Global Green Pothos

Global Green Pothos

Do you find yourself longing for a houseplant with glossy green leaves that will thrive even if you (let’s face it) forget to water it?

The global green pothos might be your match made in heaven. With its spectacular, heart-shaped foliage and easy care needs, the global green pothos will bring charm and life to any home or office decor. 

Get ready to learn about this vibrant beauty – from light requirements to pruning best practices – as we guide you through everything you need to know about caring for a global green pothos.

What is Global Green Pothos Plant?

Global Green Pothos

Global Green Pothos, also known as Epipremnum aureum global green or Devil’s Ivy, is a popular houseplant native to Southeast Asia. 

It is a climbing vine that can grow up to 40 feet long and is characterized by its heart-shaped leaves. 

The leaves are predominantly mid-green, with darker green edges that create a beautiful contrast. 

Occasionally, slivers or patches of cream or white on this variety may add even more visual interest. 

Due to the abundance of chlorophyll in its leaves, Global Green has a reputation for being a fast grower, especially when compared to more heavily variegated Pothos varieties like Pearls and Jade® or Manjula. 

Global green pothos origin

Pothos plants are originally from Mo’orea, a volcanic island in French Polynesia. 

They have since spread throughout many tropical and subtropical regions, including South Africa, Australia, Southeast and South Asia, the Pacific Islands, and the West Indies.

While it is unclear where the variegation in this plant originally came from, Costa Farms first introduced it to the market in 2020. 

They described it as an “exciting new member of the Pothos family” with “rich dark and light green marbling.”

In September 2021, Costa Farms announced they had exclusive rights (the patent) to propagate this plant in North America. 

While the origins of the Global Green Pothos remain a mystery, it is still a beautiful and popular plant that can add a touch of nature to any indoor space.

Is global green pothos rare?

No, Global Green Pothos is not considered a rare plant. It is one of the most common houseplants widely available in plant nurseries, garden centers, and online. 

This plant is easy to propagate, meaning it can be grown from cuttings taken from an existing plant.

This makes it a popular choice for sharing with friends and family or for people just starting with indoor gardening. 

Global Green Pothos Plants Care Table

Scientific nameEpipremnum aureum Global Green
Other namesEpipremnum global greenDevil’s vine
Hardiness zoneUSDA Hardiness Zones 10-12
Plant typeTropical houseplants
Growth size​​4 inches – 10+ foot Vines
Planting spaceClose
GenusEpipremnum genus
LightBright indirect light
Life spanFive to ten years
Soil pH6.0 to 6.5
ToxicityToxic to humans and pets
Common pestsGnats, mitesMealy bugs
DiseasesSouthern BlightBacterial Wilt DiseasePhytophthora Root Rot

Epipremnum Aureum Global Green Identification

Epipremnum Aureum Global Green Identification

Before you can give your houseplant the proper care, it’s important to identify it correctly.

This is especially true for Pothos plants, which come in various types and can sometimes be mistaken for other plants.

One of the most distinctive features of a Global Green Pothos is its unique lime green splotches of color. 

It’s easy to see how it got its name, as the color patterns resemble the shapes of continents on a globe, set against a backdrop of deep dark green leaves instead of the blue ocean. 

The variegation on this cultivar is known for being unpredictable, with some leaves starting as bright lime green and developing more complex colorations over time, while others remain a deep green throughout their lifespan.

Despite being a relatively new addition to North America, Global Green Pothos is just as easy to care for as other Pothos varieties.

It may begin to trail or climb as it grows, so it’s a good idea to plant it in a hanging basket or train it to grow vertically on a ​​sphagnum moss or trellis. 

Like other Pothos plants, Global Pothos develops aerial roots which help it climb and grow up to 10 feet long.

Global Green Pothos Care Needs

The Global Green Pothos is a relatively recent addition to the family of pothos plants, and caring for it is just as simple as caring for the Golden Pothos. 

However, you must follow some basic care guidelines to ensure they thrive in your home.

1. Light Conditions

Global Green Pothos grow well in bright but indirect light. Growing properly requires about 8-10 hours of optimal daily lighting.

If you cannot provide natural light, use LED grow lights for 10-12 hours daily to ensure the plant gets enough light for healthy growth.

Avoid direct sunlight as it can burn the leaves and cause unsightly spots that won’t recover.

Signs global green pothos needs more light

  • Leaves turn yellow
  • Slow growth
  • Leggy stems
  • Smaller leaves
  • Fewer leaves
  • Less variegation

How to maximize light exposure?

  • Place the plant near a bright indirect sunlight source, such as a window that receives much natural light.
  • Use reflective surfaces such as mirrors or white walls to reflect light onto the plant.
  • Rotate the plant every few weeks to ensure all parts of the plant receive an equal amount of light exposure.
  • Consider using grow lights to supplement natural light, especially during winter or in rooms with limited natural light.
  • Position the plant 4-5 ft from south-facing or east/westward-facing windows for morning/afternoon sun.

2. Soil

A well-draining soil mixture is ideal for global green pothos because it promotes good aeration and prevents waterlogging.

The soil should contain organic matter and be light and loose to facilitate water and nutrient absorption.

Ideally, the soil pH should be neutral to slightly acidic, within the 7 to 5.5. If the soil is too alkaline, adding lime can raise the pH level, and adding sulfur can lower it if it is too acidic.

The soil should be slightly damp but not waterlogged. A pothos-specific soil mixture can help retain the correct moisture in the soil.

The best global green pothos soil

Perfect Plants Organic Pothos Soil is an excellent commercial choice, as its blend of perlite, peat moss, and vermiculite encourages soil aeration and moisture retention.

You can also try to make a homemade soil mix using the procedure below;

DIY soil mix

Materials needed:

  • Peat moss
  • Perlite or Vermiculite
  • Compost
  • Organic fertilizer
  • Garden lime

Step-by-step process:

  1. Mix together equal parts peat moss and perlite or vermiculite.
  2. Add in compost and mix well.
  3. Add organic fertilizer and mix again.
  4. Finally, add garden lime to adjust the pH level to a neutral or slightly acidic level.
  5. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  6. The DIY soil mix is now ready to use for planting.

3. Watering

Global green pothos has moderate watering requirements. 

Water this pothos variety when the top 2 inches of the soil is dry. You can use a finger test, a poke-a-stick method, or a moisture meter to test soil dryness. 

The best approach is to use a moisture meter, and a reading of 3 on the meter indicates that the soil is dry.

Water the plant once a week during the active growing seasons of summer and spring. 

However, when growth slows down or becomes dormant in the winter, water the plant less frequently, typically once every two weeks. 

When watering global green pothos, pour the water until the soil is completely saturated. Use rainwater or distilled water at room temperature and avoid mineralized and chloramine water.

Add water slowly and let each pour soak into the soil when watering. The water should run out of the drainage holes, and the drain tray should be emptied.

Don’t wet leaves, as this can lead to leaf damage and potential fungal growth.

Pro tip: Slightly under-water rather than over-water your plants. 

Adding water is far easier than removing it, and over-watering can lead to root rot and other problems. 

Signs of underwatering

  • Droopy leaves
  • Dry soil
  • Crispy or brown edges
  • Stunted growth
  • Yellowing leaves

Signs of overwatering

  • Wilting leaves
  • Yellowing leaves
  • Mushy or rotten roots
  • Fungus or mold growth
  • Soil staying wet

4. Temperature

Global green pothos plants thrive in temperatures that range from 70-90℉ (21-32 degrees Celsius). 

Temperatures below 70°F (21 degrees Celsius) can slow the plant’s growth, while temperatures below 50°F (10 degrees Celsius) can shock and eventually kill the plant. 

On the other hand, hot temperatures greater than 90°F can cause the plant’s stem and leaves to dry out due to transpiration.

Tips for maintaining an optimal temperature

  1. Place your global green pothos plants near an east-facing window 
  2. Keep your pothos plants away from air conditioners and heaters 
  3. If temperatures drop below 50°F, move the plant closer to a grow light or cover it with a frost blanket/plastic bag to ensure it is warm enough.

Signs your global green pothos environment may be too cold:

  • Slow or no growth
  • Leaves turning yellow
  • Wilting leaves
  • Brown spots on leaves
  • Stunted growth
  • Drooping leaves
  • Slow recovery from pruning

Signs your temperature is too high:

  • Leaves turning brown
  • Drooping leaves
  • Wilting leaves
  • Dry soil
  • Rapid leaf drop
  • Stunted growth
  • Slow recovery from pruning

5. Humidity

Global green pothos can tolerate a wide range of humidity levels but thrive in medium to the high humidity of around 60%-80%. 

Fortunately, most household air is adequate for their growth, especially if you live in a region with a warm and tropical climate. 

However, too little or too much humidity can cause damage to the plant. Dry areas suffer during winter since heaters are on, which can cause the air to be excessively dry.

To maintain optimal humidity levels, use a hygrometer to determine the humidity in your house.

If the humidity is too low, you can increase it by placing a tray of water near the plant or using a humidifier.

Misting the plant with water occasionally can also help to increase humidity, but be careful not to get the leaves too wet.

If the humidity is too high, you can reduce it by increasing ventilation in the room or using a dehumidifier.

Maintain adequate ventilation to prevent the growth of mold or other plant disease growth.

Low humidity signs:

  • Dry, crispy leaves
  • Leaf drop
  • Brown leaf tips
  • Brittle stems

Too high humidity signs:

  • Mold growth
  • Root rot
  • Yellowing leaves
  • Musty smell

How to ensure the right humidity level?

  • Use a humidifier.
  • Group plants together.
  • Place a tray of water nearby.
  • Mist the leaves.
  • Use a pebble tray.
  • Keep away from drafts.
  • Use a humidity monitor.

6. Fertilization

Fertilizing your Global green pothos is key for ongoing success. Potting soils may contain some nutrients, but these can deplete quickly. 

To keep your plant healthy, use a high-quality fertilizer to provide essential macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. This gives it the extra boost it needs to grow strong.

But wait, there’s more. 

Your pothos plants also require smaller doses of calcium, magnesium, and sulfur, or what we like to call secondary nutrients. 

And let’s not forget about the micro-nutrients, like iron, copper, boron, zinc, chlorine, and nickel. 

Fertilize your Global green pothos with a balanced liquid fertilizer (10-10-10, 15-15-15, or 20-20-20) 1-2 times/month during active growth. 

Supplement with compost as needed and avoid granular fertilizer indoors. 

When repotting, wait one month before fertilizing. Give your pothos a break during autumn hibernation.

Product recommendations

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How to apply fertilizer 

Fertilizing your plants can be like giving them steroids without the crazy side effects. However, a little less often goes a long way when using liquid fertilizer indoors. 

Just water it down to half the recommended strength, and you’ll avoid the risk of overfeeding your plants.

It’s like watering down your margarita – it’ll still do the trick but won’t knock you off your feet. 

But when it comes to the mighty Global green pothos outdoors, you can go full strength with the prescribed dose from the manufacturer. 

No need to hold back; let your plants bask in the glory of their full fertilizing potential.

Signs of over-fertilization

  • Burnt or yellow leaves
  • Wilting
  • Slow growth
  • Foul odor
  • Algae growth
  • Browning or blackening of roots

Signs of under-fertilization 

  • Small leaves
  • Yellowing leaves
  • Slow growth
  • Brittle stems
  • Delayed blooming
  • Fewer flowers or fruit

7. Pruning

Pruning is the perfect way to manage your plant’s size and avoid any unwanted jungle vibes in your living room. 

But don’t start snipping willy-nilly – timing is key. Before the high growth period, early spring is the perfect time to prune for faster recovery. 

Just be sure not to pull out the pruning shears during winter dormancy or when the plant gets limited sunlight – that’ll only cause more trouble than it’s worth.

How to prune global green plants

Materials needed

  • Clean, sharp pruning shears
  • Rubbing alcohol or disinfectant wipes (to sterilize the shears)
  • Container for collecting the trimmed foliage

Step-by-step process 

  • Sterilize your pruning shears with rubbing alcohol or disinfectant wipes. This prevents the spread of diseases or infections from other plants.
  • Identify the stems or leaves you want to trim. Look for any damaged, diseased, or yellowing foliage.
  • Make a clean cut just above the node or where the leaf meets the stem using your clean and sterilized pruning shears. This encourages new growth at the node.
  • Collect the trimmed foliage in a container or bag for disposal.
  • Repeat steps 2-4 until you have trimmed as much as desired.
  • You can also trim the vines to manage the plant’s size or shape. 
  • After pruning, thoroughly water your Global Green Pothos to help it recover.

Global Green Pothos Propagation

Global Green Pothos Propagation

Pothos plant is simple to propagate at home with minimal effort: just a few steps and necessary items are all you need.

Supplies Needed

  • Pruning shears or scissors (clean and sterilized)
  • A healthy parent Pothos plant with mature vines
  • Glass jar or vase filled with water
  • Potting soil or a well-draining soilless mix
  • Small pot or container
  • Optional: rooting hormone (powder or gel)

To grow plants through stem cuttings, here’s how to get started.

Step 1: Cut the stem

  • Choose a healthy vine from your parent Global Green Pothos plant. Look for a vine with at least 3-4 leaves and nodes.
  • Use clean and sterilized pruning shears or scissors to cut the vine below a node.
  • Remove the bottom leaves from the pothos cuttings, leaving only the top 2-3 leaves.
  • Optional: Dip the cut end of the stem in rooting hormone powder or gel.

Step 2: Root the cutting

You can propagate a cutting in water or soil.

1. Water propagation

  • Get a container or glass jar and fill it with room-temperature water. Avoid using chlorinated water and opt for tepid or distilled water instead.
  • If desired, add some rooting hormone to the water and submerge your cutting so the roots are in the mixture while the leaves are out of the water.
  • Place the container in a bright location with indirect sunlight.
  • Replace the water every 4-5 days or when it starts to turn yellow.
  • Wait for the roots to grow to at least 2 inches long, which may take 2-3 weeks.
  • Once the roots have grown, transfer the cutting to a pot filled with nutrient-rich soil. This should ideally be done within a few weeks of the roots sprouting.

2. Soil propagation

  • Prepare a 3-inch pot with a suitable soil mix, ensuring it has multiple drainage holes.
  • Moisturize the soil by adding sufficient water to it.
  • Add a mixture of rooting hormone and fungicide to the cut end of your stem cutting.
  • Carefully insert the stem cutting into the soil and place the pot in a well-lit area.
  • After a few weeks, you should notice signs of root growth on your stem cutting.
  • Allow the cutting to grow for 2-3 months before you begin your regular maintenance routine.
  • Once the cutting has grown, transfer it to a larger container, providing enough room for its roots to develop fully.

Potting & Repotting

​​Repotting your pothos plants can help prevent root-bound growth, refresh depleted potting mix, and promote new growth. 

By providing more space for the roots to expand and fresh soil to absorb nutrients, repotting can help ensure your pothos continues to thrive.

When to Repot Your Global green pothos

Young pothos should be repotted annually; mature plants every 2-3 years or when root-bound/stressed.

Signs that your pothos may need repotting include:

  • Outgrown container
  • Visible roots
  • Compacted soil
  • Stunted growth
  • Yellow/wilting leaves

How to pot & repot global green pothos step by step


  • Pot
  • Garden Trowel
  • Potting soil
  • Pruning Shears
  • Plant support (coco coir or moss pole)
  • Watering Can

Steps to repot global green pothos:

  1. Pick the best time:

Early spring is the best time to repot your Global green pothos, as this is when it is actively growing.

  1. Select a new pot:

Choose a new pot that is slightly larger than the existing one, has drainage holes, and is made of a suitable material (such as plastic, ceramic, or terracotta).

If you choose a terracotta pot, soak it in water for a few hours to prevent it from drawing moisture from the potting soil.

  1. Fill your container:

Fill the pot 1/4 – 1/3 with fresh potting soil.

  1. Pull the plant out of the old container:

Gently slide the plant out of its old container.

If the roots are densely packed, use a garden trowel to loosen them.

  1. Trim some roots:

Trim dead, damaged, or tangled roots with pruning shears, no more than 1/3.

  1. Replant:

Position pothos in the center of the new container. Fill gaps around roots with potting soil and press gently to remove air pockets.

  1. Plant support:

Add plant support like a coco coir or moss pole to help the plant grow upwards.

  1. Hydrate:

Water thoroughly after repotting and avoid fertilizing for the first month as this can stress the plant.

  1. Aftercare:

Keep your plant in a well-lit area but out of direct sunlight.

Water your pothos regularly, but ensure the soil doesn’t become waterlogged.

Monitor your pothos for the first few weeks to ensure it is settling in well.

Common Problems with Epipremnum Aureum Global Green

1. Pests

Some of the most common pests that like to attack this plant include caterpillars, mealybugs, mites, scales, and thrips.

Signs that pests have attacked your Global Green pothos may include

  • stunted growth
  • Yellowing or wilting leaves
  • Webs or small insects on the leaves or stems.

You can try several methods to prevent, control, and eliminate pests in your Global Green pothos. 

First, you can wipe the leaves with 70% rubbing alcohol to remove any pests that may be present. Alternatively, you can use horticultural soap or pure neem oil to control the pests.

To control the spread of pests, you can isolate the affected plant and try biological control methods like buying predatory mites or ladybugs

For fungus gnats, you can use mosquito bits to destroy their larvae or use yellow sticky gnat traps killer which is cheap, non-toxic, and effective.

Prevention is also key to avoiding pests in your Global green pothos. When purchasing new plants, buy from a reputable nursery and quarantine new plants before introducing them to your other plants. 

Good plant growing conditions, such as proper watering and adequate light, can also help prevent pest infestations.

2. Diseases

Global green pothos can be prone to Pythium root rot, Rhizoctonia foot rot, Southern blight, and bacterial leaf spot. 

Causes of global green pothos diseases:

  • Overwatering: 
  • Poor drainage: 
  • Poor air circulation: 
  • Contaminated soil or tools
  • Pests

Diagnosing plant disease symptoms:

Diagnosing plant diseases can be challenging, as many diseases have similar symptoms. 

Symptoms may include;

  •  wilting and defoliation, 
  • soft stems
  • white fungal growth
  • yellowing leaves
  • mushy stems
  • Stunted growth


Pythium root rot, Rhizoctonia foot rot, Southern blight, and Bacterial leaf spot can all lead to the death of a plant if not treated. 

To prevent diseases, provide adequate light and water in a well-draining potting mix, avoid overcrowding plants, and immediately prune off infected leaves/stems. 

Fungicides or bactericides can be used to control infection. 

3. Yellowing of leaves 

Global green pothos can get yellowing leaves from overwatering, underwatering, poor lighting, or nutrient deficiency. 

To prevent this, water only when the top inch of soil is dry, give the plant bright indirect light, and fertilize regularly. 

Treat yellow leaves by removing them and adjusting watering/lighting conditions. 

Add a balanced fertilizer to the soil if it’s a nutrient issue. In extreme cases, repotting may be needed. 

4. Browning of leaves

Browning of leaves

Brown spots and leaf browning on Global green pothos are often caused by overwatering, underwatering, too much sunlight, low humidity, or pests.

To prevent this, water when the soil is dry, provide indirect light, and maintain 40-60% humidity. 

Remove affected leaves to treat brown spots; wipe with rubbing alcohol or insecticidal soap for pests. 

5. Dust

Maintaining a dust-free environment is crucial for the healthy growth of Global green pothos due to its light coloration. 

Even with adequate airflow, dust accumulates on the leaves, preventing maximum photosynthesis. 

To combat this, wipe the leaves down with a soft, moist cloth at least once a month or take the plant outside and spray it down with a hose. 

This regular cleaning routine helps keep the leaves shiny and vibrant, promoting healthy photosynthesis and plant growth. 

By keeping your Global Green pothos free of dust, you can help ensure it thrives in their environment.

Is Global Green Pothos Toxic?

The Global Green Pothos (Epipremnum global green) is toxic to humans and animals because its calcium oxalate crystals can cause irritation, nausea, throat swelling, diarrhea, and more. 

Placing the plant on an elevated spot or in a hanging basket and pruning leaves and stems when they become too long is best to keep small children or pets safe from this toxicity. 

Symptoms of exposure may include mouth irritation, blisters, drooling, blood in the stool/urine, etc.; if any of these occur, seek medical attention immediately.

Uses of Global Green Pothos

Besides its aesthetic appeal, global green pothos is also known for its air-purifying properties, as it helps remove harmful toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene.

In some cultures, it is also believed to bring good luck and prosperity and is often used in feng shui practices.


Can I keep global green pothos outdoors?

You can keep Global Green Pothos outdoors in areas with mild temperatures and indirect sunlight. However, they cannot tolerate frost and temperatures below 50°F.

Does global green pothos like to be root bound?

No, Global Green Pothos does not like to be root bound. While they can tolerate being slightly root bound, repot them every 2-3 years to ensure optimal growth.

Does global green pothos need a moss pole?

While Global Green Pothos can grow without a moss pole, providing a support structure such as a moss pole or trellis can encourage upward growth and help prevent the plant from becoming leggy.

Why is my global green pothos growing slowly?

Global Green Pothos may grow slowly if they are not receiving enough light or if they are overwatered. Ensure they are getting adequate sunlight and that the soil is not waterlogged.

Why is my global green pothos looking so leggy?

A Global Green Pothos may become leggy if it is not receiving enough light or if it is not getting enough support. A moss pole or trellis can encourage upward growth and prevent the plant from becoming leggy.

Why is my global green pothos getting brown tips?

Global Green Pothos can get brown tips due to over-fertilization, underwatering, or a buildup of salts in the soil. Flush the soil periodically to remove salt buildup and ensure proper watering.

Why is my global green pothos losing its variegation?

A Global Green Pothos can lose its variegation due to low light levels, nutrient deficiencies, or genetics. If the plant is not getting enough light, move it to a brighter location.

Is Global green pothos the same as emerald pothos?

While Global Green Pothos and Emerald Pothos may look alike but are distinct plants. Although both have variegated foliage, Global Green Pothos has a darker green border and a lighter green interior, giving it a more “pixelated” “appearance.”On the other hand, Emerald Pothos has light green leaves with darker green variegation on the interior. So, while they may be similar in appearance, they have unique features that differentiate them.

What type of pothos grows the fastest?

Pothos varieties with solid dark green leaves grow faster than those with variegated leaves. Golden Pothos is also known for its rapid growth.

Where can I buy a global green pothos?

Global Green Pothos can be purchased at nurseries, garden centers, or online plant stores. Ensure you are buying from a reputable seller and that the plant is in good condition before purchasing.

What to Avoid When Taking Care of Global Green  Pothos

  1. Mineralized and chloramine water.
  2. Direct sun
  3. Using heaters and ACs near your pothos plants
  4. Granular fertilizer when planting indoors
  5. Pruning during Winter

Other Pothos Plant Care Guide to Consider:

Harlequin Pothos Care

Emerald Pothos Care


Ultimately, the global green pothos is a resilient tropical plant well-suited for individuals of all experience levels. 

From bright indirect sunlight to regular watering schedules, thoughtful and consistent attention will produce robust and vibrant foliage that will bring life into any living space.

So if you’re looking for an attractive and low-maintenance plant in your home or office, consider the global green pothos.

A little bit of effort will pay off big benefits in spades. Not only will your place look better, but it may also supply extra oxygen and the opportunity to practice mindfulness and enhance mental health.

If you’re interested in learning more about caring for pothos plants, including the Silver Satin Pothos variety, be sure to check out more of our guides.

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