How Long Do Monsteras Live

How Long do Monsteras Live Image

You’ve been thinking of spicing up your living room’s ambiance with the beautiful fenestrations of a Monstera plant. You are wondering whether this houseplant will serve you for a long time. 

This popular houseplant is irresistible, and having it sitting in your space is pleasing to the eye. But the question is, How long do monsteras live?

So, to answer your question, keep on reading. We have discussed in detail how long Monsteras live and what you can do to keep them healthy.

How Long do Monsteras Live

The Monstera plant can live for 40 years. Because of their long lifespan, they are called heirloom plants. The Monstera plant blooms annually and is a climbing evergreen perennial vine. These plants can only meet the 40-year lifespan limit if proper care and growth conditions are available.

How do I Tell the Age of my Monstera Plant?

Fortunately, there are several ways to determine the age of your Monstera plant. You can look out for the following:

1. Height

Monstera plants grow up to a height of 1 to 2 feet a year. Therefore, you can use the plant’s height to determine its age. But before that, you must understand that the growth rate depends on whether the plant is indoor or outdoor. An indoor Monstera plant grows slower and hence shorter. The case is the opposite for an outdoor Monstera. 

So to know the age of your Monstera plant, use the steps below:

  • Using a ruler, measure the plant’s height. It’s best to start from the base of the stem.
  • Next, read the measurements.
  • Finally, divide the result by 2 feet to get the age of your plant. 

2. Number of leaves 

Counting the number of your Monstera leaves to determine the age may sound unbelievable, but it works. However, it works best for indoor plants. Remember, leaves always drop, so the method is ideal for indoor rather than outdoor plants.

A Monstera plant will grow 60-70 leaves a year. So with this information, you can quickly determine the age of your Monstera plant.

3. Leaf shape

The shape of your Monstera leaves can help you determine the age of your Monstera plants. The young Monstera plants do not have holes in their leaves. This is because they are yet to start fenestration.

They’ll develop faint fenestrations as they get between 1-3 years. Finally, when they mature, the leaves will start splitting. And they may as well develop holes and breaks in the foliage.

Can Monstera Plants Live Forever?

Can a plant live forever? No, therefore, monstera plants can’t live forever.  Just like humans, plants also die after years of living. However long Monstera plants live, they reach a point where they wear out. Their leaves will wilt and turn yellow, and the entire plant will eventually die. 

After all, the plant has served you a long time. To save yourself the pain of losing your plants, you can choose to propagate the plants on water or soil. You can do this when the plant is still thriving.

Can Monstera Plants Live in Water Forever?

No, Monstera plants can’t live in the water forever. The plant may grow and survive in water for a long time but won’t reach its potential size. Also, the plant’s health may deteriorate. Therefore, moving your plants to the soil is better to save them from these harsh conditions.   

How Long Does it take for Monsteras to Grow?

Young and old monstera plant images

The majority of Monstera plants reach maturity at 2 or 3 years old. When grown as indoor plants, they can reach a height of 6 feet. Monstera plants’ growth rates differ depending on the growth conditions provided.

Again, Monstera plants will develop flowers after clocking one year or a little more. Eventually, the leaves start to develop fenestration which advances as the plant matures. 

The WOW factor of the Monstera is that it produces leaves throughout its lifespan. Once the plants reach the maturity stage, their growth slows down.

Does the Monstera Plant go Dormant?

Yes, Monstera plants go dormant during winter. But this shouldn’t worry you as this is an adaptation characteristic of the plant. Also, the plants will shed their leaves during this time. This is mainly to preserve the energy needed during winter and the growing season.

Once spring kicks in, the plant will start growing new leaves and regain its strength.

Lifespan of Indoor Monsteras Compared to Outdoor Ones 

The lifespan of Monstera plants, whether outdoor or indoor, depends on how well you care for them. Both experience different growth conditions hence different lifespans. For example, an outdoor Monstera risks dying due to extreme temperatures. Similarly, an indoor Monstera is likely to die due to insufficient light.   

However, providing the proper conditions for an indoor plant is more manageable than for an outdoor one. With that said, indoor Monstera plants can live longer than outdoor ones.

The Popular Types of Monsteras and Their Growth Rates 

There are wide varieties of Monstera plants. But the two most popular ones are the Monstera Deliciosa(Swiss Cheese plant) and Monstera Adansonii (Adanson’s Monstera). 

Monstera Deliciosa (Swiss Cheese plant)

The Monstera Deliciosa is the most common variety of the Monstera plant. Of course, when we think of the Monstera, the Monstera Deliciosa creeps into our minds. It has large glossy leaves with deep lobes, which ooze a tropical feel into your space. 

As the Swiss Cheese plant matures, the fenestrations become heavy. The lobed leaves form oval holes near the midribs. But unlike the lobes, the oval holes do not extend to the leaf edges. 

Monstera Adansonii (Adanson’s Monstera)

The Monstera Adansonii is relatively smaller than the Deliciosa. It has dark green heart-shaped leaves with large oval holes. This variety grows more compact than the Monstera Deliciosa, which is why it’s ideal for small apartments. 

Again, if you are into hanging your plants and admire the Monstera’s beauty, you can get the Monstera Adansonii. To give it an ample growth trail, use a moss pole. 

Ways to Increase the Monsteras Life Expectancy 

Your Monstera’s life expectancy will depend on how well you care for them. Here are a few tips on how to keep your plants healthy and give them a longer lifespan:

1. Provide your Monstera plants with sufficient light

Monstera plants thrive well in bright indirect light. These heirloom plants can damage if they receive little light.

You’ll notice the leaves turning yellow and eventually develop brown spots.  Again, don’t expose the plants to bright light. Too much direct light is harmful to your plant as it may cause sunburn on monstera.

Monstera sunburn image

Providing proper light is the best way to keep your Monsteras happy and healthy. Bright indirect light is ideal.

If you place them near a window with too much light, use sheer drapes to block the excess sunlight from reaching the plant. 

2. Properly fertilize the Monstera plants 

All plants need to feed to thrive fully. So, you’ll need to fertilize your Monstera plants properly. A well-fed Monstera plant will grow faster and develop large and healthy leaves. It’s best to note the seasons when fertilizing your plants. 

The growing season is the best time to fertilize your plants. Also, do not over-fertilize your Monstera plants, as this may burn the roots and the entire plant.

Again, avoid fertilizing your plants during winter. This is because excess fertilizer will accumulate in the soil.

3. Repot once in a year or two

Repotting is necessary to protect your plants from rootbound problems. A rootbound Monstera plant can’t absorb the nutrients and water it needs to thrive. Therefore, you must keep your plant happy by repotting it after every two years.

Use a pot 2 inches wider and deeper than the previous pot when repotting. Remember, the root’s comfort determines the plant’s growth. Also, change the potting mix. Your plants deserve some fresh well-draining soil.

You can check the best moss pole for monstera to support your plant. Monsteras grown on a moss pole stand a better chance to grow large leaves and develop better fenestrations.

4. Clean or dust the leaves

Regular cleaning is necessary for healthy Monstera plants. Remember, the plant’s leaves are responsible for the photosynthesis process.

Therefore, if the leaves are dusty, the leaves may not be able to exchange the gasses required for photosynthesis.

If you leave the dust on the leaves for a long time, you encourage pests from infesting the plant. So, cleaning off the dust with a soft cloth is best.  

5. Use the best soil when potting and repotting

Choosing the best soil is necessary for the plant’s growth. So, soil that is well draining and at the same time retains moisture is ideal for your Monstera plants.

I recommend you use potting soil rich in nutrients and contains ingredients like peat moss and perlite. This is because peat moss helps retain moisture, and perlite provides easier drainage.  

6. Check on temperature and humidity levels

Since the Monsteras are tropical plants, they love 50% and above humidity levels. So, as a houseplant parent, you must mimic the tropical conditions to keep your Monstera plants happy. The ideal thing is to mist the leaves weekly to help them retain moisture. 

Better yet, you can get a humidifier or a pebble tray to balance the humidity levels in your home. Another factor to consider is the temperature.

Monstera plants thrive in a temperature range of 60-85℉. The plants may survive temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit but will become dormant. 

7. Prune any dead or infected leaves

Dead leaves will only use up the plant’s energy needed to grow new leaves. Again, leaving an infected leaf on the plant is not safe for the other leaves. The result will be spreading diseases to the other leaves and, eventually, the entire plant. 

For these reasons, it’s best to prune off any dead or infected leaves. Remember to use sharp and sterilized tools when pruning.  

8. Water the plants regularly

As we all know, water is life for all living things. Monstera plants will keep healthy and strong when receiving the right amount of water.

These perennial plants do not love sitting in stagnant water or soggy soil. Soggy soil results in root rot problems exposing the plant to more danger. 

Therefore, you must water your Monstera plants at least once a week. Also, avoid leaving your plants to run dry.

To determine whether to water your plants, use your finger to check the soil’s dryness. If the soil is dry past two inches, it’s time to water the plants.

Do Monstera Plants Die of Old Age? 

Yes, Monstera plants die of old age. These plants are considered heirloom plants because they are among the longest-living indoor plants ever.

However, all living things die, and so does Monstera. At old age, the Monstera can no longer generate the energy it requires for growth.

Eventually, the leaves die, and the process extends to the entire plant. 


How hard is it to keep a Monstera alive?

Monsteras are among the low-maintenance houseplants suitable for any beginner houseplant parent. These are one of the best indoor trees that don’t need sunlight – and will quickly adapt to low light conditions giving you fewer problems with placement. Also, these plants have thick stalks, which make them easy to propagate if you need more houseplants.  

Do Monstera ever stop growing?

Yes, Monsteras can stop growing due to some reasons. These could be; poor watering, over-fertilizing, poor lighting and temperature conditions, root bound problems, and pests and diseases. The good news is you can save the plants from these problems by practicing proper care.  

Can a Monstera plant live forever?

No, a Monstera can not live forever. Yes, the Monstera can live up to 40 years, but at some point, it will die. The leaves start to yellow, turn brown and eventually fall off. The stem will also weaken, and the entire plant will eventually die. 

How long does Monstera take to grow?

With the right conditions, such as light, water, temperature, and humidity, the Monstera will take about a year to grow to 1-2 feet tall. Additionally, a Monstera will take 2 to 3 years to mature fully. 

How big do Monstera plants get?

How big a Monstera can get depends heavily on where it’s planted. Indoor Monsteras can grow up to 8 feet tall and 2 feet wide. In their natural environment, Monsteras can grow up to 12 feet tall and have been determined to extend to 60 feet tall. 

Is Monstera a good indoor plant?

Yes, Monstera is a great indoor plant. It’s a popular choice for indoor gardening because it’s relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a range of indoor environments.


As you can see, monstera plants are incredibly robust. With proper care and maintenance, they can make beautiful additions to your home décor for several years.

Remember, the environment these plants live in significantly affects how long they last.

So, if you plan to have your monstera in your home for many years, ensure you give them enough love, light, humidity, and plenty of nutrients!

Keep up with regular check-ups and follow the tips discussed in this article for your monstera plant to enjoy a long life in your indoor garden.

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