at all times.

Best Commercial Potting Mix for Monstera Standleyana

If you’re looking for a list of the best commercial potting mix to buy for your Houseplant, look no further.

Premium Monstera Potting Soil and Sun Gro Horticulture Black Gold’s 1310102 8-Quart All Purpose Potting Mix are two that stand out among the rest.

The Premium Monstera Potting Soil is quickly gaining traction due to its premium organic ingredients, intelligent fertilizers, and moist but well-aerated soil profile, which provides optimal drainage for root health.

On the other hand, Sun Gro Horticulture’s All Purpose Potting Mix uses an all-natural blend of aged forest products blended with environmentally responsible wetting agents to provide all-purpose soil that can benefit any houseplant you have.

Both are excellent options, so choose based on your needs and preferences.

Growth Rate

The growth rate of Monstera standleyana can vary depending on the conditions it is exposed to.

The plant is considered a slow grower and may take up to 2-3 years in ideal conditions before reaching full maturity.

This is due to the fact that each new leaf produces fewer leaves than its predecessor, resulting in a slower growth rate over time.

Nonetheless, with proper pruning and fertilization, the growth rate can be increased significantly, allowing it to reach its full potential.

Pruning should be done regularly to ensure that all new leaves are healthy and strong.

Additionally, regular fertilizing will help to accelerate growth and provide the essential nutrients necessary for this type of plant.

Toxicity of Monstera Standleyana

Before bringing a Monstera standleyana into your home, it is important to be aware of its potential toxicity.

Is Monstera standleyana toxic? The plant is considered toxic to both humans and animals if ingested, as it contains insoluble calcium oxalates that can cause irritation to the mouth and throat.

For Pets

If you have pets, it is best to keep your Monstera standleyana out of their reach as they may try to chew on the leaves or stems, leading to potential poisoning.

The cause of toxicity in pets is calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause drooling, abdominal pain, vomiting and difficulty swallowing.

What are calcium oxalate crystals in plants?

Calcium oxalate crystals are insoluble salts that can cause irritation to the mouth and throat when ingested. These crystals are found in many plants, including Monstera standleyana.

They are typically found in plant cell vacuoles and can be broken down by enzymes in the digestive tract if ingested.

Could monstera standleyana kill my pet?

No, Monstera standleyana will not kill your pet, as the toxicity of the plant is low and it typically only causes irritation to the throat and mouth.

However, if ingested in large quantities and left untreated, it can cause severe health problems.

Treatment for toxicity

If you suspect that your pet has ingested Monstera standleyana, it is important to seek immediate medical attention. Contact ASPCA Poison Center or your local veterinarian for help and advice.

For Humans

Is monstera standleyana safe for human consumption?

No, the plant is not considered safe for human consumption, mostly for children, as ingesting it can cause irritation to the mouth and throat.

Parts of the plant that have been cooked or processed may be safe to consume, however, it is best to avoid eating any part of the plant raw.

Can the plant kill?

No, Monstera standleyana will not kill a human if ingested. The toxicity of this plant is low, and it has not been identified as poisonous.

Ingestion of this plant may cause mild stomach discomfort, but no serious health effects have been reported.

In addition, Monstera standleyana can cause skin irritation if touched and people with asthma or other respiratory conditions should avoid contact with this plant as it may cause irritation.

It is important to note that the sap of Monstera standleyana contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause pain and irritation if they come into contact with the skin.

Treatment and Precautions

If you believe that you have ingested Monstera standleyana, seek immediate medical attention. It is also important to take precautions when handling the plant, as it can cause skin irritation.

Wear protective clothing such as gloves and long sleeves when handling the plant and avoid contact with eyes or other mucous membranes. Additionally, it is important to keep this plant out of the reach of children.

Common Problems with Monstera Standleyana

Monstera standleyana is a relatively easy plant to care for, but there are some common issues that may arise.

Here are some of the most common problems:

Pests Infestation

Monstera standley is relatively resistant to indoor pests; however, some common pests that may attack it include spider mites, scale insects, thrips and fungus gnats.

These phytophagous insects are often attracted to Monstera standley as they feed on sap and the plants tissue.

If left unattended these pests have the potential to destroy your Monstera standley by infesting its leaves and joints along with damaging its stems or roots depending on the particular pest.

Signs that it has been attacked can manifest in various ways but worst case scenario; you might have to discard the plant entirely in extreme cases.

To prevent, control and get rid of these pests from your precious Monstera standley you can take certain steps such as wiping down its leaves with 70% rubbing alcohol, using horticultural soap (insecticidal soap) or pure neem oil.

It is also important to isolate the plant and use a biological control foil such as predatory mites to prevent an outbreak of these tiny creatures from terrorizing your Monstera standley.

Related Read: How to Get Rid of Thrips on Monstera


Unfortunately, these plants are also prone to several diseases. Bacterial leaf spot and mosaic virus are two of the most common diseases for Monstera standleyana.

Causes of such plant diseases typically include environmental stress and improper care, such as overwatering.

Diagnosis is generally easier when done by an experienced eye, as it involves a list of symptoms that must be compared against established pictures and charts.

If left untreated, the effects can range from blemishes on the leaves to meristem death or plant death altogether.

Dealing with each disease requires specific steps that can involve pruning heavily infested limbs, repotting in well drained soil, water treatments with fungicides or insecticides, or even throwing out heavily infected plants.

While there is no one sure way to prevent diseases on Monstera standleyana, understanding climate requirements and thinking ahead about defending against pests will go a long way towards keeping them healthy.

Read more: Common Monstera Pests and Diseases

Yellowing Leaves

The list of potential causes behind yellowing leaves includes insufficient light, incorrect watering, inadequate air circulation or humidity levels, fertilizer burn.

Also, pest infestations such as spider mites or mealy bugs and soil-borne diseases such as bacterial necrosis.

To prevent yellowing leaves, make sure your Monstera standleyana is getting plenty of indirect light and water it when the top two inches of soil are dry.

If you find yourself dealing with yellowed monstera standleyana leaves due to any of the other conditions mentioned above, first use a list of best practices.

Like proper fertilizer application, appropriate humidity levels and good air circulation – then check for pests or diseases and treat them accordingly.

Finally, if you already have yellowed leaves on your Monstera standleyana remove them by stem cuttings.

Slow Growth

Factors that affect the growth speed of Monstera standleyana can include light, water, soil quality and temperature.

Symptoms of slow growth are discoloration in the leaves or wilting due to lack of hydration; if you observe this in your plant, it’s important to review list of causes for its slow growth such as overwatering, nutrient deficiency or overwintering.

Thankfully there are solutions! Eliminating any underlying cause by providing more – or less – light while changing the water and soil quality is essential step towards helping your Split Leaf Philodendron regain its healthy state.

Root Rot

Root rot in Monstera standleyana is a fungal disease that can lead to serious, irreversible damage to your plant.

Causes of root rot include overwatering and poor drainage, which saturate the soil and create the perfect environment for pathogens to thrive.

Symptoms may include brown spots on the leaves and a rotten smell coming from the soil. If left untreated, root rot can quickly spread throughout the entire plant and cause irreparable harm.

In order to prevent or treat root rot in Monstera standleyana, it is important to list avoid overwatering, provide good drainage in the soil, and carefully check plants for signs of infection or discoloration.

Additionally, regular repotting will ensure that roots get enough air circulation.

Leaves Dropping

Leaf dropping is a common occurrence among Monstera plants such as monstera deliciosa and standleyana.

There are many causes for this, such as too much or too little water, inadequate light, incorrect soil pH balance, or even insect pests.

If you notice yellow foliage and brown edges on the leaves of your Monstera standleyana, these could be signs that it is having trouble with leaf dropping.

Fortunately, there are a number of preventative measures you can take to limit the amount of leaf dropping in your plant.

These include providing enough light and water, maintaining an ideal temperature range, and regularly monitoring and adjusting the soil pH balance list to create an optimal growing environment.

If you find that your Monstera standleyana has already started to drop its leaves then it may require a bit more TLC to revive it back to its original healthy state.

Increasing humidity levels and periodically misting the leaves with water can help to revive a plant after excessive amounts of leaf dropping have occurred.

Leaves Turning Brown

Browning leaves on Monstera standleyana can be caused by a variety of factors, such as overwatering, nutrient deficiencies, and insect pests.

If you observe brown patches or spots on the leaves of your plant, check for signs of excessive moisture in the soil as this could indicate overwatering.

Additionally, ensure that your Monstera standleyana is receiving adequate light and providing the correct soil pH balance.

If you find that your plant is not getting enough nutrients, then it may be necessary to supplement with a micronutrient-rich fertilizer.

Finally, insect pests can cause leaves to turn brown as well so take precautions and regularly check for signs of infestation.

Suggested Uses of Monstera Standleyana

Monstera standleyana can make a great addition to any home or office space. The split-leaf pattern of the leaves adds texture and visual interest to any room, making it an excellent option for decorating.

Monstera standleyana is also easy to take care of and does not require much maintenance – simply provide adequate light and water and keep the soil pH balanced.

Additionally, Monstera standleyana can be used for medicinal and culinary purposes – the juice of its leaves can be used to treat skin conditions like eczema, and the fruit is edible when ripe.

Where To Buy Monstera Standleyana

Monstera standleyana is available at most garden and home stores. If you are looking for a more unique variety of Monstera standleyana, you can also shop online for different hybrids or even seeds.

Etsy offers a great selection of Monstera standleyana plants, with sellers offering both live and artificial options.

Why buy at Etsy? Etsy offers great customer service, with sellers providing detailed information about shipping and handling of the plants.

Additionally, you can save money by purchasing in bulk from a single seller. Other online retailers such as Carousell, Lazada, and Shopee are also good options for purchasing Monstera standleyana plants.

Common Comparison To Other Plants

When compared to other plants, Monstera standleyana has a few distinct advantages. For one, it is relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of climates.

Additionally, its unique split-leaf pattern adds texture and visual interest to any space. It is also a fast-growing plant, with some hybrids capable of reaching heights of up to 8 feet.

In comparison to other popular houseplants such as Pothos and Philodendron, Monstera standleyana is more tolerant of neglect.

While it still requires regular watering and adequate light, it is not as sensitive to environmental changes and can survive in lower-light environments.

It also boasts a unique split-leaf pattern that sets it apart from other plants. Finally, Monstera standleyana has many medicinal and culinary uses, making it a versatile addition to any home or office space.


Is monstera standleyana rare?

Yes, Monstera Standleyana Variegata is a rare aroid and is usually hard to come by. This variety of monstera is not readily available in most nurseries, garden centers, or online retailers. The best way to get your hands on a Monstera Standleyana Variegata is from a specialty nursery or through a private collector.

What makes Monstera Pinnatipartita and Monstera Standleyana popular houseplants?

Monstera Pinnatipartita and Monstera Standleyana are popular houseplants due to their attractive foliage, unique leaf shapes, and low-maintenance care requirements. They are also relatively rare and sought after by plant collectors.

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Monstera standleyana is an easy-to-care-for, fast-growing houseplant that can add texture and visual interest to any space.

It has a unique split-leaf pattern and can tolerate lower light environments, making it an ideal choice for beginner plant enthusiasts.

Additionally, Monstera standleyana is rich in medicinal and culinary uses and can be found at most home and garden stores.

Finally, Monstera standleyana is a great choice for those looking to add a bit of greenery to their space without the hassle of regular maintenance.

With proper care and attention, you will be able to enjoy your Monstera Standleyana for years to come! It’s sure to be an eye-catching addition to your home.

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