Propagating Monstera Without Node

Propagating Monstera Without Node

As an avid plant lover, I’m here to share my tried-and-true tips for producing vigorous and abundant new specimens by cutting, potting, and giving your new baby Monstera the best care possible. 

From choosing the right cutting to scheduling watering intervals, follow these steps to learn about propagating Monstera without a node.

You will create vibrant and healthy newborn plants ready to thrive in their homes. 

Your monstera species does not matter; whether Monstera deliciosa, Dubia, Sierrana, or Accuminata, you will create vibrant and healthy newborn plants ready to thrive in your home. 

Can You Propagate a Leaf Without a Node?

No, you can’t propagate a leaf without an anode. Notes have structure a plant needs to sprout to create new growth. While monstera can remain in fresh water for the longest time and develop roots, the plant can only generate new leaves and stems from a node. The leaves and the petioles grow from axillary buds and nodes. 

What is a Monstera Node?

Monstera Node

Monstera nodes refer to the location on the stem where new plant growth emerges. The nodes contain buds that can grow into aerial roots, which help support the plant as it climbs or will become new foliage if the node is left undisturbed.

To identify the nodes, they tend to be pushed out slightly from the rest of the surface, which gives them a dimpled appearance.

They are easy to spot because they are usually larger and dark green than the other parts of the stem.

The nodes are important for propagation, as they can produce offsets or “pups” that can be rooted and grown into new Monstera plants. 

Methods To Propagate Monstera Plants Without Node

Methods To Propagate Monstera Plants Without Node

1. Appropriate monstera cuttings

An appropriate cutting from a Monstera plant can be done in two distinct ways: stem cutting and Monstera leaf cuttings. 

Stem Cutting: This propagation method involves cutting from the main stem of your Monstera mother plant.

To do this, use clean and sharp scissors or a pruning shear to make a 45-degree angled cut at least 2–3 inches below the node (the spot where a leaflet grows).

Ensure you cut just below the node so all the roots will be intact. 

Once you have made your cut, remove any leaves near the bottom and dip the stem in the rooting hormone to help promote root growth. 

Then place the cutting in a pot with well-draining potting soil and lightly water it. Place it somewhere with indirect sunlight and wait for the roots to develop.

Monstera Leaf Cutting: To do this, gently twist off a healthy leaf at its stem and place it in a cup of water or directly into moist potting soil.

Submerge in either medium so that it can form new roots. If you’re using water, then change the water regularly to avoid bacteria and algae growth.

If you’re propagating in soil, lightly mist it with a spray bottle and keep it in indirect sunlight. After a few weeks, new roots should form, and your propagation is complete. 

What To Expect From Your New Cutting

i. Expect no new leaf growth-Cutting a Monstera node will not produce any new leaf growth. The cutting may sprout roots, but it will not produce any leaves until the plant has been re-potted into suitable soil and given adequate water and nutrients to encourage healthy growth. 

ii. Monstera without a node will grow roots – Monstera cuttings without nodes can still produce roots. Most root growth occurs in the node, but cutting from any part of the stem can still sprout some fine, wispy roots. 

iii. The leaf can survive without a node – A cutting that does not have a leaf node can still survive. While the plant may not grow as rapidly without a node, it will slowly begin to put out new leaf growth over time if given the right conditions and care. Even when there is no visible root growth, the cutting is still alive and capable of growing if given the proper care. 

iv. With proper care and attention, a Monstera cutting can become a thriving plant– To ensure the best possible chance of success, pot the cutting in well-draining soil and keep it in an area with bright indirect light. Also, water your Monstera regularly but sparingly, as too much moisture can lead to fungal rot and root death. Your Monstera cutting can grow and thrive with the proper environment and care. 

2. Use clean Instruments

When propagating a Monstera plant without a node, it is important to use clean instruments to cut and insert the stem into the medium.

This will help prevent the introduction of diseases or pests into the propagation environment. If necessary, sterilize your tools before use.

3. Choose your preferred propagating medium

Potting Mix: Potting mix is a great medium for growing Monstera cuttings. It should be light, airy, and well-draining with organic matter such as peat moss or compost to help retain moisture.

Be sure to use a potting mix specifically designed for houseplants, and avoid using dirt from the outside as it can contain harmful organisms.

Water: Water is essential for Monstera cuttings and should be done frequently to keep the soil lightly moist but not soggy.

Alternative Monstera Propagation Methods

The watering frequency will depend on your home’s temperature, but typically you will want to water once a week or so. Be sure not to over-water, as this can lead to root rot.

Sphagnum Moss: Sphagnum moss is another great option for growing Monstera cuttings. It holds moisture well and helps promote healthy root growth.

Be sure to use high-quality sphagnum moss with no additives, as some of the cheaper brands can contain fertilizer or other chemicals which can harm the plant.

You will want to submerge the moss in water for a few minutes and then squeeze out any excess water before adding it to the potting mix or hanging basket.

It is also important to mist sphagnum moss regularly to keep it moist. 

Other materials that can be used include gravel, perlite, vermiculite, and coconut coir. Each material has its own benefits and should be used as a supplement to the potting mix or sphagnum moss for best results.

4. Transfer to a pot

Once the cutting has taken root in the chosen propagating medium, it can be transferred to a pot for further growth.

Fill the pot with a quality potting mix and plant your Monstera cutting at an appropriate depth. Water generously and place the pot in a location that receives bright, indirect light. 

The best monstera pot to use is one with good drainage holes. This will help to prevent root rot and encourage healthy growth. 

Alternative Monstera Propagation Methods

Separately,  there are several other methods for Monstera propagation. The two popular  alternative methods are air layering and cuttings taken from monstera stem: 

i. Air layering

Air layering

Air layering is a propagation method that is used on mature Monstera plants. It involves cutting off a portion of the plant’s stem to form a ring and then wrapping this cut area in moist sphagnum moss. 

This creates an environment for roots to form, which can eventually be repotted into the soil once the roots have developed.

This is a great method to propagate mature Monstera plants, as it does not involve any damage to the plant itself. 

ii. Cutting taken from monstera stem

This propagation method involves cutting off part of a stem from a monstera mother plant and replanting it in soil or water. When using this method, use a sharp and sterilized cutting tool. 

The ideal size for the cuttings is about 3-4 inches long, with two or three node points. Once you have taken the cutting, place it in water or soil, ensuring the nodes are exposed to the air. You should see roots start forming within a few weeks. 

Once the roots have developed, you can transplant the cuttings into the soil, and they should continue to grow and develop into mature Monstera plants.

Tips For Helping Your Cuttings Grow

  • For best results after propagation, keep the soil wet for a few days and maintain an ideal temperature of 70-80°F with 60% humidity. To avoid stressing the Monstera, avoid temperature swings. 
  • Provide plenty of indirect sunlight for growth. Monstera plants require plenty of indirect light to grow fully.
  • Monstera requires careful handling, so never cut it down, as it may cause discomfort. 
  • Refrain from fertilizing the plant for 3-6 months to give it time to adjust. This is particularly after repotting since the potting mix contains nutrients. 
  • Check the plant regularly for any unwanted pests or fungi. Utilize clean containers and tools during maintenance to reduce pest infestation chances. 
  • Also, consider occasionally misting to maintain good humidity levels. 
  • Don’t prune or disturb the plant unless you remove dead leaves. 
  • Use rooting hormones or growth boosters to promote healthy root systems. 
  • Use a node holder to provide support if necessary. 
  • Allow the Monstera to acclimate to its new environment, and only replant it when it’s strong enough. 

Reasons Your Monstera Is Not Propagating

Your monstera plant may not be propagating properly for a couple of reasons. Here are some of the most common reasons why it isn’t propagating:

Too cold temperature

Monstera plants thrive best in tropical climates with temperatures between 65-85°F (18-29°C).

If the temperature of the environment where you are propagating your plant is too cold, it can slow down and even prevent rooting.

When propagating your plant, ensure a warm and humid environment that won’t get too cold. 

Inadequate light

Monstera needs bright, indirect sunlight to propagate properly. If you are propagating your plant in a room with inadequate lighting, then chances are it won’t be able to take root successfully.

Confirm if there is enough indirect light near your plant so that it can get the energy it needs to root and thrive. 

Old or unhealthy cutting

It is important to use fresh cutting for propagating Monstera plants, as old, unhealthy cuttings won’t be able to take root easily.

Ensure that you only use healthy, young growth from your plant to ensure successful propagation. 

Insufficient water supply

Monstera needs a consistent and adequate water intake to propagate successfully. If you are not providing enough water, your cutting won’t be able to take root, and it will eventually die off.

Ensure that you keep the soil moist but not soggy, which will help promote root growth. 

Poor soil/potting mix

Monstera soil mix should be well-drained soil rich in organic matter and slightly acidic to propagate successfully.

If your potting mix is too water-retentive or not nutrient-rich enough, then your cutting won’t be able to take root.

Make sure that you are using quality potting soil when propagating your plant. 

Lack of airflow

Monstera needs adequate air circulation to propagate successfully, so ensure that the environment where you are propagating is well-ventilated.

Without airflow, your cutting will struggle to take root as the soil will remain too damp. Provide enough airflow around your plant to allow it to propagate successfully. 

Pest Infestation

Monstera Pests such as aphids, mealybugs, or spider mites on the plant prevent the propagation process from occurring.

Regularly inspect your plant for any signs of pest activity and treat it with a suitable insecticide as soon as possible. 


Can you root a plant without a node?

Yes, it is possible to root plants without nodes. Many plants can be propagated through methods such as stem cuttings or leaf cuttings, which do not require the presence of a node. However, this will only result in the production of roots since nodes are essential for complete propagation.

Can you propagate monstera from a leaf?

Yes, you can propagate Monstera from a leaf. This is done by carefully removing an intact leaf from the plant and placing it in moist soil or water. The leaf will then develop roots to form a new monstera plant.

Where to cut Monstera for propagation 

When propagating Monstera, cutting just below a leaf node is best. This will give the new plant enough energy from the stem and root system of the node to develop properly. If you do not have a node, you can still propagate by cutting off an intact leaf.

How long does it take to propagate Monstera?

The time it takes for Monstera to propagate depends on the environment and the care provided. It can take weeks to months for the plant to propagate and form roots fully. As long as the leaf is in a suitable environment and given proper care, it should be able to form roots.

Can you root a monstera leaf?

Yes, it is possible to root a Monstera leaf. This is done by carefully removing an intact leaf from the plant and placing it in moist soil or water. The leaf will then develop roots to form a new plant.

Should I propagate the leaf in soil or water?

You can propagate Monstera leaves in soil or water, but generally, it is best to use soil to provide more nutrients and stability for the root to develop. Even more,  it is often easier to keep the soil moist, which is necessary for successful propagation. 

Do I cut above or below a leaf node to propagate?

When propagating Monstera, cutting just below a leaf node is best. This will give the new plant enough energy from the stem and root system of the node to develop properly. Unfortunately, cutting above a node will not provide the same result. 

Can you propagate a node without a leaf? 

Yes, it is possible to propagate Monstera nodes without leaves. This process is called leafless node propagation and involves cutting a stem with a node into sections and placing them in soil or water. The roots will then develop and form new plants. 

Propagating Monstera Without Node Is Possible 

Propagating monstera without nodes is not only possible but also incredibly easy. With a few simple steps and taking the right precautions to ensure a successful result, your propagated monstera should take root within weeks. 

The satisfaction of growing what was once just a node on a stem into your full-fledged plant is special!

So now that you know how to propagate Monstera without nodes, why not give it a try? You may even spark an incredible passion for plants and horticulture.

 Remember, pruning can help propagate more quickly by turning one node into two healthy plants instead of one.

Most important, don’t forget to “water and watch” as they say; keeping an eye out on your propagated baby as it begins to grow is key in ensuring its health and growth over time. 

 So with that said, go forth and get propagating—good luck with your new green friends!

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