Monstera Pinnatipartita Vs Peru

monstera pinnatipartita vs peru

Have you ever wondered how houseplants share a close similarity yet different? This is especially common in plants within the same family.

So as a new houseplant parent, you must take note of the differences. This will help you provide your plants with proper care techniques. 

When you look at Monstera Pinnatipartita and Monstera Peru, you’ll think they are the same plant. You may end up getting the wrong one as your houseplant. 

However, you need not worry. This article will give you insight into Monstera Pinnatipartita vs Peru. 

Monstera Pinnatipartita Vs Peru

The Monstera Pinnatipartita displays a range of green hues on its leaves, with a distinct transformation in shape and cuts as they mature. Meanwhile, the Peru plant exhibits leaves characterized by thickness, wrinkled texture, ridges, and tear-drop shape.

Monstera Pinnatipartita

Monstera Pinnatipartita

Monstera Pinnatipartita is part of the Araceae family, also known as the Philodendron Silver Queen.

It is a beautiful epiphytic climbing plant native to Central America. It is also found in the tropical regions of South America. 

When young, this tropical plant species resembles the Monstera deliciosa, the Swiss Cheese plant.

Like the rest of the Monstera varieties, it also has heart-shaped leaves. 

These leaves become more fenestrated as they mature. However, the leaves are less heart-shaped.

When young,  the leaves appear bumpy, and as they mature, they become smooth with a glossy texture.

One Wow factor about this species is that it can grow upwards, vining, or compact.

Monstera Peru

Monstera Peru

Also known as Monstera Karstenianum, this plant species is native to tropical regions of South America.

This trailing plant species sits beautifully in any home resembling the Monstera Siltepecana. It is more versatile and can vine, trail, and grow upwards.

Monstera Peru is a Monstera variety and belongs to the Araceae family. Typically, you wouldn’t tell Monstera Karstenianum belongs to the Monstera genus at first glance. This is because of its ripped corrugated leaves. 

To have your Monstera Peru performing well, give it a vertical support system. On that note, provide your Monstera Peru with a moss pole. 

Is Monstera Pinnartipartita the Same as Monstera Peru?

No. Both Monstera Pinnatipartita and Monstera Peru are different plant species.

They both are vining plants and are often confused with being the same. However, Monstera Pinnatipartita has deeply lobed leaves with narrow segments. 

On the other hand, Monstera Peru has small to medium-sized leaves with irregular holes. 

Similarities Between Monstera Pinnatipartita and Monstera Peru

monstera pinnatipartita vs peru

Both plant species share quite several similarities. They include: 

1. Root System

Monstera Pinnatipartita and Monstera Peru have similar root systems. This is because they are both vining plants that require well-draining soil and adequate moisture to thrive.

The Monstera plants’ root system consists of thin, fibrous roots that grow from the stem nodes.

Again, these Monstera plants also develop aerial roots that emerge from the stem and grow toward the soil.

The aerial roots primarily aim to support the Monstera plants during their climbing and vining stages.

The roots also absorb moisture and nutrients from the air needed for the plant’s growth.

Additionally, both Monstera plant species’ roots grow aggressively as they mature. Therefore, providing the plants with ample pot space is best.

That way, you can protect the plants from root-bound issues. Also, get well-draining potting soil to prevent root rot problems. 

2. Color 

Both the Monstera plant species develop deep green leaves when they mature.

When the leaves are still young, they may have lighter green coloration. Moreover, they may be tender in texture compared to when they mature. 

Again, both plant species can develop brown spots or patches on their leaves. This is if exposed to direct sunlight or if overwatered.

In some cases, the leaves may also become yellow or pale if they do not get enough light or nutrients.

Therefore, monitoring and adjusting the plant’s growing conditions is essential. Just so your plants can have healthy growth and vibrant leaf color.

3. Origin

Monstera Pinnatipartita and Monstera Peru originate from tropical regions of central and South America.

The Monstera Pinnatipartita can be found in Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, Colombia, and Guatemala.

As for Monstera Peru, its country of origin is quite apparent. It is found in Peru, just like the name suggests. 

4. Care Needs 

Monstera Pinnatipartita care needs resemble those of Monstera Peru. As a houseplant parent, you don’t need much hassle to keep these plants healthy and lush.

You only need to ensure these plants get the proper amount of light. Both plants thrive well in bright indirect light.

Remember, these tropical plants need the right temperature and humidity levels. Therefore, you need to provide them with these requirements.

With that said, regulate humidity levels in your space by getting a humidifier or a pebble tray.

As for soil, a well-draining potting soil will do good. Also, keep your plants from root rot by giving them the right amount of water. All you need to do is keep the soil moist. 

Lastly, it would help if you repotted the plants when they outgrow their pots. Without forgetting, trim any dead leaves to save your plants’ energy for growth. 

5. Toxicity 

Both Monstera Pinnatipartita and Monstera Peru are toxic to humans and pets. These plant species contain calcium oxalate crystals which can be dangerous.

Once ingested or in contact with parts of the skin, this substance may irritate.

So, keeping your Monstera plants out of pets’ and children’s reach is best. Also, use gloves when attending to the plants. Once done, always wash your hands. 

Monstera Pinnatipartita Vs Peru: Differences

 Monstera Peru

Both Monstera species belong to the same family Aracea. However, they have some distinct features, which include: 

1. Leaf texture and color

The first difference you notice between the two species is their leaf texture and color. Monstera Pinnatipartita’s leaves have a smooth leather-like surface. 

On the other hand, Monstera Peru’s have a waxy, almost matte-like texture. As for color, you can see the difference in the leaf veins. 

Monstera Pinnatipartita has darker veins, unlike Monstera Peru, which has lighter veins. 

2. Leaf Size

The second difference between the two species is the leaf sizes. Monstera Pinnatipartita has large leaves, typically measuring up to 14 inches long.

So, if you have ample space and want to make an impressive statement piece, this is the ideal plant.

On the other hand, Monstera Peru has smaller leaves measuring up to 8 inches long. This makes it ideal for small spaces.

You can squeeze this piece into some of the smaller spaces in your home. 

3. Leaf Structure- Fenestrations

The third difference between the two species is their leaf structure. When looking at the leaf structure, you must be keen on the fenestrations.

Monstera Pinnatipartita has holes in their leaves which resemble those of Monstera deliciosa. 

On the other hand, Monstera Peru has heart-shaped leaves with no holes or lobes. Therefore, I recommend you use this factor when making your selection. 

Another difference that will help you differentiate the two species is their growth habit. The downside of this factor is you can’t use it when purchasing. So, you can get both plants and monitor their growth habits.

4. Growth Habits 

Monstera Pinnatipartita tends to grow faster compared to Monstera Peru. This is especially possible if you provide the plant with the right growing conditions. 

Additionally, Monstera Pinnatipartita grows horizontally and eventually spreads out. Since it’s a vining plant, it clings to other objects for support. Therefore getting a moss pole is ideal,

As for Monstera Peru, this species grows vertically and tends to cling to objects like tree trunks for support. 

5. Stem Structure

Another critical difference between the Monstera Pinnatipartita and Peru is the stem structure.

When you look at the Monstera Pinnatipartita’s stem structure, you’ll notice that the distance between the nodes is small. 

As for Monstera Peru, the distance between the nodes is quite wide. Additionally, the Monstera Pinnatipartita has a longer stem compared to Monstera Peru.

With that said, you’ll notice the Monstera Pinnatipartita becoming bushier when fully grown.

Therefore, if you are looking for a plant that will make an immediate impact, Monstera Pinnatipartita will do you justice.

6. Price 

Finally, the two plant species differ in price. Monstera Pinnatipartita is pricier compared to Monstera sp Peru.

This is because the Monstera Pinnatipartita is a rare sought-after houseplant. Moreover, its distinctive appearance and growth habit adds to its pricey nature.  

On the contrary, Monstera Peru is common and available in stores worldwide. They are widely cultivated, making them much cheaper.

All the same, both species are available in house plant nurseries and online stores. But prices may vary from one store to the other. 


What is another name for Monstera Peru?

Monstera Peru is also known as Monstera Karstenanium. This plant species may have several other names. For example, Fruit salad plants, split-leaf Philodendrons, and Mexican breadfruit. The names may vary depending on the origin. But, Monstera Peru’s name originates from ‘Peru.’ 

Are Monstera Pinnatipartita rare?

Yes. Monstera Pinnatipartita is unique and rare. This sought-after plant species is very popular, giving it more reason for being rare. Because of its popularity, it has become very limited in houseplant nurseries. For that reason, Monstera Peru is quite expensive but worth it. 

Is Monstera Peru a slow grower?

Yes, Monstera Peru grows slowly compared to other Monstera species. For example, Monstera deliciosa and Monstera Adansonii. It may take several years to reach its full potential. But, its growth rate depends on growing conditions, the age of the plant, and general health. 

How long does it take Pinnatipartita to mature?

In the wild, Monstera Pinnatipartita takes 10 or more years to reach maturity. At this stage, it grows about 10 to 20 meters long. While grown as indoor plants, these plants grow up to 4 to 6 feet long. For best results, provide the plants with a moss pole for support. 


While Monstera Pinnatipartita and Monstera Peru may appear the same at first glance, the two plants differ. This is evident when you have a closer look at the plants.

The article has shared the similarities and differences in greater detail. And now that you are aware, you should be able to easily differentiate the plant species.

Whether you decide on Pinnatipartita or Peru, the most important part is getting the right plant.

We hope this detailed comparison helps you make your decision without facing challenges.

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