Monstera Borsigiana Vs Deliciosa

Monstera Borsigiana Vs Deliciosa Image

You’ve been thinking of spicing up your living room’s ambience with the beautiful fenestrations of a Monstera plant.

You are looking at either the Monstera Borsigiana or the Monstera deliciosa. But can you tell the difference between the two plants?

These two plant species belong to the same genus and have a striking resemblance. In fact, nursery vendors end up mislabeling them. But both plants are different.

So, to keep you from taking the wrong plant home, keep on reading. We have discussed in detail Monstera Borsigiana vs deliciosa.

Is Monstera Borsigiana the Same as Monstera Deliciosa?

No, both plant species are different. They belong to the same genus Monstera but have some distinct features. To determine the main difference between the two plants, look at their Geniculum. The Monstera Borsigiana has a plain and straight Geniculum. On the other hand, Monstera deliciosa has a more wrinkled Geniculum.

What is Monstera Borsigiana?

The Monstera Borsigiana as Monstera deliciosa var. borsigiana is a cultiva from the Monstera deliciosa. It is also known as the Swiss Cheese plant or a split-leaf Philodendron. Furthermore, it is the most popular houseplant known for its beautiful fenestrated leaves.

In its native habitat, the Monstera Borsigiana uses its aerial roots to climb trees. And it can grow up to a height of 50 feet (15 meters). When grown indoors, the Monstera Borsigiana can reach a height of 10 feet.

The Monstera Borsigiana is famous for its large dark green fenestrated leaves. But recently, variegation is the new practice among owners.

Monstera Borsigiana Image

Here are the varieties of the variegated Monstera Borsigiana:

  • Monstera Borsigiana Albo Variegata. This is one of the rarest and most expensive variegations of the Monstera Borsigiana. The leaves can either have white stripes or can be all white. 
  • Monstera Borsigiana Variegata- Dark green leaves with splashes of lime green.
  • Monstera Borsigiana Aurea- Dark green leaves with strikes of golden or yellow variegations. 

What is Monstera Deliciosa?

The Monstera deliciosa is a Monstera genus native to tropical southern Mexico. On that note, you can understand where the name ‘deliciosa’ originates. The name ‘deliciosa’ is a Latin word meaning delicious, referring to a tasty fruit. 

Monstera deliciosa has large dark green glossy leaves. The leaves color changes as the plants grow. When young, the leaves are white and pale yellow. As they mature, they become dark green.

As mentioned, the species derives its name from a Latin word referring to a tasty fruit. The Monstera deliciosa has edible fruits that taste like a mix of pineapple, mango, and banana. However, the species only develops fruits when in its natural habitat.

The case is opposite with the Monstera deliciosa grown at home as houseplants. One crucial factor you need to know is that Monstera deliciosa fruit is toxic when unripe.  

Some common varieties of variegated Monstera deliciosa:

  • Monstera deliciosa ‘Thai Constellation’ – This variety has splashes of creamy yellow or white on its leaves, along with irregularly shaped holes.
  • Monstera deliciosa ‘Albo Variegata’ – This variety has leaves with white variegation, which can range from small splashes to large blocks of white.
  • Monstera deliciosa ‘Borsigiana Variegata’ – This variety is similar to the ‘Albo Variegata’ but has smaller leaves with more compact variegation.
  • Monstera deliciosa ‘Variegata Aurea’ – This variety has yellow variegation on its leaves, giving it a unique and striking appearance.
  • Monstera deliciosa ‘Mint monstera‘ – This variety has leaves with light green variegation, which creates a minty appearance.
Monstera deliciosa Image

What are the Differences Between Monstera Borsigiana and Monstera deliciosa?

There are some notable distinct features between the Monstera deliciosa and Monstera Borsigiana. Here are monstera deliciosa vs Borsigiana distinctive features. 

Monstera deliciosa var. BorsigianaMonstera deliciosa
Small leavesBig leaves
Normal GeniculumWrinkly Geniculum
Faster growth rate Grows slower
The stem structure has more space between nodes- Thinner stems  Stem structure has less space between nodes- Thicker stems
Cheaper Expensive 
Has less fenestrations The leaves are more fenestrated 
Asymmetric Almost target

1. Stem Structure 

One of the distinct features of both plant species is their stem structures. Here, you need to look at the space between the species’ stem nodes. The Monstera deliciosa var. Borsigiana has more space between the nodes, unlike the Monstera deliciosa. 

For that reason, you’ll notice the Monstera Borsigiana growing faster and neater..

2. Leaf Size 

Another obvious distinct factor you should look out for is the leaf size. Both Monstera deliciosa and Borsigiana species have different leaf sizes.

When you look at the Monstera deliciosa leaves, you’ll notice that the leaves are larger than the Borsigiana.

The leaves of the monstera deliciosa grow up to 3 feet. The Borsigiana leaves, on the other hand, grow up to only 1.6 feet. As you can see, the Borsigiana leaf size is almost half the size of the Monstera deliciosa leaf.   

3. Geniculum

The Geniculum connects the plant leaf to the stem. When you look at both the plant species, you’ll note a difference in their Geniculum. The Monstera Borsigiana has a normal Geniculum, while the Monstera deliciosa has a wrinkly Geniculum.

At their early stages, you might find it challenging to differentiate them by their Geniculum. But as they mature, it will be easier.  

4. Growth Habit

Both Monstera deliciosa and Borsigiana plant species have different growth rate and habits. The Monstera deliciosa grows slowly as compared to the Borsigiana. It grows to a height of 2 feet in a year, while the Borsigiana grows to a height of 2.5 feet. 

Again, you can also note the differences by looking at their growth patterns when still young. A young Monstera deliciosa grows horizontally, crawling on the ground, while a young Borsigiana climbs upwards and vertically. 

The Borsigiana’s growth pattern is stable and less dramatic, unlike the Monstera deliciosa. Also, since Borsigiana is a climbing plant, you can use a moss pole to stabilize its growth pattern.    

5. Price 

When doing your survey, the Monstera plants’ pricing can help you tell the difference. This factor may not be scientific, but it can help determine the difference. Because the Monstera deliciosa is much more desirable, it tends to be pricier than the Borsigiana.  

Again, the other reason that makes Monstera deliciosa expensive is that it grows slower and is rare. Ideally, monstera price range differs in most stores. A Monstera deliciosa may range from $20-$100, while you can get a Monstera Borsigiana as low as $10. 

6. Notch symmetry

Notch symmetry is where the leaf attaches to the stem. Although this is not a major distinguishing factor, it can still help. The Monstera Borsigiana leaf attachment to the stem is much more asymmetric. On the other hand, the Monstera deliciosa’s have an almost target attachment to the stem.

7. Hole

We all know Monstera plants for their leaf fenestrations. And, the fenestrations differ from one species to the next. Hence, you can use this factor to determine the difference between the two plants. 

The Monstera Borsigiana has fewer holes and splits, which appear even. But, the Monstera deliciosa has more fenestrations and splits, which are uneven. The downside is Monstera plants develop holes when they mature. So you can’t use this factor when the plants are still young. 

What are the Similarities between Monstera Borsigiana Var and Monstera Deliciosa Var?

The Monstera Borsigiana and Monstera deliciosa may differ, but they share some similarities since they belong to the genus Monstera species. They include

Structure of the leaf

One of the primary similarities between the Monstera deliciosa and Monstera Borsigiana is the structure of their leaves. Both plants have dark green leaves with edges that appear cut with scissors. Also, their leaves have a semi-round or oval shape. 

Additionally, they both develop fenestrations once they mature. These holes quickly adapt to environmental changes giving the plants a longer lifespan.  

Leaf Shape

The Monstera deliciosa and Monstera Borsigiana species have a similar leaf shape, making them members of the same genus. Much as their leaves differ in size, they both have heart-shaped leaves. In that case, the widest part of the leaves flows from the base touching to the tip. 

The heart shape is maintained despite the leaves having fenestrations that stretch to the leaf edges. For this reason, these plants remain one of the most popular house plants of all time. 

Root Structure 

Monstera Borsigiana and Monstera deliciosa possess the same root system. Let’s look at some of the key features of their root systems:

Aerial roots 

Both Monstera deliciosa and Borsigiana species produce long, dangling aerial roots that emerge from the stem or the base of the plant. These aerial roots help the plant to climb and anchor itself to trees. Also, the aerial roots make it easy for the plants to absorb moisture, take up nutrients, and exchange gas.

Adventitious roots

In addition to the aerial roots, both Monstera plants also produce adventitious roots. They also emerge from the plant’s stem or base and grow into the soil. These roots help to anchor the plant in place and absorb nutrients and water from the soil.

Aggressive growth 

Both Monstera Borsigiana and Monstera deliciosa have vigorous growth. This means they can quickly become large if given enough space to grow. So, repotting is essential to prevent monstera rootbound problems. 

Sensitivity to overwatering

Both the Monstera plants’ root systems are sensitive to overwatering. This is because overwatering can lead to root rot and other problems. The plants prefer well-draining soil. So, watering them when the top inch of the soil is dry is essential.


Monstera deliciosa and Monstera Borsigiana are toxic to humans and pets if ingested. This is because they have insoluble calcium oxalates.

The Calcium Oxalate crystals in these species can cause oral and skin irritation in humans and pets. Additionally, the calcium oxalate can cause digestive upset leading to diarrhea and vomiting. 

So as a houseplant parent, you need to be careful not to ingest the sap from the plants. Also, keep the plants out of children’s and pets’ reach. 

Tips to Care for Both Species

1. Lighting

Monstera Deliciosa and M. Borsigiana care both require bright, indirect light to thrive.

Position your Monstera in a warm spot with indirect light. Keep it a few feet away from direct light sources to avoid scorching of leaves.

Enable 8-10 hours of optimal lighting per day and provide diffused sunlight when close to windows. 

For further growth, use LED grow lights for 10-12 hours daily. Rotate the plant every fortnight for consistent light exposure.

2. Temperature

Monstera plants will thrive in tropical areas with USDA climate zones 11b to 12. 

For best results, keep the temperature between 55-80°F (12.7-26.7°C). Avoid air conditioners/heaters and cold drafts.

Protect plant from frost by covering it with a blanket or placing it atop a heating pad. Insulate potting mix with dry pine mulch for extra protection. Place monsteras near an east or west-facing window for indirect light.

 3. Humidity

Monsteras need 50% humidity to thrive, with a tolerance for typical home humidity levels. Measure and monitor those levels using hygrometers, use electric humidifiers and misting for extra moisture when temperatures rise.

Signs of low humidity include brittle/crinkly leaves, wilting/drooping, yellow leaves and poor growth rate. 

Signs of too high humidity – fungus/mold growth, pests & leaf spot diseases and stunted growth.

4. Watering 

Water Monsteras every 1-2 weeks during the growing season, reducing this to twice a month in autumn and winter. 

Test soil moisture with a meter or finger before watering. Remember that moist soil has a rich dark hue, while dry soil takes on a light greyish shade. 

Use lukewarm distilled or rainwater; deep water thoroughly when parched, and place on pebble tray for quick rehydration.

Overwatering symptoms include yellow leaves, wilting/drooping, root rot and stem decay. Underwatered plants show crinkled/curling leaves, discoloration and stunted growth.

5. Fertilizer 

Nourish your Monstera with a balanced liquid fertilizer (NPK 20:20:20 or 10:10:10) during the blooming months.

Use granular or slow-release fertilizer every three months, but keep it 6″ away from the base to avoid overfeeding and root burn.

To apply, mix the liquid plant food with an equal amount of water for a 1:1 ratio. 

6. Soil

Monstera enjoys a well-draining, slightly acidic potting mix (5.6 to 6.5 pH) with organic substrates like perlite, pumice, and peat moss.

Avoid compost or orchid bark. For best results, use a specially formulated Monstera soil mix.

7. Propagation

Monstera lechleriana plants only need to be pruned once they have matured. Prune the plant 1-2 times during the growing season by cutting off the top and any rotten foliage using sanitized scissors/shears.

Propagation is easily done at home with minimal supplies – a sharp knife or scissors, rooting hormone, soil or water, trays/containers, and plastic bags (optional).

To start, cut 4-6 inch stems that contain one or more leaves from the main plant and wait for callous formation before transferring them into potting mix.

Root cuttings in soil or water. And allow them to reach 2 inches before transplanting. Use fungicide and rooting hormone on cut end before planting in soil.

Leave them for 2-3 months before beginning maintenance and upkeep. Transplant into larger container to allow roots to grow.

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What is the size of Monstera Borsigiana?

The Monstera Borsigiana can grow up to a height of 7 feet. However, there are cases where the plant can reach up to 10 feet. Additionally, the leaves of a Monstera Borsigiana are smaller and can grow up to 1.6 feet which is half the size of the Monstera deliciosa leaves.

Is Monstera Borsigiana rare?

No, Monstera Borsigiana is not considered a rare Monstera species. This is because it’s a widely cultivated and popular species of Monstera. And is often found in garden centers, nurseries, and online plant stores. However, the plant’s availability depends on the time of the year and location.

How to identify monstera deliciosa

Look at the stem structure, leaf size, and Geniculum. A monstera deliciosa has large dark green leaves with more fenestrations, usually 3 feet tall. The stem of the Monstera deliciosa has nodes that are a lot closer. Finally, the Monstera deliciosa has a more wrinkled geniculum.

Does Monstera Borsigiana have holes?

Yes. Monstera Borsigiana has holes in its leaves, also called leaf fenestrations. In cultivation, these holes can vary in size and shape. This all depends on the individual plant and growing conditions. Some Monstera Borsigiana plants may have large, dramatic splits in their leaves. And some may have smaller holes.

What is the difference between small form and large form Monstera deliciosa?

Small form Monstera deliciosa leaves have rounder, heart-shaped leaves. On the other hand, small form Monstera deliciosa has oval-shaped leaves.

Does Monstera Borsigiana have fruits?

Yes, Monstera Borsigiana can produce fruits in its natural habitat. However, the case is very rare when grown as a houseplant. The fruit of the Monstera Borsigiana is a greenish-white, spiky, cone-shaped structure that can grow up to 10 inches in length.

Typically the fruit is inedible as it is considered less flavorful and palatable.

Why is ​​variegated Monstera plant expensive?

Variegated Monstera plants are expensive because they are uncommon and rare. Again, the Monstera plant takes longer to reach maturity when grown as an indoor plant.

This makes the mature Monsteras much more expensive than the juvenile plants. Additionally, Monstera’s popularity also makes it expensive because the demand is high hence hiking the price.

Examples of these expensive variegated Monstera plants include the Variegated Monstera Deliciosa, Half Moon Monstera and the Thai Constellation.

Final Thoughts: Monstera Borsigiana Vs Deliciosa

In conclusion, Monstera Borsigiana, and Monstera deliciosa are the same plant species. They both share many similarities in their leaf and root structure. However, they also have some notable differences.

Both Monstera Borsigiana and Monstera deliciosa are distinct species. The major distinguishing feature is their Geniculum, among others listed in the article.

In general, both Monstera Borsigiana and Monstera deliciosa are beautiful and unique plants. They can make a striking addition to any indoor space.

Interesting Read: Monstera Deliciosa Vs Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma

1 thought on “Monstera Borsigiana Vs Deliciosa”

  1. I have a young monstera variegated that was given to me so currently the distinguishing factor is the node spacing?


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