How Long Does it Take a Monstera Leaf to Unfurl?

How Long Does it Take a Monstera Leaf to Unfurl Image

Are you as excited as we are to welcome the Monstera leaf into your home? Its unique shape and pattern makes for an eye-catching addition to any interior.

But how long does it take a monstera leaf to unfurl? Well, we’ll get to that in a jiffy.

It’s not uncommon for a new Monstera baby leaf to take months to open up and display its distinctive fenestrations fully. That’s right, months of watching and waiting! But don’t worry, you can do a few things to help speed up the process.

This post explores all aspects of growing, caring for, and helping your Monstera leaf unfurl. From providing the ideal environment to understanding the dos and don’ts,  here’s what it takes to achieve fully unfurled Monstera leaves.

About Monstera Plants

If you’ve seen Monsteras, you know that their giant, perforated leaves make them an absolute standout.

Monstera plants belong to the Araceae family and are native to Central America. They are tropical climbers that mainly grow in the wild, attaching themselves to trees with aerial roots.

Monstera in the wild can have incredibly large foliage – sometimes reaching heights up to 30 feet. But when they are cultivated in pots as house plants, they tend not to grow slower.

So what’s the deal with Monstera leaves? How long does it take for those leaves to open up?

Why Do Some Plants Curl their Leaves When Young?

Have you ever come across a Monstera plant with leaves already unfurled and spread out to the sides? It’s a thing of beauty and something most of us strive to achieve with the plants we bring home.

But how did they get there? The answer lies in why some house plants curl their leaves when young.

When plants are in their infancy, they guard their delicate structures by curling inwards. This is vital in:

  • Preventing direct sunlight from damaging them,
  • Keeping them safe from insects like spider mites, and
  • Conserving water during dry periods.

As the leaves begin to mature, they start to uncurl and spread out. This process is known as ‘unfurling.’

Remember, young Monstera leaves may also curl up when stressed or exposed to too much direct sunlight or dry air. Always ensure your plant is in the right environment so it can unfurl at its own pace.

How Long Does It Take Monstera Leaves To Unfurl?

You may be wondering just how long it takes for a Monstera leaf to unfurl. The answer varies, but generally, you can expect to see visible progress within 1 to 6 weeks of your Monstera sprouting.

That said, depending on the variety and conditions, it can take anywhere from one to seven months for a complete unfurling.

Factors To Consider

The young leaves of Monsteras are typically encased in spathes (sheaths), which act like a protective layer until they are ready to unfurl. A few factors affect the time it takes for these leaves to unfurl. Some of them include:

  1. Varieties: Different Monstera varieties have different growth rates and maturation times. This plays an important role in how fast your leaf will start to show its full potential.
  2. Lighting: Leaves that receive more light tend to unfold faster than those in darker locations.
  3. Temperature: Warmer temperatures generally speed up unfurling, while cooler weather slows the process considerably. The optimal temperature range is 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything too high or too low could stunt the growth process and delay the plant’s maturation rate.
  4. Humidity: Plants in higher humidity environments tend to unfold their leaves quicker than those in drier climates.
  5. Water: As with any plant, adequate watering is essential to ensure speedy leaf unfolding.
  6. Soil Conditions: Poor soil conditions may also hinder your leaf’s maturation rate. Make sure your soil is well-drained and nutrient-rich for optimal results.

Reasons Monstera Leaves Take Too Long to Unfurl

There are several reasons why Monstera leaves may take so long to unfurl. Here are some of the most common explanations:

1. Overwatering

Excess soil moisture can lead to salt build-up, which can slow down the growth rate of Monstera leaves. Additionally, overwatering can cause root rot, which can lead to leaf loss – so it’s best to water your plant sparingly.

2. Underwatering

If you don’t water your Monstera plant often enough, the leaves won’t be able to grow and unfurl as quickly as they should. Water is vital for leaf growth, so make sure you give your plant enough of it.

3. Insufficient or Too Much Sunlight

Monstera leaves grow best in indirect sunlight – insufficient sunshine can result in slower leaf development. Consider moving your plant to a sunnier window if it’s receiving insufficient sunlight.

On the flip side, too much sunshine will affect Monstera leaves negatively. Always monitor your plant and practice perfect placement to ensure just enough sunlight.

4. Dehydration

Monsteras prefer moderately wet soil. Dehydration is a common cause of slow leaf unfurling. Give your plant a good drink every now and then, and that should help get things moving.

5. Excess/Insufficient Fertilizers

Too much or too little fertilizer can affect the speed at which Monstera leaves unfurl.

Give your plant just the right amount – not too little or too much – and you should be on the road to enjoying big beautiful leaves soon enough.

6. Using Inappropriate Water

It is well-known that Monsteras do not like chlorinated water. When exposed to chlorine, Monstera will develop brown leaves. Chlorinated water will also slow down the plant’s growth.

If you live in an area with chlorinated tap water, it is important to take measures to remove the chlorine before watering your plant. There are a few easy ways to do this:

  • Let the water sit out for 24 hours before watering your plant. This will allow the chlorine to evaporate from the water.
  • Use a water filtration system to remove the chlorine from your water before watering your plant.
  • Use distilled or rainwater to water your plant.

Double-check the water you use on your soil if you notice browning Monstera leaves and slow growth.

7. Wrong Soil pH

Monsteras prefer slightly acidic soil, around 5.5 to 7 on the pH scale. If the soil is too alkaline or too acidic, it can cause the leaves to unfurl slowly or not at all.

Soil pH is an important factor to consider when growing monsteras (or any plant, for that matter). If you’re not sure of your soil’s pH, you can test it with a simple pH test kit.

Once you know the your soil’s pH, you can adjust it accordingly to provide your monstera plant with the perfect environment for optimal growth.

8. Too Much Wind

Slow unfurling in monstera leaves can be caused by several environmental factors, but wind is often the most overlooked cause.

While a little breeze is essential for healthy monstera growth, too much wind can damage leaves and cause them to unfurl slowly.

If you live in an area with high winds, you can help protect your monstera by planting it in wind-sheltered spot or creating a windbreak around it.

To help monstera leaves unfurl more quickly, you can give the plant extra humidity by misting its leaves or setting it on a pebble tray.

You can also try moving the plant to a warmer spot, as warm temperatures will help speed up the unfurling process. Try one of these remedies if your monstera plant exhibits slow unfurling.

How Do You Help Uncurl Monstera Leaves?

Although Monstera deliciosa leaves can take up to 6 weeks to uncurl, fortunately, you can give them a helping hand.

i. Temperature & Humidity

The two main factors that play a role in leaf uncurling are temperature and humidity. Since Monsteras are native to tropical forests, it’s best to replicate their natural environment.

Choose a warm, partially shaded spot that’s not too dry. If it’s too hot, mist the leaves regularly with a spray bottle to increase the humidity levels.

ii. Water

Watering is vital in achieving a healthy and vibrant Monstera plant. It’s best to water deeply but infrequently. If possible, use soil moisture meters so you know when your Monstera needs watering.

Too much water can cause leaf yellowing and root rot, so make sure the soil is well drained before watering it again.

iii. Bright Indirect Light

If your plant is in the right temperature and humidity range, it should start to uncurl in a couple of weeks. To give things a boost, move it closer to the window – but not directly into the sun’s rays.

Bright indirect sunlight encourages photosynthesis uncurling your Monstera leaves much faster.

Do Monstera Leaves Grow Bigger Post-unfurling

Naturally, after a Monstera leaf unfurls, it continues to grow larger. This is because the unfurled leaf then starts its photosynthetic task of collecting energy and CO2 to produce its own food.

This adds a unique element to Monstera plants. Often, you’ll see a plant with a new leaf and old leaves side-by-side, with the new leaf looking much bigger than the old one.

Depending on environmental factors like humidity and lighting levels – a leaf could continue to grow for up to several months.

Pretty cool, right? However, there are some important things to learn about this process:

  1. The size of the leaf when it first unfurls doesn’t equate to how large it will when it matures- so don’t expect a humongous leaf right off the bat.
  2. Don’t ever try to force your Monstera’s leaves open by pulling them apart—this can damage the plant and stunt its growth.
  3. The more mature your Monstera plant gets, the more likely it is that some of its older leaves will develop yellow spots to make room for new growth.

All in all, if you take care of your Monstera and provide optimal growth conditions- you’ll put on a smile as your leaves grow bigger over time.

Why is My Monstera Leaf Browning Before Unfurling?

You may be wondering why your Monstera deliciosa is browning before unfurling. This could be due to a few factors, so let’s look.

Too Much Water

First, cut back on the watering—while Monstera plants are hearty and like moisture, overwatering can cause browning and wilting.

Water lightly– only when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch–and avoid excess humidity. You can also add a drainage hole in your plant pot to eliminate excess water.

Environmental Issues

Changes in environmental conditions can also cause brown monstera leaves before unfurling. A plant under intense sunshine or colder temperatures may fail to adapt faster and display signs of distress.

To avoid such, keep your Monstera deliciosa in a spot with bright indirect sunlight. These tropical plant also loves warm temperatures and moderate humidity.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Finally, if your Monstera is lacking key nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium, it might start displaying signs of nutrient deficiency– e.g., yellow/brown plant leaves before unfurling. 

Consider adding fertilizer at half strength every couple of weeks during the active growing season (spring-summer) to give it an extra boost.

So there you have it—three potential causes of browning before unfurling in Monstera plant leaves.

What Growth Conditions Do Monsteras Like?

Monstera plants are quite particular when it comes to their growing conditions. You need to provide the right environment to unfurl the leaves of this topical plant successfully.


When it comes to temperature, Monsteras thrive in a range of 65-85⁰F. Extreme temperatures (too cold or hot) can cause their leaves to turn yellow and drop—so you’ll want to move the plant away from a drafty window or direct sunlight.


To achieve healthy Monstera growth and unfurling, keep humidity levels at 40-70%. Low humidity will result in crispy leaf tips, so look for signs of wilting and use a humidifier if needed.

Soil and Fertilizer

Monstera plants like soil that is rich in humus with moderate drainage capabilities. When it comes to fertilizer, go for Nitrogen-rich types and apply sparingly once every two months. 

That said, being mindful of these environmental factors will ensure your Monstera leaves unfurl gracefully without hiccups.

How to Speed Up Monstera Leaf Unfurling

Ready to get those Monstera leaves unfurling as soon as possible? If so, here are a few tips you can use to speed up the process:

Increase Humidity

Monstera plants love the rainforest-like humidity (ranging between 50-70%), so try misting your leaves or setting up a humidifier if you can. This will help keep them from drying out—and speed up the growth process.

Adjust Watering Frequency

Your watering habits can make or break your Monstera. Too little water and the plant will struggle to unfurl its new leaves. But too much and it could drown. Aim for a moderate moisture level– as a rule of thumb; water only when the soil is dry.

Spot and Kill Insects and Bugs

Insects and bugs love Monsteras but they can cause disease and affect plant growth. Always look out for signs of pests and eliminate them with natural insecticides. This will prevent further damage to the plant—and help it focus on growth instead.

Cut Back on Nitrogen Fertilizers

Nitrogen fertilizers help with leaf growth, but too much of it can slow down leaf unfurling in Monstera. Aim for a healthy balance to give your plant steady nourishment without any negative side effects.

Adjust Temperatures

Monstera plants thrive in temperatures between 18-27°C (65-80°F). If your home temperature isn’t ideal, move the plant to another room to provide optimal conditions for uncurling.

Will My Monstera Leaves Split After Uncurling?

After uncurling, your Monstera deliciosa plant will begin splitting its leaves. This is a common occurrence and isn’t anything to worry about.

Why does this happen? 

Well, Monstera plants are climbers by nature, so their leaves have adapted over time. Monstera delicosa leaves “split” to help the plant grasp surfaces for support since it can’t produce tendrils like most other climbers.

Plus, the splitting allows for increased light absorption—resulting in better photosynthesis for maximum growth. In a nutshell, a split after unfurling does all good and no harm to your Monstera.

How To Care For Your Leaf Splits

That being said, here are a few tips for taking care of those beautiful splits:

  • Make sure the plant has enough humidity; Monsteras struggle in low humidity environments.
  • Don’t over water your Monstera; make sure the soil has a chance to dry out between watering sessions and check drainage holes before watering.
  • Feed your plant with high quality fertilizers at least twice a year.

Following these simple steps will ensure precise Monstera deliciosa splits and encourage healthy plant growth.

Why You Should Avoid Manual Unfurling of Monstera Leaves

You may not know this yet, but you should never attempt to physically unfurl a Monstera leaf. While you may be tempted to speed up the process, it can harm the plant and even cause permanent damage.

Here are three reasons to avoid physical leaf unfurling:

1. Leaf Distortion

It can be tempting to stretch out the leaves physically after waiting for weeks or months. However, forcing the leaves open before the plant is ready may cause distortion. In the worst cases, the affected leaves will fail to achieve their signature shape when fully grown.

2. Shock To The Plant

It’s okay to relocate your Monstera to a brighter or warmer spot, but you must be cautious when moving your plant.

A sudden change in environment can shock your Monstera and cause stress. This can stunt your plant’s growth, lead to dropping leaves, or make it susceptible to disease.

3. Heat Damage

Forcing open a Monstera leaf generates heat. This heat can weaken the plant’s cell walls and cause irreparable damage. 

So next time you’re tempted to give your Monstera some extra TLC—resist and let unfurl naturally. Eventually, you’ll wind up with a beautiful plant dawned with magnificent foliage.

The Benefits of Including Monstera in Your Interior Design

Monsteras come in various colors and shapes that make them a great conversation-starter in any space. 

Here are the many ways to use Monstera for your interior design.

  • First, its signature lobed leaf edges create an interesting texture that stands out against a white backdrop. 
  • Next, the perfect Monstera plant can create an eye-catching corner in your living room—or serve as a statement plant.
  • Monstera foliages can also create a privacy screen or a natural background for a photoshoot. 
  • Lastly, Monsteras are durable enough to handle sun and shade, so feel free to move the plant around the house if you want to give it a new view.

Whether you’re an experienced plant parent or a budding enthusiast, a Monstera is an excellent addition to your home. 

With patience and enough plant care, your Monstera will blossom with lush leaves and make your space livelier. So get ready to watch your leaf uncurl, and enjoy the beautiful view.


How do you fix a stuck Monstera Leaf?

If you have a stuck Monstera leaf, don’t worry – there are a few things you can do to fix the problem. Often, the cause of a stuck leaf is simply that the plant is too dry. Make sure you’re watering your Monstera regularly and giving it enough humidity. If the plant is still not unfurling, you can try misting it with warm water or using a humidifier.

How do you tell when to water Monstera?

Overwatering can cause root rot and other problems, while underwatering can cause the leaves to yellow and drop off. So how can you tell when your Monstera houseplant needs water? If the leaves are starting to droop, that’s a good indicator that the plant needs water. You can also check the soil by sticking your finger into it. If you find dry soil, that means it’s time to water the plant.

Should I remove Monstera leaves that damage before they unfurl?

The Monstera is known for its large, glossy leaves. However, the plant can also produce smaller leaves that are damaged before they even unfurl. So, should you remove them? The answer may depend on the severity of the damage and your personal preferences. If the leaves are only slightly damaged, you can leave them on the plant. However, if the leaves are severely damaged or appear unsightly, you may want to remove them.


Now that you know how long it takes for Monstera to unfurl, you can watch your leaves unfold in all their glory.

As you wait, remember that slower is better —you don’t want to rush the process and stunt your plant’s growth.

Between watering frequency and fertilizing, proper positioning and temperature, you have all the elements to help your Monstera plant grow.

And now that you know the time frame, all you have to do is offer a little plant care and watch your greens uncurl.

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