Philodendron Dark Lord Vs Majesty

Philodendron Dark Lord Vs Majesty Image

Philodendron black majesty plant and dark lord share striking similarities due to their shared ancestry. The two popular houseplants belong to the same family and are striking due to their bold, beautiful leaves. However, they are not the same.

Despite the many similarities between philodendron black majesty and dark lord, the two ornamental plants have some important differences that can make one more suitable for you than the other. 

This article compares philodendron dark lord vs majesty to help clarify the differences and similarities between these two houseplants.

Read along to discover their man characteristics and how they may influence your choices.  

What is Philodendron Dark Lord? 

Philodendron dark lord is a popular houseplant under the Araceae plant family that is native to two South American countries, Panama and Colombia. It is a hybrid variety of philodendron erubescens and the imperial red philodendron. 

Philodendron dark lord is also found in parts of Northern Africa, Seychelles, and the Philippines.  

It has burgundy-colored leaves that vary in size from medium to very large. The leaves are dark green on the upper side and burgundy-colored on the undersides. 

This cultivar of philodendron erubescens and the imperial red philodendron grows pretty fast and is relatively easy to care for and maintain. 

Like any topical plant, it prefers plenty of bright but indirect sunlight and loose soil types. It will do well in well-draining soils with lots of aeration.  

You can feed your philodendron dark lord with a balanced slow-release nitrogen fertilizer monthly during the warm spring and summer months. However, consider reducing this frequency to about every six to eight weeks during winter and fall months.

Once you have a philodendron dark lord, you don’t have to spend money on new ones if you need more of the plant. You can simply propagate it by taking stem cuttings from the parent plant during the warm months of the year.

Philodendron Dark Lord Image

What is Philodendron Black Majesty?

Philodendron black majesty, or simply philodendron majesty, is a popular philodendron plant with particularly dark leaves. It is a hybrid variety of Philodendron verrucosum L.Mathieu ex Schott and Philodendron Sodiroi hort. 

The plant is native to the humid climates of South America and the West Indies. Its broad leaves get incredibly dark and glossy when the plant has access to bright indirect sunlight, giving them a unique appearance.

The dark hastate leaves have a relatively narrow and sharp appearance. They typically grow to a length of about eight inches and a width of three to four inches. 

Also termed the Flamingo flower, the philodendron black majesty is a tropical plant that prefers loose soil mixes. They do well in well-draining, well-aerated soils that allow their roots to grow and breathe without restriction. 

This houseplant is a climber that develops aerial roots for attaching itself to support elements as it grows.

Philodendron Majesty Image Image

Philodendron Dark Lord Vs Majesty side by side comparison 

The philodendron dark lord and black majesty belong to the same philodendron genus. This group of plants further falls under the Araceae plant family. This shared ancestry gives the two houseplants several similarities. 

However, they are different plants with several distinguishing features, as indicated in the discussion below. 

Philodendron Dark Lord Vs Majesty: Differences 

While both dark lord and majesty are philodendron plants, they are not identical. Here is a detailed look at their differences. 

1. Plant origins 

Both philodendron black majesty and dark lord are tropical rainforest plants native to South America. However, they are from different parts of this region. 

Philodendron black majesty is originally from the humid climates of South America and the West Indies. On the other hand, the philodendron dark lord is originally from the Panamanian and Colombian tropics. 

The dark lord also grows abundantly in Northern Africa, Seychelles, and the Philippines. None of these three regions are native habitats for the black majesty. 

2. Growth habits

If you choose philodendron dark lord for home, prepare to repot it more frequently than you would the black majesty. Dark lord grows pretty fast, meaning it will outgrow its pot in just a few years.

However, it does not grow too tall, with a maximum height of approximately three feet. 

Philodendron majesty plant grows relatively slowly, but the difference in their growth rates is minimal.

While the black majesty may be a slow-growing houseplant, it will get much taller, reaching about six feet—which is about twice the height of its dark lord cousin. 

3. Leaf and stem color

The leaf color is one of the most outstanding features of these two popular houseplants. 

The philodendron dark lord leaf starts with a bright orange color. This color gradually changes as the leaf ages, taking on a blood-red shade. Finally, the mature leaf takes on a dark green color on the top and a metallic maroon one on the underside.

Its stems are strikingly bright red, with the red hue brighter toward the top of the plant than on its lower sections. 

On the other hand, the philodendron majesty tends to maintain consistent color across different stages of growth. The plant boasts some of the darkest green leaves, with the deep color more intense in bright light conditions.

When put side by side, philodendron majesty has extremely dark green leaves compared to the burgundy leaves of philodendron dark lord.

You should also notice that the philodendron leaves have a dull, matte appearance. In contrast, the dark lord plant leaves are bright with a noticeable gloss.

4. Leaf size and shape 

While the philodendron majesty boasts a wider spread and larger mature overall size than its dark lord cousin, its leaves are way smaller than the dark lord’s. 

The hastate leaves of the philodendron majesty have a narrow profile and sharp appearance. They are typically eight inches long and three to four inches wide when fully grown. 

In contrast, the philodendron dark lord leaves can grow to about twice the size of the black majesty leaves. When fully grown, this plant’s leaves measure as much as 22 inches wide. The leaves are also more deeply lobed than the philodendron majesty leaves.

5. Petiole characteristics 

Both plants have relatively long petioles, but the philodendron black majesty has longer petioles, thanks to its overall larger size and spread. Its long petioles are firm and fleshy, often growing to as long as 2.5 inches in length. 

These petioles sometimes grow horizontally, along an angle that is nearly parallel to the ground. This tendency is partly responsible for the plant’s wider spread.

In comparison, the philodendron dark lord has relatively smaller petioles. They grow up to 1.5 inches long, about an inch shorter than black majesty’s.  

6. Leaf surface texture 

The two philodendrons have a noticeable difference in leaf texture. The philodendron dark lord plant has smooth leaves with a noticeable gloss on their surfaces.

The black majesty leaves, on the other hand, have a dull, matte appearance alongside their dark green color. 

This way, the dark lord may be a more suitable choice if you are looking to brighten up a room or indoor jungle. Its smooth, glossy burgundy leaves can do a better job of reflecting light in your space than the dull, matte majesty leaves.

7. Fertilization 

Both plants require fertilizers, albeit at different rates. Your philodendron majesty will be happy with a weekly fertilization routine, even though it is best to test the soil beforehand to avoid overfeeding it with fertilizer. 

Each plant will have different fertilizer needs based on the soil’s nutrient content. Applying the fertilizer without testing the soil and risking applying too much can damage the roots and likely burn the plant. 

Once you establish a feeding routine for your black majesty, ensure you slow it down during the cold winter months.

If you have philodendron dark lord instead, ensure you feed it sparingly, as it is not a heavy feeder. Consider feeding it monthly with a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer during the spring and summer months, and reduce the frequency of fertilizer to six to eight weeks in fall and winter.

Take care not to drop the fertilizer on the leaves, as doing so can damage them. You can actually feed your philodendron dark lord only about three times a year with a slow-release fertilizer, and it will still do well. 

Philodendron Dark Lord Vs Majesty: Similarities 

Both dark lord and black majesty are ornamental plants belonging to the same plant family and the philodendron genus. This makes them share the following similarities:

i. Temperature and humidity requirements   

Both of these philodendrons are tropical plants. So, they are accustomed to warm environments with significantly high humidity. 

Neither plant will tolerate cold drafts for prolonged periods, so you will need to keep them away from air conditioning vent or frost. Being tropical plants means that prolonged exposure to chilly conditions or frost will most likely kill them. 

Ensure you keep your philodendron black majesty or dark lord in optimal temperature ranging between 55 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. 

ii. Watering preference 

Both of these tropical plants are accustomed to loose soil that drains quickly. Therefore, the plants do not like their roots staying in soggy soil for long. 

At home, ensure you allow the soil to dry before adding water. Always check to ensure at least one to two inches of the top soil is dry before watering the plant. 

iii. Soil requirements

Since these plants do not like their roots staying in wet soil for long, you must ensure the soil mix has a loose texture allowing for good drainage. While the soil must allow for efficient drainage, it also needs to retain moisture well. 

A chunky soil mix with plenty of orchid bark and coco coir or peat moss should do the job, draining well while retaining enough moisture for the plant. Such chunky soil also excels in aeration, which supports healthy plant roots. 

Most importantly, both of these tropical plants appreciate high organic nutrient content in the soil, which you can achieve by having plenty of coco peat or peat moss in the loamy soil mix where they are growing. 

As long you have nutrient rich soil that is well-draining, and well-aerated, the two philodendrons will thrive in it.  

iv. Light preference 

We would recommend keeping these tropical plants in medium to bright indirect sunlight. In summer, a spot with partial shade is perfect.

Both plants need bright, indirect sunlight. They should be watered when the topsoil feels dry to the touch. The plants should be fertilized every two weeks during the growing season.

v. Propagation 

Both philodendron dark lord and majesty are climbing plants. They produce aerial roots for attaching themselves to support elements and have nodes at different intervals all over their stems. 

All you need to do to propagate either plant is to get stem cuttings. Each stem cutting should have at least a node and two leaves for the best results.

When propagating the black majesty or dark lord, start by removing the lower leaves, leaving only the upper leaves per cutting. Next, place the cutting in the rooting medium. We recommend a glass of water for this purpose.

You will need to keep the stem cutting in the glass of filtered or rainwater for a few weeks or a month before transferring it to its potting mix once the roots have started growing. 

It is essential to change the rooting water every few days to keep the cutting healthy while developing roots. This rule applies equally to both philodendrons. 

Philodendron Majesty vs Dark Lord: FAQs

What is the difference between philodendron bloody Mary and dark lord?

The main difference between the philodendron bloody Mary and dark lord is their color intensity. The bloody Mary and dark lord are similar, except the dark lord is slightly darker than the philodendron bloody Mary. 

Is philodendron Bloody Mary the same as majesty?

No, Bloody Mary and the black majesty are different cultivars of philodendron. However, one is commonly mistaken for the other due to their close similarities resulting from being members of the same genus and plant family. 

How do I know if my philodendron is black majesty?

You can tell that your philodendron is black majesty by observing its leaves. The plant should have hastate leaves with a sharp, narrow profile and a dull, matte appearance. More importantly, the philodendron majesty leaves should be very dark green or bordering on purple. 

What is the difference between Philodendron Dark Lord and red Emerald?

Both philodendron red emerald and dark lord have similar leaf shapes. However, the red emerald has much greener leaves and red stems, which set it apart from the dark lord. In comparison, philodendron dark lord stems have a darker red color and leathery leaves.

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Philodendron Dark Lord Vs Majesty: Recap  

Both philodendron majesty and philodendron dark lord plants are tropical plants with big leaves and many striking similarities, but the dark lord’s leaves are much larger than those of black majesty. The dark lord plant leaves are also much glossier than black majesty leaves.

The latter has dull-colored, matte leaves with a very dark green color that borders on purple. 

Choose the philodendron dark lord if you want the plant to brighten up the room due to its leathery leaves that reflect a lot of light. 

However, choose philodendron majesty if you prefer the dull, deep green, or dark purple leaves with a matte appearance. 

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