Green Galaxy Monstera Peru Care Guide

Green Galaxy Monstera Peru Care Guide

Are you a plant owner looking to take your indoor gardening game up a notch? Are you looking for an easy-care houseplant to bring life and color into your home?

If so, the Monstera Peru variety of Green Galaxy plants is what you need. It is prized both for its easy care and eye-catching appearance.

In this blog post, we’re going over everything about the Green Galaxy Monstera Peru care guide. We’ll look at the soil types and water needs all the way through sunshine requirements and perils to watch out for along its journey.

Read on to find out more!

Scientific nameMonstera Sp Peru
Other namesMonstera Karstenianum 
Monstera Peruana
Epipremnum marble plan
NativeCentral and South America
Growth zone10 and 11 USDA
Plant typeClimbing and vining plant
Growth size10 feet
Growth rateModerate to fast
ToxicityToxic to pets and humans
Common pestsSpider mites 
Scale insects
Fungus gnats
Basal stem rot
Root rot

What is Green Galaxy Monstera Peru

The Monstera Peru, a marvelous plant species, holds the scientific name Monstera Sp Peru and is a part of the Araceae family.

This interesting plant is also called Green Galaxy Monstera Karstenianum, Monstera Peruana, or Epipremnum marble plant. It comes from the tropical forests of Central and South America.

Belonging to the Monstera genus, it thrives in growth zones 10 and 11. It exhibits the characteristics of a climbing or vining plant.

Monstera Peru can reach an impressive size of up to 10 feet in length. Its growth rate, determined by appropriate care and nurturing, can be considered moderate to fast.

It has robust leaves with noteworthy textures and patterns, sure to draw attention.

Although this stunning species does not typically flower or bear fruit in home settings, it may bloom on rare occasions under optimal conditions.

However, beware of its toxicity, as it may be harmful to pets or small children if ingested. To maintain the plant’s health, be mindful of common pests such as spider mites, thrips, and mealybugs.

How Do You Identify a Green Galaxy Monstera Peru?

To take care of your Green Galaxy Monstera Peru, you need to know what it looks like. That way you can tell it apart from other Monsteras.

Discover how to accurately identify one with this comprehensive guide.

Green Galaxy Monstera Peru Care Guide

How to identify young Monstera Peru

Young Monstera Peru rare plants are known for their large and waxy leaves with a distinctive, deeply lobed shape. The leaves are usually green or gray-green in color.

Young plants typically have less distinct veins than older ones, although the veins may become more prominent as the plant matures.

The stem is usually fairly thin and upright, although it can become more woody and curved over time.

The root system of a young Monstera Peru is shallow but grows deeper as the plant ages. Fruits from young plants are typically small and green in color. 

How to identify mature Monstera Peru

When looking at a mature Monstera Peru, look for the special shape of the leaves. The leaves should have curved edges and parts that are indented.

A mature Monstera Peru will display rich, gorgeous deep green veining on leaves. The veins on the leaves should be prominent and intricately webbed.

The stem structure is another telltale sign. Matured Monstera Peru should have strong and thick stems supporting the lush foliage.

A well-developed root system anchors the plant securely into its environment, ensuring it thrives and flourishes.

Additionally, a mature Monstera Peru may produce fruits, which is another clear indication of maturity. Older Monstera Peru plants have the added distinction of variegation.

Green Galaxy Monstera Peru Care Guide

Green Galaxy Monstera Peru is a hardy and easy-to-care-for houseplant, making it the perfect choice for both beginner and experienced plant owners.

Below are some tips to keep your Monstera Peru looking its best:

1. Light 

Since these plants are used to growing under a dense rainforest canopy, direct sunlight is not their friend.

Keep your Monstera Peru in a warm place with some light. The light should not be too strong, like direct sunlight.

Providing 8-10 hours of natural and artificial light daily is important for their growth. However, if you find managing natural light a challenge in your space, invest in LED grow lights.

Using grow lights for 10-12 hours every day can ensure that your plant continues to grow and flourish.

When it comes to caring for your Green Galaxy Monstera Peru, strike the right balance between direct sunlight and shade.

Too much sun can causes sunburn and makes the leaves look ugly. The spots may never go away. Too much shade can make leaves change color, stop growing, and be weak.

To avoid these issues and maximize light exposure for your Monstera, rotate it every fortnight, allowing it to receive an even distribution of light.

You may also cover the window with a light fabric to gently filter the sun’s rays while still providing ample light.

Identifying a well-lit spot like a patio, doorway, or window will help meet your Monstera’s lighting requirements.

Put your plant 4-5 feet away from windows that face south, east, and west. That way it will get sun in the morning and in the afternoon, but not too much heat during midday.

Green Galaxy Monstera Peru Care Guide

2. Watering

Keeping a thriving Green Galaxy Monstera Peru plant requires an understanding of its watering preferences. As most tropical plants love moderate watering, it is crucial to identify the optimal times for hydration.

To achieve this, examine the soil’s top 2 inches. When it feels dry to the touch, it’s time to quench the Monstera’s thirst.

If you want to gauge your soil’s moisture level accurately and precisely, then using a moisture meter is the best way. Sure, the finger or poke-a-stick tests work too.

However, none can match up to employing a special device that was specifically designed for this purpose.

A reading of 3 on the meter signifies that the earth is parched and ready for watering. On average, a green galaxy Monstera Peru plant requires hydration every 1-2 weeks.

However, it’s essential to adapt according to the seasons. Water weekly during active growth periods in summer and spring.

Reduce the frequency to once fortnightly during winter, when growth tends to slow or become dormant.

To ensure its vibrant growth, nourish your plant with rainwater at room temperature or distilled water. These liquid sources provide the perfect hydration that your prized possession needs.

Do not use mineralized or chloramine water, as these can harm the plant.

To ensure your Green Galaxy Monstera Peru is properly hydrated, water it gradually and patiently. Let each pour of water seep deep into the soil until full saturation is achieved.

As you water, aim to avoid getting the leaves wet, and continue until you see water running out of the drainage holes. Don’t forget to empty the drain tray afterward to prevent potential issues with standing water.

A valuable tip for plant care aficionados is to slightly under-water rather than over-water your Green Galaxy Monstera Peru. It is much easier to add more water later than to try to remove excess water.

Signs of Underwatering

  • Browning or yellowing of the leaf tips
  • Wilting of the leaves
  • Fewer new leaves emerging
  • Crispy, dry soil
  • Leaf drop
  • Poor root development
  • Stunted growth of the plant
  • Monstera Peru leaves curling and splitting
  • Weak stems that can’t support the weight of the foliage

Signs of Overwatering

  • Wilting of the leaves
  • Mushy and soft stems/roots
  • Foul smell from the soil
  • Root rot
  • Soggy soil that doesn’t dry out even after days  
  • Drooping foliage

3. Temperature 

To make sure it grows the best, you need to know what temperature this Monstera species needs. Ideally, the Green Galaxy Monstera Peru prefers a temperature range of 65-85℉ (18-29 degrees Celsius) to truly thrive.

For the successful cultivation of plant indoors, it is not essential to copy their native habitat precisely.

Yet, maintaining a moderate-high humidity level and a minimum temperature of 64.4°F are both key to fostering optimal growth for your Monstera plants.

Keep in mind that the Green Galaxy Monstera Peru’s growth will slow down when temperatures dip below 55°F (13 degrees Celsius). Exposure to temperatures below 50°F (10 degrees Celsius) may shock and even kill the plant.

Do not put this plant in places that are very hot. Warm temperatures of 90°F or higher can make the leaves and stem dry out.

To ensure your green Monstera Peru grows and thrives, always be mindful of the temperature parameters.

During winter, it is essential to use grow lights to compensate for the lack of natural sunlight.

When spring and summer arrive, move your plant outside on warmer days, as long as the temperature remains above 60 degrees.

To keep the temperatures right for your plant, put it near a window that faces east. Also, make sure it is far away from air conditioners and heaters.

Lastly, always be vigilant when temperatures fall below 50°F. If it’s too cold for your Monstera, move it closer to a grow light. You can also put a frost blanket or plastic bag on it to keep the cold out.

Brown spots and yellow leaves on a plant could mean that the temperature is too cold. Inadequate cold conditions slow down the cellular processes, leading to browning and yellowing.

If your plant looks sick, it might be too hot. Check for relatively thick leaves that are losing color or are scorched. The plant may not be growing as much either.

4. Humidity

Monsteras thrive in humid environments. Fortunately, most household air is adequate for supporting its growth.

So, there’s no need to go to great lengths to maintain high humidity if you live in a region with a warm and tropical climate.

These plants prefer medium to high humidity levels ranging from 60% to 80% in order to thrive. It’s essential not to expose them to extreme humidity fluctuations.

Dry indoor environments might become a concern during winter months when heaters are in use.

To ensure your Green Galaxy Monstera Peru is kept in the ideal conditions, use a hygrometer to determine the humidity level in your home.

To ensure the right humidity level in the house, you should group plants together to create a mini-environment. This helps the plants maintain their ideal humidity level by creating a shared microclimate.

You can also measure and monitor your home’s humidity levels with a hygrometer.

This device will tell you when the humidity dips too low or rises too high so you can make any necessary adjustments to maintain the ideal humidity level.

If you notice that your home is too dry, you can use a humidifier or misting bottle to add moisture to the air. You should avoid over-misting as this can lead to mold growth and plant diseases.

Finally, if your green monstera Peru’s leaves are showing signs of dehydration, you can place a pebble tray filled with water near the plant.

This will help the air around the plant become moister and increase its humidity level.

Low Humidity Signs

  • Wilted leaves
  • Brown leaf tips and edges
  • Crispy spots on the leaves
  • Leaves that are easily damaged or torn
  • Drooping stems

Too High Humidity Signs

  • Yellowing leaves
  • Mushy and limp leaves
  • Stunted growth
  • Root rot
  • Fungal diseases
Green Galaxy Monstera Peru Care Guide

5. Position

When thinking about the position of your Monstera, think about its size, space, temperature, and humidity.

Monstera leaves can be 3 feet long and they might reach higher than your ceiling. Make sure you have enough room to keep them in your house.

For optimal success, position your Monstera near an east-facing window since they prefer indirect light. To maximize energy flow and growth quality, apply Feng Shui principles when deciding where to place the plant.

Use sheer curtains or fabric to provide bright filtered light for south or west-facing windows. North-facing windows may not be ideal but could still be worth a try.

Place your plant at least 2-4 feet away from any direct sun. Avoid putting it in bedrooms, as Feng Shui principles advise against this.

Also, refrain from exposing it to direct sunlight after 9:00 AM, and never position it in a south- or west-facing window or crowded rooms.

Keep the plant away from heaters or air conditioners, as extreme temperatures can hinder its progress.

6. Fertilizer 

The Green Galaxy Monstera Peru isn’t a particularly hungry plant but it needs fertilizer to look nice and grow strong. Plant fertilizers are like vitamins for plants.

They give the plants important nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. They also provide the plants with calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.

They also deliver crucial micronutrients including iron, copper, boron, zinc, chlorine, and nickel. To accommodate Monstera Peru’s growth habits, adjust the fertilization frequency.

Apply it 1 to 2 times a month during the active growth stage in summer and spring. Forgo fertilization during the dormancy stage in late fall and winter.

When you move a plant to a new pot, wait one month before adding fertilizer. The new potting soil has the food the plant needs.

Choose a good fertilizer formulated for Monstera to get the best results. Slow-release fertilizers may be a bit pricey, but they offer exceptional benefits, making them well worth the investment.

To apply fertilizer indoors, dilute the liquid solution to half its suggested strength. If your Monstera is growing outside, follow the instructions given by manufacturers.

As an alternative, use an all-natural compost, such as worm castings. Applying a ¼ to ½ inch layer of compost 1-2 times per year will enrich the soil.

Signs of Over-Fertilization

  • Brown
  • Wilted leaves
  • Slow growth,
  • Excess of weak, spindly stems
  • White, crusty residue on the soil surface

Signs of Under-Fertilization 

  • Stunted growth
  • Pale-green or yellow leaves
  • General lack of vigor

7. Pruning

Pruning not only maintains the plant’s overall health but also prevents potential infections, such as stem rot.

Trimming your Green Galaxy Monstera Peru can help it stay the size you want it to be. You can make it fit into whatever space you have for it.

The best time to prune these container plants is early spring. This season prepares it for high growth which allows for faster recovery.

Avoid pruning during periods of dormancy, such as winter. Limited sunlight can hinder the plant’s ability to generate glucose for growth.

Before you begin trimming your plant, make sure to have your protective gloves and pruning shears at hand.

To prune your plant, gather all the necessary tools. Ensure you have pruning shears and pruning gloves, as Monstera sap can cause skin irritation.

Sterilize your cutting tools prior to use to prevent the spread of bacteria and potential infections. 

When deciding where to cut, focus on removing old or diseased leaves, which can be pruned at any time of the year.

If the plant is outgrowing its pot, trim back about a third of the roots. Trim any unsightly aerial roots that may detract from the plant’s appearance.

When cutting stems from a plant, don’t cut too many at once. This can hurt the plant and make it look unhealthy.

Pruning your plant with care and expertise will ensure a thriving, beautiful plant for years to come.

8. Propagating Green Galaxy Monstera Peru

Propagating the Monstera Green Galaxy Peru plant at home is a breeze. All that’s required are a few basic items and simple steps.

Supplies needed: 

  • Sharp knife or scissors
  • Growing medium (soil, vermiculite, or coco coir)
  • Water
  • Trays/containers
  • Plastic bags to keep humidity
  • Propagation Promoter

To propagate plants, you can use the following methods:


This is the most common propagation method used in a wide range of plants. This involves separating a portion of the parent plant and replanting it in fresh soil.  

This is typically done in spring or autumn with perennials.

Air layering

Air layering is a method of rooting woody plants without removing them from their parent plant. 

The branch or stem of the plant is wounded at a certain point and then wrapped with moist sphagnum moss, secured with plastic wrap, and left to root. 

Once enough roots have developed, the branch can be cut off and planted.


This involves taking a stem or leaf from the parent plant and placing it in moist soil or water until it takes root. Stem cuttings are taken from new-growth of woody plants and placed in a rooting medium. 

After several weeks, a new plant has developed. Leaf cuttings are taken from plants that produce multiple leaves and are typically rooted in water or a damp growing medium.

Green Galaxy Monstera Peru Care Guide

Potting & Repotting

One crucial aspect of caring for your Monstera Peru is repotting. This not only provides the plant with the necessary room to grow but also prevents it from becoming root bound.

These special plants may look happy in the pot they are in, but they need more room for their roots to grow.

Repotting is also an opportunity to refresh the potting mix dry. This is vital for optimal growth and nutrient absorption.

Young growing plants benefit from annual repotting, while more mature specimens can be repotted every two to three years.

Keep an eye out for signs that your plant needs repotting. Such signs include roots poking through the drainage holes or visible signs of disease.

To ensure your plant remains in tip-top condition, ensure you repot it correctly. The ideal time to repot is early spring when the plant enters its growth phase.

Choose a new pot that has holes in it to let the water come out. Make sure the pot is bigger than your old one so there’s room for the roots to grow.

There are many types of pots to use for Monstera. I always prefer terracotta is a good choice.

Equip yourself with a garden trowel, potting soil, pruning shears, plant support (such as a coco coir or moss pole), and a watering can.

Begin by filling your new container with potting soil, about 1/4 to 1/3 of the way up. Gently remove the plant from its old container and lightly trim any excessively long or damaged roots.

Replant the Monstera in the fresh soil, ensuring the roots are well covered, and secure it to the plant support.

Hydrate your newly repotted plant with water, but avoid fertilizing it for the first month to allow it to acclimate to its new environment.

Soil Drainage and Aeration

Achieving healthy growth for any plant starts with understanding the importance of soil drainage and aeration. A well-draining soil mixture, rich in organic matter and light in texture, allows for excess water to flow freely

This prevents conditions like root rot, while also allowing for proper aeration. It also ensures that roots have access to essential oxygen, fostering healthy growth.

Monitoring and adjusting the soil’s pH level (ideally between 5.5 to 7) plays a vital role in nutrient uptake. You can raise the pH by adding lime or lowering it with sulfur.

Additionally, maintaining slight dampness for your monstera is easier with monstera-specific soil. which retains just the right amount of moisture for optimal growth.

The art of creating the perfect DIY soil mix can do wonders for your plants, and it’s easier than you think. With a simple blend of orchid bark, worm castings, coir, activated charcoal, and perlite, you’ll have a perfect mixture.  

Combine 5 parts orchid bark, 2 parts worm castings, 4 parts coir, 2 parts activated charcoal, and 5 parts perlite in a container, and mix thoroughly.

Doing so will not only provide essential nutrients but also optimize drainage, aeration, and moisture retention. Keep an eye out for signs that the soil isn’t suitable, such as mushy roots.

In case of an imbalance, feel free to adjust the ratios to personalize the mix according to your plant’s unique requirements.

Best commercial potting mix for Green Galaxy Monstera Peru To BUY

1. Premium Monstera Potting Soil

[amazon box=”B08VYBJXXM” template=”horizontal”]

2. Sun Gro Horticulture Black Gold 1310102 8-Quart All-Purpose Potting Mix

[amazon box=”B005IZ2SJ8″ template=”horizontal”]

Toxicity of Green Galaxy Monstera Peru

Is Monstera Peru toxic? 

For pets

If you think your pup, kitty, or even bunny has had a run-in with a Monstera Peru plant, don’t panic.

Sure, it might cause excessive drooling and other unpleasant symptoms, but it’s unlikely to prove fatal. 

To be on the safe side though, contact an ASPCA poison center for advice

After all, you don’t want to take any chances when it comes to your four-legged companion’s health.

For humans

Monstera Peru can be quite dangerous to humans, especially children, due to its calcium oxalate levels. 

These acids are found mostly in the stem, leaves, and roots. Eating parts of this plant won’t kill you. But it will make your mouth hurt and feel uncomfortable.

If the Peru juice gets in your child’s mouth, quickly clean their face and mouth.

Benefits of Green Galaxy Monstera Peru

Decoration  – Green Galaxy Monstera Peru is the perfect choice for adding a touch of sophistication and style to any home or office. The lush green leaves provide a stunning contrast against walls or other decors, creating an eye-catching focal point in any space.

Health benefits – This plant helps to reduce stress and improve air quality. It also removes toxins from the air, which helps to improve overall health. Monstera Peru also provides additional oxygen in its environment, making it a great choice for those who suffer from respiratory issues.

Low maintenance – Monstera Peru is ideal for busy individuals who don’t have time to devote to intensive plant care. It only requires occasional pruning and trimming, as well as regular watering.

Durability – The Green Galaxy Monstera Peru is a hardy plant that can easily handle both indoor and outdoor conditions. It can thrive in temperatures ranging from 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, making it an excellent choice for any climate.

Cost-effective – Monstera Peru is a budget-friendly option for those looking to add some greenery to their home. Due to its low maintenance and durability, it’s an economical choice that can last for years with proper care.

Common Problems with Green Galaxy Monstera Peru

Despite the many benefits of owning a Green Galaxy Monstera Peru, there are also some common problems that can arise. These include:

1. Pests infestation

The Green Galaxy Monstera Peru, a stunning and sought-after houseplant, is resistant to indoor bugs. This makes it a suitable option for plant enthusiasts looking to add a touch of beauty to their homes.

However, some common pests such as spider mites, scale, thrips, and fungus gnats tend to be attracted to these beautiful plants.

These are phytophagous insects and are drawn to their sap and plant tissue, wreaking havoc on their host.

The scale resides on leaf joints and stems, while adult fungus gnats feed on the roots of the plant. Thrips suck moisture from Monstera Peru and damage it.

If you have a Green Galaxy Monstera Peru, watch for signs of damage to the leaves, stems and roots.

This could mean there are pests around. In more serious cases, the plant might even die.

Eradication of plant pests can be challenging without damaging your beloved greens. A great solution is to wipe their leaves with 70% rubbing alcohol.

There are ways to protect your plants without hurting the environment. You can use horticultural oil, also called insecticidal soap. It is gentle on plants but tough on insects.

You can also use neem oil, which comes from a special tree. Neem oil stops bugs from eating and growing, and it will protect your plants too.

To control these pests, start by isolating any affected plant to prevent contagion. We can also use natural methods to solve this problem.

For example, special types of predatory mites and ladybugs may help us. We can also use something called “mosquito bits” to destroy fungus gnats.

We can also use economical, nontoxic, and efficient yellow sticky gnat trap killers to eliminate these pests.

Lastly, prevention is the best strategy for long-term success. Always buy plants from reputable nurseries and quarantine new additions before introducing them to your garden.

Green Galaxy Monstera Peru Care Guide

2. Diseases

Common diseases of Green Galaxy Monstera Peru can greatly affect the health of your plant and have a pronounced effect on its aesthetic appeal.

Some diseases are caused by too much or little water, too much sun, or other extreme environmental conditions.

To figure out what disease a plant has, you have to look at the leaves and stems, and see if there is mold or fungus. Look for wilted leaves or gnarled stems.

This type of plant can get sick with different diseases. These diseases are anthracnose, basal stem rot, and root rot.

Identify the symptoms correctly to ensure your plant receives proper care and treatment in order to keep it healthy and growing for a long time.

3. Yellowing leaves 

The yellowing of leaves is a disheartening sight for plant enthusiasts. Factors that cause this phenomenon include overwatering, inadequate sunlight, and nutrient deficiencies.

While yellowing might seem alarming, understanding the signs and symptoms can help you rectify the situation and prevent it from happening again.

To bring back the vibrant green hues of your Monstera Peru, check the amount of light it receives. If necessary, move it to a place with more sunshine or provide artificial lighting.

Monitor how much water you are giving your plant and ensure proper drainage.

4. Slow growth  

Achieving optimal growth for this plant can sometimes be a challenge.

There are things that can stop the Monstera Peru plant from growing quickly. These include inadequate light, poor temperature conditions, and inadequate water.

It is essential to be cognizant of the symptoms that may indicate a struggling plant. This may include yellowing leaves, stunted growth, and a weak overall appearance.

This plant needs lots of bright light, but not too much. It also needs enough water to stay healthy and grow strong.

5. Root rot 

Root rot arises primarily due to overwatering or poor drainage. This leads to a damp environment that encourages the growth of harmful fungi which in turn attack the plant’s roots.

If your Green Galaxy Monstera Peru has root rot, it might have yellow leaves or be weak and droopy. This is because the sick roots can’t get enough water and food to the plant.

To remedy the situation, remove the plant from its container, trim away the damaged roots, and repot into fresh soil with better drainage.

You can help keep your plant healthy and beautiful by monitoring how much water you give it and using well-draining soil.

6. Leaves dropping 

If your plant’s leaves are falling off, you need to know why. You need to learn the signs and symptoms of a leaf dropping so you can help your plant stay healthy and beautiful.

Factors such as extreme temperatures, underwatering, pests, or sometimes diseases contribute to this issue. To prevent leaf dropping, monitor and adjust environmental conditions diligently.

Maintain proper watering habits, and check for pests or diseases.

In case this unfortunate phenomenon has already transpired, inspect your plant and identify the cause.

If it is due to underwatering, then supply more water. If the temperature of the air or soil is the problem, adjust accordingly.

7. Leaves turning brown

There could be a lot of reasons why your plant’s leaves are turning brown. This includes insufficient water or sunlight, imbalanced nutrients, and the presence of pests or diseases.

Look closely at leaves that look sick. You might see yellow edges or small spots which can help you figure out what is wrong.

Tackling the browning of leaves involves identifying the root cause and also taking preventative measures.

Water your plants regularly. Make sure they get enough light. Keep pests away.

Keep a close eye on it and make necessary adjustments in its care routine to witness the magical revival of its lush, verdant foliage. 

What to Avoid When Handling Green Galaxy Monstera

  • Putting the plant in direct sunlight or a spot with too much bright light.
  • Overwatering the plant as it can cause root rot.
  • Overfertilization as this can cause leaf yellowing and stunted growth.
  • Putting the plant in a drafty area or near an air conditioner, heater, or open window during the winter months.
  • Fertilizing after transplanting or repotting. Let the plant settle in its new environment first before fertilizing.
  • Pruning during dormant periods or when the plant is weak.
  • Using granular fertilizers as these can burn the roots of the plant.
  • Using mineralized or chloramine water.


The Green Galaxy Monstera Peru is a stunning plant that is sure to make a statement in any household. Not only is it easy to maintain, but it can bring an amazing sense of life and energy into your home.

This plant is perfect for your landscape because it looks nice and helps keep the air clean. It’s a special choice.

Now that you’ve read this blog post, go ahead and get yourself a Green Galaxy Monstera. 

With proper care and attention, this could be the one that brings years of beautiful blooms and fabulously textured foliage growth for you to admire.

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