Why is My Pothos Droopy? (12 Ways to Revive it)

Why is My Pothos Droopy

Do you have a pothos plant in your home that looks droopy and sickly? Are you concerned about the health of your beloved green friend? Having an unwell houseplant can be disheartening and scary, but don’t worry.

In this blog post, we’ll explore possible reasons why your money plant might be drooping as well as some tips and tricks on how to revive it.

With just a few simple steps, you’ll be able to keep your pothos plant healthy, happy, and vibrant for many years. So without further ado, let’s learn about why is my pothos droopy.

To resolve your issues effortlessly, I’ve crafted a useful chart below; you’ll be able to quickly identify the problem and execute an effective solution that will ensure you have a thriving plant.

Why is My Pothos Droopy?

Your pothos is droopy because of failing to water the plant, or you are overwatering. Don’t let the soil become too dry or drown your pothos in excess water, or else the leaves will likely droop and turn brown. Most pothos varieties thrive in soil that is consistently kept moist.

12 Reasons for Droopy Pothos

1. Underwatering

It is essential to ensure your pothos plant has adequate hydration and the soil should be kept moderately moist, yet not too wet or dry.

To ensure that your plants are being adequately watered, stick your finger to the potting soil mix and examine how moist or dry it is.

In case you have been remiss in caring for your pothos, leaving it too parched for a protracted period of time, its leaves will start to shrivel up and hang limply.

Keeping your pothos leaves and stems strong, healthy, and upright is achievable when they are nourished with essential nutrients and hydrated adequately.

The strength of their cells is attributed to the amount of pressure, known as turgor pressure, and fluid flow within them.

If your pothos plant isn’t receiving enough hydration from the potting soil, it may start to have drooping leaves and become brown at its tips or edges.

Additional indicators of a pothos plant that has been under-watered include:

  • The entire plant will appear lackluster, arid, and brittle.
  • Leaves turning brown or yellow
  • Defoliation – you’ll discover dried leaves scattered across the top of your potting mix.

How to fix dehydrated pothos

In case the potting soil of your pothos has completely dried out, you need to soak the in water. Here are some easy steps for watering your pothos;

  1. Take your drip tray off and fill your sink, tub, or large container three-to-four inches deep with water. Then carefully place your potted pothos inside. When you submerge your pothos plant, it should rise to about midway up the container on either side.
  2. Room temperature water or lukewarm water is the ideal option. Hot and cold water should be avoided as much as possible. Through the bottom drain holes, the soil will effectively absorb moisture and become fully saturated.
  3. Give your pothos the opportunity to be completely immersed in water for up to an hour, or wait until you verify that the soil is adequately moistened at least one inch below its surface.
  4. Before returning your pothos to its regular space, ensure you drain all excess water with extra caution.
  5. After a day, your pothos plant should appear more lively with uncurled leaves. To guarantee that your plants remain vibrant and full of life, take advantage of a self-watering plants pot for an effortless yet effective watering routine. With no extra work on your part, you’ll enjoy beautiful blooms all season long

Going forward, you should inspect the soil’s dryness every 3-4 days throughout the plant’s most active growth period. When your pothos’ soil is lightly parched about two to three inches down, give it a generous dousing of water.

Water your plant until you notice some liquid seeping from the bottom drainage holes. Remove any standing water in your saucer to protect against root rot.

2. Overwatering

Pothos plants, native to the depths of Malay jungles and sheltered under-canopy habitats, thrive with a little extra moisture near their roots.

Be cautious not to saturate your pothos since a lot of water can lead to a multitude of complications that could prove fatal.

The resemblance between us humans and plants is not any different. To ensure your pothos plants remain healthy, it is essential to create air pockets near the roots so they can take in oxygen.

When the potting soil is excessively soaked with water, it hinders the roots of plants from receiving enough oxygen; this asphyxiation ultimately leads to their death.

In a nutshell, overwatering will cause the roots to be deprived of oxygen and may prevent the pothos plant from obtaining essential nutrients. As a result, your plant’s turgor pressure decreases, causing the leaves to wilt and droop.

Unfortunately, overwatering pothos isn’t just bad news; when roots stay very damp for an extended time, their susceptibility to rot rises.

If left unattended, this will lead to your pothos becoming weak and wilting away, ultimately leading to their death. Monitor your pothos closely and you may easily observe the telltale signs of overwatering, such as:

  • Yellowing of leaves starting with the older ones.
  • Roots darkening and decaying.
  • The decomposing smell of soil fills the air.
  • Crispy, dried leaves that are wilted and fragile.
  • Wilted or desiccated outlook of the whole plant.
  • Spreading patches of mold blossoming on the soil’s surface.
  • Browning of leaves with yellow-like rings.

Additionally, it’s important to note that overwatering can also cause your pothos to start dripping water.

The fix

When your pothos’ soil feels damp rather than soggy, you can forgo irrigating it. This will ensure your potting mix dries and the pothos’ wellness is revived.

Ensure that your pot has ample drainage holes at its base to guarantee well-draining soil. Buy a terracotta planter with multiple drainage holes for an enduring solution.

Ensure that you have placed your pot for pothos on a tray, saucer, or dish to capture any excess water. This will give any extra liquid the opportunity to seep out, ultimately reducing your likelihood of drowning your plant in water.

Sadly, if your plant’s foliage is beginning to sag and the leaves are wilting, you should be concerned.

Oftentimes, this is a warning that something suspicious may be transpiring under the ground. Chances are, your pothos plant is inflicted with root rot.

For cases of extreme overwatering, you must act quickly and decisively to devise an effective rescue plan.

  • First, take your pothos out of the pot and examine the root structure more closely. Do you notice any root rot indications?
  • Pothos that have been over-watered tend to show signs of damage, such as mushy and flaccid brownish roots. Contrary to healthy and firm white root systems. Prune the rotten and decaying areas using sterilized shears.
  • Carefully rinse the root structure with running water in your shower or sink for a thorough cleaning
  • To counterbalance the damage caused by root rot, trim down some branches and stems. Most importantly, throw away any wilted leaves that have turned brown or diseased.
  • If you want to help your plants thrive, replace the soil with a mixture that is rich in fertility and facilitates drainage. Use peat moss, vermiculite, or perlite for best results. I discourage reusing an old pot, but if you must do so, make sure that the drainage holes in the bottom aren’t blocked.
  • Guard the remaining root system against potential pathogens by submerging the root in a fungicidal solution. Enhancing the potting mix with powdered cinnamon or activated charcoal is a proven method that I find effective To achieve the best results, go for hydrogen peroxide.
  • When repotting, ensure the potting mix remains adequately hydrated. Irrigate the plant mildly until it exhibits signs of life, like emerging leaves.
Overwatered Pothos

3. Low Humidity or Overly Dry Air

Pothos plants are native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, accustomed to growing beneath the lush canopy and humid environment.

Unfortunately, the humidity levels at home might be inadequate for your pothos to thrive. Especially in the wintertime, the surrounding air can become overly dry and brittle.

Constantly running the air conditioner is not an effective solution either. The drafts strip the air of its moisture, leaving your plant thirsty.

Consequently, your pothos plant will begin to suffer from moisture loss into the atmosphere at a faster rate than normal, causing wilting and drooping.

When the air around is drier, potting mix has a tendency to dry more rapidly. As your plant is struggling to absorb enough nutrients and water, its leaves will become flaccid and hang low due to a loss of turgor pressure.


When you provide your pothos with a humid environment, they will thrive and flourish.

  • Increase the moisture in your pothos’ environment by misting it regularly. Early in the day, lightly mist your plants with room-temperature or lukewarm water to avoid soggy leaves.
  • When it comes to tropical plants, utilizing a humidifier can be a great way to increase their atmospheric moisture levels. You can make your own humidifier with a pebbles tray and then place your water on it.
  • Undeniably, a humidifier is the best way to increase humidity levels. Maintain an optimum humidity level of between 50-75% for maximum comfort.

4. Poorly Drained Soil

Good news! Pothos can be planted in almost any potting soil and still thrive. However, it’s important to ensure that you have a well draining soil.

With tropical plants being known to drink up a lot of water, it is easy to go overboard with watering them. Too much water can cause the soil to retain too much moisture resulting in a devastating root rot cases.

When your plants are thirsty, put your finger in the soil and check for dampness. If it’s still moist even after 3-5 days of watering, then evidently you’re dealing with a potting mix that struggles to keep its water content.

If soil retains water for an extended time, dreaded root rot infections will rapidly manifest and take a toll on the roots. If your pothos appears to be wilting, yellowing, and drooping, it is likely due to a lack of moisture and nutrient absorption.


Before you get started, make sure the pot for your pothos has unobstructed drainage holes.

If your pots’ drainage holes are in working order, but the soil clings to moisture too long, it’s time to replace that old potting soil mix. This is because the soil has most likely been over-compacted, preventing water from draining properly.

Use a fresh blend of soil that drains well and can dry out between watering sessions.

5. Very Small Pothos Pot 

After tending to numerous house plants, I have come to understand the importance of providing roots with the space they need in order for optimal growth.

When your pothos is placed in a small container, it won’t only stunt root growth but also diminish their capacity to absorb water and essential nutrients.

Without the necessary nutrients, your root-bound plant cannot reach its full potential. Your plant will start exhibiting signs of malnutrition with drooping, yellowing, and wilting of leaves.

Are you wondering if your Pothos is root-bound? Here are a few signs to look out for:

  • The roots of the plant wrap around and intertwine within the pot’s interior.
  • The vibrant roots emerge through the nourishing potting soil.
  • The roots of the potted plant are visible from drainage holes at its base.


To ensure your pothos stays healthy, it’s recommended to re-pot the plant every one to one and a half years. Carefully remove your pothos plant from its current container, and place it into a larger pot with excellent drainage.

When you choose a pot for your plant, be sure that it is at least one or two inches in diameter wider than the plant itself. In reality, this pot double the size of the previous one in order to accommodate continuous growth.

Ensure you never use a pot that is excessively bigger for the pothos plant. Over-watering your larger pot can have devastating effects and lead to the demise of your beloved plant.

6. Pothos Droopy after You Repot

When you see your pothos plant is wilting, drooping, and limp after repotting or transplanting, don’t worry. This phenomenon is called transplant shock that always subsides in due time.

Your pothos plant is still acclimating to its new environment. As it adjusts, this place will soon bloom with fresh development and prosperity.

However, if your plant is droopy after repotting, it may be an indication of insufficient water. 

It’s possible that the roots might still be healing and unable to absorb necessary water and nutrients for your plant to stay healthy.

It’s possible that your plant is suffering because the new potting soil mix has either inadequate or excessive water.


Just wait patiently and your plant will soon be revived. Be sure to keep the new potting mix evenly moist, not too dry or wet.

For a successful repotting, I advise that you thoroughly water your pothos several days in advance. It’s important to repot your pothos at the beginning of their growth cycle.

This will guarantee a seamless and less disruptive transition.

7. Pothos Drooping from Too Much Direct Sunlight

Light is an essential component for the well-being of your pothos plant. All in all, during its growth period, this houseplant needs to be exposed to indirect sunlight for 12-14 hours daily.

If your wilted pothos is planted in the right planter size and has been properly watered, then chances are its droopiness could be due to excess direct sunlight.

If the pothos plant is situated too near a window that receives direct sun, particularly those facing west or south, it can be dangerous for its health. Light-induced damage is usually visible on the flat surfaces of drooping leaves that face a light source (like a window or door).

The mature leaves will be the first to suffer from the harshness of unrelenting direct sunlight. These signs of distress can be seen through sunburnt leaves, yellowed vegetation, or even the crisp browning of leaf tips and edges.

Too much light can make the effects of low humidity, drafts, and underwatering even worse.


If you think your pothos plant is receiving too much direct light, move it to a spot with plenty of radiant and bright indirect light. Ensure that the area remains in the shade and is not exposed to scorching midday sunrays.

On the flip side, if your plant is flagging and wilting in a dark corner, you should shift it to an area with more light. In order to cultivate uniform growth, make sure to rotate your pothos every now and then.

To encourage efficient light utilization and photosynthesis, I enjoy dusting off the leaves of my pothos.

Pothos Drooping from Too Much Direct Sunlight

8. Too Little Light

Inadequate exposure to light can also cause withering and drooping. This is typically caused by a lowered capacity for photosynthesis, as well as heightened risks of overwatering.

When pothos are grown in low light, they become more susceptible to pests and diseases.


  • Relocate it somewhere with plenty of bright light for it to thrive.
  • Rotate your pothos to guarantee a balanced environment.
  • Dust it every now and again to stimulate photosynthesis.

9. Pothos Drooping from Pest Infestation

It is important to routinely check up on your pothos plants for any signs of pests that could be making your pothos leaves droopy.


Mealybugs are the most detrimental pests. A tell-tale sign of these pesky critters is their fluffy white formations on the leaves and even at times, rooted beneath.

Furthermore, you might find some grey-like mold caused by the presence of honeydew that draws in molds. If your pothos is attacked by mealybugs, it will typically become stunted in growth.

In the most serious cases, the plant may start having droopy and yellow leaves because nutrients are drained from its leaves.

Caterpillar worms

Even though it is rare for indoor plants to experience caterpillar infestation, when they do, the destruction can be devastating. These creatures are quite conspicuous due to their droppings.

In addition to the foliage wilting and sagging, you will observe punctures along both sides as well as at the middle of each leaf.


These minuscule oval or circular pests, which vary in hue from light brown to cinnamon, feast on the foliage and stem of pothos plants.

Infestations can be extremely destructive; they stunt the growth of your plants and cause them to weaken, and look droopy, eventually leading to their death.

Spider mites

These pests can be tiny and subtle, often going unnoticed until your pothos has been damaged beyond repair. The affected leaves develop spotting and become yellowed.

Once a colony has grown too large, signs of leaf webbing, shedding, and dropping.


Thrips primarily feed on the plant juice, resulting in dull gray-silverish patches over the leaves. Gradually, they will become misshapen, bend, and droop until they finally wilt away, eventually dropping off.

In addition, Thrips can infect pothos with viruses that induce drooping


Prior to any other care, it is essential that you thoroughly examine your plant for bugs and specifically watch out for mealybugs. There are several options for managing these pesky pests, such as:

  • Carefully plucking out and safely discarding the objects.
  • Using natural pest-fighting solutions such as insecticidal soaps and garden oils like neem oil solution.
  • Using insecticidal soil drenches.
  • Using rubbing alcohol swabs.

For optimal results, this treatment should be repeated multiple times leaving a 7-10 day pause in between each session.

10. Disease Infections

The wilting of your pothos leaves may be a symptom of viral, fungal, or bacterial infection that has taken residence in the plant.

Opportunistic pathogens capitalize on weak, ailing pothos plants that are already vulnerable.

In many cases, these creatures take root in potted plants where the soil is too wet and waterlogged.

Vectors not only bring about ugly effects such as blight and leaf spots, but they can also result in more damaging root rot – particularly, Rhizoctonia stem rot, Pythium root rot, and Pseudomonas leaf spot.

The foliage of the plant often fades to shades of yellow and black, while its stems become soft and listless.


  • The best way to protect yourself is by buying only healthy pothos from a reliable supplier. Ensure their roots are dense, firm, and in good condition before bringing it into your home.
  • When you move a plant to a new pot or place, make sure that the new dirt is clean and doesn’t have any germs. Sometimes, put hydrogen peroxide in your plant’s water to keep it healthy. 
  • In case of an already infected plant, put it away from other plants. This will stop the sickness from spreading. Cut off the dead or diseased parts of the plant with sterilized shears or scissors.
  • Use correct fungicides, bactericides, or antiviral solutions for optimal results.
  • To guard against the outbreak of diseases, it is best to avoid overhead irrigation.

11. Pothos Drooping from Cold Weather/ Frost damage

If your pothos appears to be wilting, with discolored or droopy leaves, it is likely due to cold weather damage.

Pothos plants are not equipped to withstand the cold, and any temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit can cause irreparable damage.

Assess your plant’s proximity to cold windows or breezy drafts for optimal health. If your plant is located by an entryway, this could be influencing the temperature of its environment and thus causing the issues you are facing.


  • Remove your pothos away from entryways.
  • Use warm water on your pothos.
  • Switch to a warmer area.

12: Droopy Pothos from Malnutrition 

Without the right amount of nourishment, your plant will suffer; its new growth will be stunted and even eliminated.

Despite their easy-going nature when it comes to nutrition, pothos plants still need sustenance from time to time.

By simply replenishing the soil every few years, you can rely on your garden to thrive naturally.

Have you already started this process? If so, why not send a sample of the soil for testing to your nearest extension office or perform an easy test at home in order to determine if something is missing?

It’s essential to avoid fertilizing your plants unless absolutely necessary, as too much fertilizer can lead to sodium buildup and harm the plant.

Home test kits may not be as trustworthy as those from qualified experts or the agricultural extension office, yet they provide a speedier solution.

With Luster Leaf Rapidtests from Arbico Organics, you can quickly and accurately measure your soil’s nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium(NPK) levels.

Prior to applying fertilizer, conduct a test in order to ensure success. Subsequently, utilize the information you’ve gained.

If you have overfertilized, it is important to replace some of the soil with fresh material.

If you have not applied enough fertilizer to your plants, there is still time to give them the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.

Reasons for Pothos Drooping and Solutions

Why is my Pothos Droopy?Solution
UnderwateringSock pothos in water
OverwateringForgo irrigation
Use a pothos container with dripping holes
Low humidity/ dry airMist your pothos regularly
Use a humidifier
Use a pebble tray
Poorly drained soilReplace the old potting soil mix
Use a fresh blend of soil
Very small pothos potUse a wider pot
RepottingKeep the fresh potting mix evenly moist
Too much direct sunlightMove the plant to an area with bright, indirect light
Too little lightRelocate the pothos to an area with bright light
Dust the plant to stimulate photosynthesis
Pest infestationPluck out the infected partsUse natural pest-fighting solutions neem oil
Using insecticidal soil drenchesUsing rubbing alcohol swabs
Disease infectionIsolate the infected plants
Use fungicides and insecticidesAvoid overhead irrigation
Cold weather/ frost damageRemove your pothos away from entrywaysUse warm water on your pothos
Switch to a warmer area
MalnutritionFertilize appropriately

Droopy Pothos FAQs

Why is my pothos wilting?

Your pothos is wilting because it’s too cold, not getting enough nutrients, or is suffering from root rot. Make sure it’s in a warm area with plenty of airflow and no drafts coming through windows. Fertilize your pothos every few years to ensure that it has the right balance of nutrients.

Why is my pothos limp?

Your pothos is limp probably because it’s not getting enough water. Make sure to check the soil regularly and water when it feels dry. Overwatered pothos can cause root rot, so be careful not to overwater yours. The cold weather could also be causing your pothos to go limp. Move it away from cold drafts and windows.

Why is my golden pothos droopy?

Droopy pothos is usually due to too much water or not enough nutrients. Make sure you are only watering your golden pothos when the top 1 inch of soil is dry. You should also fertilize your pothos every few years to ensure that it has the right balance of nutrients for optimal health. 

Why is my pothos wilting in winter?

Pothos wilt during winter because of inadequate humidity and cold temperatures. To prevent wilting and droopy pothos cutting, ensure that the soil is kept moist and move the plant away from cold drafts and windows. If you can, place a humidifier near your pothos to help increase humidity.

Why is my Monstera dripping water?

Your Monstera is dripping water because of over-watering or high humidity. Monstera plants may also drip water as a result of physical damage to the leaves or roots, such as from pest infestations, harsh weather conditions, or improper handling during transport or repotting.

Why is my Pothos Droopy Summary

Now you know why your pothos droop, wilt, and limp. You also know how to keep your pothos healthy.

Make sure it is in a warm environment with no drafts and check the soil regularly for water levels as well as fertilize every few years. Move it away from cold windows and entryways.

Finally, use a humidifier near your pothos if you can to help increase humidity during winter months. With these simple steps, you can help your pothos thrive and grow healthy and strong.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

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