Monstera Plant Benefits

Monstera Plant Benefits Image

Are you looking for a plant to spruce up your indoors but want something easy to handle? Well, you can never go wrong with Monstera plants. 

These unique tropical vines feature broad leaves and an easy-going nature, which is perfect for newbie gardeners. Besides adding a striking appeal to any room, Monsteras offer some fantastic benefits that make them worth growing.

This blog post will delve into all Monstera benefits—from improved air quality to stunning visuals. We’ll also investigate why Monstera is the go-to low-maintenance houseplant. That said, get ready to look at your space differently with this unique greenery.

Monstera Plant Benefits: 19 Pros of Monsteras

Monstera plant has been an indoor garden staple for years, and it’s easy to see why. The subtle beauty of its unique leaves and trailing stems can pack an instant visual punch to any room. But there’s more to these vines than meets the eye, including health benefits. 

Here are 19 Monstera plant proven benefits to enjoy at home.

1. Easy to propagate

Monsteras can quickly generate new plants off the original stem, which makes them super easy to propagate. You can do this through Monstera cuttings. Simply take a cutting from a mature plant and put it in a moist and fertilized potting mix. 

This trait is beneficial because you can achieve more Monsteras from your original plant and build an indoor jungle.

2. Can absorb humidity

Another reason to cultivate Monstera at home is that it regulates humidity levels. The plant’s broad leaves feature large pores which absorb humidity in the surrounding air. 

If you reside in a humid area or have a room particularly prone to dampness, a Monstera plant can help keep the air dry and comfortable. Not only that, but they also improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.

3. Resistant to drought

Once established, Monstera plants are relatively drought tolerant. They can go weeks without water and remain healthy thanks to their thick epidermis layer that prevents moisture loss in dry climates. This is convenient if you have to fly out for business. 

However, your Monstera will likely produce more leaves if you water regularly. 

4. Produces delicious fruit

Having an indoor garden is fun– but one that produces fruit is much more enthralling. If you provide plenty of sunlight and optimal conditions for your Monstera plant, varieties like deliciosa will bear a flower and produce fruit for you. 

The sweet and nutrient-rich Monstera deliciosa fruit blends a pineapple and banana taste. 

Note: Other Monstera species like adansonii also produce fruit, but its fruits are inedible and poisonous. The presence of insoluble calcium oxalate crystals in these vines makes most Monstera plants poisonous.

5. Aesthetic appeal

Monstera plants also have an aesthetic appeal. Their broad leaves have unique holes, splits, and patterns that distinguish them from other houseplants. And in spring, Monstera flowers emerge to brighten up your interiors. 

There’s plenty of options to pick from. You can go for the all-calm and charming Monstera dubia or add some ruggedness to your fashion and interior design with the split-leaf philodendron.

6. Improves sleep

Better sleep quality is one of the proven benefits of Monstera. One way it does this is by purifying air. It also absorbs toxins from the air, reduces odors, and limits noise pollution while producing oxygen at night. 

This collectively creates a calmer sleeping environment – perfect for relaxing after a long day.

7. Used in Feng Shui as a symbol of harmony

In the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, the Monstera brings happiness and harmony– something we can all benefit from. Monstera is used in Feng Shui because it can attract positive energy and is considered a lucky plant.

You can use it in Feng Shui decor as a reminder to appreciate life’s precious moments and strive for balance in life. Plus, multiple varieties are available, so you can find one that matches your home perfectly.

8. It’s therapeutic

Having a Monstera plant around can be incredibly therapeutic. Studies show that keeping plants around can significantly reduce anxiety. They are a natural way to welcome positive energy and boost your mental health at home.

In Ancient Chinese practice, the Monstera plant was a sign of harmony.

9. It’s easy to care for

Monstera plants are also beginner-friendly and easy to care for. They don’t require too much water, and they love indirect sunlight—making it easier to keep them happy and healthy. 

These plants are surprisingly low-maintenance; they don’t need repotting very often and are resilient to diseases and pests. Plus, if you want them to grow faster, you can fertilize them once a month.

10. It can serve as a fiber

Beyond its beauty and therapeutic properties, Monstera has natural fibers that you can use as an alternative to regular paper products. The plant produces thin papery leaves you can use to weave, but if you’re crafty, you can use the fibers from its stems too.

11. It’s trendy 

Who doesn’t love how trendy Monstera plants look? Their intricate leaves make them stand out in any room, big or small. 

The options are endless; you can place a simple minimalist pot plant on your desk or grow a massive Monstera jungle indoors. So why not get one today—you won’t regret it.

12. Calms stress

Recent studies show that green plants can reduce stress-causing hormones. As The Washington Post puts it, “the greener, the better,” and these vines have it in color than most houseplants.

In the study, participants exposed to green plants showed lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol than those not exposed to plants. 

Additionally, the participants exposed to Monstera plants felt more relaxed and had lower heart rates.

13. Medicinal plant

Monstera plants also serve as traditional medicine and can treat various ailments. Their leaves, stems, and aerial roots can serve as a remedy for insect and snake bites.

But Monstera has different medicinal properties. Traditional doctors in Southern Mexico also fused it into beverages and used it as a remedy for arthritis.

14. Air purifying properties

Most indoor environments are stuffy, but Monstera can help purify the air in your home. It absorbs toxins like formaldehyde and benzene, making it a healthier environment to breathe in.

And did we also mention that Monstera can regulate the humidity in your home? That’s right—it removes excess moisture from your air while supplying you with plenty of oxygen.

15. It can fit into any room

The Monstera plant is an excellent choice for any room in your home. You can place it anywhere, but it’s best to avoid places where sunlight will be reflected on the leaves and cause them to scorch.

If you place your Monstera plant in a bathroom or other small enclosed spaces, leave the window open so that your plant enjoys enough light. 

Try to find a spot with some natural light coming through the door or windowsill so that your Monstera plant grows happily.

16. Reduces indoor odor

It’s no secret that indoor air quality is poor. But you can boost air quality by using plants to help eliminate bacteria and other contaminants from the surrounding air. 

We all know clean air is essential for good health, so why not consider bringing some plants indoors? 

Monstera plants remove toxins from the air, reducing indoor odor problems associated with poor ventilation or faulty HVAC systems.

17. Multiple Varieties

Monstera covers all bases when it comes to variety. Some have split leaves, others have fenestrations, and others are more colorful. 

You can choose between multiple Monstera varieties, e.g., Monstera Deliciosa plant, Monstera Borsigiana, Monstera Obliqua, Monstera Siltepecana, Monstera Variegata, Monstera Adansonii, Monstera Pinnatipartita, and Monstera Dubia.

Each has its properties, so it’s best to ask the right questions when shopping for plants.

18. Absorbs sound waves

Monstera plants reduce noise pollution by absorbing sound waves from the air around them. They also create a more peaceful environment in your home or office by reducing ambient noise. This can help you focus on your tasks without distraction from noises.

19. Increases focus and productivity

Monstera increases productivity by reducing stress, absorbing noise, and creating a naturally calm environment. In short, the lucky plant improves concentration while working from home or handling other tasks that require focus (e.g., reading reports, writing emails, etc.). 

What is a Monstera: How to Identify a Monstera

It’s easy to spot a Monstera when you see one because these plants have some standard features. Here are some Monstera plant features to check.

  1. Characteristic green foliage: The most distinguishing feature of Monsteras is its large and showy foliage, featuring deeply-lobed leaf margins or fenestrations (holes). Monstera leaves broaden as the plant matures, with oval holes in the leaf surface.
  2. Vines: Monstera plants often grow on vines or creepers, which can easily be trained around furniture or along bookshelves if desired.
  3. Fruit: Although rare indoors, a mature Monstera deliciosa may produce an edible fruit with a banana-pineapple combination. Monstera adansonii also produces poisonous fruit.

So there you have it – now you can identify a Monstera plant. With its stunning foliage and easy care requirements, why not welcome one home?

Types of Monstera Plant

You may not know this, but several types of Monstera plants exist. The most common ones are Monstera deliciosa (Swiss cheese plant) and Monstera adansonii.

Monstera Deliciosa/Swiss Cheese Plant

This is the most common type of Monstera plant. Its leaves have natural holes or slits, hence its Swiss cheese nickname. Monstera leaves are split into lobes so that it looks almost like a hand with fingers pointing out. 

This tropical plant prefers sun and shade in equal parts, so make sure you place it in a spot where it gets plenty of bright, indirect light. Deliciosa also produces edible fruit and is the most popular Monstera variety.

Monstera Adansonii

The Monstera adansonii, one of the diverse types of Monstera, stands out as a splendid choice for plant lovers. Unlike its larger relatives, this species boasts a more compact size, making it perfect for indoor spaces. Its charm lies in the eye-catching leaf pattern, marked by smooth edges and distinctive oval holes or fenestrations, which add an intriguing touch to any interior 

Other varieties include:

  • Monstera Borsigniana
  • Monstera Variegata
  • Monstera Pinnatipartita
  • Monstera Dubia
  • Monstera Siltepecana
  • Monstera Obliqua. 

No matter what type you choose, you’ll enjoy multiple Monstera plant benefits—from clearing the air of toxins to adding some greenery to your living space. 

Plus, these plants are low maintenance. So this could be an ideal option for you if you’re a beginner when it comes to gardening, 

Tips to Care for Monstera Plants

You’ve heard of all the benefits of Monstera plant, but now let’s talk about care tips for this beloved indoor plant.

Here are a few pointers to consider if you decide you want one of your own:

Propagating Monstera

Propagating Monstera plants is easier than you think. All you need is some pruning shears, rooting hormone, and soil—the rest is up to you. The best way to propagate your Monstera is by stem cuttings. You can also propagate using aerial root cuttings and enjoy quicker results.


Soil is a top consideration when looking to grow plants indoors. Although Monsteras can grow in any soil type, finding the right mix for your plant is crucial. Monstera plants need well-draining soil as they are prone to monstera root rot if planted in soggy soil. 

We recommend looking for soil rich in organic matter and has good drainage capabilities too. This will ensure the plant has enough nutrient access without drowning in water.

You can also DIY aroid soil mix using ingredients like sphagnum moss, perlite, and bark to create a well-draining and nutrient-rich soil blend.


Monsteras prefer bright, indirect sunlight—keeping them near it will help them grow healthy leaves. They may burn if you keep them in an area with lots of direct sunlight. Just make sure they get enough light to thrive.


This beautiful plant loves humidity and needs frequent watering- but be careful not to overwater, especially in winter. We recommend sticking your finger into the soil before watering—if it feels dry, it’s time for a drink.

For best results, water every 7-10 days, depending on the season and weather conditions outside.

Interesting Read: Can Monstera Grow in Water?


Since Monstera plants love humidity, we suggest misting them regularly or keeping them near a humidifier. This will keep their green leaves happy and shining all year.


The Monstera plant loves warm temperatures. It thrives best in temperatures of at least 65°F (18°C). Always Keep the temperature at around 70-80°F (20-28°C) during the day and 10-15 degrees cooler at night.


In terms of pests or diseases, Monstera plants are relatively robust; however, they can suffer from aphids and mealybugs if not kept in check. 

To avoid this, check regularly and act if you notice any pests– wipe any affected areas with a damp cloth.

Pruning Your Monstera Plant

Finally, pruning your Monstera Plant will ensure it remains healthy. Look out for yellowing leaves and dying vines– which may indicate an infestation or insufficient sunlight – monitor these carefully and prune regularly depending on the growth rate of each plant.

Pruning also promotes better airflow throughout the foliage, which will help prevent disease or pest infestation and encourages new growth.

Is Monstera a Good Inhouse Plant?

If you’re wondering if Monstera is an excellent indoor plant, the answer is a resounding yes! The subtle beauty of its unique leaves and trailing stems can pack an instant visual punch to any room, while its glossy green foliage soothes tired eyes.

But that’s not all – the Monstera plant significantly reduces anxiety when placed in bedroom or study areas. Its medicinal properties have even been used to treat arthritis and snake/insect bites.

Plus, this tropical plant does much more than look pretty: it also purifies the air by eliminating toxins like formaldehyde and benzene from the atmosphere. 

Overall, getting on board with Monstera culture can offer far-reaching pros to indoor environments.


How Tall Does a Monstera Plant Grow?

Different Monstera varieties can achieve different heights. For example, the Monstera deliciosa plant can grow up to 10 feet in its natural habitat, but they usually reach heights of 4 to 7 feet when grown indoors. You can also opt for shorter species like the Monstera obliqua. 

Can I Place My Monstera Plant in the Bathroom?

Monsteras prefer humid environments, and the bathroom is the perfect place to thrive. However, you must watch out for too much moisture. Remember, Monsteras prefer indirect sunlight and warm temperatures.

How Deep Do Monstera Roots Go?

Monstera’s aerial roots are mainly horizontal and spread out through potting soil instead of downward like many other plants. As such, it does not require deep pots for container planting. However, the pot must be wide enough to allow room for extensive aerial root growth.

Does Monstera Plant Have a Spiritual Meaning in Feng Shui?

Yes, these vines can boost your physical and mental state. The Monstera plant symbolizes flexibility, perseverance, and adaptability due to its ability to thrive in any environment. The plant served as a connection to nature in the Ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui.

Can you grow variegated monstera from seed?

Yes, variegated Monstera can be grown from seed, but it’s important to note that not all seeds will produce variegated plants. Variegation is a mutation that occurs randomly, so it’s difficult to predict which plants will have variegated leaves.

A Wrap-Up on the Benefits of Monstera

Monsteras are indeed a wonder plant. They are easy to care for, tough, and can thrive on neglect. And with their ability to purify the air and bring a certain tropical vibrancy to your home, Monstera plants can make for a great indoor plant.

Whether you are looking to give your home a boost of green or need a natural air purifier, Monsteras have your back. 

And with their unique foliage, low maintenance needs, and moderate size, Monsteras are perfect for anyone looking for a beautiful, low-effort plant to add to their home.

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