Monstera Temperature Tolerance: How Much Cold Can Monstera Tolerate

Monstera Temperature Tolerance Image

Monstera plants are gorgeous tropical greenery and a popular indoor plant among homeowners. But before you welcome one of these stunning plants home, it’s essential to learn its temperature tolerance.

That’s right! To keep your Monstera deliciosa (or swiss cheese) healthy, you must understand how much cold it can tolerate. Sure, Monsteras are most likely to blossom in warm temperatures. But you can follow some best practices to maintain their beauty even in extreme cold.

So read on to learn more about the fantastic qualities of this beautiful plant. We’ll provide all the details on Monstera temperature tolerance and how to take care of this tropical beauty.

Let’s dive in.

What Temperature Range is Too Cold for Monstera Plant?

Any temperatures below 50°F (10°C) could harm your beloved Monstera and potentially destroy all of your hard-earned growth.

But a drop in temp is no reason to panic. As long as the cold doesn’t last long, your plant won’t show signs of damage even if the temperature drops to the mid-40s (7°C).

However, there’s reason to worry if the temperatures drop below 45°F for several hours or more, as that’s where real damage can occur.

Remember, too much cold stress can cause yellowing leaves, wilting, and even leaf fall – so you must monitor the temperature around your Monstera.

The best way to do this is to use a thermometer to track any changes in temperature in the space where you located your Monstera plant.

What Temperature Range is Too Hot for Monstera Plant?

To keep your Monstera plant happy, aim for a temperature range between 65-80 °F. This is the average temperature range in its natural habitat.

Anything higher than that could be too intense for your Monstera and may damage its leaves.

On the other end of the spectrum, Monsteras aren’t fans of sudden cold draughts, so try to avoid subjecting them to temperatures below 50°F if possible.

Sudden temperature drops can cause shock in your tropical plants and expose them to diseases or death in extreme cases.

All that matters is keeping things stable— your Monsteras will be most happy at a comfortable room temperature; anything too high or low will stress out your beloved plant and possibly cause irreversible damage.

What is the Ideal Temperature Range for Monsteras?

Monsteras can tolerate temperatures between 65°F and 85°F (18°C and 29°C) during the day. At night, these tropical plants can handle lower temperatures between 55°F and 75°F (13°C and 24°C).

If you live in a climate with wildly fluctuating temperatures, consider investing in a thermometer to track your Monstera’s needs – it’ll make a world of difference.

The trick is ensuring they don’t get too hot or cold. If your house dips below 55°F (13°C) in winter, you may want to consider moving your plant closer to a sunny window or door that receives direct sunlight.

And because these plants thrive in tropical climates, you can use heating blankets for extreme cold.

Also, try not to move your Monstera plant around because the stress from abrupt changes can cause them damage. And if you notice any signs of distress—like wilting leaves or yellowing stems— adjust your Monstera’s environment accordingly.

What is Cold Shock in Monstera Species?

You may have heard of cold shock/stress in Monstera deliciosa, but what does this mean? 

In short, cold shock is the sudden decrease in temperature Monstera plants experience and how they respond to that sudden change. It affects Monstera’s health and can cause severe damage if not handled properly.

It can occur when the temperature quickly drops to a level your Monstera isn’t used to. This can happen during winter or when temperatures drop suddenly in other seasons. 

To protect against this, you must understand what temperature your Monstera plant can tolerate.

This information can help guide any placement and maintenance changes you make for your Monstera’s environment.

Here are a few key points to remember about cold shock and Monstera plants:

  • The minimum temperature requirements for healthy growth is 55°F (13°C). Anything lower than this could cause damage.
  • Exposing deliciosa to temps below 55°F, even for brief periods, causes cold shock leading to injury, dry foliage, or plant death.
  • If temperatures reach freezing (32°F / 0°C), then it’s almost certain that lasting damage will occur.

Signs of Cold Shock in Monstera Plants

Cold stress is a major challenge for gardeners, and it can be hugely damaging if not addressed quickly. 

Symptoms of cold damage include wilting and yellowing of the leaves, a decrease in leaf size, and stunted growth.

In more extreme cases, it may cause brown leaves, blackened foliage, and drying up of the plant.

1. Drooping or wilting leaves

Cold stress causes these symptoms due to the plant being unable to absorb enough water and nutrients to keep it healthy.

When the temperature is too low, the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients decreases, leading to the plant becoming dehydrated and the leaves turning yellow or wilting. 

The colder the temperature is, the more constricted the cell walls become, leading to further dehydration. The Monstera’s leaves may also turn brown and dry up. 

2. Discoloration

Discolored foliage is another common cold stress symptom. You may notice monstera leaves turning brown or new leaves may turn pale yellow or light green.

This is typically a sign that the plant is not receiving enough warmth. You can treat this by providing the plant with more indirect sunlight or moving the house plant to a warmer spot.

3. Decreased leaf size

Another symptom of cold stress is a decrease in leaf size. Cold temperatures also cause the Monstera’s leaves to become smaller and more compact to minimize the area exposed to the harsh weather. This is the plant’s adaptive response to lower temperatures.

4. A loose root ball

Cold stress can also cause a loose root ball in Monstera plants. Cold temperatures can cause the soil to shrink away from the base of the plant, leaving it loose and weak.

This is a sign that the Monstera needs to be moved to a warmer, more protected area.

These signs indicate that your Monstera is suffering in the cold and needs warmer temperatures.

The good news is that Monstera is resilient and can withstand frost if given enough care. Place it in a sunny spot that’s safely away from any drafts, and be sure to water it regularly – but not too much, or you may trigger root rot.

With some patience, you should begin to see recovery as your Monstera slowly regains its strength.

Loose monstera rootball image

Tips to Treat Cold Shock in Monstera/Swiss Cheese Plant

As a plant lover, you can take quick action to help your indoor plants recover from cold shock. Follow these tips and tricks to reduce the effects and keep it healthy.

Move the Monstera Away from Cold Drafts

If your Monstera is in a room or near a window where cold drafts are present, move it away as soon as possible. This will help protect it from further stress and reduce damage.

Water the Plant Immediately

Cold weather freezes the moisture in your plant’s leaves and stems, and watering is one way to help your plant recover. 

Remember, your soil should always remain moist but not soggy, as that may cause root rot. This way, your Monstera will have enough moisture and won’t suffer from dehydration.

Provide Shade

If temperatures remain too low even after you’ve taken the steps above, try to provide shade for your plant. You can do this by covering it with newspaper or an old fabric sheet until the temperature improves outside.

Remove dead leaves after some time

If the severe cold stress leads to dead foliage, it’s best to prune off the affected leaves. But pruning should happen after a month of recovery from cold stress– once your plant has fully recouped from the severe cold. 

Boost Humidity

Monstera leaves become dehydrated and stressed in dry air, so you want to provide a humid environment.

To counteract this, spray water to increase the humidity around your plant and gradually increase watering to provide more hydration.

Following these tips should help keep your Monstera healthy in colder temperatures.

How Can You Prevent Cold Shock in Monstera Plant?

You may already know that Monsteras are tropical plants that don’t react so well to cold temperatures. But did you know you can protect your Monstera from cold shock?

Here are a few tips:

Relocate the Plant

Monstera plants don’t like cold drafts, so it’s best to keep them away from open windows where the airflow might be too chilly. Strategic placement is crucial, especially in the winter months when temperatures drop drastically.

Maintain Room Temperature

Keep a steady temperature between 65-75℉ (18-24℃). This is the right temperature for Monstera plants and should provide enough warmth for optimal survival and growth.

It’s also a good idea to install a thermometer in the same room so you can keep an eye on your Monstera’s environment.

Place Near Heat Sources

Place your indoor Monstera plant near heat sources. This will help to keep the colder temperatures at bay and ensure your Monstera stays comfortable.

These simple strategies can help your Monsteras tolerate cold temperatures and promote healthy growth.

Best Practices to Keep Monstera Plant Healthy in Winter?

If you want to keep your Monstera healthy during the winter months, there are a few things you should do.

Here are some of the best practices to follow:

Don’t Move Them Around Too Much

When the temperature drops outside, it’s best to keep your Monstera in one spot indoors if possible. Moving them around too much can shock their system and make them more vulnerable to temperature changes.

Create a Warm Environment

Since Monsteras don’t do well in cold weather, consider investing in a curtain or insulation to reduce the cool air coming in. You can also use an air conditioner to create a warmer environment for your tropical vines.

Check Their Humidity Levels

Dry air can cause your Monstera leaves to become brittle and impair their growth. To avoid crispy leaf tips, check the humidity levels regularly and keep them around 40-60%. If it’s too low, try misting the leaves with a spray bottle or humidifier.

Follow these steps, and you can be sure your Monstera will stay happy and healthy in cold climates.

FAQs About Monstera Temperature Tolerance

What’s The Best Place to Put Monstera indoors?

If you’re looking for the best place to put a Monstera plant, pick a spot with bright indirect sunlight and temps between 65°F and 85°F. You should also consider the humidity levels in the room—Monsteras love moisture, so misting or placing a humidifier nearby can help keep it happy.

Can I Take Out My Monstera Plants?

Yes! Just be sure to monitor the temperature outside before bringing your Monstera out for some fresh air—it should be at least 50°F so that it doesn’t get shocked when transitioning from warm indoor air to colder outdoor air.

Can Frost Ruin My Monstera Plant?

Yes, frost can ruin or kill your monstera because it freezes the plant sending it into a quick cold stress. Always safeguard your Monstera from the light frost of the cold winter months. You can bring it indoors or cover it with a blanket of insulation.

What Is the Monstera Minimum Temperature?

The absolute minimum temperature for Monstera plants is 35°F. Anything lower than this will likely damage its leaves and potentially cause death. So if it drops below freezing in winter, take extra precautions to provide warm temperatures—your Monstera will thank you later!


All in all, Monstera temperature tolerance is relatively high, and cold will not necessarily kill them right away. However, it is crucial to remember that cold can cause stunted growth in Monstera, weaken it, and make it vulnerable to diseases and death. 

Monitoring your indoor temperature is a must-do if you want your Monstera to survive and thrive. Keep it warm and well-ventilated, and you’ll have an ever-happy plant.

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