Monstera Dubia Care Guide

Monstera dubia care Image

Do you feel like you’re ready to take the plunge and bring a Monstera Dubia into your home? 

Although they may look intimidating, these little house plants are surprisingly low-maintenance – they just need some tender loving care to grow tall and strong. 

Read on for our top tips on the Monstera Dubia care guide for its unique beauty. We guarantee that with just a few simple steps, your Monstera Dubia will thrive in its new environment. 

So let’s get going; gathering some soil, potting it up, and learning about optimal watering schedules is all part of having an attractive houseplant in the family.

You got this!

Scientific nameMonstera Kunth
Other namesShingle plant
Native habitatSouth and Central America
Growth zoneUSDA 9b to 11
Plant typePerennial
Growth size3 ft. tall indoors, 10 ft. tall outdoors
Growth rateRelatively fast-growing
LeavesSmall, heart-shaped leaves, speckled with both light and dark green
FloweringOnly flower when they mature
FruitingSpadix fruiting
ToxicityToxic to pets
Common pestsSpider mites, Brown scales
DiseasesRoot rots, Bacterial leaf spot                                                                                                                        

What is Monstera Dubia

Monstera dubia plant is one of the monstera genus that belongs to the Araceae family. This plant, also known as the shingle plant, is native to tropical rainforest regions of Mexico, Central America, and South America. 

It is a creeping vine popular for its large, dark green leaves, which can grow up to 3 ft. tall and 10 ft. outdoors. Its leaves are small, heart-shaped leaves, speckled with both light and dark green. 

When you care for it accordingly, the plant grows relatively fast and can produce large, deep green clusters of leaves.

How Do You Identify a Monstera Dubia?

To identify a young M.Dubia, check the leaves, stem, and roots. The leaves are slightly small and heart-shaped in a lime green color or dark green variegation. You will also notice a few holes and splits on the leaves of juvenile plants. Since the plant is still developing, the stems are slightly thick in green color. 

A mature M. Dubia has heart-shaped leaves, although they are bigger compared to young monstera. The Mature leaves have a glossy green color split into two distinct parts. Besides, as the plant grows in height, the leaves lay flat on the moss pole. Another identical feature is tiny aerial roots on the stem, plus the plant produces fruits and seeds.

Variegated dubia leaves have stunning patches of white and green color. This situation is caused by the alteration of chloroplasts of plants which are responsible for harnessing energy from sunlight.

Monstera Dubia Care Needs

1. Lighting

If you own a Dubia Monstera, it is important to keep in mind that it is a rainforest plant. Therefore, it does not like exposure to sunlight directly and instead prefers to climb large plants using its aerial roots to access more light. 

When choosing the right lighting for your plant, bright to medium indirect light is best. For optimal growing conditions and health, the plant needs 8-10 hours of daily lighting. 

Alternatively, you could purchase an LED grow light for 10-12 hours daily instead. 

Signs Your Monstera Dubia Needs More Light

Stunted growth is one of the first signs of insufficient light. The leaves may become discolored, have dark brown spots, or could even be yellow.

The soil takes longer to dry as the plant does not receive enough light to evaporate the water efficiently.

If your houseplant looks leggy or stretched out, it could be due to a lack of light – this is because the plant’s stems are stretching out in search of more.

Lighting your monstera image

How to Maximize Light Exposure?

  • Consider covering windows with light fabric curtains to filter the sun’s rays.
  • Position any artificial lights 4-5 feet away.
  • Place the pot on a rotating tray or platform to ensure each side of the plant receives adequate sunlight.
  • Keep the plant away from drafty windows or vents. 
  • If you keep your Monstera on a garden shelf or any other elevated surface, use a shade cloth to prevent direct sunlight from falling on it.
  • Place the plant in a warm and sunny spot such as a patio, balcony, or near a south-facing window.

2. Watering

To ensure proper health of your M. Dubia, it is important to monitor its water intake. To keep the plant healthy, it is important to ensure it does not receive too much or too little water. The plant does not die even if the soil dries once in a while. 

Make sure to inspect the surface for dryness, then water your Monstera dubia when the top few inches, and provide adequate watering if needed.

With this knowledge, you will be able to accurately determine how much water your Monstera Dubias require.

Using a moisture meter, you can quickly and easily evaluate optimal conditions for your plants, giving them the best chance at thriving in their environment. For optimal results, the moisture meter should read a value of 3-5. 

If you don’t have access to a moisture meter, the finger test or poke-a-stick method are both excellent alternatives. 

If your soil moisture level is lower than expected, add more water to the mix. Conversely, if it is higher than normal, let the dirt dry out before giving it another soak

When to water your monstera

To ensure your plants remain healthy and vibrant during the fertile growing seasons of spring and summer, water your monstera dubia once a week.

Proactively providing adequate hydration for your plant helps promote its lush and vibrant growth.

During the cold winter months, Monstera dubia requires substantially less water than usual. To ensure a healthy and thriving plant, provide only a small amount of water every two weeks until springtime arrives.

How to water Monstera Dubia

To make sure your plant is fully hydrated, water it until the soil is soaked through with either rainwater or distilled room-temperature water.

It is essential to prevent using mineralized or chloramine-treated water, as these may contain heavy amounts of minerals that could harm the plant’s health.

When watering your plants, be sure to pour slowly and allow each sip of water the chance to saturate the soil fully.

You’ll know that you’ve added enough water when it starts dripping out from the drainage outlets at the bottom of your pot. 

Cautiously waters the leaves of the plant to prevent interrupting its photosynthesis process.

Watering monstera dubia image

Signs of Underwatering

  • Wilted leaves
  • Discolored foliage
  • Dry and crispy leaves
  • Brittle stems or trunk 
  • Excessively dry soil 
  • Stunted growth

Signs of Overwatering

  • Root rot 
  • Leaf spots and blights 
  • Fungus gnats 
  • Drooping leaves 
  • Mushy stems or trunk 
  • Stunted growth

3. Temperature

Monstera dubia’s native habitat is a tropical climate with relatively high humidity levels and temperatures no lower than 64.4°F.

It grows happily indoors, though you need not to recreate the exact climate found in their natural environment.

In ideal conditions, M. Dubia prefers temperatures between 65-85°F. Keeping your plant at the lower end of this range is best and will help it to thrive.

It can tolerate slightly cooler temperatures, down to 64.4°F, but any lower than this could cause the plant harm.

Factors that affect temperature


During the winter months, use grow lights for your plants to maintain their health and nurture them year-round. You should shield your plant from frost and harsh winds during the cold season by bringing it indoors.


Where you place your dubia plant can significantly impact its temperature needs. For outdoor plants, the fluctuating temperatures between day and night can be quite harsh; however, if you keep your plant outdoors, it must bravely withstand these extreme elements.


To provide the proper humidity for your Monstera Dubias, you may need to mist them or employ a humidifier if the air is too dry.


Light is quickly and easily converted into heat, so too much light could lead to high temperatures, and too little could also lead to very low temperatures. 

See: Rhaphidophora Cryptantha Vs Monstera Dubia

Tips for Maintaining Optimal Temperature

  • Position your M.Dubia near an east-facing window to offer it ample bright indirect light. Early morning sunrays will glimmer, yet the plant won’t have to endure burning midday heat.
  • To ensure the health of your houseplant, keep it far away from air conditioners and heaters. Sudden temperature fluctuations caused by these items can have a damaging effect on plants. 
  • When temperatures fall below the 50°F threshold, it’s imperative to move your monstera closer to a grow light or shield it with frost blankets/plastic bags. 
  • During the scorching summer months, keep your plant in a cool, airy environment. Place it near an open window or fan to maintain temperate temperatures and ensure its continued health.

Signs your monstera dubia environment is too cold

  • Curled leaves. 
  • Yellowing on the leaves
  • Dark spots
  • Very minimal growth
  • The plant does not produce flowers
  • Falling leaves

Signs your monstera dubia temperature is too high

  • Wilting leaves
  • Dry leaves 
  • Discoloured leaves into yellow
  • Falling leaves
  • Sunburned leaves

4. Humidity

For Monstera Dubia plant to thrive, humidity levels of between 60% to 80% are the best. Luckily, it is likely that your home falls within the parameters. 

If you’re blessed with tropical weather in your area, there’s no need to go through the long process of sustaining a high humidity level, as they are among the tropical plants. 

To be sure, use a hygrometer to determine the humidity of your plant for optimal growth.

How to ensure the right humidity level?

Ensuring your plants are flourishing in a humid environment can be easily achieved by clustering them together. By utilizing this system, any moisture generated from one plant can be shared with the rest.

The best way to maintain the ideal humidity level is by investing in a hygrometer – an instrument that can measure and record readings accurately. Utilizing this guarantees, you never exceed or dip below the necessary thresholds.

Further, a humidifier is an excellent choice for keeping your humidity levels steady and consistent, while misting with a gentle mister will provide the necessary moisture without making things uncomfortably wet. 

Many gardeners opt for a simple, yet effective method – utilizing a pebble tray and water to provide plants with the moisture they need.

Hygrometer image

Low Humidity Signs

  • Wilting
  • Monstera leaves turn yellow
  • The leaves drop off
  • Dry leaves
  • Crispy leaves

Too High Humidity Signs

  • Growth of molds
  • The leaves are constantly wet
  • Rotting 
  • Musty odors
  • Slow growth

5. Position

To generate the most prosperous results, position your monstera plant near an east-facing window. Bright indirect light and proper humidity levels are a must for your dubia to be healthy and grow strong.

If you want to maximize the energy in your home and cultivate beneficial vibes, look no further than Feng Shui principles. 

For windows that face west or south, opt for sheer curtains or fabric to provide an influx of bright, soft light. If you’re considering a north-facing window, it won’t provide abundant lighting, but the attempt may prove worthwhile.

How far away from the window should the monstera plant be?

Position your plant at least 2-4 feet away from strong sunlight to ensure its proper growth and development. To prevent your M. Dubia from suffering excess sunlight damage, carefully move it around to ensure even growth on all sides.

Protect your plant by keeping it away from the bedroom, crowded rooms, heaters, direct sunlight after 9am, and south-facing windows.

Where to Place Monstera dubia Outdoors

Monstera is ideal for outdoor planting in USDA hardiness zones 10b and above, as long as temperatures do not drop below 50°F.

To ensure that monstera thrives outdoors, make sure it is sheltered from harsh winds and intense sunlight. The perfect place to keep your plants is in a partially shaded area where they will receive dappled sunlight.

Where Not to Place monstera dubia in the Home

  • Bedrooms as Feng Shui principles discourage this
  • Direct sun after 9:00 AM. 
  • Direct light in a south- or west-facing window
  • Crowded rooms
  • Near heaters or ACs

6. Fertilizer

Appropriately fertilizing a Monstera Dubia plant requires an average amount of fertilizer, as excessive amounts can negatively impact the health and growth of your precious plant. 

The plant doesn’t require much fertilizer, but with only the smallest degree of fertilization, you will see significant growth.

Why Monstera Dubia should be fertilized

i.Most Potting soils are enriched with some nutrients.

Potting soil provides some essential nutrients to your plants but doesn’t cover all their nutritional needs. Consequently, fertilizing your M.Dubia guarantees that it gets the necessary micronutrients and macronutrients for robust growth.

ii. Potting soil nutrients get depleted in 6-12 months.

Frequent watering drains potting soils of their essential nutrients, making regular fertilization necessary to restore the soil’s fertility.

iii. Help the plant reach its full potential

For the plant to reach its peak potential and grow successfully, it is essential to provide a balanced dose of fertilizer during the spring and summer months.

iv. Fertilizers function as vitamins for the plant

Fertilizers are vital to the growth of your M. Dubia, acting as a nutrient-rich tonic that helps it become stronger and more vibrant.

Nutrient Requirements 

Larger doses of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium provide the nutrients needed to grow stronger leaves and roots. Micro-nutrients such as iron, copper-boron, zinc, chlorine, and nickel help sustain vital processes required for photosynthesis. 

The plant also requires small doses of calcium, magnesium, and sulfur to support its growth pathways effectively.

Frequency of Fertilization

Give your monstera dubia plant fertilizer boost 1-2 times each month. This is especially beneficial during the warmer months when it’s actively growing and thriving. 

Do not fertilize your plant during the dormancy period to ensure its healthy growth. The plant’s required temperature must be reduced, and fertilizing can push it to its limit. Because of this, it is not safe to provide additional fertilizer while your plant is dormant.

You can fertilize after transplanting or repotting your Monstera plants.

What Fertilizer is best for Monstera Dubia

Product recommendation-[amazon box=”B00BIO560G” template=”horizontal”]

The best choice of fertilizer for Monstera dubia is the balanced liquid NPK fertilizer of 20:20:20 ratio or 10-10-10.  Apply this fertilizer every two weeks and dilute it with up to four parts water. 

If you opt for slow-release fertilizer, be ready to part with good money. However, avoid some fertilizers, like granular fertilizers, as they contain high salt content and may burn your plant. 

How to Apply Fertilizer

Water down your monstera’s liquid fertilizer to half-strength if you’re growing it indoors.For instance, if the manufacturer recommends a teaspoon per gallon, use only half of that amount – or in other words, ½ a teaspoon for every gallon, to prevent burning your precious plant. 

If your monstera is outdoors, use the manufacturer’s recommended strength on the label. All in all, water your monstera before fertilization to ensure it is hydrated. 

Benefits of Fertilizing Monstera Plants

i. Improves soil structure

Fertilizing improves the soil structure and helps M. Dubia plants thrive. A strong root system is significant for your Monstera to absorb nutrients, water, and air needed for optimal health. 

ii. Encourages growth

Nourish your Monstera with a consistent fertilizing schedule to ensure it flourishes and reaches its full potential. This will also spur the development of larger leaves, more stems, and abundant blooms.

iii. Balance the nutrients

For lush, vibrant foliage, all plants require a nutritional equilibrium, yet fertilizer is the only key. It provides essential nutrients with just the right mix for it to flourish. 

iv. Stronger resistance to pests and diseases

If you give your Monstera the adequate sustenance it requires, it will be more robust and less susceptible to pests or illnesses. 

Signs of Over-Fertilization

  • Yellowing leaves
  • White fertilizer crust
  • Dark roots
  • Defoliation
  • Slow growth

Signs of Under-Fertilization 

  • Yellow spots
  • Slow growth
  • Wilting leaves
  • No flower or fruit

7. Pruning

Pruning is essential – and it also helps regulate the humidity in your home. Regularly pruning the existing foliage can help keep your plant healthy, deter potential pests, and maintain its size.

Springtime is the ideal season for pruning, as it signals a time of abundant growth for plants. By pruning during this time, the plant will be able to recover more quickly and thrive with increased fullness.

Nevertheless, it is important to refrain from pruning during the plant’s dormancy phase such as winter.

Because of limited sunlight in winter, pruning the plant will impair its capacity to make glucose for growth and development.

Tools Needed for Pruning Monstera Dubia

  • Protective gloves
  • Sharp Pruning Shears
  • Clean rag
  • Gloves
  • Sterilizer

How to  Prune Monstera Dubia

  1. To ensure your safety, start the process by donning gloves and collecting sterilized cutting implements to shield yourself from bacteria.
  2. Prune away wilted or diseased leaves to help encourage the plant’s overall well-being.
  3. Afterward, select the stems that need pruning and trim them as close to their base as you can manage.
  4. To keep the appearance of your plant attractive, carefully cut back any visible aerial roots near the top of its stem.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Pruning Monstera Dubia

  • Cutting too many stems
  • Using blunt pruning shear
  • Pruning during the plant’s dormancy stage
  • Pruning a young monstera

8. Monstera Dubia Propagation

The three methods of propagating monstera dubia include stem cutting, air layering, and division.

i. Stem cuttings

To increase the success rate, a stem should be cut at a 45-degree angle, 6 inches in length, and include two or three sets of leaves. 

Put the jar in bright but indirect light and replace the water when it discolors. 

After 2-3 weeks or when roots begin sprouting, transfer the monstera dubia cutting into a nutrient-rich soil. Moisten the soil and ensure it is well drained before applying blended fungicide and rooting hormone on the end of the monstera dubia cutting.

ii. Air layering

Air layering is another method to propagate M. Dubia without cuttings. It begins with making a cut about 2 inches from the end of the stem and removing a section lengthwise.

Dampen a piece of sphagnum moss and wrap it around the Monstera dubia’s cut before tying it up with string or a rubber band. 

After 3-4 weeks, remove the plastic covering when roots begin growing from the plant’s wound. Transplant the cutting into a container filled with nutrient-rich soil.

iii. Division

Division is the easiest method to propagate M. Dubia, which involves dividing the root-ball into two or more sections. Carefully dig out the Monstera plant and divide its root ball using a sharp knife. 

Each division should have two or more monstera dubia’s leaves and a healthy root system. Transplant the divisions into individual containers filled with nutrient-rich soil. 

Water immediately after planting and keep the soil moist to ensure proper growth. Provide indirect sunlight and avoid overwatering for successful propagation of M. Dubia. 

Monstera Dubia propagation

9. Potting & Repotting

Keeping your dubia monstera plants in a fresh pot is essential for long-term health and well-being. If you don’t repot your plant regularly, it will eventually become root bound as the container becomes too small for proper root growth.

Repotting not only gives your dubia a breath of fresh air but also offers optimal nutrient access for superior plant’s growth. Proactively repotting your Monstera will ensure it serves as a lush, vibrant addition to your space for many months ahead.

To keep juvenile monstera dubia healthy, they should be repotted yearly. If your mature Monstera dubia plants are thriving, it is ideal to switch up their planters every two to three years.

Make sure your pot is two to four inches larger than the current one when you are getting ready for a new vessel. Additionally, ensure enough drainage so water can move freely and efficiently. 

This will ensure that your plant’s roots have plenty of space to spread out and take advantage of the optimal conditions for growth.

Signs that your Monstera dubia needs repotting include:  

  • Roots poking out of the drainage holes.
  • Signs of disease, such as yellow leaves or wilting
  • Stunted growth
  • Excessive amount of fertilizer has been applied in recent months. 
  • It is difficult to water as it just runs off the top of the soil.

How to repot Monstera dubia 


  • Pot 
  • Garden Trowel
  • Potting soil
  • Pruning Shears
  • Plant support (coco coir or moss pole)
  • Watering Can

Steps of repotting dubia

  • To get started on the process, choose a terracotta pot that’s big enough for your plant and has drainage holes in the bottom.
  • Then, add some potting soil – about a quarter or a third of it should do.
  • Trim the roots
  • Top off this transformation with some water for hydration so your monstera dubia can get used to their new digs.

10. Soil Drainage and Aeration

Proper soil drainage and aeration for your Monstera dubia is vital for a long, hearty life. By taking the time to understand these important aspects of care, you can help your beloved Monstera thrive.

Ideal Soil Mixture for Monstera Dubia

Regarding soil mixtures, M. dubia needs a special combination. A chunky soil mix will provide adequate drainage and contains enough organic matter, such as compost or mulch. 

The texture should be light, not densely-packed; otherwise, the roots become waterlogged and can quickly start to rot. 

These components provide the Monstera with plenty of oxygen while allowing the roots room to breathe and grow freely in their environment. 

When you add the right ingredients, your plant will surely thrive.

Soil pH For Monstera dubia

For optimal growth and absorption of essential nutrients, it is best to maintain a neutral soil pH between 5.5-7. For soil that is too acidic (low pH), you can add lime to raise it. 

Alternatively, if you need to lower the pH (i.e., make the soil more acidic), then sulfur can be added as an amendment. Whatever method you choose, getting your soil’s acidity right will help your plant reach its full potential.

Soil moisture for Monstera dubia

The plant flourishes in soil with ample moisture, but it is essential to ensure that the pot does not remain soaked for extended periods as this can be detrimental to its health. 

Carefully water the potted plant and let it dry out between irrigations, as overwatering may result in root decay. Monstera dubia prefers lightly moist soils, so avoiding waterlogging the soil is essential, or your plant won’t thrive.

To determine whether your Monstera needs water, stick your finger into the soil. If it’s still damp, you can wait a bit to give it some hydration; but if the ground has dried up all the way past your second knuckle, then grab that watering can and show some love to your plant.

Soil Aeration Monstera dubia

Providing your dubia monstera with well-aerated soil ensures that its roots are supplied with oxygen, keeping it content and thriving. To ensure optimal aeration, the soil must be kept in a light and airy state. To that end, it is important to prevent compaction as much as possible. 

For optimal results, craft a soil blend specifically for your M. Dubia. An ideal combination is equal parts potting soil and perlite with compost added into the mix giving your plant the perfect balance of drainage and aeration.

Best commercial potting mix for Monstera dubia to buy

Here are some top recommendations:

i. Premium Monstera Potting Soil

[amazon box=”B08VYBJXXM” template=”horizontal”]

ii. Sun Gro Horticulture Black Gold 1310102 8-Quart All Purpose Potting Mix

[amazon box=”B005IZ2SJ8″ template=”horizontal”]

DIY soil mix

Monstera dubia is an aroid plant, so you need an effective DIY aroid soil mix recipe. The ideal soil mix for the plant should entail five parts orchid bark, two parts worm castings, four parts coir, two parts activated charcoal, and five parts perlite. 

These components work together to form a soil that’s high in nutrients for your plant and helps ensure proper drainage.  Alternatively, use orchid bark to help with drainage.

The fluffy nature of the perlite allows more airflow through the mix while the worm castings are a great source of organic material. 

By combining these components, you can create an environment right at home that will help keep your plant healthy and look its best.

Signs the Soil Isn’t Suitable for Monstera dubia

  • Mushy roots
  • Yellowing leaves
  • Brown spots 
  • Drooping leaves
  • Slow growth

11. Toxicity of Monstera Dubia

Monstera dubia is harmful to pets and humans. Hence it is advisable you keep them away from this monstera species. 

For Pets

The plant is toxic to pets, dogs, rabbits, and any other home pet. This is caused by calcium oxalate crystals found in leaves, roots, fruits, and even seeds. Your pet may suffer fatal effects with the ingestion of any of these plant parts.

In case your pet dog or cat shows signs of toxicity, seek help from ASPCA Poison Control Center or a veterinarian.

However, for safety measures, keep monstera dubia out of reach of pets. You can also train your dog or cat not to chew plants, otherwise, you must be vigilant and monitor the pets for any signs of toxicity. 

For Humans

Similarly, for humans, M. Dubia is also toxic, particularly to children. Luckily, dubia cannot kill except for a few fatal effects. 

Some of the symptoms of Toxicity include:

  • Discomfort after ingesting
  • Oral irritation
  • Pain and swelling of mouth, tongue and lips
  • Excessive drooling
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Lethargy
  • Heavy drooling

Treatment for Toxicity 

Wash your child’s mouth with with water to clean up the plant incase your child consumes it. However, the only perfect solution is to keep a close watch on the young ones, they don’t eat the plant. 

Should your pets eat the dubia, take them to a veterinarian for check up

Common Problems with Monstera Dubia

M. Dubia is also a victim of houseplant problems, particularly if you don’t give it the recommended care. 

We highlight a few of these common problems to help you stay alert:

i. Attack by pests

Pest attack on M.Dubia

Pest infestation is a rampant problem faced by most gardeners, including monstera dubia owners. 

The problem is mainly caused by excess moisture, which favors the survival of mealybugs, spider mites, scale insects, and red spider mites. 

These pests feed on the plant’s sap and other plant tissues. Thrips sack the plant’s moisture, and scale insects attack the leaf joint and stem. In fact, in the worst scenarios, the plant may die. 

Luckily, you can prevent the problem by repotting, pruning, and maintaining the right temperatures and humidity.

Other methods include using neem oil and going the biological way or isolating the plant completely. When applied to the affected areas, neem oil makes it difficult for the pests to survive. 

ii. Diseases

The major diseases affecting M.dubia are Monstera mosaic virus and bacterial leaf spot

These diseases are caused by fungus attack breeding in highly humid soil. Similarly, powdery mildew also forms as a result of overwatering.

To avoid such problems, regularly check for infection signs, be keen with pests, disinfect the plant, wash your hands when handling the plant, and quarantine new ones

For bacterial leaf spots, reduce watering and humidity levels, and increase the airflow. If the plant is badly infected, discarding it to prevent disease spread is safer. 

iii. Yellowing Leaves

The main reason why your dubia leaves could be turning yellow is because of overwatering. More include seasonal changes, fertilizer, light, and humidity, old age, and fungal issues. 

Be alert to notice when your leaves turn from glossy or lime green, as this is a sign of  yellowing leaves. 

Therefore, you need to water your plant moderately to prevent your leaves from turning yellow. If your plant leaves are yellow, don’t fret! Repot it in a clean pot with drainage or prune the affected leaves. 

You can also check if your monster’s planter pots has drainage, otherwise create a hole if you find none. 

Yellow leaves picture

iii. Slow Growth

Your M.Dubia will stagnate in growth if does not receive adequate care. The plant could be missing essentials like bright, indirect sunlight and warm temperatures between 65°F and 85°F. 

The humidity levels may also be too low or extremely high beyond the recommended range. 

All you need to do is to provide the plant with these essentials, and it will grow to its full potential. Give it moderate watering, create a good drainage, and test the humidity levels needed by the plant. 

iv.  Root rot

Monstera root rot sign is another common problem to watch. The problem is mainly caused by feeding fungi and insects that feed on the plant roots. A few ways to fix the problem are early detection, propagating, or applying fungicides. 

Consequently, to avoid the problem, practice the right care guides-particularly, don’t water the soil until it’s soggy. You can also create drainage holes in case they are missing. 

v. Dropping Leaves

While you might overlook dropping leaves as a common occurrence, monstera dubia plant drops its leaves whenever there is a problem. 

The cause of dropping leaves is insufficient light, over-watering or underwatering, and wrong potting mix. Give your plant a little balance of these elements; it will do great.                                                                                                       

vi. Leaves Turning Brown

Monstera leaves turning brown is a fairly common issue. But what about monstera dubia leaves? This miniature araceae family is known for its hardiness and ease of care – but it can still suffer from brown leaf discoloration. 

This might have been caused by direct sunlight, over-fertilizing, or under-watering. Luckily, this problem is usually easily resolved with extra tender loving care. Provide the plant with medium watering and fertilizing at recommended levels

Uses of Monstera Dubia

Monstera dubia is grown for different uses, from its striking foliage to the edible fruit it produces.

i. Purifying air quality

The plant will purify and clean the air, removing toxins from the environment. Your home air will be freshened up, and you’ll get the added benefit of having a gorgeous plant in the corner!

ii. Adding a decorative touch

This plant’s beautiful foliage can add a vibrant green touch to any room, making it an excellent choice for decoration. Its broad leaves create an interesting texture and colour pattern, making it a great conversation piece.

iii. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a great way to relax and de-stress, and the scent of dubia can be used in this practice. The aroma brings a sense of calmness, clarity, and peace.

Where To Buy Monstera Dubia

Here are a few online nurseries and garden centers you can purchase Monstera. 

  • Etsy
  • Ken Philodendrons
  • Ecuageneraus
  • Rare Home Plants

Comparing Monstera Dubia and Other Plants

Monstera Dubia Vs Monstera Deliciosa

The main difference between these two plants is their size and appearance. 

While, Monstera dubia closely resemble Monstera deliciosas, but Monstera Deliciosa is a larger plant with more elongated leaves, while Monstera Dubia is much smaller and has more rounded leaves.

Another difference is in the texture of their leaves. Monstera Deliciosa leaves have a thicker, more leathery texture, while Monstera Dubia leaves are thin and papery. 

Monstera Dubia Vs Monstera Adansonii

Monstera dubia can easily be distinguished by its dark green leaves with prominent lobes. Each leaf has three to five large holes and can grow up to 12 feet long.

Monstera Adansonii has light green leaves with much smaller lobes that are heart-shaped.

Things to Avoid When Handling Monstera Dubia

  • Direct sunlight
  • Putting the plant next to an air conditioner or heater
  • Overwatering or underwatering
  • Closed and congested spaces
  • Fertilization after repotting


Caring for your monstera dubia plant or shingle plant will increase its chances of thriving and bring you much joy. 

Planting this type of Monstera requires more time, water, and attention than any other houseplant collection, and once you’ve established the routine, you’ll find it easy to take care of the plant

To get the best growth possible out of your plant, keep it healthy. 

When all these monstera dubia care guides are met and considered, your Monstera dubia will thank you with plenty of growth. 

Taking good care of the plant is essential for its growth and health, so be sure to take measures as best as possible to have beautiful foliage and more oxygen in your home.

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