Variegated Monstera Adansonii Care

Variegated Monstera Adansonii Image

The variegated Monstera adansonii is a spectacular and unique houseplant. It’s attractive variegated leaves bring an added level of exotic beauty to any room, but caring for this particular Monstera species can be intimidating at first glance.

Fortunately, with some practice and the right tips, you can become a whiz at keeping this popular tropical plant alive and thriving. 

We review everything you need to know about Variegated Monstera Adansonii Care to ensure your beloved variegated monstera thrives in its new home.

Scientific nameVariegated Monstera Adansonii
Other namesMonstera adansonii variegated, Monstera adansonii variegata, swiss cheese plant
NativeCentral America
Growth zoneUSDA 11b to 12
Plant typeClimber
Growth size8 feet tall
Growth rateGrows faster than other indoor tropical plants
LeavesVariegated, Fenestrated
FloweringDuring the growing season
ToxicityToxic to humans and pets
Common pestsSpider mites, Brown scales, Mealy bugs and Thrips
DiseasesRoot rot, Bacterial leaf spot, Mosaic Virus, Powdery mildew

What is Variegated Monstera Adansonii Plant

Variegated Monstera Adansonii is a captivating tropical plant that belongs to the monstera genus under the Araceae family. This climber plant is native to Central America and is highly sought after by most plant lovers.

The plant grows on climbing vines that can reach up to 2 meters long, making them ideal for trellises or hanging baskets.

The variegation results from a genetic mutation, making it a rare and highly-prized variety.

Read more here to learn about different monstera adansonii varieties.

How do you Identify Variegated Monstera Adansonii

To identify this plant, look for its distinct variegation and heart-shaped leaves. The variegation is the most obvious feature of the Variegated Monstera Adansonii, with its unique patterns instantly setting it apart from other plants. 

The heart-shaped leaves with glossy and leathery textures are also quite distinctive. Unlike other monstera species like Monstera deliciosa, the leathery texture makes Variegated Monstera Adansonii morse distinct. This feature makes the plant easily recognizable, even from a distance. 

Variegated Monstera Adansonii Care Needs

Learn what light levels are most suitable when to water and repot, and explore other tips on caring for your monstera plant in this section. 

1. Light

Variegated monstera adansonii are sensitive to direct sunlight and should be kept out of it at all times.

The plant needs bright, indirect light to thrive, so placing it near a window with sheer curtains is ideal. 8-10 hours of natural lighting daily can help ensure the plant receives enough light for optimal growth. 

For areas where natural lighting is not available, you can use LED grow instead. For optimal growth, the LED grow light should be used for 10-12 hours each day. 

To provide more stability and support, climbing poles or moss sticks should also be given to the plant to use aerial roots to climb and reach more light. 

Pro tip: 

Avoid direct sunlight to save your plant away from monstera sunburn, provide bright to medium indirect light, and keep the variegated monstera adansonii where it can climb if needed.

You should also avoid full shade and dark corners. 

Signs Your plant Needs More Light

  • No fenestration (holes) on mature leaves
  • Leaf discoloration – Dark brown spots or yellowing of leaves 
  • Soil takes too long to dry
  • Slow growth rate 
  • Leggy stems  
  • Stems are spindly and weak 
  • Leaves are smaller than usual 
  • Lack of flowering or fruiting 
  • Pale or washed-out colors in leaves 
  • Plant is not producing new growth as expected.

How to Maximize Light Exposure

  1. Rotate your plant every fortnight for even light exposure. This allows the entire plant to get balanced sun rays and prevents it from stretching or reaching out to find sunlight. 
  2. Place your monstera near a south-facing window where it will receive direct rays of the sun in the morning or an east/westward-facing window for sun exposure in the afternoon. 
  3. Position your monstera at least 4 – 5 feet from the windowsill, as too much direct sunlight can damage the leaves and cause burning. 
  4. Covering your windows with light fabric, such as muslin or sheer curtains, will filter some sun rays and give your monstera enough light to thrive.  

2. Watering

The variegated monstera adansonii, known for its unique patterned leaves, requires moderate watering. It’s important to water the plant when the top 2 inches of the soil feels dry to the touch.

This can be tested using various methods such as the finger test, poke a stick method, or a moisture meter (with a dry reading of 3 being ideal). 

Watering once every 1-2 weeks is sufficient, but it’s best to water weekly during the summer and spring months. 

However, during winter, water less frequently. Keeping up with the plant’s watering needs is crucial for its health and growth.

To ensure that your plant thrives, water until the soil is completely saturated. 

But beware – tap water can contain harmful minerals to your plant. Instead, opt for rainwater or distilled water at room temperature. 

While watering, add water slowly and let each pour soak into the soil. And don’t forget the water should run out of the drainage holes to ensure proper drainage. 

Signs of Underwatering

  • Leaves turn yellow
  • Drooping and wilting of stem
  • Crisping and curling of leaf tips
  • Lack of new growth
  • Overall stunted appearance 

Signs of Overwatering

  • Yellow leaves
  • Brown leaf spots
  • Curled leaves
  • Stunted growth

3. Temperature

For optimal growth, keep Variegated monstera adansoni between 65-85℉ (or 18-29 degrees celsius) temperature range. This Monstera plant needs warm and humid environments to stay healthy; it thrives in constantly moderate temperatures.

Fortunately, this plant is quite resilient when it comes to temperature changes. However, to avoid exposing it to extreme temperatures, such as below 55°F (13°C) or above 90°F (32°C).

Numerous factors affect temperature, including seasons, humidity levels, location, and light exposure. 

Understanding these factors and how they interact is vital in predicting the weather and making necessary preparations to cope with temperature changes.

Tips for Maintaining Optimal Temperature

  • Ensure your Variegated monstera adansonii is situated beside an east-facing window to receive plenty of soft sunlight.
  • Avoid keeping your houseplant close to air conditioners and heaters.
  • When temperatures dip below 50°F, ensure the plant’s safety by relocating it nearer a grow light or shielding it with a frost blanket/plastic bag. 
  • Place your Variegated monstera adansonii near a cool breeze to maintain steady temperatures during the summer season. 

Signs your Variegated monstera adansonii environment is too cold

  • Curled leaves. 
  • Yellowing leaves
  • Black spots
  • Stagnant growth.
  • No flowers. 
  • High frequency of falling leaves

Signs your variegated monstera adansonii temperature is too high

  • The leaves of the plant wilt
  • Dry leaves 
  • Discoloured leaves into yellow
  • Falling leaves
  • Sunburn

4. Humidity

Maintain humidity levels ranging from 60-80%. Too little will make the plant suffer, at the same time, too much can also cause damage. 

When winter is around the corner, it’s important to note that dry areas will suffer, especially when heaters are on. If you’re unsure about the humidity in your home, invest in a hygrometer to help measure levels accurately. 

You can group your plants together in one room and use a humidifier to maintain moisture levels. Alternatively, mist leaves with a fine-mist mister or place a pebble tray filled with water near your plants.

Low Humidity Signs

  • Wilting
  • Monstera leaves turn yellow
  • The leaves drop off
  • Dry leaves
  • Crispy leaves

Too High Humidity Signs

  • Growth of molds
  • The leaves are constantly wet
  • Rotting 
  • Musty odors
  • Slow growth

5. Position

Positioning your monstera plant correctly is essential for its health and growth. Place the plant near an east-facing window, where it receives indirect sunlight. 

Ensure to provide enough space since variegated monstera adansonii grows quite large as they mature. Also, ensure that the area offers the right temperature and humidity levels for optimal success.

Monsteras should not be placed in bedrooms nor windows facing south or west, as direct sun after 9 AM can damage the leaves. 

Similarly, crowded rooms are an unsuitable environment for Monsteras as they require some space around them to thrive. 

Do not place the plant near heaters or ACs to avoid drying out the leaves

At least place the plant in places where temperature does not dip below 50°F. Such extreme low temperatures occur in winter, so it is okay to bring Monstera indoors during this period. 

 6. Fertilizer

Variegated monstera adansonii requires average care, so make sure that you are applying a moderate amount of fertilizer to help it flourish. Your plants will thrive without tons of fertilizer, but if you use a little bit, this will further encourage their growth.

The reasons you should fertilize are: 

  • Potting soil does not provide enough nutrients for your plant to maintain healthy growth. Fertilizer helps boost nutrient levels in the soil and adds essential elements to help your plants thrive.
  • Over time, your potting soil will deplete and no longer provide the nutrients needed to support your plant.
  • Your plant will only reach its full potential if given the right amount of nutrients. 
  • Fertilizers provide vitamins for your plant. 

An optimal health requires a balanced nutrient supply with macro, micronutrients, and trace elements. The plant also needs secondary nutrients in small doses, including calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.

Fertilize and replenish your variegated monstera adansonii 1-2 times per month during its peak growing seasons in the summer and spring months. During the inactive stage, refrain from fertilizing your plant. 

When fertilizing, use monstera fertilizer,  specifically designed for the tropical plant. Also, make sure to dilute the fertilizer according to the instructions on the package. Too much fertilizer can burn your plant’s roots and cause irreparable damage. 

Some gardeners recommend slow-release fertilizer and granular, but they may permanently cause harm to your plant because of salt content. 

Tips for Fertilizing Monstera Plants 

  • Fertilize your variegated monstera adansonii with all-natural compost. Natural compost helps the plant to absorb the nutrients from the fertilizer effectively, making it a great alternative to chemical fertilizers. 
  • Water your Variegated monstera adansonii adequately after fertilizing, as too much fertilizer can damage the roots.
  • If composting isn’t an option for you, don’t worry – there are other methods of creating your own fertilizer.

Signs of Over-Fertilization

  • Yellowing leaves
  • Black and brown roots
  • Defoliation
  • Stagnant growth
  • Fertilizer crust on the soil surface

Signs of Under-Fertilization

  • Yellow spots
  • Slow growth
  • Wilting leaves

7. Pruning

Regular pruning not only helps regulate the plant’s size but also prevents the onset of potential infections, such as stem rot. 

As the plant gears up for its high-growth phase in early spring, pruning ensures that it can direct its energy and nutrients towards producing healthy new growth. 

With each cut, you can shape your variegated monstera adansonii into an attractive and compact form, making it an eye-catching addition to any corner of your home. 

You will need the following tools to prune: 

  1. Protective gloves
  2. Pruning Shears
  3. A clean rag
  4. Sterilizer

Step-by-step procedure on how to prune. 

  1. Inspect the Monstera to check for dead or damaged leaves, stems and roots. 
  2. Using a pair of sharp pruning shears, cut off any dead or damaged parts at the base of the stem close to its origin. Make sure not to leave any stubs, as this will encourage disease.  
  3. Cut off any large leaves blocking light from the other areas of the plant to ensure an even distribution of light. 
  4. Use thinning shears and trim away any excess foliage or stems, paying particular attention to the leaf axils and ensuring air circulation between the leaves.  
  5. If your Monstera is outgrowing its pot, use a sharp knife to trim the roots carefully. 
  6. After pruning, clean your cutting tools with rubbing alcohol or bleach solution and put them away. 
  7. Clean up any debris left behind from pruning and dispose of it appropriately. 

8. Propagating Variegated Monstera Adansonii

The propagation of a Variegated Monstera Adansonii plant can be achieved through various methods, including stem cutting, air layering, and division.

i. Stem cutting 

This is a popular and straightforward method of propagation where a portion of the stem is removed from the parent plant and then placed in a suitable growth medium such as soil or water. 

Leave the stem to grow roots and form a new plant. The timing of cutting should be done in the early spring or summer when the parent plant is actively growing. 

The stem cuttings should be taken from healthy, disease-free branches and should have at least one leaf node or bud. 

Most important is to ensure the cutting is kept moist and warm for several weeks until it has established enough roots to support a new plant.

ii. Air layering

This method involves creating a small wound in the stem of the parent plant, then wrapping it in a damp growth medium, such as sphagnum moss. 

This encourages the parent plant to create new roots in the space where the damp moss is wrapping around the stem. 

Once the new roots have formed, the stem is cut from the parent plant and planted in its own pot. 

This is a slow but reliable method of propagation that can take several months to complete, but it can produce a mature plant quickly.

iii. Division

The method of division involves dividing the parent plant into smaller sections and planting each section in its own container. This method is often suitable for variegated plants that are already mature and have multiple stems or clumps. 

The process involves removing the plant from the pot and dividing the root ball into several sections with a sharp, sterile knife. Each section should have healthy stem growth and several roots. The new plants should then be potted up and kept in a warm, humid environment until they establish new roots and begin to grow. 

9. Potting & Repotting

When repotting a Monstera, choose the right size pot. The pot should be approximately two inches larger than the current root ball to spread and expand the roots. 

Use well-draining soil when replanting to promote healthy root growth and prevent root rot. If your plant is in a container, it should be repotted every year or two to refresh the soil mix and provide adequate space for growth. 

Check that the roots are not tightly bound before repotting, as they will need room to grow. Repotting your Monstera regularly is key to maintaining a healthy plant.

The first step to repotting a Variegated Monstera Adansonii is to choose the right pot. Make sure to go for the best monstera adansoniii pot, big enough for your plant and has drainage holes in the bottom. The drainage capacity is improved by adding peat moss or bark to the mixture.  

Next, fill the pot with potting soil – about a quarter or a third of the way full should be sufficient. Then, trim any roots that are too long and spread them out evenly throughout the pot.

Add some water to the pot to give your Monstera Adansonii a good start in its new environment. Ensure the soil is moist but not soggy, as too much moisture can drown the roots of your plant and cause them to rot.

Signs your houseplant needs reporting:

  • Roots poking out of the drainage holes.
  • Signs of disease, such as yellow leaves or wilting
  • Stunted growth
  • Excessive amount of fertilizer has been applied in recent months. 
  • It is difficult to water as it just runs off the top of the soil.
  • Rootbound Monstera

10. Soil Drainage and Aeration

Monstera Adansonii thrives best in a light, well-draining soil mix that contains organic matter such as compost or mulch. 

This mixture helps the roots breathe and allows them enough room to grow. 

For the sake of plant’s health, the soil should be less dense so that it does not become waterlogged and cause root rot. With the right soil mixture, your Monstera Adansonii will grow  strong and healthy.

Maintain a neutral soil pH of 5.5-7 by adding lime if the soil is too acidic or sulfur if it is too alkaline. This will help ensure the absorption of essential nutrients for proper growth. 

Water your Variegated Monstera Adansonii plant carefully and let the soil dry out between irrigations. 

Avoid overwatering or waterlogging, as this can cause root decay. To check if it’s time to water, stick your finger into the soil – if it’s damp, wait a bit; but if it’s dry, get the watering can

Best commercial potting mix for Variegated Monstera Adansonii Pllant 

  1. Premium Monstera Potting Soil

[amazon box=”B08VYBJXXM” template=”horizontal”]

  1. Sun Gro Horticulture Black Gold 1310102 8-Quart All Purpose Potting Mix

[amazon box=”B005IZ2SJ8″ template=”horizontal”]

DIY soil mix

Create a homemade soil mix for your Monstera dubia with five parts orchid bark, two parts worm castings, four parts coir, two parts activated charcoal, and five parts perlite.

This mix provides high nutrient content and proper drainage and airflow for a healthy plant. Worm castings are an excellent source of organic material.

This combination of components creates an environment that will help keep your plant healthy and looking its best.

Signs the Soil Isn’t Suitable for the plant.

  • Mushy roots
  • Yellowing leaves
  • Brown spots 
  • Drooping leaves
  • Slow growth

Toxicity of Variegated Monstera Adansonii

The variegated monstera adansonii plant is toxic and can cause numerous issues if ingested by pets such as dogs, cats, and rabbits. The main culprit behind the plant’s toxicity is calcium oxalate, found in the stem, leaves, roots, and unripe fruit. 

Although the plant does not have the capacity to kill, it can still lead to serious medical issues for your furry friends. 

Thankfully, there is a way to treat toxicity in case of ingestion. Simply visit the ASPCA Poison Center for assistance. 

To prevent monstera toxicity to dogs and cats, keep the plant out of reach of your pets and children.

Symptoms of toxicity

  • Discomfort after ingesting
  • Oral irritation
  • Pain and swelling of mouth, tongue and lips
  • Excessive drooling
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty swallowing

Common Problems with Variegated Monstera Adansonii

Here are common problems you’re likely to observe on your monstera plant. 

1. Pests Infestation

Variegated Monstera Adansonii can be prone to pest infestations, such as spider mites, thrips, and mealybugs. These small insects feed on the leaves plant’s sap, spreading really fast. 

Before damaging your plant, you should take action to prevent the problem. Find out the humity levels and watering routine and ensure they are moderately supplied. The plant’s soil mix could be waterlogged, giving the pests a place to breed. 

2. Diseases

Variegated Monstera Adansonii can also be susceptible to diseases like anthracnose or bacterial soft rot. Anthracnose is caused by a fungal infection and presents itself as yellow, brown or black spots on the leaves.

Bacterial soft rot is caused by a bacterial infection, resulting in browning of the stem and foliage. The best way to prevent these pests and diseases of monstera is to make sure you keep your plant in good health with proper watering and sunlight.

3. Yellowing Leaves

Yellowing of the leaves is caused by too much direct sunlight, incorrect watering habits, nutrient deficiency, or temperature fluctuations.

Plan and gets the correct amount of light and water and that there are no extreme temperature changes in its environment.

You also need to check the soil to ascertain it has enough nutrients and is not dry or overly wet.

4. Slow growth

Monstera adansonii variegated plant can sometimes experience slow growth. This is caused by different issues, including overfertilization, under-watering or overwatering, extreme temperature fluctuations, and inadequate light.

The best way to resolve this problem is provide your plant with moderate moisture, enough indirect bright light, and medium fertilizer needs. 

5. Leaves Dropping

Leaves dropping off is another common issue with Variegated Monstera Adansonii. This could be due to incorrect watering habits or sudden temperature fluctuations.

To prevent leaves from dropping, ensure your plant gets enough water and the temperature remains consistent within the recommended range.

6. Root rot

Root rot can occur if the soil around the roots of your monstera adansonii variegated plant is too moist or contains a lot of standing water.

The best way to prevent root rot is to check the soil regularly and ensure it is not too wet or waterlogged. 

7. Leaves Turning Brown

Monstera leaves turn brown due to incorrect watering habits or lack of sunlight. Give your monstera plant the right amount of light and water, and is not exposed to extreme temperature changes. You must also check the soil for nutrient deficiency and ensure it’s well-aerated.

Suggested Uses of Variegated Monstera Adansonii

  • Purifying Air Quality-Variegated Monstera Adansonii plants are known for their air-purifying abilities. By emitting oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, they help to keep the air in your home clean, fresh, and healthy.’
  • Aromatherapy: Variegated Monstera Adansonii plants are known to emit a pleasant, sweet aroma that can help uplift your mood and reduce stress levels. 
  • Decoration: Their beautiful variegated leaves make Variegated Monstera Adansonii an attractive addition to any space. 

Where To Buy Variegated Monstera Adansonii

  • Home Improvement Stores
  • Nurseries
  • Online Plant Stores
  • Local Farmers Markets

Things to Avoid When Handling Variegated Monstera Adansonii

  • Pruning or cutting the stems too aggressively
  • Keeping the soil too dry for a long period of time
  • Applying fertilizer with high nitrogen content
  • Using hard water to mist or water the plant
  • Exposing it to cold drafts or temperatures below 15°C/59°F.
  • Exposing the plant to too much humidity
  • Over exposing it to artificial light sources
  • Using pots or containers that do not have proper drainage holes.
  • Placing the pot in an area with low air circulation.
  • Moving the plant abruptly from shade to direct sunlight.


Proper Variegated Monstera Adansonii care is essential if you want to achieve great results and witness the beauty of your plant in its full potential. 

It is hard to tell certain steps for everyone because conditions, climates, and gardening skills vary from person to person. Thus, it’s important to do some research before taking up any big task of taking care of this plant.

Knowing your variegated adansonii plant intimately is the key to success, and therefore, we advise doing plenty of research before moving ahead. 

With this knowledge, you won’t be too far away from having a prosperous Variegated Monstera Adansonii thriving in its best condition. 

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