Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos

Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos Image

Indoor plants have become a popular way to brighten our rooms and add a little life to our homes. One of the most versatile and low-maintenance houseplants is Pothos. 

In the pothos family, there are two main varieties that stand out. These are the Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos.

These houseplants look similar and are often mistaken for one another. But can you tell the difference between these two popular varieties?

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the Snow Queen vs Marble Queen pothos. We’ll compare their taxonomy, appearance, growth conditions, and care needs. This will help you choose the best one to add to your home decor.

Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos

The difference between Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos is, the shape of snow queen pothos is sharper and more vigorous. It also has more white markings giving it a conspicuous look. Marble pothos, on the other hand, is low-key with very little care.

Are Snow Queen and Marble Queen Pothos the Same?

Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos are fraternal twins from the same family. Despite their differences, they have a lot of common qualities. 

Snow Queen pothos has silvery green leaves with pale yellow variegation on the edges. Marble Queen pothos boast distinct dark green leaves with creamy white at the center. 

One clear distinction between Snow Queen and Marble Queen is their growth rate. Snow Queens grow slowly yet steadily, while Marble Queens grow faster.

Snow Queen Vs Marble Queen Pothos: Background and Taxonomy

Pothos first became popular in Europe as decorative plants for homes and gardens. Today, Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos are among the most popular houseplants. This is due to their beautiful foliage and low maintenance.

The scientific name of Snow Queen Pothos is Epipremnum aureum ‘Snow Queen.’ It’s also commonly known as Silver Philodendron or White Splash Pothos.

Its unique foliage makes it one of the most popular indoor plants. It’s also known for being incredibly easy to care for. 

The Marble Queen’s scientific name is Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen.’ It features beautiful cream and dark green variegation along its leaves.

This variety has become popular due to its striking look. It almost looks like an abstract painting.

What Are the Differences Between Snow Queen And Marble Queen Pothos?

Though they come from the same family, these two varieties have some differences. Let’s look at some differences between Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos.

1. Leaf Color

The most apparent difference between Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos is their leaf color. Snow Queen’s leaves have a creamy white or yellowish-green hue with faint variegation. 

Marble Queen’s leaves, on the other hand, have more distinct green and white markings.

2. Plant Size

Another notable difference between these two pothos varieties is their size. The Marble Queen variety often grows larger than the Snow Queen. It can grow up to 5 feet tall when grown indoors and up to 10 feet outdoors. 

The Snow Queen typically stays under 5 feet indoors and can grow up to 3 feet at maturity.

3. Leaf Shape

Aside from leaf color, the leaf shape of these pothos plants also differ. Snow Queen plants have oval-shaped, thinner leaves with pointed tips. 

The Marble Queen has broader, heart-shaped leaves that are round at the tips. Their leaves also tend to be thicker than those of Snow Queen. Additionally, the edges of a Snow queen’s leaves tend to be more jagged than those of a marble queen’s leaves.

4. Leaf Markings

Both pothos varieties share similar markings on their leaves (like splotches and speckles). However, the markings on each type are unique. 

On the Snow Queen, they appear in shades of yellow or cream against its lighter background. On the Marble Queen leaves, the markings appear darker against its bright green leaves.

5. Growth Rate

Both the Snow Queen and the Marble Queen pothos are fast-growing vines. However, the Marble Queen grows slightly faster than its counterpart. It can grow up to 3 feet per year, while the Snow Queen maxes out at 2 feet yearly.

6. Growth Habit

Marble Queen and Snow Queen pothos have different growth habits. When given enough support, Marble Queen spreads into long, trailing stems that reach up to 8 feet long. 

Snow Queen, on the other hand, is more compact, with shorter stems that average 5 feet long when fully grown. The leaves of Marble Queen also tend to grow wider than those of Snow Queen.

7. Moisture Needs

Since Marble Queen grows faster, it needs more frequent watering than Snow Queen. If you have a Marble Queen in your house, ensure the soil never dries out completely between waterings. 

However, Snow Queens prefer their soil on the dry side. Therefore, you should only rewater them when the potting soil starts to feel dry.

8. Susceptibility to pests and diseases

Both types of Pothos are pretty resistant to pests and diseases. However, Snow Queens may be more susceptible due to their slower growth rate. 

Whatever variety you have, always look for signs of pests or diseases. If you notice signs like wilting or yellowing leaves, take the necessary action to save the plant.

9. Pruning requirements

These two types of pothos need pruning at different intervals throughout the year. Due to its fast growth, Marble Queen needs more frequent pruning. If possible, it needs pruning every month or two to keep it neat and less bushy. 

The Snow Queen Pothos only needs occasional pruning since it grows slower. Try trimming any leggy stems every couple of months instead of monthly, like with Marble Queen.

10. Container Size

The container size required for each of these plants also varies. This depends on their root systems and how fast they grow. Since Snow Queens tend to grow slower, they can thrive in smaller containers 4-6 inches wide. 

Meanwhile, Marble Queens need larger containers since they grow faster. They also have more extensive roots. These guys often need to be grown in at least 8 inches wide pots.

11. Temperature and humidity range

Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos need similar temperatures and humidity ranges to thrive. They both need warm temperatures of 65°F – 80°F (18°C – 27°C) and moderate humidity of 40%-60%. 

However, Marble Queen tends to be more tolerant of lower temperatures than Snow Queen. Marble Queen might be the best option if you live in a region with cooler winters or have a cooler room for your houseplants.

12. Beautiful color blend

Another apparent difference between these two types of pothos is their color blend. Both feature lovely patterns on their leaves that make them unique.

Marble Queen has larger leaves with white spots on a light green background. On the other hand, Snow Queen has smaller leaves with yellow spots on a green and white background. Since both are stunning, it depends on your preferences when choosing the one to bring home.

13. Frequency of Repotting

The Snow Queen variety can stay longer in one pot since it grows slower than the Marble Queen. Generally, Snow Queens need repotting every one to two years, while your Marble Queens may need yearly repotting.

14. Frequency of watering

Finally, Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos need to be watered differently. The Marble Queen needs more frequent watering than its Snow counterpart. This is because it has thicker leaves that need more water to keep them hydrated.

However, they both need regular watering, so they don’t dry up. It’s also important not to overwater to avoid root rot and other infections. 

What’s The Main Difference Between Snow Queen And Marble Queen Pothos?

The main difference between the two varieties is in their physical appearance. Marble Queen has large, heart-shaped leaves with round tips. Its leaves are light green with yellow or cream marbles running throughout them. 

On the other hand, Snow queen pothos has smaller, oval-shaped leaves that are pointed at the tips. They are creamy white with green veins streaking across them. Snow Queen also tends to grow thicker foliage and denser stems than Marble Queen pothos.

How Are The Snow Queen And Marble Queen Pothos Similar?

Aside from their differences, Snow and Marble Queen Pothos have a lot in common. 

Let’s explore the similarities between these two popular varieties.  

1. Taxonomy

Both Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos are Epipremnum aureum plants. They are commonly known as Golden Pothos or Devil’s Ivy. 

They belong to the Araceae family, which has over 114 genera and 3750 species worldwide.

2. Leaf Texture

The leaves of both types of pothos feature a glossy finish with a leathery texture. Snow queen leaves have wavy edges, while marble queen leaves have smooth edges. However, both can be said to be having heart-shaped foliage.

3. Moisture Needs

When it comes to moisture needs, both varieties of pothos prefer their soil to be consistently moist but not soggy. They should never be allowed to dry out completely.

Make sure to check your soil weekly for signs of moisture loss; add water if need be! Both types of golden pothos also enjoy humidity levels above 40%.

4. Nutrition Needs

Pothos plants love to be fed more during the growing season. Like other houseplants, they grow more during spring through summer. During this time, they need a balanced liquid fertilizer to give them essential nutrients for healthy growth.  

5. Aerial Roots

Both types of pothos produce aerial roots along their vines. These roots help them absorb moisture and oxygen from the surrounding air. 

Aerial roots are especially helpful if humidity levels in your home tend to drop below 40%. They also help with propagation if you wish to grow another pothos plant from your existing one.

6. Light needs

Both the Snow Queen pothos and Marble Queen Pothos do best in bright, indirect light. They can also tolerate low light conditions but with minimal growth. 

To maximize growth, always place them near a  window where they can get plenty of indirect sunlight during the day. You can also use a grow light or LED lights if you don’t have access to natural sunlight.

7. Pests and Diseases

Both Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos are prone to pests and diseases. Some pests that affect them include aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, and spider mites.

They are also susceptible to fungal diseases like root rot. This often occurs if you overwater the plant or leave it in soggy soil for too long. 

Therefore, If you have any of these two, you need to watch them closely for signs of pests or diseases. Any suspicious issues need to be addressed immediately before it kills the entire plant.

8. Potting soil requirement

Both pothos varieties prefer a well-draining soil mixture with good aeration. For instance, they love cactus soil mixed with perlite.

This soil mixture ensures the plant’s roots don’t get too soggy from over-watering. It also ensures they absorb enough nutrients and don’t get too compacted over time.  

9. Growth Temperature and Humidity

The ideal temperature for both types of pothos is between 65-85°F (18-29°C). They also prefer high humidity, so it is best to keep them near humidifiers.

You can also help by regularly misting their leaves with water during dry periods. If exposed to cold temperatures for too long, both varieties can have damaged or deal foliage.

10. Ease of Propagation

Both pothos plants are easy to propagate either by cuttings or by division. 

To propagate by cutting, you need a stem cutting with at least three nodes (where leaves connect). Place the cutting in water until roots form before planting it in the soil. 

To propagate by division, gently separate the roots of an established pothos plant into multiple sections. Then plant each section in a separate pot filled with fresh soil.

11. Fertilizer requirements

Both Snow and Marble Queen pothos need a small amount of fertilizer when grown indoors. During the growing season (spring through summer), they need fertilizer every 2-4 weeks.

A balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength works best for both plants. During winter, you can fertilize only once a month or less often. The plant is usually dormant during this season.

12. Toxicity

Both types of pothos are toxic to humans and animals when ingested. This is because they have calcium oxalate crystals in sap found in their leaves and stems. 

These crystals are toxic and can be fatal if consumed in large amounts. Therefore, the two plants should always be out of reach for young kids and pets.

  1. Growth Environment 

Both Snow Queen pothos and Marble Queen pothos do well indoors. However, they can also tolerate outdoor conditions like light shade or filtered sunlight.

They both don’t like direct sunlight as it may scorch their leaves, causing pothos sunburn from too much sun.

Snow Queen vs. Marble Queen Pothos: Care Needs

Marble Queen and Snow Queen pothos have vastly different care needs.

If you’re looking to bring one of them into your home, it’s important to understand the care needs of each. This will help you keep a healthy, thriving plant. 

Let’s look at Snow Queen pothos vs. Marble Queen pothos in terms of care needs.


Both pothos plants prefer bright indirect sunlight but can tolerate some mild direct light. They can also do well under fluorescent lighting. 

Never expose them to too much direct sunlight, which can scorch their leaves and cause sunburns. The best spot to place these plants is on an East-facing window with blinds and sheer curtains.


Both Marble Queen and Snow Queen pothos need well-draining potting soil with slightly acidic pH levels of 6-7. The soil should also have lots of organic matter to give them more nutrients.

Marble Queen does best in moist soil. Its soil should never dry completely between waterings. However, always be careful not to overwater as the plant may suffer fungal infections like pothos root rot. Snow Queen pothos can still thrive in slightly dry soil (but not too dry).

Temperature and humidity

Both pothos plants prefer temperatures between 65°F and 75°F (18°C – 24°C) and moderate humidity levels (around 50%). They don’t do well when temperatures go below 60°F (15°C). 

If you live in a relatively dry area, you can regularly help the plants by misting their leaves with water. You can also place them near a humidifier or other houseplants that transpire moisture into the air. Always ensure the room stays warm and moist enough for them to remain healthy and happy.


Regular pruning is also necessary for both pothos plants. With both, you’ll need to regularly remove brown or yellow leaves to keep them healthy and promote new growth. 

With Snow Queen pothos, always cut back the stems if they become too long and leggy. The Marble Queen pothos can get dense and overgrown, so it needs more frequent pruning.

Pruning your houseplants also promotes air circulation and prevents diseases like powdery mildew.


Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos both thrive from regular fertilizing. They both need frequent fertilizing during the growing season. 

Marble Queen pothos needs a fertilizer that’s high in nitrogen content. For instance, fish emulsion or liquid seaweed extract. Its fertilizer needs to have an N-P-K ratio of 2-1-1 or higher.

For Snow Queen pothos, a balanced fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of 10-10-10 works best.


Repotting is another area where these two plants have different needs. Both pothos varieties prefer being root-bound and don’t need frequent repotting. However, there are some slight differences. 

Snow Queen grows slower and can stay longer in one pot. Generally, you may need to repot your Snow Queen pothos every one to two years.

However, the Marble Queen grow faster and often outgrow their pots. As a result, you may need to repot them yearly.

Snow Queen vs Marble Queen Pothos: Common Problems

Snow Queen and Marble queen pothos are prone to common pests and diseases. This is because they belong to one family and grow under relatively similar conditions.

Examples of pests that commonly attack these two plants include:

  • Spider mites
  • Aphids
  • Scale insects
  • Mealybugs
  • Whitefly
  • Thrips

Common diseases that affect both Snow Queen and Marble Queen pothos are:

  • Root rot
  • Powdery mildew
  • Bacterial wilt disease
  • Aerial blight
  • Pothos fungus


Can a Marble Queen Become a Snow Queen? 

Unfortunately, a Marble Queen pothos can’t turn into a Snow Queen pothos. This is because these are two different varieties of pothos, each with unique traits. The Snow Queen variety has silvery-white foliage, while the marble queen has bright green leaves with yellow marble. It’s not possible for one to transform into the other.

How Do I Identify a Marble Queen Pothos?

Marble queen pothos has heart-shaped leaves with bright green edges and yellow centers or veins that run down the length of each leaf. The leaves are usually around 5 inches long but can grow up to 8 inches under ideal conditions. With enough support, its vines can reach up to 30 feet long.

How Do You Whiten the Foliage of Marble Queen? 

If you want to increase the whiteness of your marble queen, start by exposing it to plenty of bright light. This will help bring out its white-colored patterning and make it look brighter. Also, use an organic fertilizer high in nitrogen to promote leaf growth and brighten the leaves over time.

What is the Rarest Pothos? 

The rarest variety of pothos is known as ‘Manjula’ or ‘Neon Philodendron.’ It’s rare due to its bright neon-green foliage with hints of purple on the edges of its leaves. This pothos variety was discovered growing wild in India in 2018. It continues to be extremely rare around the world.

Related Read: Njoy pothos vs Glacier

Verdict: Snow Queen vs Marble Queen Pothos

If you’re a pothos lover, Snow Queen or Marble Queen, pothos can make an excellent addition to your decor. Since they’re both resilient varieties, they don’t need much attention to thrive.  

When deciding between the Snow Queen or Marble queen pothos, think about how you want your home décor to look. Do you prefer a subtle white look or a bolder green hue? Also, think about the amount of time you’re willing to dedicate to your houseplant.  

Finally, consider the available growth conditions. Do you have access to bright indirect light, or will it only get medium amounts of light? 

Whichever pothos plant you choose, remember a little love and attention go a long way if you want a healthy and happy houseplant.

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